When you have wept your grief………..
Posted on September 3rd, 2015

By Charles.S.Perera

When you have wept your grief, and smothered the last drop of tears you are completely exhausted, lifeless, and nothing seems to matter.

What is left is only the  smitten body of once a proud nation in a bier,  four  terrorists in their  fatigues  stand silently on guard at the four corners with their hands resting on the steel rod of the T56 assault rifles kept standing before them. The red flag with tiger head in a circle of bullets covers half of the bier. Some one had thrown on the ground under the bier a half burnt lion flag. On the bier is a black hand glove of the Queen Elizabeth which she took off to shake the hand of a leader who is also responsible for the smitten body lying in state inside the bier.

The people sad and grief stricken were walking away.  They knew that on the third day the fallen nation will not rise again with the glory that it was before the 8th January, 2015. They were returning to their homes  to meditate and pray . Sadly they pursued their evening walk talking over the events that led to the unredeemable loss. Never had they been  so utterly disheartened hopeless and faithless, they were walking in the shadow of the once victorious , peaceful and a fast developing nation, today lying in a bier.

Their grief could not be restrained and they wept as they walked on .  They went together into their homes and closed and fastened doors knowing that the fate of the nation might any time be theirs . ( with apology to  Luke 24-The Walk to Emmaus)

At the bier readied for state funeral.

There are Catholic Bishops with their immaculate white gowns with the purple belt, Mullahs with their long beards, and half naked Hindu pujaris in attendance.  The once fluttering lion flags are no where to be seen. What does it matter now .

It is the TNA leader Sampathan the leader of the Opposition in charge of the  burial ceremony.  It is C.V.Wineswaran the Chief Minister of NPC who is to deliver the funeral oration. Rauf Hakeem is waiting to take away whatever would be left when every thing is over

An important delegation with the USA State Secretary John Kerry representing the President of USA along with Biswal and Robert O’Blake  and many others occupy the front seats.  The Sri Lanka leaders are  in the second row, Maitripala Sirisena  behind Biswal, Ranil behind  Robert O’Blake and Mangala Samaraweera behind John Kerry.

Also occupying the front most seats are Modi Indian Prime Minister , Jayalalitha seated next to him along side Hillary Clinton. There is also David Cameron with the flag with which he  flagged off the LTTE torch relay to Geneva demanding awareness of genocide in Sri Lanka which started from 10 Downing Street. The Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper has still not turned up.  David Miliband  and  Bernard Kouchner  are expected.

However, the people are not expected at the burial ceremony. Chandrika , Champika, Sobhita Thero and Ratana Thero will come back when every thing is over hoping to resuscitate a phantom Nation.

At the funeral oration Wigneswaran, will not speak of democracy or separatism  because they have got what they wanted.

Those who  voted for a change perhaps did not expect this sudden turn  of events.  They still do  not know that it would be worse than it was when  terrorism was assailing the nation. But it is that Nation that survived the terrorist attacks that is now being prepared for a state funeral. Bugles are already playing the Last Post.

Adieu Sri Lanka I have no more tears to shed ………..May you be reborn again  with the glory that was yours before.

32 Responses to “When you have wept your grief………..”

  1. Indrajith Says:

    Charles, not only that! See the level of democracy below:

    විමල්ට, උදයට පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ
    පක්‍ෂ නායක වරප්‍රසාද අහිමි කෙරේ
    ඉදිරි පෙළ අසුන් නෑ. විශේෂ ප්‍රකාශත් බැහැ

    අකිත පෙරේරා

    විමල් වීරවංශ මහතාගේ ජාතික නිදහස්‌ පෙරමුණ සහ උදය ගම්මන්පිල මහතාගේ පිවිතුරු හෙළ උරුමය පාර්ලිමේන්තුව තුළ පිළිගත් දේශපාලන පක්‍ෂ ලෙස නොසැලකීමට ප්‍රධාන පක්‍ෂ නායකයන් තීරණය කර තිබේ. එම මන්ත්‍රීවරුන් පාර්ලිමේන්තුව තුළ පක්‍ෂ නායකයන් ලෙස නොව එක්‌සත් ජනතා නිදහස්‌ සන්ධානයේ පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රීවරුන් ලෙස පමණක්‌ සැලකීමට තීරණය කර ඇති අතර පාර්ලිමේන්තුව නියෝජනය කරන පක්‍ෂ නායකයන්ට හිමිවන වරප්‍රසාද මින් ඉදිරියට ඔවුනට අහිමි වේ.

    ඒ අනුව එම මන්ත්‍රීවරුන් දෙදෙනාට පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ ඉදිරි පෙළ අසුන් අහිමිව යන අතර 23 (II) යටතේ සිදු කරනු ලබන විශේෂ ප්‍රකාශ ඇතුළු පක්‍ෂ නායකයන්ට හිමිවන සියලු වරප්‍රසාද ද ඔවුන්ට අහිමි වේ.

    අටවැනි පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේ පිළිගත් දේශපාලන පක්‍ෂ වශයෙන් එක්‌සත් ජාතික පක්‍ෂය, එක්‌සත් ජනතා නිදහස්‌ සන්ධානය, දෙමළ ජාතික සන්ධානය, ජනතා විමුක්‌ති පෙරමුණ, ශ්‍රී ලංකා මුස්‌ලිම් කොංග්‍රසය සහ ඊ. පී. ඩී. පී. යන පක්‍ෂ හය පමණක්‌ පිළිගැනීමටත් පක්‍ෂ නායකයන් තීරණය කර තිබේ.

    මේ සඳහා කථානායක කරු ජයසූරිය මහතාගේ අනුමැතිය හිමි වූ බව පක්‍ෂ නායකයෙක්‌ “දිවයින”ට කීය.

