Irresistible Voice of the People
Posted on August 16th, 2015
By Rohana R. Wasala
Where national leadership is concerned, Mahinda Rajapaksa is a diamond; he may be a slightly flawed diamond, but he is the only diamond we have. The bitter lessons he has learned will help him to change himself into a polished gem of enhanced value. (These ideas are entirely my personal opinions. Readers need not accept them without first critically examining them. I wrote this essay because I love my motherland [i.e., my people of all ethnicities]. I am not personally acquainted with any politician that I support or oppose here; I have never even seen any of them in person, and don’t expect to know them personally in the future. If you don’t agree with my views, please forget about them.)
Patriotic Sri Lankans of all political colours and creeds will recognize the indisputable fact that the general election scheduled for August 17 will be decisive for the future of the country as never before. There is no such unanimity of opinion about the alleged ‘change’ that was won or wangled by challengers of the then incumbent Mahinda Rajapaksa in the January 8 election. Some assert that it was a revolution; some others agree with that assertion, but call it a palace revolution, as boastingly admitted in a TV interview by a self-congratulating key figure involved in the plot. But the signs are that the majority of Sri Lankans, including those who supported Mahinda’s ouster in January, are gravely concerned about the future of our motherland.
While there were no allegations about the free and fair manner the elections were held then, the inordinate interest taken by foreign elements in producing an anti-Rajapaksa result in that election did not make for a plausible representation of the public will. It is absurd to be required to believe that meddling outsiders are more concerned about resolving our internal problems than we ourselves are. This time, however, the electors will be relatively free from the mala fide attention of those unwelcome nosy parkers. So there is a better chance for the voice of the people to be heard more loudly and more clearly. Then, the electorate were confused, because few thought that the popular Mr Rajapaksa who had performed well both on the national security front and in the economic development field would lose to an upstart subordinate from his own party. In contrast, on this occasion, they have a clear choice to make between the two most prominent personalities and the two most powerful parties found on the scene today to form the next government under the Sirisena presidency which is a fait accompli. Since, according to the revised constitution, important executive powers are vested in the prime minister, the election of one of the two main contenders for the post is where the public attention is naturally focused. No more antithetical a pair than these two leaders and these two parties can be found in the Sri Lankan political arena at the moment, which will make the choice easy despite misleading propaganda. But again, a low turnout of voters due to a possible bout of ‘election fatigue’ and bovine ignorance and indifference on the part of some voters (to whom it matters most) might lead to a nationally unfavorable outcome.
Mr Rajapaksa’s personal charisma and his proven track record as a leader largely account for his still undiminished popularity, especially among the mature Sri Lankan electorate, even in the face of long sustained, but utterly unjustified, attacks on his reputation and the turbid stream of personal abuse spouted at him by his detractors. The very fact that his opponents found no really valid reasons to attack him other than alleged corruption, nepotism, and a streak of authoritarianism in his style of ruling goes to prove that they are unable to pick holes in his politics. Mere allegations may be useful as a weapon in an election in a country where the voters are not sufficiently well informed and are without a critical sense, but not in Sri Lanka. In the case of most average Sri Lankan voters, both these attributes – political awareness and critical discrimination – have been reinforced by long experience in electoral politics and culturally acquired wisdom. Mr Rajapaksa’s undeniable success as president during two terms earned him the envy of his rivals. But he should know that All who have taken it upon themselves to rule over others have incurred hatred and unpopularity for a time; but if one has a great aim to pursue, this burden of envy must be accepted, and it is wise to accept it”; these wise words were uttered by Pericles (495-429 BCE), the legendary ruler of the Athenian city state during its Golden Age, with which his name was synonymous, for Pericles was a great statesman, public orator, military leader, and a promoter of democracy and culture.
Mahinda’s two main antagonists (Chandrika and Ranil) cannot help feeling diminished before him in this respect. He and they have nothing in common between them except their chronological age; in all other respects Mahinda is ahead of them by a mile. And the contrasts are sharp. In managing interpersonal relations, he is always friendly and cheerful; he is rarely glum and overbearing. He never talks insultingly about his opponents, though he may criticize them on reasonable grounds. The roiling malice that the other two invariably spew when they speak about Mahinda has failed to provoke a matching response from him. The recent claim by Mr Tilvin Silva of the JVP that Mahinda is slinging mud at him is the funniest joke I’ve heard in this election campaign!
Addressing newspaper editors and other media personnel at a news conference in the Hilton Colombo Residences hotel, Union Place, Colombo on August 9, a confident Mr Rajapaksa said, among other things, that the investigation of alleged corruption cases must be carried out in a lawful manner, but that it should not be turned into a witch hunt. Queried about Ranil’s claim that Mahinda had bribed Prabhakaran in 2005 so he could win the presidential election, the former president asked in reply, if that was the case, how it came to pass that the terror leader was defeated within three or four years of that alleged deal; besides, he said, he was in parliament throughout that period of LTTE terror, and he knew well what happened to all the (Sri Lankan government) leaders who tried to have close dealings with Prabhakaran; so he was careful not to resort to the same approach. He warned them (the LTTE): Don’t start (any trouble); I will put an end to it”. However, he added, he offered them a chance to negotiate; but finally he was forced (by their intransigence) to go for a military response (against their terror). In this news briefing, he admitted that there were some shortcomings committed by him as a pratujjana (a worldling, a fallible ordinary human being); but he insisted that he never regretted his political decisions and actions, which were correct. But before going further, I’ll try to give the reader a sense of perspective, which might help them to respond critically to this my personal point of view about the evident ascendance of the Mahinda star in the local political firmament at this critical juncture.
