An appreciation
Posted on July 23rd, 2015


Passing away of HON Don Randall. MP. Australian Parliament We are saddened by the sudden death of Don, who was a dynamic personality.

He stood for the people of Canning electorate looking after their interests andestablishing a clear margin of nearly 11% in favor of Liberal party whereas it was a verymarginal seat fora long time.

His frequent visits to the community at large in theelectorate won him the goodwill of his constituencies. We , the Australians of Sri Lankan origin have lost a genuine friend inDon as he was the Chairman of Sri Lankan group in the Parliament fora long time after the establishment of this forum during the tenureof High Commissioner, late Gen Janaka Perera.

He championed the cause of Sri Lanka during the period of Sri Lanka’s war against the Tamil Tigers. He wasoutspoken in advocating  Sri Lanka’s sovereign right to defend its territorialintegrity and her drive towards bringing peace to the vast majority of Sri Lankans and the benefitsof economic development.

He spoke glowingly about Sri Lankan government’s untiring efforts in ushering in peace andlaunching of massive resettlement and rehabilitation programs. He supported Sri Lanka- Australia jointefforts in stopping the human smugglers in enticing bogus asylum seekers to Australia.As a firmbeliever in a strong Indian Ocean Rim area, he stressed the importance of stable countries inplace of insecure nations.

The Hon Don Randalll presented two petitions to the Parliament signed by nearly 4000 Sri Lankans andsponsored by SPUR against the atrocities committed by the Tamil Tigers in Sri LankaHe associated closely many Sri Lankans including Western Australia Society for Rehabilitation of Sri LankaHon Don Randall has graced many a Sri Lankan functions.

He has visited Sri Lanka on many occasions including during the war years and after the defeat of the LTTE The grateful Sri Lankansreciprocated his continuous  campaigns for Sri Lanka by meeting him and  receiving with due honor and cordiality.

May he rest in peace.

May his tribe increase.


3 Responses to “An appreciation”

  1. Christie Says:

    Thanks Ranjith. He is a great Liberal. May he Rest In Peace.

  2. dhane Says:

    A great friend of Sri Lanka and good Australian Gentlemen Politician. May Don Randall, Australian MP attain Nibanna & rest in peace.

  3. Independent Says:

    It is a shocking news. I have written to him and he has replied positively in the past.
    We have lost an ardent supporter of the TRUTH.
    He has done meritorious work by helping the Australians to realised truth and the Buddhist principles.
    This will help him immensely to get a favourable birth.
    The opposite is being done by so called “patriots” at this very moment.
    May he attain Nibbana one day.

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