Archive for September 15th, 2015

Episode  11 – Main Actor Maitripala Sirisena the President.

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

Sudath Gunasekara, Mahanuwara 15.9.2015 I for one do not blame or underestimate the attempts made by President Sirisena to appease and reconcile the so-called Tamil problem or his trying to win over the Tamil population to the SLFP as he may be doing so in good intentions as the President of the whole nation. Even […]

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Ending Kafka’s trial: Can “Good Governance”  name the  unnamed accusers  used by the Darusman report ?

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

By Chandre Dharmawardana, Canada Let us recall that the United Nations secretary general appointed a committee of four individuals to ADVISE HIM about the human rights situation in Sri Lanka. This report, known as the Darusman report has since then assumed a role that the secretary general never intended it to have.  It has become one […]

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Gadkari, Lankan PM Discuss 5.19 Billion Dollar India-Lanka Road Project

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

Courtesy The Indian Express NEW DELHI: An ambitious USD 5.19 billion road project to connect India and Sri Lanka with a sea-bridge and an underwater tunnel is believed to have been discussed today by Union Minister Nitin Gadkari during his talks with visiting Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe. Gadkari, Minister for Road Transport, Highways […]

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Monsanto’s Sealed Documents Reveal the Truth behind Roundup’s Toxicological Dangers

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

by Richard Gale and Gary Null Courtesy The year 2015 hasn’t been kind to Monsanto. In March, the World Health Organization declared that the company’s flagship product, its herbicide glyphosate or Roundup, is a probable human carcinogen. Increasingly, national health ministries are taking a hard second look at glyphosate’s health and environmental dangers and efforts are […]

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රටට හොරෙන් CEPA අත්සන් කරන ලකුණු. මෙන්න පිළිගත හැකි මූලාශ්‍ර…

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

උපුටාගැණීම සීපා ගිවිසුම නිසා ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට වෙන හානිය හේතු කොටගෙන එය අත්සන් කිරීමෙන් වැළකීමට මහින්ද රාජපක්ෂ ජනාධිපති තුමා කටයුතු කළේය. රනිල් වික‍්‍රමසිංහ මහතාගේ ඉන්දීය සංචාරයේදී ‘සීපා’ ගිවිසුම් අත්සන් කිරීමක් හෝ ඒ ගැන සාකච්ඡා කිරීමක් හෝ සිදු නොවන්නේ යයි මලික් සමරවික්‍රම මහතා පවසා තිබුණි. විස්තරය. නමුත් සීපා ගිවිසුම ගැන සාකච්ඡා සිදුවෙන බවත්, අත්සන් කිරීමට නියමිත […]

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මහින්ද රු 350 ට දුන්න පොහොර මිටිය දැන් රු 500 යි. ගොවීන්ට අපමණ අගයක්!

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

උපුටාගැණීම මහින්ද චින්තන ප්‍රතිපත්තිය යටතේ එදා පොහොර මිටිය නිකුත් කළේ රු 350 ක ටයි. රු 350 ට නිකුත් කරන පොහොර මිටියට රු 150 ක ඉන්ෂුවරන්ස් එකක් සමග මේ වන විට රු 500 ක් අය කරන බව” ගොවීහු පවසති. පහත වීඩියෝව බලන්න. යම් ලෙසකින් රු 150 ක රක්ෂණයෙන් ප්‍රතිඵලයක් අත් වූවානම් තව කමක් නැත. ගොවීන් […]

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Let’s remember Keppetipola and other heroes

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

K. Godage Former Ambassador Courtesy Island September 9, 2015, 9:16 pm Year 2018 will mark the two hundredth anniversary of the first uprising against the British rule in 1818 in the Uva-Wellassa. This region was known as the granary of the Kingdom of Kandy before it was annexed by the British in 1815 under the ‘Kandyan Convention’. […]

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MR Questions New Stand On HR

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

By Ashanthi Warunasuriya Courtesy The Sunday leader Former President Mahinda Rajapaksa has questioned the new position taken by some countries on the human rights issue in Sri Lanka. Rajapaksa’s spokesman Rohan Weliwitta said that the former President, feels that the new position clearly shows how political the human rights issue was. He said that the United […]

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Prospects Of The Gargantuan Cabinet

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

Courtesy The Sunday Leader The gigantic number of cabinet, state and deputy ministers keeps mounting with such frequency that it is quite a difficult task to keep pace with the expansion. At the time of writing the collective number is nearing a century. With nine provincial councils comprising chief ministers and ministers for various subjects, […]

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JVP sees power having shifted from one family to cartel of cronies

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

By Saman Indrajith Courtesy Island September 13, 2015, 8:42 pm The administration came to power promising good governance, but the reins of government has shifted from a family to a cabal of cronies, the JVP says. Addressing the media at the JVP Headquarters in Pelawatte, Battaramulla, party Propaganda Secretary MP Vijitha Herath said those who had […]

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Rupee devaluation: Is it to save the country, exporters or the opposition?

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015 In 1990 one USD was LKR 40. This rate has nearly trebled to 115 by 2010. Do we see a related growth either in exports or balance of payments during this period? There can be multiple explanations why previous LKR devaluations didn’t work … The devaluation of LKR naturally increases the cost of living. Any devaluation is associated […]

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CB circular to reduce vehicles on Lankan roads -(Circular attached)

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

Adaderana The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) has introduced a circular last night (14 September) preventing the purchase of vehicles on a 100 per cent or ‘Full Lease’ or ‘Hire Purchase’ basis without any initial down payments, in a bid to reduce the number of vehicles on Sri Lanka’s roads. A senior official from […]

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SL Rupee records historic low today

Tuesday, September 15th, 2015

Adaderana The lowest ever depreciation in history of the Sri Lankan against the US Dollar was recorded today (15 September). At the close of the money market today, the Sri Lankan Rupee recorded Rs. 140.25 against the US Dollar. The historic depreciation of the Rupee against the US Dollar is due to the lack of […]

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