Demand an Independent Investigation Into the U.S. Bombing of a Doctors Without Borders Hospital!
Posted on October 9th, 2015

This weekend, a US airstrike claimed the lives of ten humanitarians from Doctors Without Borders and 12 patients — including three children.

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The staff came from all over the world, offering their time and talents to heal the people of Afghanistan’s war-torn Kunduz province. Patients journeyed from miles away for medical and surgical care they could get nowhere else in the region.

This was a tragic loss of life. Demand an independent international investigation to find out the truth about the US bombing of Doctors Without Borders’ hospital.

On Saturday, US planes repeatedly bombed Doctors Without Borders’ medical center in northern Afghanistan. Heman Nagarathnam, who leads Doctors Without Borders programs in northern Afghanistan, described the terrifying scene:

“The bombs hit and then we heard the plane circle round. There was a pause, and then more bombs hit. This happened again and again.

“When I made it out from the office, the main hospital building was engulfed in flames. Those people that could had moved quickly to the building’s two bunkers to seek safety. But patients who were unable to escape burned to death as they lay in their beds.

International humanitarian law recognizes hospitals in conflict zones as safe places. Deliberately bombing a hospital without evidence of any enemy combatants inside is a war crime.

Yesterday, the head of US forces in Afghanistan told US Senators that the airstrike “mistakenly struck” the building. But Doctors Without Borders says that the facility’s purpose was well-communicated to US and Afghan officials before and during the attack.

Staff and patients should have been safe in the hospital. Help find out what went so horribly wrong.

An investigation into whether the United States has committed a serious crime cannot be run by the US. That’s why we are demanding an impartial, international investigation.

The families of these victims deserve the truth. Tell the High Commissioner for Human Rights at the United Nations to launch an independent investigation of the airstrike right now.

With gratitude,

Chris B.
The Care2 Petitions Team










3 Responses to “Demand an Independent Investigation Into the U.S. Bombing of a Doctors Without Borders Hospital!”

  1. ranjit Says:

    Where is this Camel Prince Hussain? Isnt it a human rights violation by the evil Satan America? Can anyone say “SORRY” and escape such a crime? What’s this bullshit Human rights? We peace loving citizens all over the world must condemned this treacherous act by the American murderers who kill innocents every now and then around the world.

    Our stupid rulers must condemned these type of aggression by the Americans without fear. It might be our country next with these Americans and Indians interfering our country’s affairs more than any other time. I am happy what Russia is doing in Syria today helping a friend in need and fighting terror. Americans are pain in the ass for the peace loving world. They kill human beings more than anybody and destroy countries more than anybody and they deserve punishment thru any means to save the world.

  2. Lorenzo Says:

    Some excellent Russian MI-24 (mil) attacks on terrorists!



    Mil hu akbar!


    Ranjit, your Camel prince Hussein is the half brother of Late king Hussein. He put him in a mental hospital. He cannot go to Jordan or Israel. OBAMA the MUSLIM selected him. In 2007 he spent time at the White House with Mangala Samaraweera. OBAMA presided the meetings. This was without MR knowing it because his advisors distracted is attention to other subjects.

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