What Sri Lankans must know about George Soros
Posted on January 3rd, 2016


The Sri Lanka Economic Forum is to be held under auspices of the Sri Lankan Prime Minister on 7 January 2015. Chief Guests at this event are George Soros and Prof. Joseph Stiglitz. The theme of the event is steering Sri Lanka towards sustainable and inclusive development-PM Ranil Wickremasinghe’s agenda for development’. Do the people of Sri Lanka know who George Soros actually is?

George Soros & Open Society Foundation: Soros runs a global empire of NGOs promoting human rights” freedom” democracy” & transparency” to cover institutional crimes in collaboration with neo-conservatives of the US State Department-funded National Endowment for Democracy & subsidiaries.

  • Yasmin Sooka’s report against Sri Lanka was funded by George Soros Open Society Foundation and at the end of her report she thanks the organization
  • The Google balloon over Sri Lanka Google Loon Project” is also a George Soros project. Associated with the project and representing the US intelligence community is Dr. Bhavani Thuraisingham Executive Director of Cyber Security Research and Education Institute which is sponsored by George Soros’s Raytheon. Google’s balloon design partner and manufacturer is Raven Aerostar also owned by George Soros.
  • Open Society Institute launched in 1993 funds left wing causes. Soros has given over $7billion to such causes that include ACORN, Apollo Alliance, National Council of La Raza, Tides Foundation, Huffington Post, Planned Parenthood, National Organization for Women.
  • Yugoslavia – Soros Open Society gave $100m to fund anti-Milosevic opposition (funding political parties, publishing houses and ‘independent’ media)
  • Hague Tribunal co-financed by Soros
  • Human Rights Watch owned by Soros
  • Global Centre for Responsibility to Protect (R2P) funded by Soros (Gareth Evan, Kofi Annan, Desmond Tutu all on its Board)
  • Soros on Board of Trustees in International Crisis Group
  • Soros, CIA and other entities have been responsible for regime change, colored revolutions in Ukraine, Tunisia, Georgia, Kyrgyszstan, Iran, Hungary, Venezuela, Syria, Egypt, Serbia, Mexico, Jordan, Cuba and now Sri Lanka,
  • Accused of manipulating currencies – Malaysia’s Mahathir Mohamed accused Soros of bringing down Malaysias currency through Soros trading activities. Thailand refers to Soros as ‘eonomic war criminal’. Soros is also known as the ‘man who broke the Bank of England’ by dumping 10billion pounds to devalue the currency.
  • The Media Research Center, in 2011, found that he spent $48 million in funds for: NBC, ABC, theNew York Times, the Washington Post, the Columbia Journalism Review, ProPublica, the Center for Public Integrity, the Center for Investigative Reporting, The Lens, the Columbia School of Journalism, the National Federation of Community Broadcasters, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, the Committee to Protect Journalists, the Organization of News Ombudsmen, National Public Radio, the Pacifica Foundation, The American Prospect Inc. (the owner and publisher of The American Prospect magazine), the Nation Institute, the Media Fund, the Independent Media Center, the Independent Media Institute, Media Matters For America, and Free Press.
  • George Soros NGOs commissioned Serbian regime change specialist group, Canvas, to recruit Macedonian students to push for protest ideas, with the best two winning $1,500 for betraying their nation http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/leaked-memo-shows-soros-ngos-payed-macedonian-students-1500-come-regime-change-ideas/ri7179
  • How France and Soros are funding regime change in Africa http://www.thelondoneveningpost.com/features/how-france-and-soros-are-funding-regime-change-in-africa/
  • George Soros spent $33MILLION bankrolling Ferguson demonstrators to create ‘echo chamber’ and drive national protests http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2913625/Billionaire-George-Soros-spent-33MILLION-bankrolling-Ferguson-demonstrators-create-echo-chamber-drive-national-protests.html

Is there anything more to say when Russia kicks out George Soros declaring his charity (Open Society Institute) a national security threat? https://www.rt.com/politics/323919-soros-foundation-recognized-as-undesirable/

Inspite of all the dirty tricks and games George Soros is part of should we be even surprised that Ranil & his Government are delighted to host him in Sri Lanka clueless about what Soros plan’s are for South Asia using Sri Lanka as the foothold?

10 Responses to “What Sri Lankans must know about George Soros”

  1. Christie Says:

    Soros and the Indian Empire; what a combination.

  2. nilwala Says:

    I am not convinced that RW is that clueless….It is all part of the Indo-US strategy on gullible SL!!
    Read the following links:


    SOROS funds Lankaweb article writers and comment writers through variety of middle organizations that are affiliated to MUSLIM OBAMA. Soros selected ATUL Ketchup as an ambassador to SL in 2007. SOROS is a JEW, but Israeli’s hate him and do not allow him to come to Israel. Turks use him to money launder. Soros got the UN post for Zia-AL-Husain and he was in a mental hospital before OBAMA became the president. Zia-Al-Husain cannot travel to Israel. His travel in JORDAN is controlled by King Abdulla. He can visit only certain Places and his private university only. When he is in Jordan he is not allowed to talk to any private citizens and is surrounded by Jordanian intelligence offices. But Zia-Al-Husain has a commanding position at the UN Security Council and the General Assembly. Why? because OBAMA put him there.

  4. sarathk Says:

    “Do the people of Sri Lanka know who George Soros actually is?” If you really want Sri Lankans to know about him , why don’t you write it in Sinhala language so that majority of SriLankan people can read this article?

  5. Hiranthe Says:

    Run-nil knows all these plans. He is no baby. He was trained in US for the regime change project so this Soros may have funded it. Run-nil has to take the revenge from Sinhela people for not electing him for so long and this time he will create more avenues for destruction of Sinhela Buddhist culture.

    Only the deities who protect Mother Lanka can stop this mad man and Yamapalana team.

  6. douglas Says:

    LankaWeb: Any comment or clarification on what LANKAPUTHRA says in his comment dated January 2nd 2016 published above? He says: “SOROS funds Lankaweb article writers and comment writers through variety of middle organization that are affiliated MUSLIM OBAMA”. (We do not have any evidence to prove that SOROS funds Lankaweb article writers and comment-writers through variety of middle organization.- Moderator Lankaweb)

  7. douglas Says:

    LankaWeb: Thank you. LANKAPUTHRA: What have you got to say now? Perhaps, you could be having that “information”. If NOT, isn’t it better to retract that comment in honour of the Lankaweb writers and the comment writers? Thank you.


    Douglas, I never stated I have proof. I used my common sense. You must remember Dis-Information has no solid proof, that is how Kennedy School of Government at Howard University teach them. Enter a country as an Journalist or Tourist and then carry out espionage work. Hope your satisfied with my answer. Every which way one looks SOROS is a financial crook as the Tai government openly stated. SarathK great comment. For me I don’t have a Sinhala key board and matching software. Sarathk, find some one with a computer and publish in paper and get some friends to distribute in small villages that do not have reading ability of English.


    Interested Comment writers, please go to Economynext jan, 7th 2016. And try to understand what dis-Information is! Go via Infolanka werbsite. “Economynet”

  10. Nanda Says:


    I agree ( 50%) with Lankaputra that some comments writers and writers are paid or just GOING KADE for politicians. This is why honest commentators are seen as SOROS funded and others are PATRIOTS. Some of these PATRIOTS cannot even go to Sri Lanka, cannot write in Sinhala (they are not paid to take so much effort).
    Proof is in the writing. Read them and you would know. Some pay homage to their own Soros ALL THE TIME. ZERO disagreement with their Soros. They love him. They are angry if some one points out SOROS is really a crook.

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