WARNING – Time Bomb Ticking – Voters Wake-up
Posted on July 22nd, 2015

Prof. Hudson McLean

Never seen such a mess and an Inept, Incompetent, Unprofessional conduct to boot, from a elected President and his Team of Ministers, as in Sri Lanka today!

For the past few weeks, I have read the Sri Lanka Media, spoken with a dozen or so balanced, well educated, objective minds, in and out of Sri Lanka.

The general opinion is that the current President Maithripala Sirisena, and his appointed Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasingha (RW), in their desperation to win the General Election, are running like “headless chicken”.

Usually the voters have short memories.

The Sri Lankan voters, should now wake-up and imagine the chaos and bloodshed created by the Liberation of Tamil Tiger Terrorists of Eelam (LTTE) for over thirty years.

And remember the President Mahinda Rajapaksa who led the country to victory over LTTE.

There were CBK, RW governments which allowed the LTTE Terrorism to Rise & Prosper under their watch. CBK, RW are planning to revive the “Divide & Rule” strategy by allowing the resurrection of Tamil Tigers. This MUST be STOPPED!

Do Sri Lankans wish to go back to this destruction once again under CBK-RW, now led by the Puppet-on-a-String President Sirisena limping to the tunes of India & USA?

LankaWeb had published some excellent articles written by several balanced scribes, and I feel the Dangers and Benefits are aptly explained by H.L.D.MahindapalaShenali WadugeDr M D P Dissanayake,  Charles.S.PereraGomin Dayasri and many others, but to mention a few.

Any patriotic Sri Lankan with the eyes looking at the future, seeking a decent, livable future, has only one choice on the Day of the Election, is to Vote for ex-President Mahinda Rajapaksa!


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2 Responses to “WARNING – Time Bomb Ticking – Voters Wake-up”

  1. Ben Silva Says:

    Well said Prof. Just a few lines to wake up the Sinhalese – “There were CBK, RW governments which allowed the LTTE Terrorism to Rise & Prosper under their watch. CBK, RW are planning to revive the “Divide & Rule” strategy by allowing the resurrection of Tamil Tigers. This MUST be STOPPED! “. Rather sadly Sinhalese have no voice, no power and not even a web site !

  2. ranjit Says:

    Thanks Prof. Being in Australia you understand better than the people who lives here about the situation in Sri Lanka because you read and get Info from well respectable sources. I too cannot understand why the Sinhalese majority wants Ranil back to lead the country? Are they out of their minds to give power to a man who always acted as per the wishes of western Imperialists? Have they forgotten what he did in 2004? GIVING HALF OF THE COUNTRY IN WRITING TO THE MOST BRUTAL TERRORIST LEADER IN THE WORLD? If LTTE is still there we Sinhalese have to get a passport to travel to the North for sure. Thanks to MR and his Govt we are able to go and visit any place in my homeland without any restrictions. Don’t daydream Sinhalese just wake up and look around before Tamils and Muslims build their own dreamland’s with the blessings of Ranil/Choura/Sira traitors to the Motherland.

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