Join me on this petition to the President Sirisena-Mr Maithripala Sirisena -president of Sri Lanka:Please don’t risk the National security
Posted on November 25th, 2015
Ranjith Soysa
Mr Maithripala Sirisena -president of Sri Lanka:
Please don’t risk the National security
As a country we were going through a dark era until the year 2009.During three decades of war we lost many lives. The millions of Rupees worth property was destroyed. All the Economically important places were targeted by the LTTE terrorist attack. The strength of the LTTE can be imagined that the LTTE was the only terrorist organization to equipped with submarines and aircraft.
Today the whole world is threatened after the recent attack on Parris by the ISIS. Can you compare the attack on Paris an attacked made at Central Bank of Sri Lanka .The only difference is the skin color of the death people and the place of the attack. Did the world feel mercy of victims in Sri Lanka at any stage.
Do we need any more clarifications or explanations to convince you how horrific the war is. Do you want go through that dark era in near future .No. It is the utmost responsibility of a government of any country to take all the necessary actions to prevent and mitigate any type of terrorist activities. Unfortunately the current situation in Sri Lanka cannot be accepted by any patriot .Many war heroes are being questioned and some have taken in to custody. On the other hand many of the LTTE carders who are suspected of being carried out of deadly attacks are being released.
We all know the global Tamil Diaspora played crucial part not only by funding the LTTE but also raised their voice for the justification of the LTTE activities inside Sri Lanka. Whatever the names the Tamil Diaspora appeared in, they had and still have the dream of making a separate land within the Sri Lanka. Since Tamil Diaspora is the largest community in the world who don’t have their own ruling country there hunt for the Sri Lanka is never given up.
Very recently the government of Sri Lanka have release the 8 global Tamil organizations and 269 individuals from the banned list who now can carry out any activity or coming in to Sri Lanka without any restrictions. This is a negative move as far as the national security is concern .
We would like to call upon all the patriots to come forward while leaving behind all the party labels and join together to protect this wonderful motherland. We had enough of wars .we need a brighter future for all our kids. Lets join hands and emphasize the president of Sri Lanka Mr Maithripala Sirisena not to carry out any activity which have adverse effects on the national security of Sri Lanka .
The petition is really important and could use our help.
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