Main line of command to be investigated by Special Court – CBK War crimes allegations:
Posted on December 1st, 2015

by Zacki Jabbar Courtesy Island


… Including actions of living Ex- LTTE leaders

Former President and Head of the Office for National Unity and Reconciliation Chandrika Kumaratunga said in Colombo yesterday that the Special Court to be established shortly to inquire into alleged war crimes would examine the actions of those in the main line of command and not soldiers who were only carrying out orders they had received.

Addressing a news conference at the BMICH to announce that discussions were underway among all stakeholders to introduce a National Policy on Reconciliation, she said that the Special Court to be established before the end of January would comprise only Sri Lankans drawn from among judges and respected members of the private bar.

Kumaratunga emphasised that foreign technological and forensic assistance that had been offered would be accepted purely to assist the Special Court in performing its functions better and deliver evidence-based justice.

Rejecting accusations from certain quarters that the government had decided to investigate alleged war crimes under western pressure, Kumaratunga noted that it did not matter who said what. “No country can claim to be democratic when it does not apply the rule of law. If something wrong has happened it has to be probed and justice meted out no matter which community the perpetrators belong to. It is because the Mahinda Rajapaksa regime did nothing to probe the allegations of wrongdoings against the country’s own citizens that international pressure kept cranking up pressure on Sri Lanka with sanctions looming. But, we were able to change that course of action by engaging the global community with an open mind constructively without adopting an arrogant and confrontational approach like the Rajapaksas.”

Kumaratunga said that over the last decade, the Sri Lankan public in general and she in particular had lost confidence in the judiciary.”The Lokka had to give just one call to obtain Court orders that he wanted. But, there were also the honest and respected judges. So, we can draw from them as well as members of the private bar who are committed to protecting the dignity of their profession to serve as members of the Special Court.”

Allegations of crimes levelled against senior living members of the LTTE would also be probed, she added.

Responding to questions Kumaratunga noted that fewer than 300 LTTE cadres remained in police custody and some of them had been indicted while another group was being investigated. There were also 52 persons against whom there was no evidence. They would e released in batches. “The thousands who are said to have disappeared during the last stages of the war are not in state custody or in secret camps. So, it must be presumed that the majority of them are no longer in the land of the living.”

16 Responses to “Main line of command to be investigated by Special Court – CBK War crimes allegations:”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    CBK contradicts herself on 2 counts.


    First she says.

    “she said that the Special Court to be established before the end of January would comprise only Sri Lankans drawn from among judges and respected members of the private bar”

    Then she says.

    “Kumaratunga said that over the last decade, the Sri Lankan public in general and she in particular had lost confidence in the judiciary.”

    So she is having a special court comprising of JUDGES and MEMBERS OF THE PRIVATE BAR on whom the public has LOST confidence!!! What madness is this.

    A COURT MARSHALL is best equipped to look into ANY conduct issues of ANYONE associated with the war.


    “the Special Court to be established shortly to inquire into alleged war crimes would examine the actions of those in the main line of command and not soldiers who were only carrying out orders they had received”

    What an IDIOTIC thing!

    IF soldiers had NOT DONE anything wrong, how the hell can those in the main line of command do anything wrong?

    Those in the main line of command did NOT KILL, etc. anyone. The ONLY way they can be responsible is IF soldiers did anything wrong AND their bosses ordered it. IF soldiers are NOT investigated then how the hell you would know WAR CRIMES were committed????

    e.g. My truck driver (I’m also in the transport business) goes and hammers a thangachchi. How can I be responsible for that? I didn’t tell him to do it. Even if I had told him to do it (assuming) how can I do anything wrong IF he has NOT hammered the person?

    This is TOTAL MADNESS.

    Let PROPHET LORENZO predict the future. GR and MR will be found guilty of war crimes NO ONE ON EARTH committed by CBK’s SPITEFUL special court.

    Let PROPHET LORENZO predict the future. CBK’s SPITEFUL special court will have Tamils in it who will TAKE REVENGE from WAR HEROES for getting rid of TAMIL TERRORISTS.

  2. Fran Diaz Says:

    Unfortunately, CBK is a most unsuitable person to head the Reconciliation unit. She herself is suffering from multiple trauma to her psyche and physique as well. Double assassinations of her father and her husband by Sinhala assassins due to times of rough politics, plus an attack on her life by an LTTE suicide bomber leaving her with the loss of an eye, makes her unsuited to head the Reconciliation unit.

    To CBK we say : physician heal thyself first.

    Also, the whole uproar of War Crimes seems to hang on the firing by SL Army on LTTE guns in the premises of a hospital. The LTTE did not follow the rules of warfare when they placed their guns in the hospital premises. The Army merely shot in the direction of the LTTE fire, which was the right thing to do. Were they to telephone the LTTE first and ask them to move the guns from the hospital premises ? !!

