THE SILENT dangers to National security within the UN resolution!
Posted on September 21st, 2015

By Dayan Jayatilleka

Mangala Samaraweera playing with Tamil SeparatistsWhy is Mangala and Ranil hiding these facts from the public?  They plan to agree to this by 24th September!!!

US Draft Resolution Wants Demilitarization Of The North & East
Posted on September 20th, 2015

The US draft resolution, or should I say the US-UK draft resolution, attempts to get Sri Lanka to agree to something that the world’s deadliest terrorist militia failed to do in thirty years of war, studded with suicide bombing. It tries to get us to agree to what a 70,000 strong contingent of the world’s fourth largest army did not try to or tried only partially to do. The US resolution, in its Operative Paragraph 15, Urges the Government of Sri Lanka to…demilitarize the north and east of Sri Lanka…”

In the very first place it is not the business of the UN Human Rights Council to urge the demilitarization of any part of any country, and certainly not a country at peace. Troop deployment is a sovereign decision based on the perception of security threats and needs of an independent state.

In the second place, what does demilitarize” mean? Certainly it does not mean a mere re-profiling of the armed forces presence in the North and East, because if that were the case, there are other terms which could express that idea, such as drawdown”, reduction”, reconfiguration” etc. No, demilitarization means just that—and let’s not forget that English is the language of the drafters of the resolution.

Can one imagine an area which saw a thirty year war until a mere six years ago, being demilitarized in any country? The USA took twelve years for the Union (Northern) armies to withdraw from the ex-Confederate South after the Civil War.

Can one imagine the demilitarization of the sensitive border areas of any country? Can one imagine the demilitarization of any border area which is separated by a mere 23 kilometers from a landmass inhabited by 70 million ethnics of the populace of that border area?

Can one imagine any country which demilitarizes a border province across which there is a landmass whose political leadership i.e. the Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu, has in a formal letter to the Indian PM called in just so many words, for a Tamil Eelam”?

This is what the US resolution wants us to do—which means this is what the US-UK and the West want us to do. This is what they would like to see as the future of Sri Lanka: an unguarded, insecure, wide-open North and East, devoid of a military presence which deters separatist terrorism or cross border incursion.

This call for demilitarization has to be seen in tandem with Prime Minister Wickremesinghe’s recent official visit to India, during which a call was paid on him by Indian Union Minister for roadways, Nitin Gadari who briefed him on the US $ 5.19 billion ADB funded project to link Sri Lanka and India. You don’t need 5.19 billion US dollars to build a bridge or a road; you do need it to build a massive underwater tunnel, which has already been announced. Top Indian strategic analyst C Raja Mohan writing in the Indian express says that the Indian media already calls it the Hanuman Bridge”.

Thus the big plan is to make Sri Lanka physically part of the Indian subcontinent. It must also be noted that the project will link, not just any part of Sri Lanka with just any part of India but precisely Northern Sri Lankan – which the USA draft resolution wants us to demilitarize—with Tamil Nadu—which wants to see a Tamil Eelam in the North and East of Sri Lanka.

The US resolution also calls for the repeal of the Prevention of Terrorism Act as promised by the Sri Lankan Government, which will be substituted by a more suitable piece of legislation.

13. Affirms the Government of Sri Lanka’s commitment to review and repeal the Prevention of Terrorism Act and replace it with anti-terrorism legislation in line with contemporary international best practices…”

Now if the wording merely called for review and reform it would be unexceptionable, but when it calls for repeal, what it means is that no one currently in jail under the PTA can remain in jail when the Act is repealed. No one can be jailed under a new Act which was not on the books when they were sentenced!

Thus over two hundred hardcore terrorists including Black Tigers will be released. Meanwhile the Sri Lankan Government promised in Geneva to repeal the Public Security Ordnance, under which the State declares Emergency and Martial Law. It was not introduced by the Rajapaksa regime but by a liberal-left post WW II colonial administration in 1947. Imagine the situation in which the North and East have been demilitarized as per the US resolution, ex-Black Tigers are back in those provinces, and the Sri Lankan state has neither the military presence nor the laws as deterrents?

The US draft resolution also calls for the removal from the military and security establishments of anyone who can be ‘credibly implicated’ of having violated human rights. This means those who have not had a fair trial but are credibly implicated” of having deprived Tiger suicide bombers who might have blown up a bus or train fill of civilians, of their human rights.

