බොහෝ සිංහල බෞද්ධයෝ පඩි ක්කම තරම්වත් කෙලෙහිගුණ නොදන්නාහුය
Posted on August 18th, 2015
ධර්මසිරි සෙනෙවිරත්න
බොහෝ බෞද්ධයන් හිතන විදිහට කෙලෙහිගුණ සැලකීම නම් ගුණ ධර්මය බුදුන් වහන්සේ විසින් අපට ඉගැන්වූ පළමුවන පාඩ මය් එහෙත් බොහෝදෙනෙක් නොකරන්නේත් කෙලෙහිගුණ සලකීමය් . පිහිට පතා බෝධියට කිරිකල වක්කිරීමත් කොඩි එල්ලීමත් මිස බෝධිය අභියස බුදුගුණ මෙනෙහිකර ධර්මය අවබෝධ කරගෙන එමග යමින් බුදුන් දැක කෙලෙ හි ගුන සැලකීමක් ගැන උහු නොදනිති . කරන්නේ ලේසියෙන් කල හැකි අමන වැඩය . සියල්ල වාසියට පෙරලා ගෙන ඇති මොවුහු ගැමුණු ර ජු විසින් තැනවූ රුවන් වැලි සෑය මළුවේ බිමපෙරලි පෙරලී වඳිති බාර හාර වෙති එහෙත් ගැමුණු මග නොයති පර දෙමළුන්ගෙන් රට නිදහස් කර්රගත් ගැමුණු රජු විසින් අපට දුන් සියල්ලෙන් ප්රයෝජන ගනි මීන් එතුමන්ට පරිභව කරන රට බෙදන දෙමළුන් හා එක්වූ රනිල් මයිත්ත්රී හවුලට චන්දය දෙති ගැමුණු රජු නොවන්නට අද සිංහල ජාතියක් හෝ බුදුදහමක් සාශනයක් අපරටේ නැතිබව දැනදැනත් පිටරට කහවනු වලට උහු වහ වැටී පරයන් සමගම හාවෙති යාවෙති ගැමුණු රජුට කෙලෙහිගුණ නොසලකන එමග නොයන කෙස්නම් මහින්දට කල ගුණ සලකය් ද.
වසර 30 ක් තිස්සේ බියෙන් ගැහෙමින් දවසට හත් අට වාතාවක් සුළුදිය බඩදිය පහ කරමින් ප්රභාකරන්ට බියෙන් කොළඹදීත් හැඟී හැංගී සිටි මොවුහු මහින්ද විසින් ප්රභාකරන් මරාදමා බෝම්බබිය දුරුකළ පසු ඉද්ද ගසුවාසේ නැගේ සිටිමින් අරක්කු බෝතල් හා කටගැස්ම සරි කරගෙන උතුරේ සංචාරයකරමින් සිත්සේ සනකෙලිකෙලියහ යමු යංඌ කොටි ජීවත්වූ හැටි උන් කල කීදේ බලන්න යමු කියමින් උතුරු දකුණු ප්රදේශවල සැරිසරමින් වසර තිහකට පසුව ලද විනෝදයට අගෝස්තු 17 වෙනිදා මහින්දට කෙලෙහිගුණ සලකු හැටි නින්දිතය උන් සංචාරය කරමින් බනින්නට ඇත්තේ උතුර විනාශ කල කොටින්ට නොව මානුෂික මෙහ්යුමෙන් ඒ ප්රදේශ විනාශ වෙන්නට අතය් කියමින් මහින්දට ශාප කරමින් වියහැක . එජාපයෝ මහින්දට උසුළු විසුළු කලේ මානුෂික මෙහෙයුමට විරුධ්ධාවය එහෙත් ප්රභා මලපසු වැඩියෙන්ම නාගදීපය වඳින්නට නොව බලන්නට යන්නට ඇත්තේ ඔවුන්විය හැක . නියම බෞධයන් ට දඹදිව යන්නවත් උවමනාවක් නැත. ”’ යමෙක් ධර්මය දකීද හේ මා දකී ”’ යන වචනා දන්නා නියම බෞද්ධයෝ ”නරබන්නෝ ”’ නොවෙති බොදුමග යන්නෝ වෙති .
මහින්දට හොරා හොරා කියූ උන් රනිල්ගේ බැංකු හොරකම නොදන්නාසේ කටයුතු කළහ මිනීමැරුම් නොදන්නාසේ සිටියහ . කදිමය් එජාප සිංහල බෞධ්ධයිනි තොපි එකතුවී ඇත්තේ දෙමල හා මුස්ලිම් ත්රස්තයන් සමගත් මිනී මරු ජවිපෙ ස හා ප්රා රාජිට මිනීමරුවා මෙන්ම රනිල් රෝසි හා රවී කරු වැනි අබෞද්ධ ද්රෝහීන් සමගය හෙලුරුමයෙන් ඇවිත් ගරු සෝමහිමි විකුනා කා හෙළ නමත් ආහොසිකර හෙළයන්ගේ හිසේ පැහැරු චම්පක රතන මෙන්ම ජාතිය විකුණා කන අබෞධ්ධරවී ප්රධාන දාය්යකයා කරගත් සොභිත් සමගය . තොප එක්වී ඇත්තේ බටහිරාධිරාජ්යවාදීන් හා ඉන්දියානු අධිරාජ්ය වාදීන් සමගය තොපට අවශ්ය සාශනයක් නැත . 13 යනු කුමක්දය් තොපි දන්නාහුද අඩුගනනේ තොපේ 3 වත් ඉතුරු කර දුන්නේ ක්වුදය් දන්නාහුද . ජේ ආර්ට අ වශ්ෂ්ය වූ පරිදි (1942 ) ලංකාව ඉන්දියාවේ ප්රාන්තයක් කිරීමේ සිහිනය සැ බාකිරීමට තොපි දැන් චන්දය දී ඇත්තේ ජේ ආර්ගේ බෑ නාටය . රනිල් හනුමා ඉන්දියාවත් ලංකාවත් හාකරන පාලම්ම ළඟදීම ඉදිකළ පසු උදෙට උදේට කක්ක දාන්නත් දෙමලු ලංකාවට දුවගෙන එනු ඇත උන්ට එහෙ කක්කුස්සි නැත උන් ඇවිත් තොපේ ඔලුවේ ම පහරා යනවිට හිස සොදා පිරිසුදුවී පලයව් තොපිත් දඹදිව වන්දනාවේ ඉන්පසු පලයව් කෝවිල් ගානේ තොපේ බදු දහම එයනේ .
