Won’t let people walk naked on road: President
Posted on December 30th, 2015
Courtesy The Daily Mirror
Though he was highly criticised in the social media for making statements on country’s values, President Maithripala Sirisena today said that he wouldn’t allow people, who had influenced by foreign cultures, to walk naked on the road.
He expressed these views at the Silpa 2014 Handicraft Award Ceremony held at the Battaramulla Ape Gama Premises.
I am being attacked in the social media circles for making statements to preserve our culture. But I’m not being affected by those attempts. I come from a village and act based on good behaviour and ethics. I can’t allow anyone to walk naked on the road. I would not allow anyone who embrace and regard the foreign cultures with esteem to degrade the greatness of the nation and proud culture of the country,” he said.
He said the objective of his assuming of Presidency on January 8 was to usher a developed country, while preserving the country’s culture of thousands of years and values of the civilization.
– See more at: http://www.dailymirror.lk/101041/e-walk-naked-on-road#sthash.iOIoEDmb.dpuf
December 29th, 2015 at 5:40 pm
He is at it again.
Does he know that people cannot walk naked on road anywhere in the world.
Clothing laws vary considerably around the world. In general, in most countries, there are no laws which prescribe what clothing is required to be worn. However, the community standards of clothing are set indirectly by way of prosecution of those who wear something that is not socially approved. Those people who wear insufficient clothing can be prosecuted in many countries under various offences termed indecent exposure, public indecency or other descriptions. Generally, these offences do not themselves define what is and what is not acceptable clothing to constitute the offence, and leave it to a judge to determine in each case.
Under the Sexual Offences Act 2003 (England and Wales) it is not an offence to be naked in public in England and Wales. It becomes an offence if it can be proved the person stripped off with the intention to cause distress, alarm or outrage.
Then they run the risk of three possible offences, says a spokesman for law firm Kingsley Napley. These are:
• Indecent exposure – an offence under section 66 of the Sexual Offences Act 2003
• Intentional harassment, alarm or distress under section 4A of the Public Order Act 1986
• “Outraging public decency” under common law
If a case did get to court the onus would be on the prosecution to prove this intention to upset. If found guilty, the offender would face anything from a fine to several years in prison.
In Scottish law there is no statutory offence, just the common law offence of offending public decency – a strand of the breach of the peace. The test is essentially the same as in English law – that a member of the public has been put in a state of fear or alarm.
December 29th, 2015 at 6:15 pm
December 29th, 2015 at 7:02 pm
Recently some FARMERS from Maru Sira’s area came to Colombo naked and walked around demanding the fertilizer subsidy back. I think they got it back.
Now farmers will not be able to use roads to go to and come from work!!!
What a joker Maru Sira has become. He has forgotten his roots.
December 29th, 2015 at 7:53 pm
Unlike politicians, those who walk naked have nothing to hide!
December 29th, 2015 at 10:40 pm
Nudity is mainy of two types:
Ostentatious nudity and provocative nudity
There are large areas of the western world set apart as nudist colonies. In such colonies the males do not walk about sporting erections which means that this type of nudity is not provocative and does not induce sexual excitation. large stretches of Western beaches are reserved for topless women. That is the order of the day.
Provocative nudity is an undefinable phenomenon. A female need not be scantily dressed or use other subterfuges to provoke a male. Speaking of this country, males get sexually provoked even by looking at a very modestly clad female. Recent events have shown that males are induced into sexual crimes by the sight of even a child. Daily harassment women face in public transport is not due to immodest attire. People are bad not because of what goes into them but because of what comes out of them.
The loin cloth was the national dress of yore. The village Menikes did not die of heart attacks on seeing their Bandas in their ambudeys. People dressed in ambudeys cannot be charged for indecent exposure, which means that their attire is legally not indecent. If so all the farmers and sympathizers engaged in that particular strike would. have been arrested, charged and punished.
The gist of my argument is contained in the previously stated saying: people are unclean not because of what comes into them (in this case the image of Enrique) but by what comes out of them (the sexual urges that he unleashed).
We have a right to boast of our culture and civilization. To use the president’s own words: “I am a Sinhala Buddhist”. So are also many of those who got sexually fired up at the Enrique show. Such labels of whatever be the religious and ethnic denomination are what go into us, especially through indoctrination and brain washing. But what comes out of us bears no such labels.
We as a nation that think of ancient values only when we step on our own shit piles. This is what a venerable monk of the Mihintale Vihare told me when a middle-aged man was caught red handed caressing a white woman’s bum. The man protested vehemently calling himself a ‘Sinhala Bauddhaya’. The venerable monk turned to me and loudly proclaimed: mahattayo ape ayata sinhala bauddhakama denenney thamageme goo godata adiya thiyana kota vitharai.
Mario Perera
December 29th, 2015 at 11:54 pm
Pacha Sira has gone raving mad! Our culture has survived many centuries without pacha Sira being there to protect it and it will continue to thrive after Sira is gone (sooner the better).