  2. Indrajith Says:

    Please read this as well:

    ඕනෑ නම් එය කථානායකට ඉදිරිපත් කරන්නම්
    – අගමැති රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ

    අජිත් අලහකෝන් – කුෂාන් සුබසිංහ

    එජනිසය සමඟ ජාතික ආණ්‌ඩුවක්‌ සඳහා ගිවිසුමක්‌ අත්සන් කර ඇති බවත් අවශ්‍ය නම් තමන්ට එය කථානායකවරයාට ඉදිරි පත් කළ හැකි බවත් අගමැති රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ මහතා පාර්ලිමේන්තුවේදී ඊයේ (03 වැනිදා) පැවැසීය.

    ජාතික ආණ්‌ඩුවක්‌ සඳහා එජනිසය ගිවිසුමක්‌ අත්සන් කර ඇත්නම් එය තමන්ට ඉදිරිපත් කරන ලෙස විමල් වීරවංශ මහතා අගමැතිවරයාගෙන් විමසා සිටි අවස්‌ථාවේදී රනිල් වික්‍රමසිංහ මහතා එසේ කීය.

    එම ගිවිසුම එක එක්‌කෙනාට ඉදිරිපත් කිරීමට තමන් ඉදිරිපත් නොවන බවත් එජනිසය, එජාපය සහ මුස්‌ලිම් කොංග්‍රසය එම ගිවිසුමට අත්සන් තබා ඇති බවත් අගමැතිවරයා කීය.

    Divaina reported.

  3. Samanthi Says:

    Charles, I’d suggest just one line after the 9th paragraph of this interesting as well as grief stricken article ……

    “Reuters reported that former Human Rights Chief Navanindha Pillai’s smiling face was seeing among the distinguished attendees.”

  4. Charles Says:

    Not to be outdone, Navineetham Pillai’s smiling face, if that could be called a smile, had also been seen in a back seat.

  5. Samanthi Says:

    Thank you, Charles!

  6. Fran Diaz Says:

    In Lanka we have lost Democracy and Law & Order, self esteem and self confidence.

    Yes, there is a sense of a funeral which Charles has captured so well …..

  7. Ananda-USA Says:

    Dear Charles,

    I am one of those who wept in grief for Mother Lanka after this year’s election results for I knew what was in store in the near future and the price we will pay as a result of it.

    A friend inquired recently whether I had “recovered” from what he termed mildly as my “disappointment”; here is an excerpt from my reply to him:

    Yes, I am CRUSHED by the results of both elections this year, and I am in AGONY crouched up like Prince Dutugamunu on my bed hemmed in by Sri Lanka’s enemies and the deep blue sea.

    Like in Dutugamunu’s time, when the invader Elara reigned in Rajarata, today SL’s enemies have taken hold of its national government with the backstabbing Somarama Sirisena …. who will go down in INFAMY as Sri Lanka’s 2nd Don Juan Dharmapala … presiding over the impending disintegration of Sri Lanka, and Ruinous Ranil acting out the role of the Portuguese conquistador Constantino de Saa.

    But I have NO DOUBT that their attempt to Divide and Rule our dear Motherland in collusion with foreign enemies WILL FAIL SOON and the PATRIOTIC FORCES of Mother Lanka will RISE AGAIN to rescue her.

    In the end these traitors will share the fate of ALL who have assaulted this nation from within and without … Don Juan to die abroad in exile, and de Saa to have his head delivered in a basket to lie at the feet of King Senarath after the battle of Randenivela.

    In the meantime, let us hope that divine Providence will spare our families, relatives and friends in Sri Lanka the violent fate we suffered in the previous 30 years; but in my view there is violence on the horizon!

    WE …. the Patriotic Sons and Daughters of Mother Lanka …. WILL NEVER GIVE UP our Motherland to its ENEMIES! Those who have Sown the Wind with TREACHERY will Reap the Whirlwind of JUST RETRIBUTION in due course! WE will ALWAYS be here to DEFEND & PROTECT our Ratna Deepa Janma Bhumi …. as our ancestors did before us. WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP! Jayawewa!

  8. Lorenzo Says:

    Should we keep trusting “democracy” coated dictatorship????

    At least now realize that this system CANNOT SAVE SL.


    What SL has is a TAMIL DICTATORSHIP. Economy – central bank, Supreme Court – cheap justice, Cricket board, opposition leader, prime minister are all de facto Tamils ruining the country because JAYALALITHA wants it that way.

    Weeping and grieving will NOT give us any relief. This ROOTEN TAMIL RACIST system must be brought to an END.

  9. Ananda-USA Says:

    WHO ENABLED the Tiger Nominated Agents of the TNA to become the “Leaders of the Opposition” in the National Parliament of Sri Lanka?

    NO ONE BUT the Palwatte Gamaralage Maithripala Yaya Sirisena noe baptised as “Somarama Sirisena” … the GREATEST TRAITOR in the HISTORY of Sri Lanka!

    AIDED and ABETTED by Ruinous Ranil and Chandrika the “Choura Ragina” the PATH to the CREATION of EELAM as a separate Tamils-Only Bantustan from Sri Lanka is PROGRESSING FAST with the FULL COOPERATION of the YAMAPALANAYA JUNTA!

    Is this what the MAJORITY of Sri Lanka’s Sinhala Buddhists who voted for the UPFA wanted? NO! Their vote for the UPFA has been CO-OPTED to aid the DISINTEGRATION and DISSOLUTION of our beloved Motherland!

    Rise Up … to DEFEND & PROTECT Mother Lanka that 27,000 brave soldiers, sailors, airmen, and police gave their lives as the last full measure of their devotion to their motherland!

    O Patriotic Sons and Daughterss of Mother Lanka ….. NEVER LET the GRAND DESIGN of the these TRAITORS be ACHIEVED!

    I APPEAL to those UPFA MPs who joined the “National Unity Government” to LEAVE this JUNTA and FORM a SEPARATE PATRIOTIC PARTY with Mahinda Rajapaksa at its HEAD! That is the ONLY WAY to CONFOUND this TREASONOUS PLOT and STOP the DISINTEGRATION of Mother Lanka!

    Ship-Jumpers: ABANDON the TRAITORS!


    The Stampede of the Ship-Jumpers!