මෙය ලියන විට ලංකාවේ වෙලාව රාත්රී 9. 30 පමණය මේවන විට මහින්ද හැම පිරිස සමග සාකච්චාවකට සුදානම්වී ඇත . සියල් දෙමා මුස්ලිම් චන්ද මහින්දට විරුධවදී ඇතිබව දැන් මහින්ද අවාබෝධ කරගෙන ඇත . එමීන්ම සියලූ සිංහලයින් දැන් වත් අවබෝධකරගත යුත්තේ මින් ඉදිරියට කිසිදිනක දෙමලු හා මුස්ලිම්වරු එජා පය අත්නොහරීමට තී රණය කර ඇතිබවය මුන් ඉගෙන ගත පාඩම නම් එජාපය සමග සිටියොත් සිංහල බෞද්ධ පදනම රටෙන් ඉවත් කල හැකි බවය
. උන් ඉගෙන ගත පාඩමේ අනෙක් පැත්ත අපේ උන් ඉගෙන නොගන්නාඑක ජාතියේම කරුමයකි දෙමලුන්ටත් මුස්ලිම් වරුන්ටත් උන්ගේ ජාතිය ආගම අගනාම දෙය .ය් එහෙත් සිංහලයනගෙන් අඩකට ජාතිය හෝ ආගමට වඩා ඩො ලර් අගේය . ඉන්දියාවේ හින්දුන් මුස්ලිම් වරු සමගත් මුස්ලිම්වරු හින්දුන් සමග කොටාගන්නේ ජාතිය රක ගැනීමටය . අපේ සමහරුන්ට බේරාදුන් ජාතිය වත් රටවත් අවශ්ෂ්ය නැත .
2009 ප්රභාමරාදම 13අ අහෝසිකර මුළු ලංකාව පුරාම සිංහලයන් ජන අනුපාතයට අනුව පදිංචි නොකර මහින්ද කර අරී ම හෝ හෝඒ දවල් පසුවට තැබීම නිසා උතුරම දෙමල මන්ත්රීන්ගෙන් පිරී ඇත . . මහින්ද ඔබට කුරුනාගලින් මනාප ලක්ෂ 4 කට ආසන්න ප්රමාණයක් දී ඇත්තේ එදාත් සිංහලයන් ඔබෙන් තමා ආර්රක්ශාව පතු නිසය් එහෙත් ඔබ ප්රමාදවිය කමක් නැහැ තවමත් අපි ඔබසමගය බලවු සින්හලා බෞධ්ධයිනි දිගාමඩුල්ල දිස්ත්රික්කයැහැ අබෞද්ධ යන්ට ගොස් ඇත . සරත් වීරසේකර නම් දේශප්රේමියා දිගාමඩුල්ලේ දෙමළුන්ගෙන් රැකගන්න මොනතරම් දේ කලාද එහි මුස්ලිම් වරු දෙමළුන්ගෙන් බෙරාගත්තේ කවුද එජාපයට චන්දය දුන් උන් චන්දය දුන්නේ කොටි සමග හොර ගිවිසුම් ගැසූ රනිල්ටය මේවා තොපට පලදෙන දිනය වැඩි ඈතක නොවේ
පොළොන්නරුවේ එජාපයිනි මුස්ලිම්වරු සමග එක්වී දෙමලු සතපාවන්නට රනිල්ට චන්දයදෙන විට මහා පරාක්රමබාහු පිලිරුවෙන් කඳුළු කඩා වැටුන බව තොපි දන්නෙහිද . අනුරාධපුරේ එජාපයිනි ශ්රීමහා බෝධිය සුනු විසුනු කල පාපතරයින්ට කත අදින දේශද්රෝහී ර්රනිල්ට තපි චන්දය දෙනවිට ශ්රීමහා බෝධිය හඬා වටුනේ ”’අනේ මුන් මේ මට කෙලෙහි ගුණ සලකන හැටිදය් ”” ශෝකයෙනි . අරන්තලා භික්ෂුන් මිනීවළවල් වලින් නැගිට තොප දෙස් ශෝකයෙන් බලා සිටිය .හ
මම මහින්ද වාදියෙක් නොවෙමි එහෙත් ජාතික වාදියෙක් වෙමි ජාතිවාදීන් ඇත්තේ දෙමල හා මුඋස්ලිම් වරු අතරය මේ දෙ ක වෙනස් බව අමනයෝ තේරුම් ගත යුතුය .මම මහන්සියෙන් ධනය උපයා ගෙන අනුන්ගේ දේ කොල්ල නොකා දහමෙන් හරි හම්බකරගත් දේපල කොල්ල කන්න මම උන්ට ඉඩ නොතබමි . බටහිරයන් හෝ ඉන්දියානුන් මෙන් අනුන්ගේ දේපල මම සොරකම් නොකරමි . එහෙත් සොරුන් ප ලවා හරිමි එය ජාතික වාදයය්. දෙමලු හා මුස්ලිම්වරු මෙන් සිංහලයන්ගේ දේපල රට කොල්ල කාම හිමිකම් පෑ ම ජාතිවාදයය් . එජාපයට චන්දය දුන් සිංහල බෞද්ධයෝ ජාති ජාතිත් වින්දාවනු ඇත මුන්ගෙන් සමහර දෙ නේ කුට මෙලෝ තේරුමක් නැති බව සැබෑ ය… බොහෝ එජාපයන්ට අවශ්ශ්ය් මහන්ත ත්ත කමත් කහවනුත් පමණය මේ නිසා මය එදා ඩී එස් නිදහස් අද්යාපනයට විරුද්ධ වුයේ ‘ ”’ගහක ගෙඩියක් වත් කඩා ගන්න එකෙක් ඉතිරි නොවෙයය් ඔහු එදා පිපිරුවේ මේ නිසාය
දෙමලු සමග රනිල් සන්ධාන ගතවී රජයක් පිහිටුවුවහොත් රනිල් ගෙන් ඉවත්වී යන්නට සමහර එජාප මන්ත්රීන් සිටීයය් රාවයක් ද ඇත . අපාගත නොවී එසේ කරන්න සොයුරනි..