Personal attacks based on unsubstantiated allegations of corruption, nepotism and cronyism, and a dictatorial tendency shown in ruling have been the mainstay of anti-Rajapaksa propaganda. Mahinda has already answered most of these criticisms with his accustomed patience, humility, and sense of humour on numerous occasions including in his recent campaign speeches, in the media conference referred to above, in the Ada Derana interview (10th Monday night), and in the interview with The Island political analyst C.A. Chandraprema published today (12th Wednesday). The yahapalana slogan has proved to be just another empty shibboleth like the Dharmishta Samajaya of the J.R. Jayawardane presidency (1978-89). The conduct of those who formed a government headed by an unelected prime minister after the January 8 election has been so contradictory to the touted good governance principles that it has led the opposition to raise the same allegations against them with really valid supportive evidence.
It is difficult to think that the vast majority of the population are ready to let foreigners decide their future through enforced regime changes. All patriotic Sri Lankans are bound to accept as prime minister the principal candidate of the party that wins the most number of seats or that can establish a workable majority in parliament in alliance with other parties. Forming a national government with parties that want to put an end to the unitary status of the country through federalism or the creation of another (separate) state within Sri Lanka is inconceivable for either of the two major national parties (the UNP and the SLFP) which represent all communities. Federation and separation are non-starters unless imposed from outside. I don’t want to go into details, but it should be remembered that there is not a single internal or external factor that justifies the dismantling of the unitary character of the Sri Lankan state. The Sinhalese account for 75% of the population. More than half of the Tamil and the Muslim communities, though they form the majorities in the northern and the eastern provinces respectively, live among the Sinhalese in the south. All three communities are spread right across the island, with uneven distribution, of course. Creation of ethnic enclaves will not be much of a problem initially for the two minorities, but it will be a disaster for the majority community, and a catastrophe of unimaginable proportions for all.
Throughout the nearly five hundred years of European intrusion in Sri Lanka, the majority Sinhalese, except for the few collaborators among them who betrayed their motherland to the foreign occupiers for privileges, were always hostile to them. They shed blood in the name of the independence and security of the country. But they always allowed the minorities to live in peace and harmony with them. Ours is perhaps the only country in the world that has had a harmonious multicultural society for thousands of years before the concept of multiculturalism was invented in western countries in the latter half of the last century. It was due to the tolerant accommodating religious values inherent in Buddhism and Hinduism. Westerners are already lamenting that multiculturalism is failing in their societies. Tendency towards xenophobic exclusivity bred by rigidly dogmatic religious traditions may be a contributory factor of that failure.
The agitation by the Sinhalese in some form or other against foreign imperial rule never ceased during the whole of that half millennium. It continued from the very inception of the last phase of European occupation. And it lasted until the middle of the twentieth century. Many armed rebellions by our patriotic ancestors including the better known ones like the 1818 and 1848 uprisings against the occupiers offered heroic resistance to them, though these legitimate liberation struggles were ruthlessly put down by the superior arms of the invaders. Later, the nation was inspired by leaders such as Anagarika Dharmapala and Walisinha Harischandra who perpetuated the tradition of rightful resistance to political and cultural colonization of the people of Ceylon (Sinhale, as Sri Lanka was known then) by foreigners. It was by later leaders who followed their example that freedom from bondage was finally achieved in 1948. The privileged class generally opposed the emancipation of the downtrodden masses. They opposed the introduction of universal franchise, free education for them, change of the medium of instruction from English to Sinhala and Tamil, and making English available to children from dispossessed classes. The young people today don’t know these things. That is not their fault. There’s so much modern knowledge to keep abreast of that there is little time to learn about the past; and education is being subjected to political correctness. There must be proper reforms to address these problems.
Under colonial rule, generally, the minorities had been given preferential treatment. The Sinhalese were always discriminated against. Some minority leaders and some leaders among the Sinhalese elite did not want freedom from British rule, because they thought that they would lose the special advantages they enjoyed under it, in case a parliamentary system of government was introduced and the common people came to rule over them. The important Tamil minority leaders were not ready to trust the Sinhalese majority to be fair to them in wielding power after the departure of the British. They wanted the departing British rulers to establish that 50% of the parliamentary seats be allocated for the Sinhalese majority and the other 50% be reserved for all minority ethnic groups together. This demand put forward by Mr G.G. Ponnambalam, a prominent Tamil leader, and a member of the State Council at the time (1947), was flatly rejected by the British governor general Lord Soulbury who ridiculed the proposal as a mockery of democracy”. All executive government leaders from the very beginning of independent governance in Sri Lanka did their maximum to reach out to the minorities and included their representatives in government as a matter of course. However, the initial reluctance of certain Tamil leaders to share power with the majority community on an equal footing turned into a so-called ‘aspiration’ for a separate state soon after independence. They hardly participated in the important changes that Sri Lanka achieved in 1956, 1972, and 1978. However, we have never had an exclusively ‘Sinhalese’ government even during the time that the country was worst hit by separatist terrorism.
Unlike the LTTE, the JVP revolutionary movement was not an interethnic struggle. Only young Sinhalese were involved in both of its disastrously abortive attempts (1971 and 1988-1990) at capturing state power over the whole country through armed rebellion. No Tamils took part in it, and no Tamils were harmed. Over 60,000 young Sinhalese insurgents of both sexes laid down their lives in fighting for the unrealistic, unattainable ambitions of their leaders in the second instance alone that occurred during a previous UNP regime. No international human rights agency cared to speak on behalf of the JVP that was being ruthlessly suppressed then. It was Mahinda Rajapaksa, then an opposition MP, who worked to raise a voice about them and even went to Geneva to try to draw the attention of the world to the human rights violations that were taking place in Sri Lanka at that time.