    Half-a-Jump, Half-a-Jump
    Half-a-Jump, Onward!
    Into the Valley of Treason
    Into the Jaws of Dishonor
    Jump the Ship-Jumpers!

    Bribes to the Left of them
    Jobs to the Right of Them
    Power in Front of the Them
    Cudgels to the Rear of Them
    Jump the Ship-Jumpers!

    Half-a-Jump, Half-a-Jump
    Half-a-Jump, Onward!
    Into the Valley of Tears
    Driven by Nameless Fears
    Jump the Ship-Jumpers!

    Jostled from the Left of them
    Jostled from the Right of them
    Massed Asses to the Front of them
    Hoots of Rage to the Rear of them
    Jump the Ship-Jumpers!

    Tamil party leader becomes opposition leader in Sri Lanka parliament

    Sept 03, Colombo: Leader of Sri Lanka’s main Tamil party. Tamil National Alliance leader and Trincomalee District parliamentarian R. Sampanthan was designated as the Opposition Leader of the eighth parliament.

    Speaker Karu Jayasuriya named Mr. Sampanthan as the Opposition Leader when the parliament convened today after the inaugural session on Tuesday (Sept 01).

    Earlier both United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) and TNA were vying for the opposition leader position. However the Speaker said UPFA had not made any official request with regard to the post of opposition leader.

    The Tamil party earlier demanded that the party should be recognized as the main opposition and the leader of the party should become the Opposition Leader according to the Parliamentary practice and convention.

    Following the decision taken by the opposition Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP), the main constituent party of the UPFA, to join the majority United National Party (UNP) to form a national government, TNA with its 16 seats in the parliament became the majority.

  10. Ananda-USA Says:

    ADO Reeri Yakko … Facebook LORENZO!

    Look who is NOW TALKING about ridding Sri Lanka of DEMOCRACY; the very same CON ARTIST Facebook LORENZO who was BEMOANING the RISE of a DICTATORSHIP and CORRUPTION under MR!!

    Facebook LORENZO is simply an EELAMIST AGITATOR who wants to UNDER<INE EVERY BIT OF STABILITY in Sri Lanka! When Sri Lanka becomes an UNSTABLE ANARCHY, his GOAL of EELAM can be EASILY achieved!

    ALSO, It was not only POLITICIANS who helped OUST MR from power, but YOU who made LISTS of CORRUPTION that Wimal Weerawansa is referring to in the VIDEO of his speech in Parliament!

    REMEMBER? Or would rather FORGET that bit of VOCIFEROUS DECEIT? You may want to, but WE NEVER WILL!


  11. Ratanapala Says:

    Perhaps Charles forgot to mention; Mahinda Rajapakse too or his ghost is sitting in front of the bier along side the other infamous, smiling, holding hands and agreeing with all what is said.

    It is Mother Lanka they are preparing to bury!

  12. charithsls Says:

    The day the idea of a national govt was floated, whoever who orchestrated it, surely India,the US & the West, it was envisaged the post of the opposition Leader would go to TNA. It was probably one of the reasons if not THE reason why a national govt was advocated so that TNA would get the opportunity to be the main opposition party.Sad,if our patriotic leaders did not foresee it. Chandrika ( & MS) should have prevented the SLFP to sit in the opposition to stop claiming the opposition leader’s post. Isn’t it obvious, Chandrika’s meeting with Modi coincided with this appointment. Somebody has written why MR airport was a threat to Chennai so it was turned to a paddy mill in a rush! However is Sampanthan’s appointment a deal in the domestic mechanism by UN ?that’s why no opposition voice coming from MR? Isn’t MR’s attitude is strange in the present context? no voice at all as an opposition leader, all to save from the wolves (from UN & Fraud investigations)?The UPFA loss is not a simple election loss,it looks like completely wiped off from the earth except a few small voices from WW ,Dinesh etc.Chandrika (MS is just the bait) is running the show covertly with India & the US & West, is she so unpatriotic & burning with hatred to MR overlooking the damage to her mother country.

    By the way Charles,WHERE is YOUR astrologer who predicted a victory to MR in August.I did write to you then to stop this nonsense.Please learn a lesson (after lesson) be brighter!

  13. Ananda-USA Says:

    I want to MAKE CLEAR that my OPPOSITION to the TNA/Sampathan being named to the Leadership of the Opposition, is NOT because they/he are Tamils ….

    ……but because the Tiger Nominated Agents of the TNA is the former PROXY of the LTTE, with its avowed goal (vide its current Party Constitution and rrecent Election Manifesto) of creating a Separate Tamil State of Eelam in Sri Lanka, its Anti-National Collusion with the Eelamists of the Tamil Diaspora, of Tamil Nadu, and the Neocolonialist enemies of Sri Lanka at the United Nations to convict Sri Lanka of War Crimes!

    ALL of these ACTIVITIES of the TNA makes it TOTALLY UNSUITABLE as the Leader of the Opposition, and INHERENTLY UNABLE to function as a LOYAL OPPOSITION in the National Parliament!

    But DESPITE these HORRIFIC DANGERS to the nation, those INFAMOUS TREACHEROUS JUNTA of Somarama Sirisena, Ruinpus Ranil and the Choura Ragina have PERMITTED and ENABLED it!!

    Magey Budu Ammey …. How LOW Sri Lanka’s Governing Leadership has FALLEN!

  14. Fran Diaz Says:

    One day, we hope these people who constantly bring down the Nation of Sri Lanka say : “My God, My Lord, what have we done !!! “

  15. nilwala Says:


  16. Charles Says:

    Ratnapala, No not Rajapakse He weeps his grief. He was the one who saved the now slain Nation. It has to be a nother like him to revive or make it rise from the ashes stronger and rejuanated.

    Nilwala according to Buddhism there is a rebirth…..and it is true Sri Lanka will rid itself of the present enemies-the Christian Yankee boot lickers and the rest of the non Buddhist human waste arround it. But it is the time lost. 5 years after terrorism Rajapakses made Sri Lanka unrecognisably development from what it was before.