මහින්ද රට බේරා දීමට දිගු කල් ජීවත් වේවා .
August 18th, 2015 at 12:46 pm
DHARMASIRI !! Yes most Sinhala Buddhists are ungrateful characters, as was clearly seen this week. SHAME.
I too fervently believe that if Ranil will bed down with the TNA Tamils, then, there will be a GREAT EXODUS of the UNP members from the party. Good for everybody.
August 18th, 2015 at 12:54 pm
The NEXT ISSUE is the ALLOCATION of the NATIONAL LIST seats, and HOW the two major parties could form a Parliamentary majority to govern, temporarily leaving aside Somarama Sirisena’s treacherous interventions!
The UNPatriotic Front can easily form a National Government usin … .
1. Its own UNF Elected Seats
2. Its UNF National List Seats
3. The SLMC Elected Seat
4. Some UPFA Ship-Jumper Elected Seats
5. Some UPFA Ship-Jumper National List Seats
and finally, if necessary, after agreeing to DIVIDE Sri Lanka into a Federal State
6. The TNA Elected Seats
7. The TNA National List Seats
On the opposing side, the UPFA-led Patriotic Forces are in a MUCH WORSE State ….
1. UPFA Elected Seats …. MINUS the loss of Somarama Sirisena;s Ship-Jumpers to the UNpatriotic Front
2. UPFA National LIst Seats …. MINUS the loss of Somarama Sirissena’s Ship-Jumpers to the UNpatriotic Front
3. JVP Elected Seats …….. UNCERTAIN
4. JVP National LIst Seats …. UNCERTAIN
5. EPDP Elected Seat …. UNCERTAIN
This CLEARLY SHOWS the TERRIBLE INJURY caused by Somarama Sirisena to the Patriotic Forces of the UPFA and the Sinhala Buddhist majority of Sri Lanka, who needed about 120 seats, at least, to offset DEFECTIONS by Ship-Jumpers and form a STABLE Government, because ALL Minority Communal Parties were OPPOSED to them.
Given the TERRIBLE DIVIDE & RULE BARRIERS erected by Somarama Sirisena, the performance of the UPFA, as a whole, is still CREDIT WORTHY.
However, GREED for PERSONAL GAIN, will now be ON HORRIFYING DISPLAY as UPFA Ship-Jumpers BEGIN TO SCRAMBLE for SCRAPS like HOGS at the SLOP TROUGH of UNpatriotic Front!The JOSTLING will be severe, not for faint-hearted or the high-minded! A piece of my country ON SALE for a few lakhs, or millions, of rupees and a political job! GOING CHEAP … I am DESPERATE, they scream!
PATRIOTS! You may now WEEP RIVERS OF TEARS for our Motherland, Once PROUD, Now FALLEN and DEFENCELESS!
So, I warn you to get out of the way of ……
The Stampede of the Ship-Jumpers!
Half-a-Jump, Half-a-Jump
Half-a-Jump, Onward!
Into the Valley of Treason
Into the Jaws of Dishonor
Jump the Ship-Jumpers!
Bribes to the Left of them
Jobs to the Right of Them
Power in Front of the Them
Cudgels to the Rear of Them
Jump the Ship-Jumpers!
Half-a-Jump, Half-a-Jump
Half-a-Jump, Onward!
Into the Valley of Tears
Driven by Nameless Fears
Jump the Ship-Jumpers!
Jostled from the Left of them
Jostled from the Right of them
Massed Asses to the Front of them
Hoots of Rage to the Rear of them
Jump the Ship-Jumpers!
Sri Lanka 2015 parliamentary elections: Final Results
Aug 18, Colombo: Sri Lanka Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe’s United National Party (UNP) emerged as the winner at the parliamentary elections held Monday to elect a new parliament.
The United National Party claimed victory receiving 5,098,927 votes, 45.66 percent of the votes and 93 seats in the 225- member parliament.