    Can you imagine the exchange of calls between the Army and LTTE, the way the LTTE lovers would have liked it !!

    SL Army calls LTTE ” “Hello, sweeeties, can you move the guns from the hospital premises ?”
    LTTE replies : ” Come out and surrender with a flag of truce, you @@!!** then we will stop firing”.

    Jokes apart, this nonsense has gone on for long enough. We want a PERMANENT PEACE IN LANKA. Enough of the idiocy. Remove the Tamil Language (National & Official) from Lanka.

    If CBK can do that, we shall salute her as a true Patriot and leader of Lanka.


    Lorenzo, Can you reason with a woman (not CBK but another woman with similar symptoms) Lead pellets in the brain, one eye is completely gone and a glass eye is in it. She takes different types of drugs in the morning noon and at night. This woman I describe, in your opinion, could do a normal company director type of JOB? CBK only speak maximum for one hour only. There must be street protests in front of her residence every day until she leaves Mother Lanka.

    2. Fran Diaz, have you gone crazy? “We shall salute her as a true patriot and leader of Lanka”? This woman cannot talk for more than 45 minutes, she has to go to her hospital bed at home. When she was in Jaffna, she stayed in the Jaffna Hospital guarded by Tamil Doctors who volunteered to protect her. For the last sentence you could have got big Kappan, that is if you receive Kappan for writing dis-information.

  4. Lorenzo Says:


    Even MR with MOST Singhala votes DID NOT do it.

    Why do you think CBK-My3 with MOST Tamilian votes will do it?

    MR needs PATRIOTIC VOTES to become president but CBK-My3 don’t need them.

    So I say MR camp should promise to SCRAP the Tamil Language (National & Official) from Lanka and do it once in power.

  5. Fran Diaz Says:


    We have to challenge CBK. Who else will challenge her to do something of worth for Lanka ?

  6. crobe Says:

    So, I take it that this includes Sarath “Vel Vidane” Fonseka too.
    Since this “investigation is from 2002-2011, it should include CBK & RW too. Not to leave out MS since he was the acting defense minister at the conclusion of the war. I would love to hear what MS has to say about the “White Flag” incident.

    As for Western pressure – If not for Western pressure, why would any self respecting government co sponsor a resolution that was absolutely detrimental to the country and a direct challenge to her sovereignty?
    The 3 stooges(MS, RW, Mangala) should have just left everything alone. Once the resolution was passed, the US had 2 options. 1. Refer it to the UNSC where most likely China & Russia would have vetoed it. 2. Place economic sanctions.

    If economic sanctions were imposed, we could have still kept our self respect. All these 3 did was spread both our cheeks so the White man can ream it up our rear, AGAIN. We as a nation do not need such servile politicians. All they are doing is stealing the wealth of the nation and enriching themselves and their families & cronies.

    I sure hope, someday, these 3 will be charged for treason and hanged in public.

  7. Lorenzo Says:


    She will NEVER do anything worth for SL!!
    Stop wasting your time. People have GIVEN UP on her.

    I’m more worried WHY MR was missing in action when budget voting happened. IF he behaves like this people SHOULD give up on him as well.

  8. Lorenzo Says:


    NO. Maru Sira was acting defence minister on May 15 and 16 only. NO war happened during these 2 days!!

    See how CUNNING these people are.


    Fran is a patriot. She takes NO kappan from ANYONE.

    JR is the biggest kappan taker in SL history. He was called YANKEE DICKIE for that. After 1987 when he signed the ENDIA-LANKA INVASION ACCORD he was called Rajiv’s Ghand (not Ghandhi).

    Now JR’s NEPHEW is doing the same thing (ruining SL).

    Agree about CBK. She is an Endian expansion supporter and speaks Hindi better than the SL language. Bundh Hind!

  9. Fran Diaz Says:

    We have no intention of giving up on encouraging/turning people to serve/save Lanka.


    First, the Dalits of Tamil Nadu (over 15 Million) ought not to be encouraged to think of Lanka as a natural extension of Tamil Nadu. To this end, remove the Tamil language (N&O) from Lanka.

  10. Fran Diaz Says:


    The fact that CBK is unwell has nothing to do with her ability to set things right, at last, for Lanka. Personally, I feel sorry for her for the way she has suffered.

    Lorenzo knows what I have written to the L’web for a few years ! Kappan may be for the young and ambitious – I am neither.



    You are right ! thanks. No kappan for Fran as Fran does not want it. No ambition for money or position – too old and wise, even though I say so myself. It does not matter that I am a “he or she” either.


    May Truth & Justice win for the innocent millions in Lanka.