    The words of Dhamma of the Compassionate Buddha emenated from the highest place- Temple Trees in Sri Lanka during the period of Rajapakses. Lanka lost its develoment and sanctity for 25 years under Elara and about 21 years under Kalingha Magah, then under Sanglia or some such guy in the North, and now for for how long will it be under Maithripala-Ranil-Chandrika and the rest of the goons ? Will Sri Lanka remain what it is after them. They have turned out to be Dictators, with their police, with their judges, with their Speaker in the House who will twist and turn things to satisfy the minorities leaving the Sinhala to fend for themselves.

  17. ranjit Says:

    Dear Charles I do not have any tear left in my eyes both are dry now.It’s very difficult to digest all what happened during the past eight months. I feel I have become very old after seeing my heroes are falling down behind day by day to the vicious,evil lot who are ready to give my homeland piece by piece kept in a golden plate with a big smile as Wimal Weerawansa my hero predicted long time before.

    I thought Mahinda’s comeback will be a sweet dream for all of us but unfortunately it became a bad dream with this treacherous evil lot Ranil and the Goons. Mahinda did two mistakes in my thinking.One was calling early election when he had two years to go and the next one was not forming a new party when Wimal,Dinesh,Wasu,Gamampila got him back on the election trail. If he came forward with a new party with his die hard supporters he would have won this election I am sure.I cannot understand why an experienced leader like him tagging along with the traitor who left him and contested with the evil UNP support? He should get out now after all what Sira did to him and his supporters specially Wimal’s group. I do not know why our Sinhala people are afraid to call this our land Sinhala Buddhist land? Why they give in to Minority demands so easily? Why we give the Opposition leadership to a Tamil or a Muslim when we have the Sinhala majority? It’s not correct. Why the Opposition so stupid to go to the Traitor Sira when they know that Speaker is the one who will chose the Opposition leader? I have never seen a Parliament like this before.We cannot call this is Democracy.This is the same tactics Hitler used and Ranil act in the same way calling the people’s representative “Monkeys” Is it Democracy or thuggery? He acts like a underworld Kingpin and our Sinhala Hypocrites claps when ever he open his Hakara mouth.

    I hope Mahinda will take a decision soon with his co partners if not Charles I am sorry I will not support any party or Individual in the future. I will support only a person who will talk,work and do things to safeguard the Sinhala race,my homeland and my religion Buddhism and at the same time I prefer to live with others in peace and harmony like we used to live in the past for many years. I love my homeland and I will fight to death to keep my homeland free of Occupation.

  18. Lorenzo Says:



    That applies to SL as well.

    Our task should be to PROLONG SL’s existence as much as possible as a SINHELA BUDDHIST UNITARY nation.

    With due respect let me point out that we need MORE than Buddhist teachings to save Buddhism and SL.

    e.g. I know I’m going to die. But that didn’t stop me from studying with a lot of effort, stuffing my investments, building my body, etc.

    e.g. This world will end one day. But what humans are doing to it.

    e.g. IF Dutugemunui said so and remained until fortunes changed SL would be the largest island of Endia by now.


    UNP, TNA/LTTE, SLMC/AQ, NGOs, RAW, etc. will try to KILL WIMAL and UDAYA. It is NOT rocket science. We MUST protect them and help MORE of them to come forward.

  19. SenaD Says:


    You said “May you be reborn again with the glory that was yours before.”

    Indeed she will just as she has done so many times in the long history of hers. Feeling sad must not turn into despair.

    The current coalition govt. has the seeds of its own destruction; patriots could help them achieve it more quickly than otherwise.

  20. Ananda-USA Says:

    Let us REMEMBER the NAMES of the Ship-Jumpers in the following list who SOLD our Motherland to the Yamapalanaya JUNTA for a Ministerial Portfolio!

    They have EARNED ETERNAL SHAME & DISHONOR that will follow them to their GRAVES!

    The Stampede of the Ship-Jumpers!

    Half-a-Jump, Half-a-Jump
    Half-a-Jump, Onward!
    Into the Valley of Treason
    Into the Jaws of Dishonor
    Jump the Ship-Jumpers!

    Bribes to the Left of them
    Jobs to the Right of Them
    Power in Front of the Them
    Cudgels to the Rear of Them
    Jump the Ship-Jumpers!

    Half-a-Jump, Half-a-Jump
    Half-a-Jump, Onward!
    Into the Valley of Tears
    Driven by Nameless Fears
    Jump the Ship-Jumpers!

    Jostled from the Left of them
    Jostled from the Right of them
    Massed Asses to the Front of them
    Hoots of Rage to the Rear of them
    Jump the Ship-Jumpers!

    Sri Lanka’s new cabinet ministers

    Sep 04, Sri Lanka’s new government’s swearing in ceremony began a short while ago at Presidential Secretariat with 42 Cabinet Ministers.