We must also remember that the pioneer leaders of the JVP including Rohana Wijeweera had been initially mentored by Mr Nagalingam Shanmugathasan from Manipay, Jaffna. A lawyer by training he was one of the few patriotic Tamil politicians at the national level we have had; a trade unionist and a Maoist revolutionary, he was general secretary of the Ceylon Communist Party (Peking wing) in the 1960’s. Mr Lakshman Kadirgamar whose 10th death anniversary falls today (August 12) was another much loved Tamil politician of national standing. This great son of Sri Lanka is being remembered in an excellent editorial in The Island today. He was sidelined by the then president Chandrka (who had been romantically deluded about the malleability of Tamil terrorists). Mr Kadirgamar was assassinated by the LTTE a few months later.
Both Mr Shanmugathasan and Mr Kadirgamar were patriots; they were Sri Lankan nationalists. They were not racists. Despite differences between their political ideologies, their commitment to the common good of all citizens of our motherland was evident. No doubt, they were inspired by nationalist politicians such as Mr D.S. Senanayake and Mr C.W.W. Kannangara, rather than by Tamil racist politicians like Mr G.G. Ponnambalam and Mr S.J.V. Chelvanayagam. Even Mr S.W.R.D. Bandaranaike was not a racist. To propose changes to government policies that had disadvantaged the majority of the citizenship for many decades of foreign domination, but that had given undue privileges to an infinitesimal minority (of diverse ethnicity), is not racism. The dethronement of English and restoration of national languages to their due place of prominence benefited the dispossessed majority of all Sri Lankans. Some Tamil racist politicians opposed these changes because of their own divisive political ambitions.
All previous leaders of the UNP and the SLFP were nationalists, but not racists. The same can be said only about one of the three present leaders of these parties mentioned above: that is, Mahinda. The other two represent a deracinated minority which has no national identity or affiliation. They only look up to the West, while looking down upon the nationalists, condemning them as racists, chauvinists, and fanatics. They ignore the threats to national security that concerned citizens point out to them. Instead, they want to destroy on insubstantial grounds the only national politician who can provide the necessary leadership to the whole country at this critical hour.
Before concluding, I must say something about the youth vote and the JVP. Just before the January election, I had the opportunity to ask some youngsters from Sri Lanka what their opinion was about the presidential candidates. They were unanimous in condemning Mr Rajapaksa for all the corruption and other charges he was being accused of in Facebook gossip. I asked them whether they consulted any other more authoritative source of information about the subject. They didn’t need any, it seemed. This trend was reflected back in Sri Lanka: the youth vote was thought to have gone against the then incumbent. Ironically, it was he who had done much to spread IT education to the villages through the Nanasalas (Centres of Knowledge). Of course, they appeared less sentimentally attached to any particular politician than their parents, and that’s not a bad thing, provided that their decision was based on some acceptable rationale. I think this ripple of anti-establishmentarianism is a welcome sign. Yet it is good to remember that it means nothing to be born in an age of ‘information explosion’ unless young people make that information instrumental in creating happiness for one and all in the society.
In our time, information communication technology was only a steadily widening rivulet, but we managed to get immersed in it. As a result we were somewhat better informed about things than our parents. For example, about domestic politics, world culture, science and technology, space travel, Uri Gagarin the Russian astronaut, Cassius Clay (Later Mohamed Ali) the American boxer, transistors, South African heart transplant surgeon Christiaan Barnard, landing on the moon, etc. We looked forward to exciting times. Beatles, the popular British rock band came during the youth movement known as the Youthquake in Europe in which teenagers played the dominant role in revolutionizing fashion, music, and culture. Today, the information world is a boundless ocean, and most people including the young seem to be satisfied picking up pebbles on the beach, which is not a thing to be happy about.
In Sri Lanka, young people over 18 were given the voting right in the mid-60’s, I think. I voted at a general election for the first time in 1970. The 1970’s decade was probably the most eventful period in post-independence Sri Lanka, that is, in terms of real ‘change’, politically and economically speaking: a left coalition led by the nationalist SLFP under Mrs Sirimavo Bandaranaike came to power through a landslide electoral victory (1970). However, only a few months after Mrs Bandaranaike formed her government, the JVP launched its first abortive attempt to topple it (1971). The government’s response to the youth revolt helped shape in some measure the republican constitution of 1972, which removed the last vestiges of foreign monarchical rule such as the institution of ‘governor general’ representing the nominal head of the United Kingdom (Britain). Under the new republican system, the post of governor general was replaced with that of president, but the executive powers were vested in the prime minister. Then the UNP led by Mr J.R. Jayawardane defeated Mrs Bandaranaike’s government getting a five sixths majority in parliament and he changed the constitution bringing in the executive presidential system; he also introduced the free market economy model, and initiated substantial development work such as the Mahaveli scheme. Mr Jayawardane released Rohana Wijeweera who had been jailed by the previous government of Mrs Bandaranaike, and seemed to use him to attack her. (Is the JVP being subjected to the same treatment today?) The JVP made a second failed attempt to grab power in 1988-90, but was decimated as a rebel force. They gave up armed struggle as a strategy and entered the main democratic stream in 1994. Over the past two decades the party formed coalitions with both the main parties at different times, but left them disillusioned. Now the chances are that the JVP may emerge as the most powerful third national party in the country, if the leaders use their foresight and hindsight properly.
But its current strategy of attacking both the SLFP and the UNP seems to suggest that they hope that the people will reject those parties in a future election and give them (the JVP) a mandate to rule. But that is waiting until the masses get really fed up with both of those parties through their wrong policies. It reminds one of the story about the jackal that patiently followed a fat goat earnestly hoping that a certain pendent part of its anatomy would fall off suddenly so he could eat it. That is a bad strategy. The JVP cannot win by itself. No alliance with the UNP is possible for them. The best option for the JVP is to tone down its criticism of Mahinda, hoping to join forces with him to defeat the antinational schemes now taking shape. The disillusioned youth of the country have begun to look for an alternative leadership. The JVP can fill the vacancy if they are patient enough to work with Mahinda for the time being. A previous alliance with the SLFP did not allow the JVP to work freely and realize its ideals; but that was under a different SLFP leadership and in different circumstances. It is a reformed Mahinda they will have to cooperate with as an initial step towards the top.