The main opposition United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) which backed the former president Mahinda Rajapaksa to regain power as the Prime Minister received 4,732,669 or 42.38 percent of votes and 83 seats.
Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi (ITAK), the major constituent in the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) claimed victory in the Tamil-dominated Northern Province receiving 515,963 or 4.62 percent of votes and 14 seats.
Sri Lanka’s Marxist party, Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna received 4.87 percent of the vote amounting to 543,944 and gained 4 seats.
Eelam People’s Democratic Party and Sri Lanka Muslim Congress each received one seat.
Party Number of Votes Percent Seats
United National Party 5,098,927 45.66% 93
United People’s Freedom Alliance 4,732,669 42.38% 83
Ilankai Tamil Arasu Kadchi 515,963 4.62% 14
Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna 543,944 4.87% 4
Sri Lanka Muslim Congress 44,193 0.40% 1
August 18th, 2015 at 1:30 pm
National List seats and the impending Stampede of the Ship-Jumpers!
Elected Seats…..National List Seats….Total
UNF …….. 93 …………………13………………..106
TNA……… 14…………………..2…………………..16
Sri Lanka ruling party gets majority in parliament with106 seats
Aug 18, Colombo: The ruling party of Sri Lanka’s minority government got the majority in the next parliament by winning 93 seats at the general elections held Monday and with the 13 bonus seats has secured 106 seats in the 225-member legislature.
Although falling short of the 113 seats expected, the UNP more than doubled its presence in the new parliament from the 40 seats it had before.
The UNP leader and incumbent Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe is expected to form his government once all the election results including preferential votes are released and confirmed by the Election Commissioner.
The Prime Minister has stated that he will form a national government with the members of other political parties.
However the Tamil party Tamil National Alliance (TNA), which has secured 16 seats inclusive of the 2 bonus seats, and the Marxist party, Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna with a total of six seats including the two bonus seats have indicated that they will not join a national government. They will sit in the opposition and support the government for key legislations on a case by case basis.
The opposition United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA), which staged the former president Mahinda Rajapaksa’s comeback bid as prime minister, has received a total of 95 seats with the 12 bonus seats. The former leader will sit in the new parliament as an opposition MP.
It is speculated that several UPFA members, who are loyal to President Maithripala Sirisena will join the government giving a clear majority to the Prime Minister Wickremasinghe’s government.
August 18th, 2015 at 2:13 pm
දිගාමඩූල්ල කෑවේ කවුද ? ඔබේ දෙවියායි.
August 18th, 2015 at 2:28 pm
You are wrong
Sri Lankans know it very well.
That is why they elected this long list of honourable people to the parliament
Premalal Jayasekera
Geeta Kumarasinghe
Johnston Fernando
Rohitha Abeygunawardna
Wasantha Lakshman Perera, Nishantha Muthuhettigama, Mahindananda Aluthgamage.
August 18th, 2015 at 3:07 pm
What are you talking about Digamadulla. In Digamadulla district only Ampara has considerable population of Sinhalese. All other areas like Samanthurai,Potuvil and Kalmunai are 100% Muslim areas. What ever the 10 extra seats UNP got from theses areas are from Muslim Congress party members contested under UNP ticket. There are more than 20 Muslim and Tamil MPs in the UNP and can cause considerable friction in the UNP government unless UPFA moved into rescue UNP.
August 18th, 2015 at 4:09 pm
Dear Patriots,
Sad to see what happened!! BUT DON’T BREAK YOUR HEART!!
We should not lower our guard.. This is only a temporary set back and happened for the good.
Now the new government has to deal with UNHCR in September and if they do anything to our war heroes, people will not tolerate and there will be a large uprising. So they have to get the pressure.
Bloody My3 and Run-nil will have to get the pressure. My3 will urinate in his Pijama. They have to solve this with their pay master and it will be easy than MR dealing with them.
Good for MR. After 5 years people will chase these Yahapalana Nadaya out of power and MR will have to start from ZERO. By that time UNHCR threat would have been diminished and he can do a good job. Clean start.
Only thing is.. we should have the whole country as one, to develop… Not 3 separate units..
August 18th, 2015 at 4:50 pm
SOMAPALA !!! Jhonston Fernando. This name is indelible in my hard drive. Yes He is an Honourable MAN. He threw 20,000 COCONUT into the SEA. So he told Parliament. I remember watching Parliament News on Video. Speaker Chamal Told him, **Why did you not give it to the Samurdhi recipients free** There were NO 20,000 Coconuts to throw into the SEA. He never did it. NOTHING WAS WASHED ASHORE EITHER. But it was invoiced as an import from INDIA, and as there were enough in Sri Lanka, he threw into the Sea. That was what he said. It was invoiced and he took the money. I wrote many articles? comments about it to Lanka Web to no avail. He was an Honourable LAP DOG of Mahinda. He did a lot of Honourable things, pillage the STATE.
August 18th, 2015 at 5:02 pm
Mr.Seneviratne, you have spoken the absolute truth. This is one of the darkest days of the history of Sri Lanka. Digamadulla will be gone forever. They go together and made sure that our patriot Admiral Sarath Weerasekra is defeated.
MR should take the blame. He had enough time to change the demographics of the country and also to totally annul 13A. Instead he was busy with all trivial acts. He should have known better about the responsibility that he carried on his shoulders. But he wasn’t bothered, and Singhalese Buddhists are paying the price.
Are we so unfortunate to not to have a real leader who can save us..??
August 18th, 2015 at 5:05 pm
We should have SCRAPPED 13 amendment when we could.
Who in SL proposed a genocide resolution and begged for an international investigation??? The northern PC and eastern PC.
