Posted on September 17th, 2015

By Kanthar Balanathan, Australia

DipEE(UK), GradCert(RelEng-Monash), DipBus&Admin(Finance-Massey), MIEE, CEng, MIEAust (Ret), CPEng(Ret)

Retired Director & Power Systems Specialist Engineer,

Sri Lanka, the republican soil is owned by the people (citizens) of SriLanka. The country does not belong to the politicians or the Ministers or the President. The executive and politicians (MPs) are elected by the people, and hence the portfolios to be managed or administered are chosen by the parliament and/or approved by the Executive. The republican constitution must be followed and the sections that govern for each of the functions should be complied with by all. Deviation or bypassing out of ignorance or intent should be considered a violation of democratic principles, pointing towards a dictatorial or autocratic performance. The people should not be taken for a ride, by giving dubious reasons. The people of the country are in a frightening state conjecturing punitive action by the state, if opposed, which is absolutely clear of the events that happen in a third world country.

Building a bridge between Talai Mannar and Danushkodi

An excerpt from Daily Mirror: RAMESWARAM: The Centre has taken a policy decision for building a bridge linking Talai Mannar in Sri Lanka with Danushkodi, Union Minister Kalraj Mishra today said. – See more at:

The statement further states: On Coir industries, he said the Centre has decided to develop coir based industries in five states– Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Karnataka and Kerala. – See more at:”.

On Samsung involvement it further states: The MSME-Samsung Technical Schools will run Samsung’s Advanced Repair and Industrial Skills Enhancement (A.R.I.S.E.2) programme, The government was determined to make products in India and was working hard on skill development among the youths and engineers. -See more at:

This article does not mislead information or written with intent of complaining actions by governments, however, unravel truths on economic benefits to our own soil, SriLanka.

Coir Industry

The Union Minister states that India wants to develop coir industries in Andra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Telangana, Karnataka and Kerala. What has that got to do with building a bridge? SriLanka, should be aware that coir industries are the speciality in the South. Sri Lanka should encourage people to invest in coir industries on a large scale for export. SL should provide the training, and formulate programs of technical courses in coir industry. Why is this necessary? Please refer: Coir management is science on its own. Coir could be made use of, for variety of products for human use.

India wants to smuggle out the speciality on coir industry. We have the basic resources for coir industry. Is India planning to siphon basic coir elements such as coconut husk, fibre raw materials, and other raw materials from SriLanka by road on a large scale? Sri Lanka, please wake up and try to educate, train, and make Sri Lankans specialists in each of the area, such as Tea, Rubber, Coir etc. Is SriLanka exporting coir products?


The MSME-Samsung Technical Schools will run Samsung’s Advanced Repair and Industrial Skills Enhancement (A.R.I.S.E.2) programme.  Sri Lanka should be aware that there are hundreds and hundreds of thousands of SriLankan specialists and experts are working on foreign soil as experts on IT, Communication, Software developers, Water management, and several other specialists’ areas. Is Sri Lanka aware of these specialists on foreign soil? They are in US, Canada, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Germany, Norway, Denmark etc.

Just to give an example: On speaking to a Power Systems Dynamics specialist SriLankan Professor, who has a PhD, and known to be the best in South East Asia; he stated that Sri Lanka does not welcome people like him. Another PhD who has another speciality, left for Canada. They are assets of SriLanka. Why have they left SL? The Universities in SriLanka does not recognise and accept people of high calibre engineering knowledge out of jealousy or with intent.

Why would Samsung come through India to train SriLankan human resources? And do we need a bridge to be constructed to accomplish this task?

One media states that four agreements have been signed by both parties. The 22 kilometre bridge will be completed at a cost of 5 billion dollars. Asian Development Bank will provide the funds. Ministerial agreements have been reached and remaining Secretarial negotiations, so stated the minister.

Opportunity Cost and/or Cost Benefit Analysis

The SriLankan Accountants, engineers and economists should dig deep into various economic and accounting theories and do an analysis on the Role of Opportunity Cost in Financial Decision Making”.