It is just hollow words when one claims “I am a Sinhala Bauddhaya” and works against the Sinhala and Buddihists.
December 30th, 2015 at 1:02 am
I think our president is performing what is known as a ‘Sri Lankan leg glance stroke’! A nimble shot by the batsman to turn the ball in another direction-subtle yet effective.
All the hoopla about this Enrique and the bra is taking public attention from the Budget and the War Heroes about to be sacrificed on the alter of apparent ‘reconcilliation’
December 30th, 2015 at 2:58 am
Who is destroying our country by giving into the Indians and the west? Who is destroying our country by betraying our gallant armed forces by giving into Tamil Diaspora and the west? Who is destroying our country by betraying the Sinhala Buddhists? The people were fooled by you twice, but you can not fool them for ever.
December 30th, 2015 at 5:08 am
As I have said earlier this ass whole does not know what our culture is. He ha to preserve the Indian culture as he is the agent appointed and voted in by the Indian block vote directed by the Indian Empire. What a sucker he is.
December 30th, 2015 at 5:08 am
by the way he means the roads built under his rule.
December 30th, 2015 at 7:05 am
CASSANDRA !! During the last War, President Eisenhover went to meet PM Churchill for talks. He waited in the lobby till Churchill cam after his Bath. Churchill came nude to the lobby, and said, “” I have nothing to Hide”‘.
This mad ARZ OLES mind is in the initial stage of INSANITY, and his mind is running riot. He talks on BULL SHIT subjects. He is now wanting to boost his EGO, and starts every sentence with “”I “” Iam the sun, Iam the wind, Iam the rain, Iam the Arz Ole talking Stercus Tauri.
December 30th, 2015 at 11:12 am
Sirisena is still serving his masters by diverting our attention to stupid things. The division of the country is going on unabated.
December 30th, 2015 at 3:57 pm
Dictionary meaning of “NAKED “…Without clothing on the body….Nude.
The Farmers were with Loin Cloth…Amude, and certainly they were not exposing their private parts. They were not NUDE at all. If they were NUDE, they would have been arrested immediately, and charged under the Act that covers Exposing Private Parts.
There are some Private Beaches which allows Nudity to Men and Women, but certainly not in Sri Lanka.
NAK !! A Sinhala Bauddhaya, does not “”Back Stab”” That is what he did after a Hopper clout. Again, He went to Rome to see the POPE, but failed to visit the Buddhist Vihare there. That is what a Boru Buddhist does. BORUWA !
December 30th, 2015 at 6:10 pm
President said he wouldn’t let people walk naked on roads.
But he made S.B. a cabinet minister who boasted he’d undress Chandrika and make her walk naked in public.
What a hypocrisy!
December 30th, 2015 at 6:44 pm
Indrajith !! Next he will say, he will not allow females to wear bras.
December 31st, 2015 at 4:02 am
Like it
We- Tamils are forgot? with Indian
December 31st, 2015 at 6:52 pm
Having won the election on false promises these guys also have started to walk naked. The whole country knows the thruth. Have released the crooks one by one to go abroad and complete the deals.
I think there is need for takeover at least temporarily and clean up the stinking mess.
January 1st, 2016 at 6:18 am
It seems that our friend Churchill had a tendency to ‘grin and bare it’. A story I read mentions that when he was visiting the US during the war and staying at the White House, the Old Man was in the habit of sometimes walking around in his birthday suit. His hosts found this deeply disturbing, and this was the immediate reason for why they set out to acquire Blair House, a building close by, which is where from then on, visitors like Churchill were accommodated.
The story may well be apocryphal, so, I cannot swear that it is the ‘naked’ truth.
Happy New Year.
January 1st, 2016 at 11:20 am
CASSANDRA !! I have heard of this building. I think it is a walk from White House. All VVIPs are accommodated there. CHURCHILL walking in his Birthday suit is well known. A Cuban Cigar became famous with Churchill’s name, as a Churchill Cigar. Churchill was in the habit of smoking Cigars.
January 2nd, 2016 at 8:15 pm
Yes, Churchill and his fondness for his cigar were only too well known. He was not merely in the habit of smoking cigars, he was addicted to them; in fact, he was rarely seen without his cigar, it seemed almost like an appendage to his person. Another thing for which Churchill had a dubious reputation was for his alleged capacity for drink, with a partiality for Scotch whisky. To what extent he actually drank is in question. Some have suggested that it has been exaggerated but that Churchill, who enjoyed the attention these reports brought him, made no effort to correct them if they were indeed wrong.
After his successful leadership in the war against Hitler, Churchill acquired, especially with the Brits, a larger than life image. Consequently his tendency for walking around in his birthday suit even outside his home, his chain smoking and his drinking came to be regarded as mild eccentricities and accepted without demur. It makes one wonder, though, whether these same attributes will have been similarly tolerated in ‘lesser mortals’ – or in their case, regarded as minor vices.