  11. Lorenzo Says:


    “It does not matter that I am a “he or she” either.”


    THANK YOU both of you for standing up for SL always. Appreciate it.

    Priorities for SL are.

    1. REMOVE TAMIL NADU LANGUAGE from the OFFICIAL & NATIONAL language lists.
    2. REMOVE provincial councils.

    TN has 75 MILLION Tamils so it is the ONLY homeland of Tamils. TN plans to PUSH its LOW CASTE Tamils to SL for a better life. BUST this evil plan by removing Tamil language as an OFFICIAL & NATIONAL language.

    CBK will not do it. NEVER. We need to rally behind whoever who does this and REJECT politicians who REFUSE to do this.

    The only point I DISAGREE with you is the use of violence. I’m always open to the option of using violence to defend SL. In fact I think violence is INCREASINGLY BECOMING the ONLY option to save SL. In ancient times ONLY VIOLENCE saved SL. During KALI YUGA, this will remain so.

  12. Cerberus Says:

    The one eyed bandit Queen is bad luck for all right thinking people of Sri Lanka. She,I think, suffers from PTSD after the attack on her by LTTE. She seems to hate the Sinhalese and want to hand over the North and East to Tamils. She is determined to harm President Mahinda Rajapakse and Colonel Gotabaya Rajapakse.

    She has said “No country can claim to be democratic when it does not apply the rule of law. If something wrong has happened it has to be probed and justice meted out no matter which community the perpetrators belong to. It is because the Mahinda Rajapaksa regime did nothing to probe the allegations of wrongdoings against the country’s own citizens that international pressure kept cranking up pressure on Sri Lanka with sanctions looming. But, we were able to change that course of action by engaging the global community with an open mind constructively without adopting an arrogant and confrontational approach like the Rajapaksas.”

    The problem is that we should then also properly investigate the TNA and the LTTE rump abroad who were responsible for genocide of Sinhalese, murders of entire innocent villages, babies, pregnant women, priests, muslims, bombing of central bank, bombing of central bus station, bombs in trains, buses too innumerable to detail. This went on for nearly 30 yrs. The LTTE was a proxy of the current TNA. Is she going to investigate all that happened from 1948 onwards? Is she only interested in the wrong doings of the Sinhalese.
    ​She also says “The thousands who are said to have disappeared during the last stages of the war are not in state custody or in secret camps. So, it must be presumed that the majority of them are no longer in the land of the living.”​ This assumption is not valid. Many disappeared to the West and assumed new names and are living there. We must get the assistance of these countries to locate these people and identify them.Some also died in the tsunami. We have to also remember that during the tsunami almost 30,000 people got killed. Most of them never were seen again. We have to distinguish between the people who disappeared in the tsunami and the people who died in the war.

    While Sri Lanka is being forced to account for all those who disappeared, is the West accounting for all those who were killed by them in other countries. It is estimated that about 2 million were killed in Vietnam, about 1 million in Iraq, unknown numbers in Libya, and the current bombing in Syria how many are being killed. ​Is the UNHCR asking the countries doing the bombing to account for the people who are being killed? Why only in Sri Lanka and only against the Sri Lanka Govt. Why not ask the LTTE rump and the proxies like TNA about the deaths caused by them. Surely there has to be some justice? It cannot be all one way to suit the Tamil Diaspora and their Western allies.

  13. Fran Diaz Says:


    Thank you for supportive words. We are happily not alone in the quest for Peace & Prosperity for All.

    However, violence begets violence. We have to think up alternative ways to handle the problem without use of violence. We are 20 Million strong, with working brains, to get the job done. If there is a will, there is a way.

  14. Naram Says:

    Read between the lines.
    In the old day CBK’s faith in the judiciary rose to new heights when 1962 coup suspects were freed by the Privy Council in Dudley’s days, and that rose to the peak when her own mother the former PM lost her civic rights for a period in JR’s time. In fact even CJ’s house was pelted with stones with impunity by masses to show their displeasure. Yet she was not happy when her own attempt to hand over government property to a friend. Today the cases are investigated by FCID under direct supervision of the present PM with impartiality sparing no one from the central bank boss to his her one time foe and present friend Rajitha.


    Fran Diaz, Lorenzo, Do you need CBK’s health condition? Since you are in SL try to find out. I have a contact within her inner circle who gave me this info, but will not give any other info about her doctor specialists who treats her in SL. Right now the issue is how to remove this government. can this be done? I do not think so because Muslim Obama will not allow it and make every one focus on MR hora pal hora slogan.

  16. SA Kumar Says:

    We are 20 Million strong,- 20 M Bhuddist Sinhales in Mother Lanka but Lorenzo not one of them but He is one of 2M Tamil Kallathonis ???

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