How Sinhala Buddhists were made scapegoats for July ‘83
Posted on July 24th, 2015


 The infamous 24th of July is on us again. It was for happenings of 24 July ’83 and on the few subsequent days that the Sinhala Buddhists were castigated all over the world for a dastardly crime for which they were not responsible. Given below are a few excerpts of what took place.

It is now common knowledge that it was UNP goondas who attacked and killed Tamils in Colombo during the July ‘83 riots. It is also common knowledge that it was the then President J R Jayawardene who allowed the riots to continue unabated for a full day before a curfew was called to stop the rioting. On this day J R Jayawardene was under severe pressure from the army after the killing of the 13 soldiers in Jaffna, to take effective action against the LTTE terrorists in the North. His solution was to divert attention and use his Goon Squads to attack and kill the Tamil residents in Colombo and other major cities and thereby avert the wrath of the army.It is also common knowledge that after his victory at the General Elections in 1977, Jayewardene wanted to remain in power for an extended period, if necessary by terrorizing the general electorate.

For this purpose every minister in his administration was encouraged to form and develop their Goon Squads with the idea of intimidating the electorate prior to any subsequent election in Sri Lanka. In this fashion R Premadasa his Prime Minister, Gamini Dissanayake, Lalith Athulathmudali, Ranil Wickramasinghe the present Prime Minister, Ananda Tissa de Alwis,Cyril Matthew, M H Mohammed and others went on to form their own Goon Squads. These Goon Squads were used most effectively in subsequent elections to intimidate, terrorize, maim or kill political opponents. Viz; the 1980 District Development Council Elections, and the 1982 infamous ” the Pot and the Lamp Referendum. They were the very ones who attacked Dr Sarathchandra and also Rev Maduluwawe Sobhitha Therotoo. How the democracy in Sri Lanka deteriorated during this period is also common knowledge and is a subject that is well researched and documented.

These Goon Squads were equipped with electoral lists and they knew in advance where their political opponents lived.
It is now common knowledge that the mini riot that originated at the Borella Kanatta on the day of the funeral of the 13 soldiers ended at Narahenpita around mid night the same day. However the organized and systematic torching of Tamil trading establishments and residences commenced the following morning at Borella junction. The riots and the burning continued throughout the day through Punchi Borella, Maradana, Pettah and finally on to Fort, and unabated till they reached the Ambal Café in the heart of Fort at 4:00 PM – just a few meters away from where the now infamous President of Sri Lanka had his office. It took Jayewardene 10 hrs to impose a curfew and get his Goons off the streets. Goon Squads armed with electoral lists went from house to house, this time looking for Tamil residents. Goon Squads saved the day for Jayewardene by taking the army who was breathing fire on his scrawny neck to take firm action against rising terrorism in the country.

Once the curfew was in place, on four consecutive days, four very significant statements were made over the Television – Rupavahini Channel. While a shocked populace waited for the Executive President to address the nation, the UNP government and the Church plotted behind the scenes to place the blame entirely on the shoulders of Sinhalese Buddhists.

 This is how it was done.

  1. Most Ven Madihe Pannaseeha Maha Nayake Thero was asked to address the Nation first. Naturally the Mahanayake Thero requested the Nation to have patience and be calm. The nation was angry but it was in no mood to go on a killing rampage. By getting him to address the nation J R Jayewardene got the world to believe that the Mahanayake Thero was really addressing the Sinhalese Buddhists and that they were responsible for the pogrom. 
  1. The second was made by J R Jayewardene (the man with the professional mourners face- DB Nihalsinghe had to dress him for this occasion and it is mentioned he had a task to get his face in one place for the occassion)himself, , as the President of Sri Lanka. He justified the riots as the justifiable anger of the Sinhalese for the killing of the 13 soldiers in Jaffna. Here he clearly laid the blame for the pogrom on the Sinhalese. It must also be noted that UNP Goon Squads and every shade of hooligan, Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim and other took part in the universal phenomenon of looting that followed throughout the island. In many instances old scores were settled, regardless of ethnicity, taking advantage of the deplorable and unfortunate situation.
  1. The third statement was made by R Premadasa the Prime Minister a servant of the Wijewardhana clan. He said that behind the riots was a coup organized by a Naxalite Terror Group. This was a diversionary attempt to put the blame on the pseudo socialist group led by the Catholic – Vijaya Kumaranatunge who was masquerading as a Buddhist at that time.
  1. The fourth and final statement was made by Ananda Tissa de Alwis the then Minister of Communications and Constitutional Affairs. He said the next stage of the coup would be for Sinhalese Buddhists to attack Sinhalese Christians. His was the voice of the Christian Church who would finally go to convince the world that Sinhalese Buddhists were highest common denominator of what happened and responsible for the carnage.

With this they killed two birds with one stone; firstly the blame for the pogrom was laid firmly and squarely on Sinhalese Buddhists and secondly they set up the Christians against the Buddhists.
The essence of the above four statements show the way J R Jayewardene and his administration manipulated the media to put the blame, for the riots by his Goon Squads, on Sinhalese Buddhists. It is doubtful  if the Mahanayake Thero knew how he was manipulated to lay the blame on the Sinhalese Buddhists. The subsequent propaganda by the State media and the Christian Church convinced the world that it was the Sinhalese and especially the Sinhalese Buddhist who were responsible for the July ‘83 Riots.