8. Encourages the Government of Sri Lanka to introduce effective security sector reforms as part of its transitional justice process that include ensuring that no scope exists for retention in or recruitment into the security forces of anyone credibly implicated in serious crimes involving human rights violations or abuses or violations of international humanitarian law including members of the security and intelligence units…”

The US Draft resolution tells the Sri Lankan public what our Government has actually promised, namely a special court with a special prosecutor, and goes on to propose that we not only internationalize that mechanism but revise our laws to prosecute those whose only excesses were committed in their zeal to defeat the deadly LTTE and save us, our children and our country from that enemy. The resolution tells us how to punish such people who saved us.

4. … and calls upon the Government of Sri Lanka, to involve international investigators, prosecutors and judges in Sri Lanka’s justice processes;

  1. Encourages the Government of Sri Lanka to review and, where required, reform domestic law to ensure that it allows for prosecution of the full range of crimes under domestic and international law involving violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law.”
  2. … calls on the Government of Sri Lanka to review and, as appropriate, repeal or reform legislation and other measures enacted and implemented during the armed conflict and its aftermath so as to reflect the transition to peace and stability on the island and to ensure compliance with Sri Lanka’s international obligations,
  3. Calls upon the new Government of Sri Lanka to reform its domestic law to ensure that it can effectively implement its own commitments, the recommendations made in the report of the Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission, as well as the recommendations of the report by the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights requested in resolution 25/1, including the investigation and prosecution of those most responsible for the full range of relevant crimes involving violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law”.

The famous line about international judges, prosecutors and investigators” which the US endorses and has incorporated into the draft resolution could well be a dummy pass, because the well-known journalist Amanda Hodge writing in the leading newspaper The Australian, reported in its September 18th issue, what the game plan really is: local judges and international investigators”! So they are planning to do a WMD on us, with Western forensic experts crawling all over, digging up doggie bones and alleging mass graves and war crimes.

Meanwhile Foreign Minister Samaraweera and his Prime Minister must stop telling untruths on the public record. Their claim is that President Mahinda Rajapaksa agreed to an accountability mechanism—they sometimes say an international investigation, sometimes a domestic mechanism – in his May 23, 2009 Joint Statement with Ban Ki Moon and later in the May 2009 Resolution in favor of Sri Lanka which obtained a near-two thirds majority in the UN Human Rights Council, on my watch. This is given the lie by the simple fact that the US Draft Resolution refers to and stands upon the Resolutions of 2012, 2013 and 2014, and makes no reference whatsoever to the resolution of 2009 which Sri Lanka won. This is because there was no commitment that the US can refer to which derives from 2009.

The relevant portion of the May 23, 2009 Joint Statement read as follows: The Secretary General underlined the importance of an accountability process for addressing violations of international humanitarian and human rights law. The Government will take measures to address those grievances.”

As for the Resolution of May 27th 2009, it simply stated in paragraph 10 that the Council Further welcomesthe visit to Sri Lanka of the Secretary-General at the invitation of the President of Sri Lanka, and endorses the joint communiqué issued at the conclusion of the visit and the understandings contained therein”.

The understandings contained therein” were that the Government would take unspecified measures to address grievances regarding an accountability process with regard to human rights and humanitarian law violations. The Government will take measures to address those grievances” is hardly a smoking gun; no evidence of any commitment to an accountability mechanism, domestic, international or hybrid. Indeed it is a model of diplomatic ambiguity. The LLRC and the Disappearances Commission, are the measures that the previous Government took, as promised, to address those grievances. That Government’s lapse was in failing to fully implement the LLRC report within a compressed time frame.

The hybrid Sri Lankan Government wants us to believe that we shall be bailed out by our friend the USA and that we must at all times cooperate and collude with it, even when that goes against our core national, strategic and security interests, which as history and geography teach us, are centered on our geo-strategically and demographically vulnerable North-Eastern periphery.

The US expects Sri Lanka to agree in the main, to their Geneva draft. If it does so, Sri Lanka is drinking from a poisoned chalice and none of our friends in and outside the Council will be able to save us.

The US Draft resolution circulating in Geneva and the Sri Lankan Government’s complicit posture remind me that Che Guevara used to approvingly quote Frederick Wilhelm of Prussia who said God save me from my friends; I can take care of my enemies myself”.

