Sirisena attempts to quell the concerns of Security Forces on the ‎UN report and the GoSL’s strategy.
Posted on September 21st, 2015

Courtesy Ratarakimu

Serious doubts about Sirisena’s words of reassurance as a man who betrayed his president for position of power, a man who broke the SLFP he worked with for a lifetime, a man whose party sits on one side of parliament but works for the otherside. Sirisena has adopted many strategies used by the Tamil tiger terrorists, Cassius, Brutus and Judas.
How can Sirisena be expected to be loyal to Sri Lanka or the Defenders of Sri Lanka – our military and law enforcement services? Where does his loyalties lie? He is likely to expect security services that dedicated their lives to fight terrorism to commit professional suicide by bowing down to the UN recommendations dictated by Separatist Tamil diaspora and their well funded NGO’s.
Was sirisena cheated by Ranil when he helped to oust Mahinda who wished to develop the nations economy to heights that would prevent interference while continuing to fight false allegations to protect the sovereignty of nation and the security forces for another term? Or was Sirisena colluding with the wishes of India and the west to halt the economic progress and leaning towards being independent of India and west’s grip?
People demand that the response to the UN is debated in parliament!
The security forces stood by people through 30 years of terrorism.
Now the people will stand by the security forces!

6 Responses to “Sirisena attempts to quell the concerns of Security Forces on the ‎UN report and the GoSL’s strategy.”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    My3, you haven’t even read the report! What nonsense are you talking. ALL our war heroes are being framed, taken to the Calvary of HAGUE and nailed to crosses to death. This is the truth. STOP lying. We must wake up. The UNGRATEFUL NATION must wake up.

    To the fools who still think democrazy can save SL as it saved Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, etc. What do you say now?

    IF this govt. remains in power it is 100% certain they will take our war heroes and kill them. This is a RED ALERT a call to action.

    Why are they after our war heroes? Because they KNOW ONLY the SL MILITARY can save SL. They want to STOP that too.

    Please understand this at this 11th hour. By MARCH 2016 GENEVA MAIN summit they want to FRAME our war heroes.

    Should we save SL through GUARDIAN GODS or follow BRITISH & ENDIAN IMPOSED governance systems to extinction?

  2. Independent Says:

    Sri Lanka opposes text of first US draft resolution on war crimes at UNHRC
    Mon, Sep 21, 2015, 09:31 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

    Sept 21, Geneva: Sri Lanka has rejected the draft resolution prepared by the United States on human rights violations and war crimes which is to be presented to the on-going 30th session of the UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva.

    Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, Ambassador Ravinatha Aryasinha delivering a statement at the informal consultation on the draft resolution on Sri Lanka organized by the Permanent Mission of the United States said Sri Lanka is concerned regarding the formulations provided in several of the Operative paragraphs of the resolution.

    He said the certain terminology used in the text is intrusive to be presented in a human rights resolution, especially when the country concerned is engaging with the international community including with the OHCHR.

    Pointing out that the OHCHR recognizes its report represents a “human rights investigation” and not a “criminal investigation” Aryasinha said the resolution emphasizing excessively on the criminal justice aspects, makes it imbalanced.

    “It would be more helpful to have a holistic approach when making recommendations in this resolution on promoting reconciliation in Sri Lanka,” he said.

    The Ambassador said Sri Lanka urges from the members “understanding, patience, assistance, encouragement, support, trust, goodwill and faith.”

    “At a time when we have a new Government that is adopting a calmly different path to that which was followed in the era before 8 January, the expectation is, naturally, that there would be a similar change in tone, tenor, and even strategy on the part of the Council as well.”

    Full text of Ambassador Aryasinha”s speech:

    I thank Ambassador Harper and his delegation for inviting me and my delegation to this informal consultation. I also take this opportunity to greet the Ambassador of the US to Sri Lanka Mr. Atul Keshap who is here with us today.

    As set out by the Minister of Foreign Affairs in his statement in the Council on 14 September, the Government of Sri Lanka recognizes fully, that the process of reconciliation involves addressing the broad areas of truth-seeking, justice, reparations and non-recurrence, and for non-recurrence to become truly meaningful, the necessity of reaching a meaningful political settlement.

    The Minister outlined as well, the ideas that the Government has evolved for setting up independent, credible and empowered mechanisms for this purpose. This includes 4 mechanisms to be set up by Statute:

    I. A Commission for Truth, Justice, Reconciliation and Non-recurrence,
    II. An Office on missing persons based on the families right to know, designed and implemented with the support of the ICRC,
    III. A Judicial Mechanism with a Special Counsel that aims to address the problem of impunity for human rights violations suffered by all communities, and
    IV. An Office for Reparations.

    It was also pointed out that all these mechanisms will be evolved and designed through a wide process of consultations involving all stakeholders including victims, communities, political parties, civil society representatives, the military, the High Commissioner and his office, bilateral partners, relevant international organizations as well as members of the diaspora who wish to be consulted. It was also explained that we expect the mechanisms to be designed in a manner that they would have the necessary freedom to obtain assistance – financial, material and technical, from our international partners including the OHCHR.