Where national leadership is concerned, Mahinda Rajapaksa is a diamond; he may be a slightly flawed diamond, but he is the only diamond we have. The bitter lessons he has learned will help him to change himself into a polished gem of enhanced value. (These ideas are entirely my personal opinions. Readers need not accept them without first critically examining them. I wrote this essay because I love my motherland [i.e., my people of all ethnicities]. I am not personally acquainted with any politician that I support or oppose here; I have never even seen any of them in person, and don’t expect to know them personally in the future. If you don’t agree with my views, please forget about them.)
August 14th, 2015 at 9:33 am
“Jayawewa UPFA/SLFP”
Mahesh Fernando From CA USA
August 14th, 2015 at 11:42 am
August 14th, 2015 at 12:47 pm
“To propose changes to government policies that had disadvantaged the majority of the citizenship for many decades of foreign domination, but that had given undue privileges to an infinitesimal minority (of diverse ethnicity), is not racism. ”
Well said … Rohana Wasala!
August 14th, 2015 at 12:51 pm
To the ALWAYS FAITHFUL Patriots,
A Heartfelt Tribute in Gratitude!
Semper Fidelis, Patriots of Lanka
By Ananda-USA
Our Motherland, resplendent Sri Lanka,
Hallowed be thy name!
Thy children flock today to vote,
To preserve thy immortal flame!
The Lion Flag flutters proudly aloft,
To remind us this freedom’s day!
Our duty to keep thee, safe and strong,
As our forefathers did yesterday!
A Mahinda Rajapaksa by deed and word,
Strode forth boldly to eternal fame!
To lead his people to a safer world,
When all others retreated in shame!
August 14th, 2015 at 3:12 pm
Rohana Wasala has given an accurate account of Lanka’s political past since the British colonised the island. His advice to the JVP is sound – we hope they listen to seasoned writers like Rohana who are sincere.
The JVP idealism has been spoilt because of their violence – it is high time they learnt that violence and idealism do not mix well. It is the same with the LTTE. The mix of idealism with violence gives a poisonous brew, bitter to the tongue of the entire society. Best thing they can do is to now join the man who spoke for them long ago at an international forum, MR, who truly cared about them. This is Rohana’s advice to them, and we agree. Thank you, Rohana !
August 14th, 2015 at 3:50 pm
If the JVP wants REAL change, may be they ought to start with themselves first. The website may be of real help for self help for REAL CHANGE for the self. I am truly sad and sorry that so many young people from the villages died for nothing, twice. This includes the LTTE too.
JVP leader, Anura Kumara Dissanayake, was yelling at MR and this is a senseless exercise. AKD is probably being USED BY THE UNP/TNA group – he must have realised this by now ? AKD does not realise that he is damaging not only the Sinhala people but also the enitre country by his yelling at MR. He will not be respected by society for doing that. Has the UNP/TNA group promised him rewards ??
August 14th, 2015 at 6:51 pm
ඉන්දියානු ජඩයින්ට සින්හල අපි සක්කිලි (Dalit)යන්ය . උන් එදාත් අදත් අපේ සතුරාය. එක්වන්න මහින්ද වටා රොක්වන්න ඉන්දියානු ජඩයන්ට හා ජඩවාදයට එරෙහිව නැගී සිටින්න
For Indian Imperialists we are Dalits. Indians are our enemies todaya and yesterday. Unite with Mahinda and stand up to Indian Empire and Indian imperialism.
August 15th, 2015 at 2:50 am
There is no point advicing the present day JVP leadership. They all have been paid for and bought.They will be exposed sooner or later but thn it may be too late for mother Lanka.
August 15th, 2015 at 8:43 am
JVP has now got the chance to bring about real change for Lanka, particularly in the EDUCATION sector. EDUCATION in Sri Lanka MUST be geared toward EMPLOYMENT.
JVP present day cadre must remember that their very first uprising in the early 1970s was due to Unemployment of Youth. Their second uprising was due to the Indo-Lanka Accord (1987) during the JRJ era. Let there be NO MORE uprisings by the JVP. They must mature into a pro-active group and sense disaster BEFORE IT HAPPENS in Lanka. They have to act in a sane, mature and Democratic manner, not through senseless Violence as earlier. If they use Violence, it will only divide the Sinhale, and Separatists and vested interests will get what they want. We hold the JVP responsible to act in a sane and mature way to get Lanka village youth out of the mess they have got into.
The JVP present day cadre must realise that they can damage Lanka beyond repair if they continue with ignorant and immature action. They must now act like a mature political party and not get caught to the wily ways of the present day UNP leader, Ranil Wickremasinghe & Co. They have to recognise the REAL problem for the village Youth, and work with the GoSL (now and fututre) to bring about a world class Education system geared toward gainful Employment, locally and worldwide. For this purpose, they must be open to learning the English language as a second language in the villages. This will reduce the class structure of Lanka – a pet longing for the JVP. This is a massive challenge. Are they up to it ?
Then and only then will they gain respect, votes and trust from the Public of Lanka.
We wish them good luck.
August 15th, 2015 at 9:11 am
August 15th, 2015 at 9:53 am
I too am horrified by the hatred, violence and crimes of the JVP and equallly horrified by the horrible torture and murder and killing off of the JVP cadre by the Mrs B govt and in particularly the UNP during the late 1970 & early 80s, and later into the Premadasa era (late 1980s).
MR has put up with a lot of pent up wrath from the JVP. MR, fortunately, is a mature politician and their wrath is trerated like that in a child denied throwing a tantrum. That is why I am saying that the JVP people HAVE to grow up or disband or else they will be ill used for the division of Lanka (the very thing they want to avoid!) by the UNP/TNA group. The UNP/TNA group are using it to there advantage, at the moment.