As Sinhalese and mainly as Sinhalese Buddhists, we should not harbor any guilt complex about the happenings of July ‘83 or those Racial riots of 1958, and thereafter. These were carried out by thugs affiliated to the main political party the UNP. To the Western Christian World, this was just the opportunity to denigrate the Buddhists in Sri Lanka.

Since July ‘83 dozens of provocative actions have been carried out in Sri Lanka. Even though hundreds of innocent Sri Lankan civilians have been bombed, maimed, killed, driven away from their lands, their places of worship desecrated and destroyed, their leaders assassinated the nation has just looked on with hope that ultimately justice would prevail. They waited with timeless patience for their elected leaders to take appropriate action to curb terrorism, eventually eliminate racism from Sri Lanka and put an end to the meddling by externally funded church affiliated NGOs, inimical to the culture and life in Sri Lanka. This is yet to happen.The Terrorist war that ensued consumed much of Sri Lanka and her resources. Tamils in droves left the island crying genocide, many seeking greener pastures.

The Western World and the Christian Church accepted the Tamils with open arms. Various Terrorist groups were funded, nurtured, and covertly trained initially by India and then later by others. Hundreds of Church funded NGO’s descended on Sri Lanka in various guises, but intent on division of the country and the unethical conversion of Sri Lanka to Christianity. On Sri Lankan soil they were ably assisted by the Church affiliated Wijewardhana clan and the Bandaranaike clan. These two clans outwardly masquerade as Buddhists, but their loyalties lie with the Christian Church. Even today the Christian Church has a firm hand on the two main political parties UNP and the SLFP.

The subjugation of Sinhalese Buddhists is going on various fronts now as it was then many years ago. Unethical conversion of Buddhists is going a pace unabated. The land of the Sinhalese is up for grabs. Sinhalese Buddhists have neither voice left nor any representation in the proceedings of the nation. While there are political parties to represent the Tamils, the Muslims there are misrepresented by the UNP and UPFA.

Hela Urumaya hijacked by the self serving traitor Champika Ranawake is marooned in the high seas. The valiant efforts of Udaya Gammanpila to rescue the followers of Hela Urumaya should be appreciated by all Sinhala Buddhists.

The Buddhists are left largely friendless in the world due to years of diplomatic mishandling. The media has been in the hands of the Church affiliated Wijewardhana clan and other similar newly rich Anti Buddhists for decades. The audio- visual media are on a frontal attack on Sinhalese Culture. What is seen, heard and covertly imposed on the minds are all foreign values and ethos. While the Puppet Masters are now on open stage for everybody to see, a helpless nation is waiting its dismemberment. Indian RAW agents and US CIA agents are having a free run of the country.

Today with one time leader of one of the Goon Squads- Christian Ranil Wickramasinghe – Prince of Peace of Batalanda fame as the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, Mangala Samraweera  as the Foreign Minister –  Catholic John Amaratunge as the Minister of the Interior and Home Affairs, Catholic Ravi Karunanayagam as the Finance Minister , Born Again Christian Rosie Senanayake as the Minister in charge of Children’s Affairs, Catholic Joseph Michael Perera and Evangelist Eran Wickramaratne and Laxsman Perera (Kiriella), Born Again Sajith Premadasa and other Sinhala Buddhist eunuchs of the UNP,  the Sinhala Buddhist couldn’t have it any worse.

They have been made scapegoats before and they can be made again. This is unless they vote wisely to elect Mahinda Rajapkse with a massive majority in the Parliamentary Elections on 17 August 2015. This time it is now or never. If Ranils wins there wouldn’t be any second time. It will be another Dinh Diem Regime and another Phillippines  or even worse another Libya.  Is the Sri Lankan nation that unfortunate?

8 Responses to “How Sinhala Buddhists were made scapegoats for July ‘83”

  1. Christie Says:

    How Indian propaganda and story telling has brainwashed so called Sinhala Patriots.

    By 1983 the Indian terrorists were militarily powerful than the armed forces of the island nation. I was at the Homagama Army Headquarters to see a friend of mine the morning following the killing of the unarmed soldiers by the Indian terrorists trained, armed, managed, financed and branded Tamil Tigers by the Indian Empire.

    Before going to Homagama I was told by a Tamil Mudalali “a job done in Jaffna”. I did not take any notice of what he said but when I went to Homagama there were few women at the watch house and they said they have heard that some soldiers have been killed and wanted to know the truth. My friend told me there is unofficial news to that effect. He said we cannot do anything and he was worried whether they had enough force and vehicles to bring the bodies.

    Remember friends our forces were ceremonial forces. We spent on development, education and health and hardly anything on defense while India was spending billions and billions on defense acquiring the latest and collection intelligence and getting involved in the internal affairs of Indian colonies including our country.