For UNHRC and other meddlers, this is what they need – A FOOTHOLD on ground with POWER. 13 amendment PROVINCIAL LIST gives 30++++ powers to the council!!
Did you read about the USA’s DOD report on SL war crimes?? It cleared SL army personnel BUT NOT political and military leaders. You can guess what they are up to. Because army personnel are cleared there will NOT be an uprising. The army will COOPERATE with the govt.
TNA-SLMC 2 councils will disrupt functioning in the north and east causing UNREST in people demanding SL punish war heroes when UNHRC demands it. See the connection?? IF there was NO council, TNA and SLMC in parliament are NOTHING!!
August 18th, 2015 at 5:09 pm
NeelaMahaYoda is correct.
ALL UNP seats from those areas (except ONE) are SLMC and de facto TNA. When it comes to CRUNCH TIME they will desert the UNP and side with their respective terror groups (LTTE or AQ).
That way UPFA has SOLID people from north and east THAN UNP.
BUT UPFA stuffed up in Nuwara Eliya. UNP has solid UNPers from N-Eliya whereas UPFA has MOSTLY CWC people who will crossover.
August 18th, 2015 at 5:15 pm
August 18th, 2015 at 5:26 pm
You don’t understand me. I can’t explain in detail because it will then be deleted. This is MR’s legacy left behind.
August 18th, 2015 at 6:11 pm
Look at this BLOODY HYPOCRITE LORENZO, offering CONDOLENCES to Patriots when he himself VOCIFEROUSLY UNDERMINED MR at the Presidential Election which got this ENTIRE Regime Change Ball Rolling!
Now, he is back AGAIN offering condolences to PATRIOTS! Bah! The CHUTZPAH of this SHAMELESS REPROBATE!
NEVER FORGET the STRIPES of this Particular TIGER; his TEARS are just CROCODILE TEARS shed because even with all of the BARRIERS set up by LORENZO’s candidate for President Somarama Sirisena, MR/UPFA has SOMEHOW SURVIVED to fight ANOTHER DAY!
August 18th, 2015 at 6:12 pm
Moda-Lorenzo is still trying to get others to believe the FICTION that he ACTUALLY WORKED to bring VOTES to the UPFA, whereas he only WORKED to FURTHER DISRUPT and DESTROY everything the UPFA achieved and built under MR.
Even “Independent” says Lorenzo is TRYING TO CREATE “BIG TROUBLE” for Sri Lanka, but knows not what.
Independent has not been studying and analyzing LORENZO and his TEAM of Avatars (eg. Moshe Dayan and, Kumar Moshe, to name but two he values) as I have over two to three decades of hosting and bogging at Patriotic websites and bulletin boards before the advent of the Web! He embedded these avatars decades ago deep in the bowels of patriotic websites including one or two of my own, and these avatars are functioning under deep cover even at LankaWeb!
So, the Independent covers up his lack of knowledge by adopting the “everyone has a right to express his opinion” dishwater standard. Hey, by that “who cares, anything goes, what me worry?” standard, even child abusers have a right to advocate child abuse … because they were born that way … and would have an inalienable “birthright” to ply their trade!
Independent, you sound like a lukewarm fly-by-night patriot who cares little for what happens to Sri Lanka, but many of us, in addition to our own personal love for our Motherland, have very large families, and thousands of friends and colleagues whose survival is at stake in Sri Lanka. Too bad you are unwilling to fight fiercely for your Motherland; that is your choice, but don’t try to make EXCUSES and DEFEND the PROVEN TRAITOR and BACKSTABBER LORENZO!
August 18th, 2015 at 6:49 pm
I feel ashamed to be called a Sinhala Buddhist because I never thought this will happen but it happened because of dirty ungrateful Sinhala Buddhists. Mahinda was the only Sinhala leader we had and trusted to save the Sinhala Buddhist land but our people gave their vote to the Christian,Lesbian,Gay Gestapo Govt of Ranil/Sira/Choura instead. What a pity and ungrateful lot we have in this country. Shame,Shame,Shame.
This time people will realize their mistake for sure before long because we already know what this snake Ranil will do to my country with the two evil minds Sira and Choura. Americans and the west already clamoring for Mahinda’s head for war crimes. We the true patriots to the Motherland must by all means give protection to our leader. We should not support the Govt in any issue because they never supported Mahinda at any time in the past. Choura being a S.L.F.P. supported the UNP candidate in this election therefore S.L.F.P. must sack this evil woman at once also the Puppet President Maru Sira for not supporting the S.L.F.P. candidates with words or deeds. They are the true traitors to the party and should not allow them to carry on as S.L.F.Per’s. I hope Mahinda and his team will work hard alone to get the party back on track without Sira and Choura. I salute my great leader and hope he will continue to fight on behalf of Sinhala Buddhists in this country.
August 18th, 2015 at 7:17 pm
To say short and sweet “Sinhala Bauddaya thamuntama kelawa gaththeya”
August 18th, 2015 at 7:30 pm
Catholic church asked voters to vote for WORHTY CANDIDATES and that is what they did.
There are 450,000 MODAYAS to vote for RUN-NIL, another 200,000 MODAYAS to vote for Kerialla, another 100,000 MODAYAS to vote for Mangala, another 20,000 MODAYAS for Vaginakala, another 200,000 MODAYAS for Harin.
That is close to a MILLION modayas!!
August 18th, 2015 at 8:02 pm
Lorenzo and Ananda,
Wait. Who are the Modayas and who are not can be decided in few years time. I may also be big Modaya and Ananda might become the smartest in the world. If that happens our motherland in trouble. For the sake of the motherland I hope to be more intelligent than you and Ananda.