    Taking office following the elections on the 8 of January, has clearly demonstrated, through a series of actions, the intention to ensure meaningful culture and society based on the rule of law and good governance, promote and protect human rights, uphold democracy, and the universal values of equality, justice and freedom. I do not, on this occasion, endeavor to list out the many measures that have been taken since January 8, including legislative measures. I am sure that all of you, who have watched Sri Lanka closely, are aware of all these details.

    In this context, what we urge from our friends in this room and beyond is understanding, patience, assistance, encouragement, support, trust, goodwill and faith. At a time when we have a new Government that is adopting a calmly different path to that which was followed in the era before 8 January, the expectation is, naturally, that there would be a similar change in tone, tenor, and even strategy on the part of the Council as well.

    As you are aware, the government, on its own volition, and conviction that it has to do right by all her people, has already commenced taking steps to address many of the concerns in the previous resolutions and reports as well.

    Further, given that both the HCHR”s report (A/ HRC/30/ 61) and the Report on the OHCHR investigation on Sri Lanka (OISL) (A/HRC/30/SRP.2) recognizes that the report represents a “human rights investigation” and not a “criminal investigation”, emphasizing excessively on the criminal justice aspects, makes the resolution imbalanced. It would be more helpful to have a holistic approach when making recommendations in this resolution on promoting reconciliation in Sri Lanka.

    We also remain concerned regarding the formulations provided in several of the Operative paragraphs. Certain terminology used such as “verification”, is new and intrusive language to be presented in a human rights resolution, especially when the country concerned is engaging with the international community including with the OHCHR.

  3. Indrajith Says:

    සෙට්ටි කුලම විශේෂ බලකා කඳවුරටත් කණ කොකා හඬයි- trports:

    වවුනියාව, සෙට්ටිකුලම, අඩම්පන්කුලම විශේෂ කාර්ය බලකා විශේෂ කාර්ය බලකා කඳවුර හේතුවෙන් ප‍්‍රදේශයේ ජන ජීවිතයට දැඩි බාධා එල්ල වී ඇති බව පවසමින් දෙමළ ජතික සන්ධානයේ පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්තී‍්‍ර ශිව ශක්ති ආනන්දන් මහතා ඇතුළු ගම්වාසීන් පිරිසක් අද (20) දහවල් විරෝධතාවක නිරත වු අතර විශේෂ කාර්ය බලකා කඳවුරට විදුලිය ලබාදී ඇති විදුලි රැහැනේ ගැටුනු කාන්තාවක් ඉකුත්දා මියයාම සම්බංධයෙන් කඳවුරේ ස්ථානාධිපතිවරයා වහාම අත්අඩංගුවට ගන්නැයි වවුනියාව දිසා විනිසුරුවරයා අද (20) නියෝග කර ඇත.

  4. ranjit Says:

    War heroes stand together to save Motherlanka the same way you did with Prabakaran the brutal killer. This is not a joke.They are trying to frame our heroes and send them to hell therefore this is the time we need to be united as a nation and fight the Mafia within and Foreign.

    Not a single current leaders will fight on behalf of our nation except Mahinda who showed us several times how much he loves this country of ours. Current leaders have different views of each other and they do things which millions of our citizens do not agree or like. They spread lies and trying to hoodwink the public by numerous ways. We should not buy their sweet stories and trust them.They haven’t kept any promise they made during the election time. Do not give your vote to either party in the coming small election. We should find a suitable party which will represent Sinhala Buddhists. We as Sinhalaese must be united at this hour of great danger to our country. Coup plotters are making plans to destroy our Sinhala nation with various evil methods thru our traitors in UNP and S.L.F.P. If anyone has little love for his Motherland he must resign and join the real Opposition now if not we regards him as a traitor. I hope Sinhalaya will stay awake all the time and be ready to fight the evil invaders at any given time in the future. Jayawewa to Sinhala nation.

  5. aravinda Says:

    Vietnamese Venerate GIAP and HO CHI MING as their second fathers. TURKS speak of MUSTAPHA KAMAL with great reverence.

    Indians and Sri Lankans are different. Indians have totally forgotten Subash Chandra Bose, and Sri lankans have done better, they have called MAHINDA a thief, defeated him in two elections and now on the way to betray him, Gota and 120 war heroes to Western masters.

    What have we become? We can not let this pass. We will be the most ungrateful nation is world history. Those who voted Sirisena, Ranil should now realize their blunder, speak up and stand up.

  6. Kumari Says:

    How I see the end of this backstabbing saga is: Ranil will/or has already helped India and the West the frame Sirisena (who was the Acting Minister of Defence when the war was fought) and Fonseka (the Army Chief during the war) for war crimes. Then only these two idiots will realise the value of the greatest son of mother Lanka MAHINDA.

    Now I feel ashamed being a Sri Lankan. We couldn’t save those who gave our lives back, we couldn’t ensure them a glorious and a peaceful end to their lives. What would befall on us is THE HENA HATHA.

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