    The main aim of India at the time was to pump as many Indians as possible to the West. You might wonder how this Tamil Mudalali (in fact he was from Kerala) heard the Jaffna job, most of the Indian colonial parasites used to listen to short wave broadcasts from India some of the rouge ones.
    Wake up Sinhalese, think clearly.

    Don’t blame Sinhalese, Sinhalese were the real victims.

  2. Christie Says:

    1983 ජූලිය ගැන ඉන්දියානු මොලසේදීමට ලක්වූ කියන කතා කියවනවිට මට දැනෙන්නේ දුකක් හා කනගාටුවක්. 83ට පෙර ඉන්දියානු ජඩයෝ ඉතාම කල්පනාකාරීව සැලසුම් යොදා තිබින. බටහිර රටවල සිටින ඉන්දියානු පරපොඉසිතයෝ හා බටහිර සමාජවාදියෝ ඉන්දියානු අදිරදයින් සමග එක්ව සින්හලයින් ම්ලේච්චයින් ලෙස හන්වඩු ගසා තිබින. කැනඩාවේ කොන්‍රඩ් බ්ලැක්ගේ, යූකේවල ගාර්ඩියන් ඔස්ට්‍රේලියවේ ෆෙයාර්ෆැක්ස් මේවායින් මුල්තන ගත්හ.
    ඉන්දියානු ත්‍රස්තවාදයේ මුල් අරමුනු දෙකක්විය.පලවෙන්න හැකිපමන ඉන්දියානු පරපෝසිතයන් බටහිරට පැටවීමය. දෙවැන්න සින්හල රට දෙකට කඩා ඉන්දියානු පරපෝසිත රටකුත් (උතුර,නැගෙනහිර හා මලේ) සින්හල සමාජවාදී (ජේවීපී රටකුත් ඇතිකර ඉන්දියාවට ඈඳාගැනීමය. 83 ඉන්දියානු කෙලිය හරියටම හරිගියේය.

  3. Ben Silva Says:

    Well said Christie. Sinhalese should wake up and think clearly. If the Sinhalese do not think and simply. blindly follow myths, then they will follow the same fate as native Americans, Fijians and even Nalanda Buddhists. The Sinhalese have lost their place in Sri Lanka, due to lack of survival strategies and due to not thinking clearly. Already, there are signs that we are gradually being marginalized. CALLING THE SINHALESE TO WAKE UP HAVE BEEN MADE BY MANY, YET THE PEOPLE ARE IN DEEP SLUMBER !

  4. NAK Says:

    Prior to 83 july,while there were many groups, not many were interested in joining them and they were not taken seriously in the north.
    It was the CIA planned and forced down JRJ’s throat 83 goon riots that really solved all the problems of sepretist terrorists.
    It brought them many bitter and angry youth, who didn’t know what hit them, but were craving for revange that solved the man power problem.
    Then the western countries opend their embassy doors for Tamils to migrate enmass who later became the diaspora that resolved the funding problem.
    India initially was in it as a security precaution as it was in the Russian camp during the cold war but later became an accomplice of the CIA empire brigade.
    The involvement of the Christian church in this is show cased by the fact that always it was the clergy from the church that come forward to speak on behalf of the Tamils and never any Hindu priests.
    Actually several Hindu priests were killed by the Tigers on flimy accusations but none of the chritian clergy even harmed.

  5. Fran Diaz Says:

    It is only now that the whole picture re the July 1983 Riots have emerged. NO ! the ordinary Sinhala/Buddhist is not to be blamed for the July Riots.



    Several people have told me that no Christian Tamils died in the 1983 Riots. Those who died were Tamil Hindu people and a handful of Sinhala Buddhists. Same with the business buildings that were burnt.

  6. Fran Diaz Says:

    I would like to remind Readers that some 31 Catholic priests emerged with the Human Shield groups, immediately after the war with the LTTE.

    Also, witnesses who visited the North reported that some 100 ‘Catholic churches’ were visible in the North area.

    Of course, the Mannar Bishop, Rev Reyappu Joseph, was the ‘receiver of people’ in the Mannar area, from outside and within Lanka.

    The Catholic church is known to run with the hares and hunt with the hounds. And occasionally run with hounds and hunt with the hares too !

  7. Fran Diaz Says:

    Who pushed the JRJ Govt into the July 1983 Riots ?

    Bear in mind 1983 was Cold War (1946-1991) times. India was running with the Sov. Union at that time and Indira Gandhi PM of India, whilst pro-West JRJ was President here. There was some animosity between these two leaders.
    J.N. Dixit was the Indian Envoy in Lanka at that time. He was called the ‘Vice Roy’ of Sri Lanka !

  8. SA Kumar Says:

    Who pushed the JRJ Govt into the July 1983 Riots ? No one can push a Head of State (Our First Elected President) to go against his own people unless he does not consider them his Nation people Fran Diaz !!!

    Opposition Leader Appapillai Amirthalingam were begging JRJ to impose curfew but he only done ( 3/7 Days ) it once send back All We-Tamil to North & East.

    Our-Tamil leaders & Our Sinhala leader know very well what is their objective always !!!

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