We all are Modayas time to time. Our thinking power are limited by the power of craving until we are fully enlightened. But if we decided ourselves without sucking up to cunning politicians then it is OK. My trust will vary time to time but not within 1 year- as Buddha said it will take a long time to get to know the evil people and good people. I trusted MR for 6-7 good years, I argued the hell out with my family member’s in defence of him for years. They proved me I was a Modaya.
Your figures not correct. 550000 Modayas for Ranil and 450,000 Modayas for MR.
How about Tamils ? They will be either modayas forever or very smart after few years time we will know. They have been the stupidest in the world for 60 years, I hope they remain that way.
August 18th, 2015 at 8:05 pm
Or sorry. There are 556,600 MODAYAS to vote for RUN-NIL alone. Run-nil is MORE POPULAR than TNA and JVP individually!!
Ranil 556,600
Sujeewa Senasinghe 117,049
Harsha De Silva 114,147
Karunka – 111,399
Charmpaka – 100,444
Marikar 92,526
Mujibur Rahman 83,884
Eran Wickramaratne 82,737
Wijeyadasa 81,758
Hirunika 70,584
Mono Gonasan – 69,064
A million fools in Colombo district alone to vote for such worthless politicians.
August 18th, 2015 at 8:09 pm
1.Wimal Weerawansa 313,801
2.Udaya Gammanpila 198,818
3.Susil Premajayantha 174,075
4.Dinesh Gunawardena 124,451
5.Bandula Gunawardena 96,057
6.Mohan Lal Grero 65,703
7.Gamini Lokuge 58,527
1.Anura Kumara Dissanayake 65,966
Preferential Votes – Polling District – Gampaha
1.Ranjan Ramanayake 216,463
2.Arjuna Ranatunga 165,890
3.Ruwan Wijewardene 157,932
4.Harshana Rajakaruna 122,455
5.John Amaratunga 83,070
6.Kavinda Jayawardana 81,383
7.Chatura Senaratne 71,243
8.Edward Gunawardena 65,874
9.Ajith Mannapperuma 113,889
1.Prasanna Ranatunga 384,448
2.Nimal Lansa 94,375
3.Sisira Jayakody 90,749
4.Indika Anuruddha 78,109
5.Sudarshani Fernandopulle 73,553
6.Dulip Wijeyesekera 58,936
7.Lasantha Alagiyawanna 57,950
8.P. Ranaweera 112,395
1.Vijitha Herath 55,299
August 18th, 2015 at 8:14 pm
Prasanna Ranatunga beat his stupid older brother Arjuna!!
UPFA Highest
Mahinda Rajakapsa
Prasanna Ranatunga
Wimal Weerawansa
IF MR retires, UPFA leader should be Prasanna Ranatunga or Wimal Weerawansa (assuming GR will not contest). Give voters who they LOVE. BIGGER districsts are IMPORTANT.
August 18th, 2015 at 8:15 pm
Where is my Rosy???
Ane paw meyaa. Vesy gethara!!
August 18th, 2015 at 9:44 pm
BACKSTABBING LTTE OPerative LORENZO’s mission now is to broker a Marriage between MR and Somarama Sirisena (for whom BTW he coined the name of “Maru Sira” just to polish up his credentials with the Patriots) and get the PATRIOTS to swallow this defeat without any resistance questioning.
If that is achieved, and the UPFA MPs are bought lock, stock and barrel, then the TNA can get the UNPatriotic Party to Devolve power to a Federal State of Proto-Eelam in the North and East, without too much protest from the “National Government”.
As a DEDICATED EELAMIST who helped OUST the Patriotic MR/UPFA GoSL that posed an INSURMOUNTABLE BARRIER to EELAM, this is the NEXT DIRECTIVE LORENZO has received from the LTTE Secretariat in the Eelamist Tamil Diaspora and the TNA.
To all those playing FOOTSIE with this SHAMELESS BACKSTABBING EELAMIST I say, you are ENABLING him and being led by the NOSE!
Look how this TRAITOR LORENZO, who helped oust MR/UPFA in the GoSL in the Presidential Election, is now instructing the Patriots on the path forward to Eelam:
…..”We” have to CORRECT our approach without blaming others at least now.
…..”We” have a difficult journey ahead. FIRM POLICIES and UPRIGHT POLITICIANS are needed.
NEXT, I am SURE, he will provide an itemized LIST of steps for the Patriots to SLAVISHLY follow.!
It is like the FOX who stole the HENS coming back to get the HENHOUSE also!
Are there any PATRIOTS STILL WILLING to be led by the NOSE by this SELF-INCRIMINATED EELAMIST DISINFORMATION specialist? Hello …. ANY Patriotic HOGS out there volunteering for NOSE-LEAD-TRAINING by LORENZO the EELAMIST Operative???
August 18th, 2015 at 10:29 pm
මින්සුන් අද ගත් තීරණයහි ප්රතිපල ලැබෙන්නේ අද හෝ හෙට නොව තවත් වසර දසකයකින් හෝ එවැනී කාලයකින් පසුවය. ඒ බෙදුම් වාදීන් අලුත් ආණ්ඩුව යටතේ ක්රමයෙන්හිස ඔසවා ඔවුන්ගේ බල ප්රදේශය පුළුල් කරන අවස්ථාව එන විටය. ඒ වන විට ආණ්ඩු කීපයක් බලයට ඇවිත් පැති මාරුවීම් කීපයක් සිදුවිය හැකිය. නමුත් එහි ආරම්බය අද බලයට පත් රජය යටතේ සිදුවෙනු ඇත. ජනතාවගේ පැතුමට ඉඩ දී අනිත්යය මෙනෙහි කරමු.
