Now, 71 university dons come out openly against UNHRC resolution
Posted on October 12th, 2015
Courtesy Island
Close on the heels of a statement issued by 41 university academics supporting the recent UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka, more than 70 scholars have now come out vehemently opposing it.
The dons describing themselves as ‘Responsible and concerned group of senior academics in the Sri Lankan University System’ opposed to the resolution, including about 30 professors, have written to President Maithripala Sirisena, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, Opposition Leader R. Sampanthan, the UNHRC and ambassadors accredited to Sri Lanka, explaining their position.
Following is the full text of their letter:
“In respect of the Resolution of the UN Human Rights Council On Sri Lanka We, the undersigned being the responsible and concerned group of senior academics in the Sri Lankan University System wish to express our strong displeasure on the aforesaid Resolution and its suggested “foreign mechanism” and bring the same to the attention of the world community regarding the grave danger to Sri Lanka’ s national interest, arising from the Resolution co-sponsored by the government of Sri Lanka (GOSL) and adopted by the UN Human Rights Council on 1st October 2015.
Some of the main grounds for our grave concern are as follows:
- The Resolution “notes with appreciation” the Report of the Council and ‘encourages” Sri Lanka to implement the recommendations contained in the Report. One of the main findings in the Report is that there are “reasonable” grounds for believing that the Armed Forces of Sri Lanka were responsible for widespread killings of civilians, systemic rape and gender based violence, kidnappings, disappearances and abductions, putting them into deliberate starvation and recruitment of children for deployment in war. In this context, as GOSL “co-sponsored” the said Resolution, the Member States that expressed their objective and rational views on this matter in previous occasions were deprived of the opportunity to express their objective assessments on the said Resolution and has thereby created an unprecedented situation where the world bodies deem to give way to the pressures of the Member States with vested interest.
- It is also noted with strong displeasure that the responsibility of deciding the guilt or innocence of the legitimate National Armed Forces of Sri Lanka as per the said Resolution falls on a “judicial mechanism”, which involves “Commonwealth and other foreign judges”. Accordingly, foreign individuals will be involved as judges, prosecutors and investigators etc.
We are of the view that this is entirely unconstitutional as per the existing Articles of the Constitution wherein it expressly provides that the judicial sovereignty rests with the people and it is inalienable and indivisible.
We are convinced that this is entirely incompatible with our national sovereignty and self-respect and also grossly unfair by the Armed Forces that achieved the defeat of terrorism in our country.
- The Resolution, echoing findings that call for the introduction of new criminal offences into our legal system giving retrospective effect. These did not exist as criminal offences at the time of the Internal armed conflict.
In the light of above mentioned facts, the suggested course of action, which is contrary to the accepted local and international legal principles and more importantly the cardinal premises of non-intervention with the domestic affairs of Member States as enshrined in the Charter of United Nations have been made utterly meaningless.
For all these reasons, we are of the view that the said Resolution causes graver harm to the already existing national conciliation, peaceful co-existence, ethnic harmony and progressing economy than creating any better conditions in our country.
For all these reasons, we believe that the resolution inflicts grave harm on our country, and we call on government not to proceed with its implementation.