    1. National Policy and Economic Affairs- Ranil Wickremesinghe

    2. Tourism Promotion and Christian Affairs- John Amaratunga

    3. Transport- Nimal Siripala de Silva

    4. sustainable development and Wildlife- Gamini Jayawickrama Perera

    5. Social Empowering and Welfare- S.B. Dissanayake

    6. Labor and Trade Union Relations- W.D.J. Seneviratne

    7. Universities, Education and Highways- Lakshman Kiriella

    8. Disaster Management- Anura Priyadarshana Yapa

    9. Technology, Technology Education and Employment- Susil Premajayantha

    10. Law and order- Thilak Marapana

    11. Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine- Rajitha Senaratne

    12. Finance- Ravi Karunanayake

    13. Skills Development and Vocational Training- Mahinda Samarasinghe

    14. Internal Affairs- Vajira Abeygunawardene

    15. Internal Affairs, Cultural Affairs and Wayamba Development- S.B. Nawinna

    16. Kandy and Western Province Development- Patali Champika Ranawaka

    17. Fisheries and Aquatic Resources- Mahinda Amaraweera

    18. Power and Renewable Energy- Ranjith Siyambalapitiya

    19. Agriculture- Duminda Dissanayake

    20. Buddhasasana- Wijeyadasa Rajapakse

    21. Rural Economic Affairs- P. Harrison

    22. Public Administration and Management- Ranjith Madduma Bandara

    23. Media- Gayantha Karunathilaka

    24. Housing and Development- Sajith Premadasa

    25. Ports and Naval Affairs- Arjuna Ranatunga

    26. Lands- M.K.D.S. Gunawardana

    27. Estate infrastructure development- P. Digambaram

    28. Women�s and Children�s Affairs- Chandrani Bandara

    29. Foreign Employment- Thalatha Athukorala

    30. Education- Akila Viraj Kariyawasam

    31. Hindu Affairs, Resettlement and Development- D.M.Swaminathan

    32. Fuel and Petroleum Gases- Chandima Weerakkody

    33. Sports- Dayasiri Jayasekara

    34. Southern Development- Sagala Rathnayake

    35. Telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure- Harin Fernando

    36. National Dialogue- Mano Ganesan

    37. Primary Industries- Daya Gamage

    38. Urban Planning and Water Supply- Rauff Hakeem

    39. Industry and Commerce- Rishad Bathiudeen

    40. Public Enterprise Development- Kabir Hashim

    41. Plantation Industries- Navin Dissanayake

    42. Postal and Muslim Affairs- A. Haleem

  21. Ananda-USA Says:

    The BETRAYAL of the Patriots by the Ship-Jumpers GREEDY for Power, Prestige and Wealth!

    PNM faults SLFP for forfeiting its responsibility to people who elected them

    by Shamindra Ferdinando
    September 3, 2015

    The Patriotic National Movement (PNM) yesterday alleged that the appointment of TNA leader R. Sampanthan as the Leader of the Opposition reflected the failure on the part of the SLFP to recognise its hallowed responsibility to represent those who had exercised their franchise for the coalition.

    The SLFP leadership had conveniently forgotten that over 4.7 mn people who voted for the SLFP-led coalition never expected a section of the main constituent of the grouping to accept portfolios in the UNP led government, Dr Wasantha Bandara of the PNM told The Island yesterday.

    Dr Bandara emphasised that the UPFA with 95 parliamentary seats, including 12 National List slots had the wherewithal to perform well in the eighth parliament. In fact, there had never been such a strong Opposition grouping in parliament, therefore there couldn’t have been any excuse on the SLFP’s part to sit in the Opposition, the PNM spokesperson said.

    The UPFA 95 member grouping included five National Freedom Front members and one member each from the MEP (Dinesh Gunawardena), Democratic Left Front (Vasudeva Nanayakkara) Udaya Nanayakkara (Pivithuru Hela Urumaya) and Chandrasiri Gajadeera (Communist Party).

    The TNA secured 16 parliamentary seats, including two NL slots at the Aug. 17 parliamentary polls. Of the 16 seats, the Illankai Thamil Arasu Kadchi (ITAK) obtained 10 seats, including both NL slots, whereas the TELO, PLOTE and EPRLF shared the remaining six seats, two each.

    On the first day of eighth parliament, Selvam Addaikalanathan (TELO) received appointment as Deputy Chairman of Committees.

    Responding to a query, Dr Bandara alleged that the SLFP had paved the way for Sampanthan’s appointment by accepting portfolios in the Maithripala Sirisena-Wickremesinghe administration.

    Dr Bandara asserted that Speaker Karu Jayasuriya should have sought the opinion of the Supreme Court through President Maithripala Sirisena as regards the formation of National Government in accordance with the 19th Amendment to the Constitution. The UNP-SLFP agreement on National Government couldn’t be in line with the Constitution because the SLFP contested the Aug. 17 parliamentary polls under the UPFA banner clearly opposing the formation of a national government, Dr Bandara said. The government had been in an indecent hurry to finalize the Opposition Leader’s appointment.

    Dr Bandara asserted that UPFA prime ministerial candidate Mahinda Rajapaksa should have given leadership to the UPFA grouping in parliament. The UPFA could have provided the required backing on an issue by issue basis without securing cabinet portfolios, Dr Bandara said.

    The PNM referred to UNP General Secretary Kabir Hashim’s recent declaration that the party could comfortably secure the required support to form a government though it secured 107 seats at the Aug. 17 parliamentary polls. The 107 member group included one SLMC candidate who contested on the SLMC ticket in Batticaloa whereas the party fielded contestants on UNP ticket elsewhere.

    Dr Bandara said that the so called government of good governance was acting contrary to the very principles it publicly espoused. Those who had voted for the then President Mahinda Rajapaksa at the Jan.8 presidential polls as well as the UPFA at the Aug. 17 polls would think twice before backing the SLFP at future elections, Dr Bandara said. Far smaller Opposition groups had managed well in parliament. Therefore, the SLFP shouldn’t have accepted portfolios at the expense of those who had believed in the return of war winning President Mahinda Rajapaksa as Prime Minister of the eighth parliament.

  22. Asanga Says:


    [Indeed she will just as she has done so many times in the long history of hers. Feeling sad must not turn into despair.]

    Well said! Inspite of wrong decisions made and wrong perceptions held by some of them, the same can also be said about Sri Lankans as well. We’ve all suffered through long dark periods of despair and have come out intact.

    As we suffer our grief as lovers of this tiny land of ours, let us also not lose faith in our fellow countrymen and women, yes even those who seem to think that everything is hunky dory with the status quo. Somewhere along the line, and I believe sooner than later, most of them will see, I sincerely believe.

    In the meantime,

    Thousands of disabled war veterans still lie poor and destitute. Many families of dead soldiers need financial help, their kids need a helping hand to get an education.

    And just as importantly, many youngsters from rural areas who have such tremendous potential in growing up to be a credit to our nation in all arenas, need the help of people such as ourselves who are willing to put away the sort of jealous mindset that has been a major barrier in helping our own kind to thrive.