The analysis should be a qualitative and quantitative study detailing out the costs, benefits (tangible and intangible), plus the risks associated with the project. Quantify the risks associated with the project during and after.

It is of the author’s opinion that the bridge will not accrue any tangible or intangible benefits to the country. The reserve Bank should come out to detail out the benefits.

SriLankan people need to know the qualitative and quantitative benefits of this bridge. They have the right to know. Politicians have not been given the green flag to go and do anything and mortgage the country. It is GOSL’s duty of care to publish a report detailing out the benefits, risks, and threat to the sovereignty of the republic.

An example of the west operating pattern: In developed countries, major projects if planned, is placed before the public to study and make comments, either through the City Councils or the MP. Public is allowed to study the proposals, feasibility reports and submit constructive criticism.

 It is not sure whether Sri Lanka practice this type of project management. Is the Minister’s decision final? If so, the action cannot be brought under or identified as democratic. GOSL should carry out a feasibility study and apply Leonardo Da Vinci principle in concluding on this project. It is not a question of India wants.

Alternative Investments

  1. The North of SL has a water problem. The farmers depend on rain for rice and paddy agriculture. Rice is only a seasonal agriculture during the winter season. The rainfall in the North is significant during the months of Oct-December, April to June and also other seasons.

Even for other vegetable consumption, the province depends on Kilinochi, South and the upcountry.

I would like to draw the attention of GOSL to an article by Engineer Thiru Arumugam, Engineer K. Shanmugarajah and Engineer D. L. O. Mendis on A River for Jaffna”. The following three links provides substantial evidences that a river for Jaffna is not impossible.



Ancient kings have constructed Wavas and Samudra.

Parakramabahu Samudra Ref:

Minneriya Tank


The Minneriya Tank was built by the great tank builder, King Mahasen (276-303) who ruled in Anuradhapura. This tank occupied 4670 acres and it’s strong 13 meter tall dam running along a distance of 2 km held over 20 billion gallons of water. The water arrived from Mahaveli River, 48 km away, along the Elahara canal built by the King Vasabha (65-109) before his time.

The catchment area covering Thondaimannar and Vallai, and the rain water hence will increase paddy cultivation and other vegetation in the North.

Research has been completed by SriLankan engineers. However, GOSL did not recognise the valuable input by SriLankan engineers, Engineer Thiru Arumugam, Engineer K. Shanmugarajah and Engineer D. L. O. Mendis.

SL is planning to build a bridge at a cost of 5 billion dollars. How much will it cost to build bunds and construct a reservoir in the region of Thondaimannar/Vallai? At approximately 10%-20% of the cost, with local engineers and workers, the benefit is permanent, and risk free. Additional investment on fishing, such as boat docking platforms at various places, and loans to people to purchase small boats would be added advantage.

Build the reservoir in the North and spend the balance on investment in industries in the South. This will alleviate people’s suffering on unemployment and cost of living in the island.

An old statement: it is better to teach someone to catch fish rather supplying fish.

What is the motive behind the 5 billion dollar contract? Is there a company in SL to build this bridge? Some corporate body in the west is eager to get a 5 billion dollar contract, to build a bridge in sea, and subsequent kickbacks to politicians and corporate Officials. Can anyone deny this statement? There has been news on Reserve Bank’s Bond scam and now the 1.75 billion tender scam at SLT. Do we have a scam team now in SL?

There are adverse and significant amount of risks prevail if a bridge is constructed.

It is a call for SriLanka to honour and recognise the Sri Lankan engineers and specialists like Dr. D L O Mendis, Engineer Thiru Arumugam, Engineer K. Shanmugarajah and hundreds of thousands of specialists on foreign soil, who are developing foreign countries and not Sri Lanka.


  1. Lorenzo Says:

    The last time Endia built a bridge between the 2 countries, it was to DESTROY SL and steal women living happily in SL, throw them into fire and abduct them after killing SL men. It will not be any different this time.