August 18th, 2015 at 10:32 pm
It is very sad but Sinhala patriots like (& shown their capability) to rise when their back is to the wall & all chips are down as by King Dutugemunu & MR over murderer Praba & we will have this one day again.On the one hand I would blame the MR camp not realizing that the Tamils,Muslims & Christians (most) will vote en masse for the UNP & the ONLY way to win was to unite ALL the Buddhist forces;see how many Buddhist leaders campaigned against MR (whether you like or not),Ven Sobitha,Ven Ratna & JHU,Malwatta Venerables,BBS ,Ven Dhamila etc.I’ve been writing it here to forget & forgive but ours were more controlled by hatred & revenge & mud slinging to them,rather than planning to win.They were hoodwinked (silly) by the ‘Nugegoda man’seeing large crowds at the rallies & did not learn that lesson from the January defeat.To get Christian on our side identify one of them,Dayan?,Raiv?& give them to work hard.
MR camp should plan now itself than crying now, to the future opportunity & I would say they approach Ven Sobitha & send overtures to Ven Ratna & JHU .They have become (you like or not) the face of yahapalanaya & now should be seen with them to the public.This govt will have issues with them very soon & capitalize then.
On the other hand,the election was lost due to infighting in the SLFP than to UNP winning.The damage caused by MS & Chandrika near the election was huge;the poor man had to fight to get his nomination than planning a win over RW.He was the SINGLE target for a vituperative campaign by the opposition,NGOs & the UN & the West& India.Feel sorry for him,should now take a break for his own health & then plan his strategy.Of course he (should have scrapped 13A) and his family) was his downfall ,so he can see & learn his mistakes & come back stronger.Our country will have the blessings of the Dhamma as it was all the way over 2600 years.
August 18th, 2015 at 11:34 pm
ආමිෂ පුජාවට වහවැටිච්ච බොරු බෞද්ධ මෝඩ තකතීරු සිංහලයින්ට හැම දෙයක්ම ඉක්මනින් අමතක වෙනවා කියල ප්රභාකරන් කියපු එක ඇත්ත. පහර තුප්පහි සිංහලයෝ . තොපි තොපේම වල කපා ගන්න උන්මත්තකයෝ. තොපිට කෙලවේවා .
August 18th, 2015 at 11:34 pm
I also blame GOTA.
He did a GREAT service to SL but he should realize we are NOT out of the woods yet. SLs are such foolish people even when GR brought them right close to the jungle’s edge, they turned back to the jungle!! He should have led them to a town.
GR should shed his US CITIZENSHIP and get into politics.
Now past is past. UPFA should give PM post to RUNIL, deputy speaker post to UNP and retain the SPEAKER post. IF they push My3’s friend CHAMAL to speaker that is SOME consolation. IF the president dies, the speaker becomes the president. Otherwise UNP will kill the president and become president too.
August 18th, 2015 at 11:39 pm
STOP your madness. IF NOT for Singhala voters, MR’s team would have got ZERO votes.
IF you keep blaming them TOO MUCH they will turn wholesale against UPFA.
MR won all the districts with more than 80% SINGHALA BUDDHISTS. So stop your madness. The others are at fault.
August 19th, 2015 at 12:31 am
you better stop your day dreaming another kalu sudda Lorenzo.Last bus has gone. What the maning of “IF NOT sinhala voters”. It was sinhalaya’s country, was sinhalaya’s election. You better stop your madness. Most sinhalaya who come out of the jungle have only green bad blood which cannot be furified. IF can’t understand ask Dr. Nalin. He will tel you with better words.
August 19th, 2015 at 1:34 am
Most Sinhalese Buddhists voted for the destruction of Buddhism, Sinhalese race and Sri Lanka. If they have an iota of love for Sri Lanka, Buddhism or Sinhalese race they can not vote for a party whose agenda is to destroy Buddhism from
Sri Lanka and make it a catholic country on the orders of the church and the west.
That job has been made easy by leading figures like puppet maru sira, malwatte kapuwa, asgiriye kapuwa, dhrothithaya sobithaya, dhrohitaya ratanya, ambare damilaya, one eyed bandit queen cbk, etc. etc. list is endless. They just don’t care. Only thing they care about is about getting rewarded by the UNPatriotic party (UNP).
There are two other factors we shouldn’t forget.
1 It is very fishy on the election day macko’s computer system crashing (dept of elections). It smells fishy.
Who knows if they manipulated a few marginal seats?
2 MR’s time he didn’t publish census data which showed enormous incrase of mussie xxxx population thinking it will
upset the Sinhalese. Now it is clear they have bred like xxxx to tilt the results in every electorate. This is a major
factor in the MR’s falling short.
August 19th, 2015 at 2:03 am
And so RETRIBUTION for the HIGH HANDED FLOUTING of the Nations Laws begins to gather steam for the Foreign Puppet who became President Somarama Sirisena! A man has GOT TO KNOW his LIMITATIONS!
This is just the beginning; the Violation of ELECTION LAWS in the Sunday Night Massacre of the UPFA leadership are bound to follow on its heels!
Former CJ challenges President’s move
Former Chief Justice Sarath N. Silva claimed yesterday President Maithripala Sirisena should learn the law of the country from the kindergarten level.