Recently, Anura K. Dissanayake said re the Federal state for Tamils issue that MR is better than Ranil, on this aspect. So we must have some hope that AKD has some awareness here.
JVP must realise that Idealism can ONLY be mixed with NON-VIOLENCE, as M.K. Ghandi Ji did, to rid India of British colonisers.
We must have hope that the JVP gets better in their thinking and move forward in a law abiding and peaceful manner.
They have been maligned horribly too and we have to give them a chance to prove that they are worthy to survive as a political party, or peacefully disband if they cannot.
August 15th, 2015 at 11:53 am
FRAN !! I read all the news papers, and watch what is on the screen Daily. I have plenty of time as Iam a Retiree. JVP has assured that they will get together with the UNP to strip Mahinda of Civil Rights. DO YO KNOW WHY PEOPLE HATE MAHINDA ??? BECAUSE HE IS THE ONLY LEADER OF SRI LANKA WHO HAS SHOWN EVERYBODY THAT HE HAS A GOOD BACK BONE, A STRAIGHT ONE AT THAT, AND THAT HE WILL NOT BEND HIS VERTIBRAE TO ANY ASS HOLE. IT IS THIS JEALOUSY THAT IS MAKING HATRED TOWARDS MAHINDA.
Just one more thing, can you remember the Kataragama Police Station incident ? It may be old hat to you, but I wish to revive that incident. A young JVP girl was brought to the Police Station amongst others. After some time the OIC asked the Girl to go away. While she was half way out, the OIC shot her in the back. The OIC asked some body to put her into a pit and bury her. A man was tasked with the job. While in the pit, the girl sighed and asked for some water. The OIC insisted that she be buried. THE MAN REFUSED. This is the story laconically. How many young girls and boys died like this ? This was JVP outlook, planning their way to run the country.
JVP has never ever got any senior position in the Government. They are starving for positions now, and will deploy any dirty trick to achieve that. SO IS TNA.
August 15th, 2015 at 12:19 pm
Dear Susantha,
Thank you for responses.
I also remember the young woman, P. Manamperi, who was a beauty queen, rape case which was also at K’gama.
Why the drop in ethics among the village people ? Such cases are not in our history books. It was said that even a woman could walk safely in the dark in ancient Lanka. So, I am compelled to put the blame on Colonisation of some 500 yrs which demonised and beastialised our People. Mass loss of self esteem and self respect came with Colonisation.
We must give our village folk, sectors that are yet to recover, some chance to turn toward self respect and self esteem.
That is what I feel in my Heart. Most of the villages have recovered after MR became President, haven’t they ? MR gave them a feeling of SECURITY WITH PROGRESS after some 30 yrs of LTTE terrorism.
In our young years, though from the city, we were friends with the village folk and I know their worth, their decency and kindness. I have witnessed high morality and ethics from most of them, though most were poor, and I do believe that capacity is there in them all, given time and opportunity to prove it. When genuine kindness is shown to the least of them, they generally return it ten fold. They do recognise what is genuine and what is not.
I think we have proof of MR’s genuineness of intent, toward both the erring JVP & LTTE people of today. That he puts his Country and People first, is undoubted. Therefore, the JVP ought to join MR, with equal genuiness of intent to succeed, for happiness and prosperity for all.
August 15th, 2015 at 12:26 pm
Another incident how SIRIMAAVO ordered the killing of JVP Youth on siege, on the Alawwa Bridge. She ordered the Air Force to shoot all those on the Bridge. The Air Force Machine Gunned the whole bridge, and it was Sinhalese Youth falling into the water below like ants. Now her daughter is Braying on TV News about Mahinda. All those complicit in the killing of SINHALA YOUTH will be cursed, atleast upto another five generations.
August 15th, 2015 at 12:49 pm
During the last thirty years during the reign of UNP and then CBK very little was achieved. What was mostly done was to kill the innocent Sinhala youth who arose against the Government. The reason they rose against the Government was because they were wanting jobs. The education system produced Arts Graduates who were not employable. It was the JVP youth who were killed. As shown by the eye witness account of the Batalanda policeman who still cannot sleep due to what he saw being done to suspected and innocent people at the Batalanda torture chamber. Ranil was the main organizer of these killings. The man says around 15,000 were tortured and killed. See link :යළි-කරළියට-එන-බටලන්දේ-පොළ/
There is also an article by Dharman Wickramaratna in Lankaweb on the subject. See link: . It was well known that Ranil W got Gonawala Sunil released by JR after the raping of the doctors daughter. He was going all over with Gonawala Sunil as body guard. After Sunil died Ranil W turned to Prabahakaran. It is strange that all the key UNP people were killed while Ranil W was untouched. Also in 2002 when the army was ready to take out Prabhakaran. See link:
Even though there is no proof of wrong doing, JVP Anura was quite happy to criticise President Mahinda Rajapakse verbally. After the war in 2009 President Mahinda Rajapakse achieved more in 5 years than Ranil W and CBK did in 30 years which was pretty much nothing other than killing Sinhalese and attempting to placate the LTTE ! Ranil and CBK first killed JVP youth and then due to their incompetence thousands of Sinhala soldiers got killed. CBK even today calls President Mahinda Rajapaksa “Hora” though there is no proof at all against him yet she will call the murderer Prabahakaran, MISTER Prabahakaran.
In spite of all this, I will not be surprised if our ignorant and confused people vote for Ranil W !!
August 15th, 2015 at 1:51 pm
That Political Education ends after 5 lessons which dictate THEIR answers to THEIR OWN 5 questions … RIGHT or WRONG … NO DISCUSSIONS ALLOWED! That is the END ALL and BE ALL of their understanding of EDUCATION! Who NEEDS this type of EDUCATION? Please tell me WHO??
