Watershed event about to occur – Patriots need to save Sri Lanka
Posted on August 14th, 2015

Shenali Waduge

Two cartoons that show the reality…

In 1956 this cartoon changed the election defeating the UNP.
In 2015 this cartoon will decide how far the people are able to grasp the dangers and join the patriotic forces to defend their nation… we urge you to put your country first…massive amounts of money is being thrown to buy over voters.. this is not democracy.. voters should not be intimidated by the very organizations that preach good governance.

All we are doing is placing the facts before you.
We are not funded nor do we take money from anyone.
We only want to protect the nation for all and from people who want to divide / separate / change the ethnic & religious composition of Sri Lanka and use it as a military base to spy and destroy fellow nations of Asia.

please share and in these last few days make people aware ….
We now have another threat in Indians coming to live and work in Sri Lanka another idea from the UNP that will change the ethnic composition and the sovereignty of Sri Lanka completely.
Remember 17 times India tried to take over Sri Lanka and failed now Ranil is virtually signing Sri Lanka over with his rail/road link and CEPA agreement



4 Responses to “Watershed event about to occur – Patriots need to save Sri Lanka”

  1. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  2. Ananda-USA Says:

    To the ALWAYS FAITHFUL Patriots,

    A Heartfelt Tribute in Gratitude!

    Semper Fidelis, Patriots of Lanka

    By Ananda-USA

    Our Motherland, resplendent Sri Lanka,
    Hallowed be thy name!
    Thy children flock today to vote,
    To preserve thy immortal flame!

    The Lion Flag flutters proudly aloft,
    To remind us this freedom’s day!
    Our duty to keep thee, safe and strong,
    As our forefathers did yesterday!

    A Mahinda Rajapaksa by deed and word,
    Strode forth boldly to eternal fame!
    To lead his people to a safer world,
    When all others retreated in shame!

  3. Hiranthe Says:

    The old cartoon had UNP marked clearly, which produced results. The new one does not relate it to UNP except for the Elephants and it talks about conversions.

    If someone gets the hidden message it will produce results, but knowing our peoples minds, I think they will most probably ignore this wonderful cartoon thinking it is not relevant to current issues.

    Showing disabled soldiers shows the state of the country and its national security. Very clever cartoonist…

    But our blinded majority might not get the message unless you poke to their eyes!!

    “Es gedi walata hena gehilada minisunge” – S Mahinda thero’s verse comes to mind

  4. Christie Says:

    ඉන්දියානු ජඩයින්ට සින්හල අපි සක්කිලි (Dalit)යන්ය . උන් එදාත් අදත් අපේ සතුරාය. එක්වන්න මහින්ද වටා රොක්වන්න ඉන්දියානු ජඩයන්ට හා ජඩවාදයට එරෙහිව නැගී සිටින්න
    For Indian Imperialists we are Dalits. Indians are our enemies todaya and yesterday. Unite with Mahinda and stand up to Indian Empire and Indian imperialism.

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