18 Billion (US$18, 000, 000) Fraud uncovered by new govt of S/L – Please watch the whole video clip.
Posted on September 22nd, 2015

මහින්ද හොරා වු හැටි අහන්න බලන්න.. – Sri AV Tv …


3 Responses to “18 Billion (US$18, 000, 000) Fraud uncovered by new govt of S/L – Please watch the whole video clip.”

  1. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    THE ABOVE (US$ 18, 000, 000) IS NOT 18 BILLION, but 18 MILLION.

    18 Billion is….US$ 18,000,000,000. FOR EG;- ONE HUNDRED MILLION IS,…$100,000,000.

  2. Siri Says:

    Susantha Wijesinghe is correct. One Billion is ten to the power nine. Ten to the power six is one million. These jokers are talking rubbish. They do not even know how to write one billion. What is the GNP of Sri Lanka. If 18 Billion was stolen, the country will go bankrupt.

  3. aravinda Says:

    GDP of Sri Lanka is 75 Billion dollars. GDP stands for Gross Domestic Product. GDP is calculated by adding all the output of the country. That is Consumer spending, government spending, Investments and value of Exports and deducting value of imports.

    Last year, IMF, World Bank and UN listed 85 countries with GDP less than 18 Billion dollars. According to Mangala Samaraweera, Mahinda is richer than 85 countries in the world. All we know is Mahinda has a house in Mirihana.

    Either Mangala Samaraweera is mad, or he is a vindictive liar or he thinks Sri Lanka has 20 million idiots.

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