Addressing the UPFA election rally in Kurunegala, he said a secretary of a political party could not be removed without an order from the Supreme Court when an election had been declared and therefore, the removal of the UPFA General Susil Premajayantha and Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) Anura Priyadarshana Yapa were legally not valid.
He said a lower court has no jurisdiction in this regard. Already, he said the elections commissioner had accepted these two as the party secretaries and therefore, a district court could not rule against the election law.
He said the election law could not be changed from a signature of a district judge who was on his way home after finishing duties for the day.
August 19th, 2015 at 2:44 am
Now this SHAMELESS EELAMIST Operative Facebook LORENZO, POSING as a “born again” PATRIOT, is now LECTURING Former Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa on the Security of Sri Lanka!
Have you seen a GREATER LEVEL of SHEER ARROGANCE, than the LECTURING of Gotabhaya, our hero who RESCUED our Motherland, by a self-incriiminated BACKSTABBER who helped OUST MR from the Presidency, and put Gotabhaya himself at risk??
It was NOT TOO LONG AGO that this EELAMIST REPROBATE LORENZO was APPEALING to Gotabhaya Rajapaksa to a undertake a coup-de-etat and takeover of the countr MILITARILY!
Soon after that, LORENZO received a NEW DIRECTIVE from the LTTE Secretariat in the Eelamist Tamil Diaspora to begin work on DEMONIZING and UNDERMINING the MR/UPFA GoSL and begin supporting Somarama Sirisena’ for PRESIDENT.
Once that EELAMIST Goal was achieved, LORENZO received a NEW DIRECTIom that same EELAMIST LTTE Secretariat: BUTTRESS the UNPatriotic Front GoSL JUST LONG Enough to get POWER DEVOLVED to their Proto-Eelam.
As you can see, the BACKSTABBING EELAMIST Operative LORENZO is working FULL BLAST on this latest Project!
To do this he needs GULLIBLE Patrioitic Sri Lankan HOGS to feed at his EELAMIST TROUGH for TRAINING of DOCILE followers.
Don’t be BASHFUL now, FREE SLOP provided in PLENTY by courtsey of EELAMIST Tamil Diaspora Secretariat!! Come ONE, Come ALL, LINE UP now …. PLENTY of EELAM SLOP & top quality DISHWATER in the TROUGH …. managed by … you guessed it …. Facebook LORENZO …. our local EELAMIST Operative!!
August 19th, 2015 at 3:32 am
“IF NOT sinhala voters”. It was sinhalaya’s country, was sinhalaya’s election- Well said sarathk
August 19th, 2015 at 4:44 am
Dharmasiri I read your article over and over again because I feel we were all let down by our own selfish,Ungrateful Sinhala Buddhists. I told many times that we shouldn’t trust Tamils and Muslims at all because they never love their Motherland except their own dreamland. Have you seen some times Muslims cheer Pakistanis rather than their own Sri Lankans in cricket matches and they do everything what they do and appreciate those countries rather than their own.They do not have a feeling to our Motherland except they want to destroy our religion,culture and the Sinhala race by various evil methods. These ungrateful people will realize their mistake very soon when Ranil the snake hand over piece by piece to the traitors of Mother lanka and the evil foreigners who are waiting to have their piece in one way or the other.
We will rally behind our great Sinhala son Mahinda and do our duty to the country even by sacrificing ourselves. We love our Motherland first,second and third and we will protect it at any cost. I know there are millions who think the same way as you and me. Thanks for your article Dhamasiri. Write more to wake up Stupid Sinhalese.
August 19th, 2015 at 4:53 am
අවලම් ගොතා සිහලුන් හට ගරහන්නේ
මෙවලම් යොදා හෙට රට ගැන සිතුවන්නේ
සදහම් සුවෙන් සිත ගත පුබුදා ගන්නේ
සිහලුන් සදා ජය දද ලෙද රජවන්නේ
දඹදිව දකුණු නොරටින් ලක පැන දෙමළා
කටදිව නොහුලනා බොරු පවසන අවළා
පැහැදිව සිතින් කොටි අරමුණු දැකවදළා
ලකදිව රකිනු දෑ රුහිරේ බිම හෙලළා
August 19th, 2015 at 6:04 am
තරහින් වයිරයෙන් ලොව බැහැ දිනන්නට
දිනුමෙන් පසුව මිනිසත් කම රකින්නට
සිහලුන් උගත යුතු සමගිව වෙසෙන්නට
සොයුරන් ලෙසින් දෙමලට මෙත් වඩන්නට
කෙරුමන් ලෙසින් අනෙකා පාගා දාලා
පවසන් නට නොදී මුකවාඩම් බැඳලා
එලෙසින් නොහැකිනම් මරණය හිමිකරලා
හිවලුන් ලෙසින් කුමටද දිවි ගතකරලා
August 19th, 2015 at 7:22 am
a(e)ngilish please
August 19th, 2015 at 7:45 pm
දෙමළුන්ගෙන් අඩක් කොළබය් වෙසෙන්නේ
උතුරෙන් ඇය් ද උන් සිහලුන් එළවන්නේ
සිහලුන් මෙත් වඩ න හැටි ඇ ය් නොපෙනෙන්නේ
මරුවන් කවුද අය මේ බන කියන්නේ
August 20th, 2015 at 2:26 am
මෙත් වඩනා හැටි හරියට දැනගන්නා
මත් පැන මුසා බස් පස්පව් වලකින්නා
සිත් පිරිසිදුව එක් අරමුණකට වන්නා
සත් වයො සැමම මින්මතු සුවපත් වෙන්නා