August 15th, 2015 at 2:19 pm
FRAN !! Thanks for refreshing my memory. Yes, it was Miss Manamperi. It is a sad story. Why I remember it well, is, that my Uncle then Lt. Col, in the army had just driven in there after about 20 minutes of the incident. When he heard the story, he had left there in disgust, and came and narrated the incident to us.
JVP leaders are all mentally retarded people. Just take one instance:- AKD announced that if Mahinda does not leave Temple Trees after his downfall, HE, AKD, will be personally there to drag Mahinda onto the road with his gang. So you see their mentality Fran ? Always They revel in VIOLENCE. That is their mindset, NO education will change that. They spew so much hatred towards Mahinda, do you think they can join hands and work with him ? THE ANSWER IS A BIG **NO**. THEY ARE THE SCUM BAGS OF THE POLITICAL ARENA. Have you any better words to describe them ?
August 15th, 2015 at 3:13 pm
Dear Ananda & Susantha,
There are plenty of articles in the web re the JVP and their aspirations. In the Niyamuwa Press article, it is revealed that the JVP of 1970s fought ‘Imperial Forces’ and other reports say “Unemployment”. What do they mean by Imperial Forces ? I think they meant Colonists, in this case the British. The British colonial influences were governing the thinking of the Colombo leaders. In fact, according to the JVP, the Marxist Leaders of Colombo were thought to be no better than other leaders of that time in Colombo, as far as workers were concerned. I am merely trying to understand their mindset, even at this belated stage, no more than that. I find it tragic that the Leaders of any country kill their own folk. That is tragic enough but it is even more tragic that Lanka has created conditions for Tamil folk to think that they can form their own state in Lanka by allowing illegal migration of Tamils into Lanka as well as giving full Tamil Language rights with free education and health care. We Lankans must blame ourselves that we allow these things to happen and try and rectify matters without bloodshed. Colonial rule is mostly to be blamed for gross neglect of village areas, North & South.
It is very revealing that in the Court sessions on the 1971 insurrection of the JVP, the Courts record runs as “JVP acts of aggression against Her Majesty’s Imperial government of Ceylon (Sri Lanka)”. These Court sessions were done 23 yrs AFTER Independence from Britain and yet refers to Her Majesties Imperial Govt. !! I am thinking that is the main item that the JVP fought then – the IMPERIAL stuff. They seem to have changed their goals to achieve later to running against the Indo-Lanka Pact of 1987.
THE VIOLENT METHODS THEY TEND TO LEAN TOWARD AND VIOLENT WORDS THEY USE, MUST CHANGE, OR THEY MUST DISBAND THE PARTY. THEY HAVE TO FIRST PROVE THEIR WORTH – or else they will NOT earn the votes or respect of Lankans. Susantha, yes, I remember that Anura K. D. said that of MR – shame on Anura.
By the way, why is the JVP yet a registered political party if the other Leaders of Lanka have no hopes of them morphing into something better ?
August 15th, 2015 at 3:16 pm
My friend, Cerberus has written on my behalf and I do totally agree with him. Thanks Cerberus !
August 15th, 2015 at 3:48 pm
The path to hell is paved with good intentions, they say. If the JVP had a point to make, they should have deployed their considerable oratorical skills to PERSUADE & CONVINCE the public to vote for them at the hustings.
Instead, they resorted to VIOLENT methods, because they were UNABLE to CONVINCE a sufficient segment of the people of their proposals. I remember not only the tens of thousands of our impressionable youth they led astray and sacrificed on the altar of their “5 lessons” but also the thousands of ordinary Sri Lankans who were killed, threatened and intimidated to accept them as leaders of the country.
As in Argentina, Chile, Columbia, Venezuela and many other countries afflicted by such self-appointed “saviours of the people” whose proposals no one really understood, or wanted in their lives, the “Sinhala Saviours” of the JVP in Sri Lanka were annihilated by extra judicial means by people who were forced to protect themselves in the only way that WORKS: fight FIRE with FIRE! The “Tamil Saviours” of the LTTE learned that same lesson in Sri Lanka a decade later.
Let this be a lesson to ALL enemies of Sri Lanka, both domestic and foreign, who try to intimidate, subjugate and deny the WILL of the majority of the people of Sri Lanka for their gain …. we the people of Sri Lankaa WILL NOT TOLERATE IT for long! We are PATIENT and SLOW to REACT … but WE WILL ACT, and when WE DO … the SOLUTION will be TOTAL!
August 15th, 2015 at 4:20 pm
Yes, all violence is quite senseless, whether from the JVP or from the govt.
August 15th, 2015 at 4:40 pm
Where is that traitor/back stabber Lorzenso? Not to long ago he was once again praising his donkey Gobasena.
Every opportunity he gets he tries to put this puppet dictator on a pedestal.
Despite Lorzenso trying to varnish the Puppets third rate vile hate filled “Letter” of August 13th as something “for the benefit of the UPFA” (including the comical idea of making a tribal minded closet extremist like Fowzie PM) it is obvious the Puppet is working hard to undermine the UPFA and drive voters away from it.
A friend of mine who wants MR and is a ardent UPFA/SLFP person including his family, was saying if such a traitor is in charge of the UPFA he’ll vote for the JVP so as not to “empower” the traitor puppet dictator. Which is exactly what the traitor puppet dictator and his online twitter army (operating from temple trees) also want.
Puppet dictator sacked from the party two people he named as potential PMs within 24 hours. WHERE IS Lorzenso? Who was not just praising this move on August 13th but also said here on Lankaweb that the Puppet was “getting strong advice” from some place. Pretty obvious the Puppet dictator (who is lacking intelligence) is being guided by his handlers in the UNP and Western Embassies.
Is actions in removing Yapa and Susil are illegal as such cannot be done without a Central Committee meeting. The very same Central Commitee meetings the Puppet refuses to hold (taking court action to stop such meetings happening) knowing very well that through such a meeting he is going to be kicked out of the SLFP Chairmanship. So the SCUM’s handlers are telling him not to hold such meetings and abuse his powers to benefit himself not giving a damn for the will of the party (who puppet himself in his 3rd rate hate filled speech of July14th admitted was 99% with MR) or the will of the people.
