Royal Asiatic Society Sri Lanka (RASSL), Monthly Public Lecture
Posted on October 21st, 2015

Royal Asiatic Society Sri Lanka (RASSL)

Royal Asiatic Society Sri Lanka (RASSL), Monthly Public Lecture The Challenges in Protecting the Monuments of the Ancient Fortress of Kotte” by Mr. Ishan Wiratunga, Secretary, Kotte Heritage Foundation  will be held on Monday 26th October 2015 at 5.00 p.m. at the Gamini Dissanayake Auditorium No. 96, Ananda Coomaraswamy Mawatha, Colombo 07.

Kotte is the 4th longest serving capital in ancient Sri Lanka but it is the most neglected archaeological site. Other than  the Alakeshwara Palace and Beaddgana mounds, the Rampart, ancient moats and associated locations are in great danger of extinction. Encroachers who destroy monuments get away as there are no proper name boards covering the entire kingdom of ancient Kotte. Although the DG of Archaeological Department had agreed to attend to this matter, it had delayed for a long period of time.



One Response to “Royal Asiatic Society Sri Lanka (RASSL), Monthly Public Lecture”


    Lets find out the history of Royal Asiatic Society is first: This was started during the time Late JRJ was putting together the constitution and the REPUBLIC OF SRI LANKA. At that time Tamil Sangham wanted to stop the formation of the republic with one man-one vote like the French Constitution. British opposed it vegeancely. They got a retired supreme court judge, living in Australia; (In my opinion this old man is insane) Weeramanthree (To my understanding from published articles on Lankaweb, a relative of Don Mahindapala) to state to JRJ that Sri Lankans are NOT astute as the Europeans to give power to the people to elect a PRESIDENT! JRJ chased him out of his office and gave the suggestion a to junior editor. This junior editor reported back to JRJ stating that this is thrash and this old man lives in the British Colonial era where the natives of the captured country is regarded as stupid idiots. By 2006 Tamil Sangham has become LTTE and had financial resources to destroy the constitution and hence the republic. They went to the UN with Wickramabahu and Soldhime as a support persons and wanted to monitor the Military advance. Some how they got under GOTA who was busy with the war and allowed a UN monitor to get to the front lines on a Tank. The monitor was selected by Eric Soldhime, a Sinhala Buddhist TAMITTAYA was selected. TAMMITAYA gave every detail to Raj Rajarthnam who directed funds to the right people. (Following was published on OLD lankaweb which I cannot get to it now) The names of every army officer starting from Major General to infantry man on foot and where they were operating and the weaponry they used) Tamilnet immediately published it and UN recorded it, to prosecute the Army officers later in Huge. In the mean time TAMMITAYA put a big show at the KINSINGTON PALACE with lot more details to collect money. Place was full all Tamils came in special trans transporting them in UK and Europe. The money Tamitaya collected from the presentation, he bought a big mansion near Kensington Place, and now lives there and is a silent partner in SIRISENA Constitution council.

    1. It is disgrace to the Late Gamini Dissanayake who fought these Tamil Terrorists and got blown up by them to hold this Sri Lanka Chapter of Royal Asiatic Society Sri Lanka (RASSL). “All are welcome” but who is inviting them. Garmini Dissanayake’s son? He is a disgrace to this dead father. Who is Ishan Wiratunga, Secretary, Kotte Heritage Foundation? Another Anti-JRJ Society? What Ishran Wiratunga must know is that JRJ is from a Royal Family where the KOTTE Rajadhaniya existed. Talk to his son and get the true story and not the one MUSLIM OBAMA wants to portray. RANIL PUNK IS NOT Related to JRJ. He was an adopted son.
    2. Thank you for the person who put this invitation on Lankaweb.

    3. MUSLIM Obama is in real trouble in USA with out Stephen Harper of CANADA to support him. Muslim Obama got a real blow last week in Afghanistan where a out post was over run by Afghan fighters and killed seven CIA / FBI operatives. Now he is going to double the US armed forces there. Democratic party is distancesing them self’s from OBAMA the MUSLIM. Today, Jim Watts senator who is running for presidency resigned from the Democratic party and started his own political party.

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