    IF this bridge is built, it must not stand.

  2. helaya Says:

    Absolutely, you are 100% right. Sri Lanka politicians have a myopic view about everything. Selfish idiots never understand the priorities. This bridge going to be a disaster. Present administration does not hesitate to sell the country to appease West and the India.

  3. ranjit Says:

    This will be the end of my homeland for sure if they go ahead with this criminal act.When we have so many issues pending regarding our country and the citizens why we spend billions to satisfy only a few. This is only a coup by the Indians and the west to break our Sinhala nation.We Sinhalese must oppose this and fight against it. Sira/Ranil running amok like wild elephants to destroy the sovereignty of our Sinhala nation. They are paid servants of these evil regiments.They took the vote by bogus promises and unbelievable lies. Our stupids believed them twice and now we all have to suffer. Keep an oil lamp and curse them everyday in your prayers for being traitors to the Motherland.

  4. Dilrook Says:

    I strongly oppose any river, lake or tank for Jaffna or Vanni. This is a definite no.

    If such a fresh waterway is built for Jaffna, we attract a very large number of South Indians. Our very limited naval capabilities, language sameness in the north and laxed citizenship procedure makes it a hotbed of South Indian illegals coming to the island in hundreds of thousands. With a severe water crisis predicted for South India due to extreme population density, changes in climate and polution, the situation will be worsened.

    There is also no need to ‘balance investments in the north with the south’. What is required is equitable investments. Areas outside the north and east house about 90% of the population and therefore 90% of investments should be in these areas.

    Agree with the bridge. It will be a total disaster economically, politically, culturally and even spiritually.

    A good alternative investment will be to enhance India-Sri Lanka sea freight through regular feeder vessels running from Hambantota to Indian ports. That will immensely benefit both India and Sri Lanka.

  5. SA Kumar Says:

    I strongly oppose any river, lake or tank for Jaffna or Vanni. This is a definite no.-
    So you want to keep Sinhala Lanka & TE separately for ever ?

    no wander once Hon Amirthalingam said “Sinhalese do not know how to live with Tamils or divide to live !

    TE born in you-Sinhales’s mind before We-Tamil’s mind .

  6. Christie Says:

    Direct rout over or under will root out the Sinhalese be they Buddhists, Christians or Muslims. It will give India to put a direct line of control between Ceylon, Mauritius and Durban over the Ocean. 15 million against 1.3-1.5 billion.

  7. Fran Diaz Says:

    A Bridge joining between Lanka & Tamil Nadu, India, will be a TOTAL DISASTER for Sri Lanka, in many ways.

    A Bridge will enhance CEPA, (if signed in), prospects for India only, many times over.

    It will affect Lanka Economy adversely as Lanka’s various raw materials will be leached away by easy, low cost road transport to Tamil Nadu and other places in India. Jobs in Lanka will be far less in number as production of goods will virtually cease here. Balance of Trade will ALWAYS be massively in favor of India due to easy transport of goods iand services into the country. India produces basic items in huge number. Taking over Lanka’s Economy – for India,
    Lanka’s land mass and population will be like taking goods and services to just another SMALL sub-state in India !

    Enhanced business and economic activity with India through any Bridge and CEPA perhaps added on will spell the death knell of Lanka people.

    It is bad enough already with the Tamil Language in place with free Education & Health Care – Tamil Nadu Dalits will pour into Lanka via the Bridge. There are some 15 MILLION Tamil Dalits in TN. A Bridge means ‘walk into Lanka’, even with Immigration/Emigration offices at the Bridge. Lanka does not have the facilities and funds to handle such an exodus into Lanka.

    Let PM Modi handle India and Tamil Nadu without any BRIDGE to Lanka. He has a good plan of 100 Smart Cities for India. Let India manage her economy without tiny Lanka. Lanka can manage her own affairs without undue ‘help’ from India.
    Trust has already been broken here, many times.

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