4 Responses to “THE SILENT dangers to National security within the UN resolution!”

  1. Indrajith Says:

    තලෙයිමන්නාරම හා ඉන්දියාවේ
    දනුස්‌කොඩිය අතර පාලම
    රටේ ආරක්‌ෂාවට- ආර්ථිකයට තර්ජනයක්‌
    උදය ගම්මන්පිල

    අනුර බාලසූරිය

    තලෙයිමන්නාරම හා ඉන්දියාවේ දනුස්‌කොඩි අතර ඉදිකෙරෙන පාලම අප රටෙ ආරක්‌ෂාවට, ආර්ථිකයට හා ස්‌වෛරීත්වයට තර්ජනයක්‌ බැවින් එයට අප විරුද්ධ යෑයි පිවිතුරු හෙළ උරුමයේ නායක පාර්ලිමේන්තු මන්ත්‍රී උදය ගම්මන්පිල මහතා පැවැසීය.

    පිටකෝට්‌ටේ පැවැති එම පක්‍ෂ මූලස්‌ථානයේදී ඊයේ (21 දා) පෙරවරුවේ පැවැති මාධ්‍ය හමුවේදී ඒ මහතා මේ බව පැවැසීය.

    රටවල් දෙක අතර ඉදිකරෙන මෙම පාලම පිළිබඳව ශ්‍රී ලංකාව එකඟතාව පළකලද නැද්ද යන්න තවමත් මේ ආණ්‌ඩුව රටට හෙළිකර නැති බවත් සඳහන් කළේය.

    මෙම පාලම ඉදිකිරීමට ඩොලර් බිලියන 5.2 ක ණයක්‌ ඉන්දියාව ආසියානු සංවර්ධන බැංකුවෙන් අනුමත කරගෙන තිබෙන බැවින් ශ්‍රී ලංකාව මේ සඳහා එකඟතාවක්‌ පළකර ඇතැයි යන්න උපකල්පනය කිරීමට සිදුවන බවත් පැවැසීය.

    මෙම පාලම ඉදිකිරීමේ වාසිය දෙරටටම ලැබෙනවා නම් ණයෙන් කොටසක්‌ බාර ගන්නා ලෙස නිකමටවත් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට ප්‍රකාශ කර නොමැති වීමෙන් පැහැදිලි වන්නේ මෙහි වාසිය ඉන්දියාවට ලැබෙන බව යෑයි ද හෙතෙම පැවැසීය.

    ශ්‍රී ලංකාව ඉන්දියාවට කිලෝමීටර් 32 ක්‌ ආසන්නයේ පිහිටියත් ශ්‍රී ලංකාව ඉන්දියාවේ කොටසක්‌ ලෙස කවදාවත් සැලකුවේ නැති බැවින් ශ්‍රී ලංකාවට වසර දහස්‌ ගණනක්‌ ස්‌වාධීනව සිටීමට හැකිවූ බවත් පැවැසූ ගම්මන්පිල මහතා එම සුවිශේෂී ආරක්‌ෂාව මේ හරහා විනාශ කිරීමට සූදානම් වන බවත් පැවැසීය.

    ඉන්දියාව මෙතරම් විශාල මුදලක්‌ වැය කරමින් මෙම පාලම ඉදිකරන්නේත්, සීපා ගිවිසුම අත්සන් කරන්නේත් ඔවුන්ගේ දැවැන්ත ප්‍රශ්න දෙකක්‌ වන විරැකියාවට හා දිළිඳු භාවයට විසඳුමක්‌ ලබාදීමට බවත් කීවේය.

    ගම්මන්පිල මහතා වැඩිදුරටත් මෙසේද පැවැසීය. ලංකාවේ අපරාධ විමර්ශන ක්‍රියාවලිය ලංකාවේ අධිකරණ පද්ධතියට නිර්දය ලෙස පහර දෙමින් මානව හිමිකම් කොමසාරිස්‌ සිය වාර්තාව ඉදිරිපත් කරමින් කතා කළා.

    මේ අවස්‌ථාවේ ස්‌වාධීන රාජ්‍යයක විදේශ ඇමැතිවරයා ලෙස ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ අභිමානය රැකෙන අයුරින් කතා කිරීමට අපේ විදේශ ඇමැතිවරයාට තිබුණා. නමුත් අපේ විදේශ ඇමැතිවරයා එම වාර්තාව අගයමින් වර්ණා කරමින් කතා කළේ. මෙවැනි දීනභාවයක්‌, යටත්ගැතිභාවයත් ශ්‍රී ලංකා ඉතිහාසයේ කවදාවත් ප්‍රදර්ශනය වෙලා නෑ.