This Puppet dictator needs Gadaffi treatment.
August 15th, 2015 at 5:58 pm
FRAN !! You appear to have a feeling that you are paralysed, and expects somebody to stilt you up. Cerberus has been straight forward in emphatically saying what Ananda and I are expressing here. Violence by the JVP and UNP Govt etc. Nevertheless, feel happy that you feel that you are been propped up. No offence.
Ananda in his last paragraph spells out precisely how the Sri Lankans will formidably react to threats and intimidation by any local or foreign ‘ our soul ‘.
Techno !! Yes, the puppet needs Gaddafi treatment, but truthfully, Gadaffi gave everything to his people, EVERYTHING, and certainly did not deserve and should not have been subject to that kind of treatment. That was what the foreign Interlopers decided for him, period.
August 15th, 2015 at 6:30 pm
The UNPatriotic Party says there is NO SECURITY THREAT by the LTTE against Sri Lanka!
YET, the following Indian Newspaper Report says that the LTTE is STILL supplying arms to Maoist REBELS in India!
If the LTTE does not plan MILITARY OPERATIONS in Sri Lanka, why are LTTE cadre STILL engaging in LUCRATIVE GUN-RUNNING capabilities, STOCKPILING money from gun-running, and establishing connections with the LARGEST MOST-WIDESPREAD terrorist group …. the Naxalites … in India? Why???
The UNPatriotic Party CARES NOT for OUR Motherland, or the lives of OUR People, but only for the POWER to LOOT our country for the benefit of their racist and evangelist ANTI-NATIONAL collaborators!
The STORM CLOUDS for RENEWED WAR in Sri Lanka are GATHERING AGAIN; only a LANDSLIDE VICTORY for the Patriotic Forces of the UPFA/SLFP led by President Mahinda Rajapaksa can STOP IT IN ITS TRACKS!
EMBA SINHALAYENI ….. the security and prosperity of our Motherland now lies in your hands! Vote Wisely with your HEAD, not only your WALLET! Shedding TEARS of REMORSE later WILL BE OF NO USE WHATEVER!
Six Sri Lankans Tamils suspected to be LTTE men arrested in Kolkata
Aug 15, Kolkata: Kolkata special task force on Friday had arrested six Sri Lankan men suspected to be members of the banned terrorist outfit LTTE.
All the six LTTE men arrested from Chadni Chowk in Kolkata are Sri Lankan Tamils and they have come to Kolkata four days before from Chennai, Times of India reported.
The police are probing why the six came to Kolkata before the Independent Day celebrations.
According to the police, two of them – GunaSekharan and BalaSingham are senior leaders of the banned outfit. Police are checking if they came for any operations or for any reconnaissance.
The police are interrogating them to find if they had links with Maoists, as there are reports that the Maoists are gradually regrouping in Bengal and have plans to start guerilla warfare in Jungalmahal area of Bengal.
Moreover, the police are also probing if LTTE was supplying arms to the Maoists.
August 16th, 2015 at 4:37 am
Hi NAK: JVP was mainly financed by the Indian Empire. Where did Comrade Wijeweera get his finances from. It is whre he was caught hiding. The Comrade got money from his fellow Indian colonial parasite Comrades when he was in Russia. Then he went to hiding among Indian colonial parasites in fear of his life. He did not trust his fellow Sinhala comrades.
August 16th, 2015 at 5:56 am
Hi Susantha,
Not propped up ! Cerberus and my thinking are COMPLETELY in sync !!!
ALL Colonised countries suffered. It is because of Colonisation that Communism came into sections of colonised countries later, after independence from the colonised countries. Colonists looked after their interests ONLY. Generally roads, transport, some western education facilities were introduced ONLY to suit the Empires, and the local masses were completely neglected. Hence outfits such as the JVP.
Rohana Wijeweera was orphaned at an early age. Their family (at Matara area) was left destitute and young Rohana turned to Communism, looking for a support system. Dr S.A. Wickremasinghe took Rohana under his wing when the youth showed interest in Communism. That is how the sage started.
Communism removes religion. That is why the JVP had no compunction toward violence in the 1970s & 80s – there was no religion (Buddhism) to guide them.
Right now, I would treat the JVP as a political party in transition for the better perhaps. Their old image ought to be removed
completely. But Ranil W. type of UNP only encourages the JVP of old thinking ?
I am for focus on PEOPLES PROBLEMS, not on crackpot politicos like Ranil & CBK.
What do you think on this ?
I certainly hope that the new JVP does not have those 5 classes any more. Their Manifesto does not reflect that old thinking now, does it ?
Do you think the new JVP has some hope to lead their section in the right direction ?
August 16th, 2015 at 6:15 am
A VERY BIG DAY tomorrow. UNP is already gearing up with vehicles, money, lunch packets and bottles. We will be concentrating on Hampantota and Gampaha districts – the 2 key battles this time. SAJITH is very strong in Hampantota. That loser cannot be allowed to win with his usual thugs. John Maratunga and thugs are going to create havoc in Gampaha but we will see to that.
IF UNP can be defeated in these 2 districts, GAME OVER for the dead elephant!!
BTW Modananda should not get too excited about My3-MR buddying up. They were best buddies for 40 years and they will be after tomorrow – president and PM.
August 16th, 2015 at 6:28 am
August 16th, 2015 at 6:52 am
We can breath fresh air again on Aug 18th when they declare Mahinda as the winner in 2015 General elections. Ranil the pimp has to wear a cyanide capsule or a bullet proof vest to escape the people’s power. He can hide the same way he hide behind a glass on his last meeting in Colombo. This treacherous traitor must be brought to justice for his unconstitutional acts during his tenure in office. Mahinda and his Govt should not allow any of the traitors in the UNP and other parties who broke the law to go free and enjoy again without any punishment for their crimes like bank robbery,Highway robbery and other high handed acts using their authority and power.