    And let’s not forget the state of Buddhism in our country as well. With the so called ‘Chief’ prelates jumping up and down about the preservation of ‘Democracy’, all the while forgetting that their most important duty, as ‘Buddha Puthras’ (scions of the Noble One) is in ‘curing the minds’ of the unenlightened; while celebration of our Buddhist heritage is looked down upon as something close to ‘Racism’ given the latest trends on the ‘Colombian’ elite.

    There is a lot to do, ladies and gentlemen. And it does not involve taking up arms or causing revolutions. Let’s get to it.

    ….and at this moment, I have this image of our current prime minister jumping up and wagging his index finger shouting ‘ no no we cannot talk about Ayuda, Ayuda ganna ewwa gena katha karanna behe methana…..

  23. Ananda-USA Says:

    The new “Leader of the Opposition” TNA’s Sampanthan WASTES NO TIME to begin carving out his Tamils-Only Ethnic Apartheid EELAMIST Bantustan from Sri Lanka on the “Indian Model”!

    Is this what 4.8 million Patriots who voted for the UPFA wanted? The DISINTEGRATION of our Motherland into ETHNIC BANTUSTANS??

    Magey Budu Ammey ….. Yamapalanaya Vikarayata chandey dunnu Sinhala Baudda Booruwanta Hena Gahapan!

    Sampanthan proposes 3 to 5 regions

    By Kelum Bandara and Yohan Perera
    September 3, 2015

    Newly appointed Opposition Leader R. Sampanthan, in his address to Parliament, said Sri Lanka should have ‘three to five regions’ with maximum power devolved to them taking a good example from India as the giant neighbour to resolve the Tamil national question.

    Mr. Sampanthan was appointed as the Opposition Leader of the new Parliament yesterday. His Tamil National Alliance (TNA) won 16 seats at the August 17 General Elections from the five electoral districts in the north and the east.

    He said he would use the opportunity afforded to him to find a solution to the national question.

    “Why can’t we have three to five regions in this country taking a good example from our giant neighbour? Despite all diversities they have been able to stay together thanks to their form of governance. Rather than having so many ministers in the centre why can’t we have three to five regions in this country vested with substantial powers of governance? There are many young members of Parliament who could be ministers, chief ministers in those regions. Give those regions maximum power. And allow those various parts of this country be ruled in such a way that the people themselves are best served. In India there are 29 such states. The country is united. The country stays together because people’s aspirations are respected, honoured and implemented by the states which have been constituted in such a way as to preserve linguistic interests, cultural interests, religious interests and so on. That is what we need,” he said.

    Asserting that his party would remain an efficient and effective opposition, he said it would support all positive endeavours of the government.

    “We will support the government in its endeavours if they are justified and are for the betterment of people. We’ll work closely with other parties of the opposition to ensure that we together are an effective opposition. We would not hesitate to work together and fight for the cause of the opposition whenever it is required,” he said.

    Besides, Mr. Sampanthan said his party would not accept the idea to increase the number of ministries in the government.

  24. Kumari Says:

    I do not understand this mockery of a democracy. Weerawansa (313,801) and Gammanpila (198,818) bagged a total of over 512,619 votes from Colombo district. Whereas TNA’s grand total is only 515,963 with 16 seats and JVP’s grand total 543,944 with 6 seats. So, why is the democratic rights Weerawansa and Gammanpila removed in the very place where democracy should be upheld.

  25. Indrajith Says:

    Kumari, in Sri Lanka democracy works in a very strange way!

  26. ranjit Says:

    Dictator was born and the country will be in shambles before long.Second sellout of our homeland by the Dictator Ranil.First one was in 2004 giving in writing half of the country to the terrorist Prabakaran keep it on a golden plate and now giving the Opposition leader post to a Tamil who was calling for self rule with land and police powers. It’s time for true Sinhala Buddhists who loves this nation to stand up and fight against this criminal act by the evil trio Sira/Chandrika/Ranil who operates under the advise of American and Indian Parasites.

  27. Fran Diaz Says:

    Re Sampanthan’s new speech in Parliament re division of Sri Lanka into 3-5 regions, imitating Indian governance :

    India is still having a hard time governing their country. There were constant breakaway sub-states, including Tamil Nadu, until PM Nehru imposed the Anti-Secessionist Laws in 1963. The Tamil Nadu divisive politics were then transferred
    even more to Sri Lanka. Watch it, GoSL !

    Imitating India in toto re governance is NOT a good idea. Lanka ought to copy Britain for Security issues, and Europe for Social Security (after WW I&II, Europe excels in this aspect).
    India can be copied in parts re food, clothing, preservation of ancient archealogical sites, practice of Yoga, and some other items.
    If Lanka is broken into 3-5 regions as suggested by Mr S., then Tamil Leaders who want a separate state in Sri Lanka, will control even more land joining up the North, East and Upcountry ! The Tamil Caste system (ancient social control system of Tamil Nadu) will be imposed on those areas, regressing Lankans social progress even further.

    Will ‘Gonnas’ Rannil, CBK & MY3 allow this take over, with the new GonnaPalanaya govt. in place ?

  28. Ananda-USA Says:

    The FIRST Ray of HOPE for Sri Lankan Patriots EMERGES as MPs of MINOR constituents parties and SOME SLFP MPs move to form a NEW Opposition block in Parliament.

    Hopefully this GOAL will be realized, and the move will continue to GATHER MOMENTUM and ATTRACT more and more SLFP MPs to desert the National Government as the DANGER POSED by it to Sri Lanka’s INTEGRITY becomes MORE OBVIOUS every day!

    If 50 UPFA MPs form a new opposition, R. Sampanthan’s role as “Leader of the Opposition” as, I hope, will his proposal to DIVIDE Sri Lanka into 3 ETHNIC BANTUSTANS! But why should he worry, his role as “Traitor in Chief” will continue!

    The Lion Flag flutters proudly aloft,
    To remind us this freedom’s day!
    Our duty to keep thee, safe and strong,
    As our forefathers did yesterday!

    Some UPFA MPs opt to be in the opposition

    By Kelum Bandara
    September 9, 2015

    In the wake of the two main parties agreeing to form the national unity government, some United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) MPs are hoping to inform Speaker Karu Jayasuriya that they would function as part of the opposition, a party leader said yesterday.