    මේ යුද අපරාධ අධිකරණය පිහිටුවන්නේ අපේ රණවිරුවන්ට බොරු චෝදනා එල්ල කර කොටින්ගේ මනදොල සපිරීමටයි කියලා අපි නොබියවම කියනවා. මෙහි පසුබිම අපි දන්න නිසා අපි යුද අපරාධ අධිකරණයට විරුද්ධත්වය ප්‍රකාශ කරන්නේ. අපි රණවිරුවන් බේරා ගැනීමට වගකීමෙන් නිදහස්‌ කිරීමේ පනත පාර්ලිමේන්තුවට ඉදිරිපත් කරනවා.

    මානව හිමිකම් කොමිසම මෙවැනි අධිකරණයක්‌ ලෝකයේ වෙනත් රටකට නිර්දේශ කර තිබේදැයි ප්‍රකාශ කරන ලෙස විදේශ ඇමැතිවරයාට මා අභියෝගයක්‌ කරනවා. ඇයි අපිට විතරක්‌ ලෝකයේ කිසිම රටකට නොසලකපු ආකාරයෙන් කටයුතු කරන්නේ. මෙවැනි අධිකරණයක්‌ පිහිටුවන්නේ නම් මුලින්ම පිහිටුවිය යුත්තේ ඇමරිකාවයි. ඇමරිකානු හමුදා ඇµaගනිස්‌ථානයට ඉරාකයට ගිහින් ඒ රටවල ජනතාව දස දහස්‌ ගණනින් මරා දැම්මා. අපේ රටේ රණවිරුවන් කළේ ත්‍රස්‌තවාදීන් අප රටේදී මර්දනය කිරීම පමණයි. ස්‌වාධිපත්‍ය තිබෙන ඕනෑම රටක හමුදාවට තිබෙන අයිතියක්‌ අපේ හමුදාව කළේ.

    පිවිතුරු හෙළ උරුමයේ ජාතික සංවිධායක මධුමාධව අරවින්ද මහතා

    දෙමහුන් ඒකාධිපති ජනාධිපතිවරයාගේ අලුත්ම ගොදුර මමයි. සන්ධානය වෙනුවෙන් කළ මෙහෙයට තෑග්ගක්‌ ලෙස ඊළඟ පළාත් සභා මන්ත්‍රීවරයා වීමට සිටි තමාට එය ලබා නොදීමයි. පක්‍ෂයේ ප්‍රතිපත්තිය වෙනුවෙන් පෙනී සිටීමේ ගොදුරක්‌ බවට මා පත්ව තිබෙනවා.

    මරණ දණ්‌ඩනය ගේන්න කිව්වම ජනාධිපතිවරයා කියනවා එතුමාට කරන්න පුළුවන් නමුත් එය ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදයට අනුව පාර්ලිමේන්තුවට භාර දෙනවා කියලා. නමුත් එක්‌සත් ජනතා නිදහස්‌ සන්ධානය පෝරකයට යවන්නේ එතුමා කාගෙන්වත් අසා නොවෙයි.

    ජාත්‍යන්තර සබඳතා ලේකම් සුගීෂ්වර බණ්‌ඩාර මහතාද මෙයට එක්‌ විය. Divaina

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    To the fools who still think democrazy can save SL as it saved Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, etc. What do you say now?

    IF this govt. remains in power it is 100% certain they will take our war heroes and kill them. This is a RED ALERT a call to action.

    Why are they after our war heroes? Because they KNOW ONLY the SL MILITARY can save SL. They want to STOP that too.

    Please understand this at this 11th hour. By MARCH 2016 GENEVA MAIN summit they want to FRAME our war heroes.

    Should we save SL through GUARDIAN GODS (they always saved SL) or follow BRITISH & ENDIAN IMPOSED governance systems to extinction?

    Look at FIJI, MURUTIUS, ANDAMAN, NICOBAR, GUYANA, etc. Endians colonized these islands and driven their natives into extinction. We cannot allow that to happen.

  3. Indrajith Says:

    Thank you, Dr. Jayatilleka for exposing the danger the entire nation is facing at present!

  4. vichara2 Says:

    If demilitarization is a solution why is USA still in Okinawa, Germany, South Korea and so many other sovereign countries? Why is India India maintaining a military cantonment in Bhutan a tiny sovereign state?
    What is needed is deelamization on the lines of denazification carried out by US in Germany after winning the war.
    DJ thinks that the draft resolution is the work of US and UK. The hand of India cannot be ruled out.

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