Thank you,
Yours sincerely,
Dr Channa Jayasumana
National University Teachers Association Sri Lanka
The signatories to the letter are:
Name University
1 Prof. Iduragare Dharmarathana Thero Kelaniya
2 Prof. Wawwe Dhammarakkhitha Thero Buddhist and Pali University
3 Prof. Therele Dhammarathana Thero Kelaniya
4 Dr. Bamunugama Shanthawimala Thero Peradeniya
5 Dr. Maduruoye Dhammissara Thero Kelaniya
6 Dr. Medagoda Abhayatissa Thero Sri Jayewardenepura
7 Dr. Moragollagama Uparathana Thero Buddhist and Pali University
8 Dr. Kapugollawe Anandakiththi Thero Kelaniya
9 Ven. Walapane Gnanasena Thero Kelaniya
10 Prof. Ranjith Senaratne Ruhuna
11 Prof. Upali Amarasinghe Kelaniya
12 Prof. Sisira Siribaddana Rajarata
13 Prof. Krishantha Abeysena Kelaniya
14 Prof. M.D.Lamawansa Peradeniya
15 Prof. Vijitha Nanayakkara Peradeniya
16 Prof. Ranjith Premalal de Silva Peradeniya
17 Prof. Sarath Lekamwasam Ruhuna
18 Prof. S. Subasinghe Ruhuna
19 Prof. Gamini Fonseka Ruhuna
20 Prof. Rohan Rajapakse Ruhuna
21 Prof. L.P. Jayatissa Ruhuna
22 Prof. P. Hewage Ruhuna
23 Prof. Swarna Piyasiri Ruhuna
24 Prof. Sudantha Liyanage Sri Jayewardenepura
25 Prof. Mala Amarasinghe Kelaniya
26 Prof. Priyani Paranagama Kelaniya
27 Prof. Deepika Amarasinghe Kelaniya
28 Prof. Wimaladharma Abeyewickreme Kelaniya
29 Prof. Kshanika Hirimburegama Colombo
30 Prof. Janitha Liyanage Kelaniya
31 Prof. Thilak Attanayake Wayamba
32 Prof. Yasanjalee Jayathilake Sri Jayewardenepura
33 Dr. Ravindra Lokupitiya Sri Jayewardenepura
34 Dr. Prasad Jayaweera Sri Jayewardenepura
35 Dr. Wasantha Devasiri Ruhuna
36 Dr. Suneth Agampodi Rajarata
37 Dr. Lakshman Jayaratne Colombo
38 Dr. Achala Jayathilake Colombo
39 Dr. C. Pushpakumara Moratuwa
40 Dr. Ajith Dissanayaka Kelaniya
41 Dr. KM Chandimal Kelaniya
42 Dr. Udaya Samarathunga Kelaniya
43 Dr. W.P. Wijewardhana Rajarata
44 Dr. J.M.S.B. Jayasundara Rajarata
45 Dr. Channa Jayasumana Rajarata
46 Dr. Buddhika Abeyrathna Rajarata
47 Dr. H.M.W.A. Herath Peradeniya
48 Dr. Bharatha Dodankotuwa Peradeniya
49 Dr. Nayana Liyanaarachchi Ruhuna
50 Dr. Pushpika Jayawardena Ruhuna
51 Dr. Chandana Wickremarathna Ruhuna
52 Dr. Champa Wijewickrema Ruhuna
53 Dr. Eisha Waidyarathne Ruhuna
54 Dr. Dimuthu Piyaratne Ruhuna
55 Dr. Saman Ediriweera Ruhuna
56 Dr. Jeewanie Jayasinghe Arachchige Ruhuna
57 Dr. Abhaya Balasuriya Rajarata
58 Senior lecturer Puspika Masakorala Peradeniya
59 Senior lecturer Mahendra Gunawardane Kelaniya
60 Senior lecturer Nemsiri Jayathilake Open University
61 Senior lecturer Raja Gunaratne Open University
62 Senior lecturer Sumedha Weerawardhana Peradeniya
63 Senior lecturer Mahinda Pathirana Sabaragamuwa
64 Senior lecturer Jayaprasad Welgama Sabaragamuwa
65 Senior Lecturer R.K.D. Randeni Rajarata
66 Senior Lecturer M.H.J.P.Gunaratne Rajarata
67 Senior Lecturer Sudath Senarath Kelaniya
68 Senior Lecture Harsha Darmapriya Kelaniya
69 Senior Lecturer Gunapala Ratnesekara Sri Jayewardenepura
70 Lecturer Nilantha Dissanayaka Buddhist and Pali
71 Lecturer Vindhya Weerawardana Kelaniya
October 12th, 2015 at 9:46 pm
Idiots and Traitors in this current Govt must listen to the Intellectuals,Maha Sanga and the majority who loves this nation and work accordingly if not a big disaster will occur very soon where no one can stop. This Govt should not give Foreign Mafia to meddle freely in our day to day affairs. They should not allow foreign NGO’s to work freely in our soil because of their past records and fingering in to our sensitive issues. They should be monitored by security forces because they spread lies and poisoning the minds of the people.
We salute the patriots and wish them good luck on their mission to save Mother Lanka.
October 13th, 2015 at 7:27 am
Hurrah for our wonderful National minded dons !
May all concerend and Natonal minded groups rally around and Save Sri Lanka !!
Lankans, this is the real war – it must be fought so that Peace is maintained for all future generations ahead. No more ‘asbandung’ remedies from Colonial past. Permanent solutions needed with Life Values intact for all in Lanka.