    The UPFA and the United National Party (UNP) which agreed to form the national government had also agreed to share Cabinet portfolios.

    Against this background, the UPFA MPs who are opposed to the formation of a national unity government are preparing a petition to be sent to the Speaker.
    National Freedom Front (NFF) Leader Wimal Weerwansa told Daily Mirror said he believed that at least 50 MPs would sign this petition which would be handed over within the next two weeks.

    He said he had learnt of attempts by the government to suppress dissent in parliament.

    Talks to form a new opposition in Sri Lanka parliament


    Sept 05, Colombo: Minor constituent parties of former ruling party United People’s Freedom Alliance (UPFA) are in discussions to form an opposition alliance after the main constituent, Sri Lanka Freedom Party (SLFP) decided to join the United National Party (UNP) in the national government.

    Leader of the National Freedom Front (NFF) Wimal Weerawansa said that discussions have been held by five political parties of UPFA represented in parliament on forming a common opposition.

    Minor constituent parties of the UPFA Mahajana Eksath Peramuna, National Freedom Front, Communist Party, Democratic Leftist Front and the Pivithuru Hela Urumaya are represented in Parliament.

    Two other minor parties, Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP) led by Douglas Devananda and Ceylon Worker’s Congress (CWC) led by Arumugam Thondaman have joined the national government.

    Weerawansa said parties will further discuss next week with regard to forming a new political front to contest future elections.

  29. Ananda-USA Says:

    UPFA DISSENTING MPs …. 57 strong and a MAJORITY in the UPFA … voice their INTENT to form an Opposition block consistent with the UPFA ELECTION PLATFORM that rejected support for a National Yamapalanaya Govt, and declare their INTENT to CONTEST the appointment of TNA’s Sampanthan as Leader of the Opposition!

    Jayawewa! With this STRENGTH in the number of DISSENTING MPs HOPE SPRINGS in the HEARTS of Patriots that it may augur the formation of a NEW PATRIOTIC OPPOSITION Party in the future!

    Better still, the SLFP should AMEND its Party Constitution to REMOVE the requirement that the President of the Nation MUST be the Leader of the Party. With such an AMENDMENT, the SLFP can say GOODBYE to the TREACHEROUS BACKSTABBER Somarama Sirisena, LEAVE the Yamapalanaya GoSL and STOP ALL of its Anti-National moves to amend the Constitution to favor separatists, other minorities, NGOs and neocolonialist foreign powers now gathering like vultures to DISMEMBER Sri Lanka.

    If such a SCENARIO UNFOLDS, EVERYTHING BECOMES POSSIBLE, and the Yamapalanaya Govt’s days will be numbered.

    RISE UP in your MILLIONS …. O Patriotic Sons ad Daughters of Mother Lanka to RESCUE your Motherland PEACEFULLY and LEGALLY from the grasp of its ARTFUL ENEMIES who are attempting to STEAL your ancestral inheritance by MISLEADING & MISDIRECTING you!

    NEVER TRUST those who have FAILED to FIGHT for your Motherland, and now try to PREACH PATRIOTIC HOMILIES to you to BEND you to their WILL!

    UPFA rebels to function as independent group in House

    By Rasika Somarathna
    September 07, 2015

    A 57-member dissident faction within the UPFA will function as an independent group in Parliament after defying the party decision to form a national government.

    Former Chief Minister of Western Province Prasanna Ranatunga who entered Parliament on the UPFA ticket at the last election, said the UPFA rebels who has the support of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, will also discuss the appointment of TNA’s R. Sampanthan as the Opposition Leader with the Speaker and President Maithripala Sirisena who is both the head of the UPFA and the SLFP.

    According to Ranatunga, a majority of UPFA MPs (57 out of the 96) had informed President Sirisena in writing to appoint Kalutara district SLFP parliamentarian Kumara Welgama as the Opposition Leader.Speaking at a public ceremony in Gampaha yesterday, Ranatunga said since the SLFP central committee had given powers to the President to appoint the Opposition Leader they had not made any submissions to the Speaker.

    Ranatunga said the UPFA team will also discuss the matter with the Speaker when Parliament convenes on September 22.

    While noting that the Speaker had informed his group that he had received a letter from the newly appointed UPFA General Secretary Vishwa Warnapala that the party will not contest the post as it had agreed to join the UNP to form a national government, Ranatunga said there must have been a communication gap between the party Chairman and the General Secretary.

    The MP said the UPFA did not have a mandate to form a national government as the party had not voiced any such aims to the voters at the last parliamentary polls.

    Ranatunga said that Sampanthan’s appointment do have both good and bad sides. He said the TNA has not deviated from its position of seeking federalism as a means to devolving power and also its stance for an international probe against Sri Lanka to make a determination on the so-called human rights violations during the war.

    Ranatunga was of the view that if there is an investigation against the alleged violations done by security forces the same should apply with regards to the atrocities committed by the LTTE.

  30. Ananda-USA Says:

    With a Yamapalanaya Govt “National” in name only, is Somarama Sirisena getting SHIVERING IN FEAR that his JUNTA of BACKSTABBERS and Ship-Jumpers may fall apart??

    Is he WORRIED that having SOWN the WIND with TREACHERY, he may REAP the WHIRLWIND of JUST RETRIBUTION???

    UNEASY lies the head that wears that STOLE the CROWN of THORNS with DESPICABLE TREACHERY!

    President: National govt. under threat … from Rajapaksa loyalists and separatist forces

    by Zacki Jabbar
    September 6, 2015

    Admitting that the national government formed between the UNP and the SLFP would face survival challenges, President Maithripala Sirisena yesterday called on members of both parties, especially at grass roots level, to ensure that their historic partnership continued for the betterment of the country.

    Addressing the UNP’s 69 anniversary celebrations at Sirikotha, the President who is also leader of the SLFP, described his participation in the celebrations of the SLFP’s main opponent as an unprecedented occasion.