As soon as Mahinda becomes the Prime Minister he should take action to secure the borders of the island as well as North and East. Must bring strict laws to punish those who talks about separatism,Division or self rule etc. Foreign NGO’s must be restricted and monitored whether genuine or not. Underworld,Drugs,Corruption,Money laundering and illegal aliens coming in to the country must be stopped immediately. We need a clean environment to live in peace and harmony with all races and religions. There is no other leader in this country than Mahinda to give us a better future. He has proved not only once but twice and this will be his third to give our people new life starting from Aug 18th. May the Triple Gem be upon him and the whole country. VOTE FOR BETEL,VOTE FOR MAHINDA.
August 16th, 2015 at 8:12 am
Susantha !
I am very transparent in my wishes for Nation of Lanka ! Here it is, again :
I wish to see a UNIFIED Nation of Lanka. I wish to see Lankans shining in UNITY in every way possible. I wish to see the People trusting each other again, enjoying life, free and happy. I wish to see a permanently UNDIVIDED Nation. It is imperative that PEOPLES PROBLEMS RECEIVE FOCUS AND NOT NUTTY POLITICOS AND THEIR WHIMS AND FANCIES TO SUIT THEIR POCKETS & VESTED INTERESTS.
Ranil is erring in following Cold War politics of ‘divide & rule’ by keeping village thugs in his control to do his will to do away with political opposition. This is why Anura Kumara D. who is in Ranil’s pocket, threw threats at MR ! I hope you saw Dharman’s articles proving the point that it was the UNP that started the employment of thugs in party politics.
This has to STOP if any social progress is to be made at all in Lanka and the JVP starts anew. The beastilisation and demonisation of the village Sinhala/Buddhists has continued as per the Colonial times, due to these village thug elements in Colombo politics.
I am opposed to the Ranil/CBK style of politics. Susantha ! if you have not caught that point, then you haven’t read what I have been writing these many years !! I hope you will now understand my approach here.
I have every hope that the JVP can be resurrected to serve the Nation. If they turn to Buddhism again, then their LIFE VALUES SYSTEM WILL BE INTACT. That was the Sinhala/BUDDIST villager that I knew when I was young. I trusted and liked them. After some 500 yrs of Colonisation, the JVP’s Communist approach without the Buddhist values brought down the image of the Sinhala/Buddhist villager. I am truly sorry for these events as the ordinary villager was/is a good person.
* Participate in Other Social Needs.
* JVP can obtain further help about inner healing from websites such as, The website shows how hardcore prisoners in foreign countries benefitted from these programs. These programs are about Self Knowledge and Inner Peace.
A couple of corrections to my earlier entry :
– Rohana Wijeweera was ‘orphaned’ at an early age in that he lost his father when he was young and the family left destitute.
– Read ‘sage’ as saga.
August 16th, 2015 at 12:34 pm
Yamapalana Sudiya!
Lankawata Harima Deyak Siduwuna,
Seemawak Nathuwa Pathuruna.
Raja Wennata Sithapu Landa,
Sudiya Nisa Moda Wuna,
Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya?
Biwwa Neda Yahapalanaya?
Gilla Neda Yahapalanaya?
Aney Magey Sirisena Paney,
Kiyannako Attha Aney,
Apita Pewwa Neda Yamapalanaya?
Apita Pewwa Neda Yamapalanayaaa ….?
August 17th, 2015 at 4:07 pm
Message to the Sinhale :
August 17th, 2015 at 7:23 pm
Yes, MR has conceded DEFEAT … See below.
The STUPID Sinhala People who voted for MORE YAMAPALANAYA will SHED RIVERS of TEARS inn the next 5 years, as Sri Lanka is DIVIDED into 3 separate countries.
You have SOWED the seeds of your OWN DESTRUCTION … do not blame ANYONE ELSE for what HAPPENS!
Sri Lanka’s former president concedes defeat in parliamentary elections
Aug 18, Colombo: Sri Lanka’s former president Mahinda Rajapakse has accepted that his party has lost in the parliamentary elections held Monday but has said that he would work as an opposition member of parliament, AFP reported today.
“My dream of becoming prime minister has faded away,” Mr Rajapaksa has told AFP. “I am conceding. We have lost a good fight.”
The former president has reportedly accepted that United People’s Freedom Alliance had lost the election even before Elections Commissioner Mahinda Deshapriya could announce the final results.
He has pointed out that the UPFA has won eight districts out of the 22 and the government party United national Party (UNP) has gained 11 districts. The remaining three districts have been secured by the Tamil national Alliance (TNA).
“We have won eight districts and the UNP (ruling United National Party) has 11 (out of a total of 22),” Rajapakse said. “This means we have lost. It was a difficult fight.”
AFP reported that the official figures showed the same breakdown of results.
According to results released so far the UNP has significantly increased its voter base at this election. However, no party has received enough seats to secure the majority of 113 seats in the 225- member parliament.
It has been speculated that some SLFP MPs loyal to the President Maithripala Sirisena would join with the UNP to form a national government.
The Elections Commissioner is expected to release the final party positions by midday Tuesday, according to the AFP report. Preference votes secured by individual candidates would be announced later.
According to the election monitoring groups and election officials Monday’s parliamentary election was the most peaceful in the recent history.
August 17th, 2015 at 7:28 pm
Sri Lanka’s BACKSTABBING President, Somarama Sirisena has MUCH TO ANSWER for to the Supporters of the SLFP/UPFA and the PATRIOTIC citizens and the Armed Forces who SHED their BOLD to Defend and Protect Sri Lanka!
There has NEVER BEEN a TRAITOR BIGGER than him in the ENTIRE HISTORY of Sri Lanka!