    Describing his presence as an outcome of consensual politics, Sirisena warned that forces connected to the last Rajapaksa government and those with separatist agendas were doing their utmost to scuttle the UNP-SLFP Memorandum of Understanding entered into with the national interest in mind.

    Appealing to members of both parties, he said that it was with their support and cooperation that the conspiracy to destabilise the National Government could be overcome.

    Acknowledging that he could not have become President without the UNP’s support, Srisena expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the UNP leadership and rank and file.

    He also personally thanked the then Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe and former President Chandrika Kumaratunga for their encouragement and support, at a time when he and his family’s very existence was under threat.

    Among those present on the occasion were leaders of the constituent parties in the UNP led United National Front. They included Rauff Hakeem, Patali Champika Ranawaka, Palani Digambram, Rishard Bathiudeen and Mano Ganeshan.

    Convenor of the National Movement for a Pure Tomorrow, Athureliya Rathana Thera and Democratic Party Leader, Field Marshall Sarath Fonseka also graced the occasion.

    Leader of the UNP and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe recalling the difficult times that the party had to face in its history, thanked the membership for their efforts to making the UNP victorious once again.

    “We have ended nepotism, anarchism and corruption,” he noted while urging all those committed to good governance and the rule of law to ensure a peaceful and prosperous Sri Lanka, where all its citizens would have equal opportunities to succeed in life.

    Deputy Leader of the UNP Sajith Premadasa, Assistant Leader Ravi Karunanayake and General Secretary Kabeer Hashim addressed the gathering.

  31. Ananda-USA Says:

    Oops! CORRECTED Version …….

    With a Yamapalanaya Govt “National” in name only, and propped up not with consent of the UPFA MPs but technical dictats, is Somarama Sirisena SHIVERING IN FEAR that his National Government JUNTA of BACKSTABBERS and SHIP-JUMPERS may fall apart??

    Is he WORRIED that having SOWN the WIND with TREACHERY, he may REAP the WHIRLWIND of JUST RETRIBUTION???

    UNEASY lies the head that wears the CROWN of THORNS STOLEN in the dead of the night with DESPICABLE TREACHERY!

    The Stampede of the Ship-Jumpers!

    Half-a-Jump, Half-a-Jump
    Half-a-Jump, Onward!
    Into the Valley of Treason
    Into the Jaws of Dishonor
    Jump the Ship-Jumpers!

    Bribes to the Left of them
    Jobs to the Right of Them
    Power in Front of the Them
    Cudgels to the Rear of Them
    Jump the Ship-Jumpers!

    Half-a-Jump, Half-a-Jump
    Half-a-Jump, Onward!
    Into the Valley of Tears
    Driven by Nameless Fears
    Jump the Ship-Jumpers!

    Jostled from the Left of them
    Jostled from the Right of them
    Massed Asses to the Front of them
    Hoots of Rage to the Rear of them
    Jump the Ship-Jumpers!

    President: National govt. under threat … from Rajapaksa loyalists and separatist forces

    by Zacki Jabbar
    September 6, 2015

    Admitting that the national government formed between the UNP and the SLFP would face survival challenges, President Maithripala Sirisena yesterday called on members of both parties, especially at grass roots level, to ensure that their historic partnership continued for the betterment of the country.

    Addressing the UNP’s 69 anniversary celebrations at Sirikotha, the President who is also leader of the SLFP, described his participation in the celebrations of the SLFP’s main opponent as an unprecedented occasion.

    Describing his presence as an outcome of consensual politics, Sirisena warned that forces connected to the last Rajapaksa government and those with separatist agendas were doing their utmost to scuttle the UNP-SLFP Memorandum of Understanding entered into with the national interest in mind.

    Appealing to members of both parties, he said that it was with their support and cooperation that the conspiracy to destabilise the National Government could be overcome.

    Acknowledging that he could not have become President without the UNP’s support, Srisena expressed his heartfelt gratitude to the UNP leadership and rank and file.

    He also personally thanked the then Opposition Leader Ranil Wickremesinghe and former President Chandrika Kumaratunga for their encouragement and support, at a time when he and his family’s very existence was under threat.

    Among those present on the occasion were leaders of the constituent parties in the UNP led United National Front. They included Rauff Hakeem, Patali Champika Ranawaka, Palani Digambram, Rishard Bathiudeen and Mano Ganeshan.

    Convenor of the National Movement for a Pure Tomorrow, Athureliya Rathana Thera and Democratic Party Leader, Field Marshall Sarath Fonseka also graced the occasion.

    Leader of the UNP and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe recalling the difficult times that the party had to face in its history, thanked the membership for their efforts to making the UNP victorious once again.

    “We have ended nepotism, anarchism and corruption,” he noted while urging all those committed to good governance and the rule of law to ensure a peaceful and prosperous Sri Lanka, where all its citizens would have equal opportunities to succeed in life.

    Deputy Leader of the UNP Sajith Premadasa, Assistant Leader Ravi Karunanayake and General Secretary Kabeer Hashim addressed the gathering.

  32. Ananda-USA Says:

    Yet Another FALSE Fabricated Legal Case targeting Gotabhaya Rajapaksa DISMISSED!

    ALL of these FAKE CASES did their DAMAGE though …. SMEARING the previous UPFA GoSL in the ELECTIONS!

    WILLFUL DEFAMATION cases should now be LAUNCHED to hold those who FILED these FAKE Cases and Allegations RESPONSIBLE for the DAMAGE!!

    Sri Lankan court terminates case against Avant Garde floating armory

    Sept 07, Colombo: Colombo Additional Magistrate Nishantha Peiris today terminated the proceedings of the Avant Garde case on a request of the Criminal Investigations Department(CID) of police.

    The CID has informed the court that it does not wish to proceed with the case further.

    The court has also lifted the order restricting the chairman of Avant Garde Maritime Services (Pvt) Ltd Major Nissanka Senadhipathi from overseas travel.

    Colombo Chief Magistrate issued the travel restriction order in January due to the ongoing investigations by the CID on Avant Garde’s floating armory maintained at the Galle Harbor.

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