Posted on January 5th, 2016

Mahinda Weerasinghe


By the author of: -Origin of species According to The BUDDHA & MISSION TO Oslo

Since Mohamed proclaimed to the world his religion of peace”, it has been bumping off people left right and centre in the name of Allah (or God or whatever)! This, by invoking a simple formula, which he relayed to the believers as commanded by Allah. Popularly these were known as the five injunctions; and were termed:

1: There is no god but ALLAH and MOHAMMAD is the Holy Prophet [Faith or E-mann].

2: Perform Prayers

3: Pay the Zakat [Payments to Poor]

4: Make the Pilgrimage [Hajj]

5: Fast in the Month of Ramadan [Fasting]

Now most Muslims follow these Injunctions, and they sound simple enough, but entrenched deep within its wording, there is a death trap to unbelievers. Indeed the Muslims separate believers from the rest of the humans by stipulating those who do not subscribe to their version of the truth SIMPLY as: UNBELIEVERS!

In fact it’s another one of ‘God’s (Allah’s) clubs and no different from Catholic, Jehovah’s witnesses or what have you… But members of this club had being allocated some special privileges: they have the right to bump off anyone who does not believe in their obvious, ‘Truths’!   Strangely enough, they cringe and solicit (human) rights when they find themselves in a minority, but never consider giving others any rights, once they gain a majority status in a society! A good ensample is Saudi Arabia; where if an unbeliever was to bring a picture or a small stature of a Buddha it would be thrown in a dust bin at the customs. Indeed if someone has smuggled such an item in to the country and be apprehended with such an item, then the punishment would be; off with that persons head!

In fact the Judeo-Christians have specific words to describe such people who do not belong to their club such as: heathen, kaffir unbeliever, a pig dog or idol worshipper (in which category Buddhist and Hindus were placed) and quite demeaning!

Indeed if some has been a believer and subsequently was to become a un-unbeliever; then he is termed an apostate; and such a man should be shunned or killed according to the Prophet’s injunction!

Burdened with such precise and concrete dogmas its logical why they did, what they did, in Paris recently!

Such brain dead Muslims have got carried away by such injunctions so they entered a nation of unbelievers and began executing whoever they netted!  Indeed these un-believers did not sit around passively as the Buddhist had done in the Silk Road, but they in their own turn bumped off the ones who fell into their clutches and hunted the ones who escaped with impunity.

As far as those members of ISIL, who lost their lives for such acts of valour after serving Allah, they would wake up in paradise and get some virgins thrown into the pot as well! In fact they must be enjoying the virgins as we speak in paradise!

There is nothing worse than apostasy; that is a Muslim cannot change his religion for fear that; in such cases the true believers have the right to kill such a person as an apostate! No wonder no one with any sense would change their faith and become unbeliever thus exposing oneself as an apostate; it as good as owning a death wish?

Under the circumstances what they did in Paris recently was logical!

The actors who took part in that exercise were brain dead Muslims and got carried away by such injunction that they entered a nation of unbelievers and began executing the innocent people for them being just that: unbelievers”!

In this connection Holiness H azrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad declared in JAPAN to his flock;

You should reflect upon the blessings God has manifested upon you as a result of living here. There are no restrictions upon your worship. You are not imprisoned for referring to your Mosques as ‘Mosques’. Rather than resulting in a prison sentence, your salutations of ‘peace’ are appreciated and welcomed in this nation.”

 I view of his above utterances we need to establish his Holiness’s assertion as a Muslim; does he accept the first injunction of Islam which informs: There is no God but ALLAH and MOHAMMAD is the Holy Prophet [Faith or E-mann].

That is to say MORE CONCREALY; does HE believe that Mohamed is the Holy Prophet and the Koran?

Now 80% of Muslims are Sunni and they do not consider you or your flock as being a bona fide Muslim sect! So why should you go on and on, hitting you’re head on a wall; just change your name and be done with it!

Calling yourself as Muslim would jeopardize your believer’s existence and jeopardize even YOUR HOST THE Japanese, who are mainly Buddhist or Shinto, besides as far as I know Muslims are not welcome in Japan? So with a simple name change, you could achieve peace, harmony and respectability? As Putin Brazenly put it: To Forgive the Terrorists (or believers) is up To God, but dispatching them to Him is my Duty”

In fact just a few days back, UN Security Council took a vote to declare ‘war on Islamic state of ISIL’?  Naturally you would, and should query if you were a Muslim; how come all of us were put into one basket by the UN Security council?

For indeed the Security Council believe to give out such a declaration must be under an opinion, that ISIL ‘hangers own’ aren’t bona fide believers (Muslims) or do not subscribe to the holy Koran and the prophet?  But according the ISIL Members they are Sunni hence; pure Muslims. So what is this difference of a born again believer of Koran and the believers of a watered down version of the holy book! This is vital to establish right now, for once they finish off with the ISIL bunch, and they would be looking out for the gray areas of Islam believers! Hence it’s vital that you seek an answer to this vital question straightaway?

In this connection the following article of mine gives a better idea and might be helpful?

(I posted this article in 2013!)


In Islam there is no democracy to be found when it comes to apostasy; that is, a Muslim cannot change his religion for fear that as their creed blatantly decrees it that the true believers must execute an apostate! No wonder anyone with any sense would refrain from exposing oneself as an apostate!

Now Sunni is a majority of 80% of the Muslims and Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan, Qatar are within Sunni orbit hence they are true believers.

Though turkey was under the cliché’s of true believing Sunnis, Ataturk (the father of turkey) was totally against this absurd belief!

Indeed Afghanistan was one of the most prosperous Buddhist Nations and was 100 % Buddhist before the arrival of Muslim hordes? Today not a single Buddhist is left in that country. Ditto all the nations along Silk Road?  One can imagine how the Buddhist has been massacred alone the Silk Road, now they grieve about poor palatine Muslims; do we hear anyone grieving about those tolerant Buddhist who were massacred mercilessly en-Toto by these true believers.   Thus keeping to injunction of the prophet! If one need more information just read?


So why did USA and UK back the Murderous ISIL for so long? In fact ISIS can be an extension of Saudi mind set? So what was the USA and UK aim for propping up such brutal feudal tribal mishmash?

Indeed USA & UK were minting money (or oil) from the Saudi state, for anyone buying oil had to pay in dollars!  In fact why did they bump off Sadam Husain and Kaddafi? Due indeed to an inescapable fact; for these two requested for payment for their oil in Gold and not in some printed paper called $’s on which was written ‘In God we trust’.

And these dumb Saudi Arabs buying advanced weapons technology had to pay them with oil, for dollars they can get printed as much as they want!!

Now Syria is a thorn in Saudi Arabia’s in particular and Sunni believer’s butt!

So with the massacre in Paris everything stood on its head Vis a vis European attitude to terrorism! A book written by MARK CURTIS: BRITAINS COLLUSION WITH RADICAL ISLAM;   Spells out vividly the British mentality and all of its double stands! Through USA is involved, it is English mental gymnastics which lay the gambit and now they find, all of their tickey games have come home to roost? I quote Cutis’s book with thanks here:

London in the r990’s was one of the world’s major centres   for radical Islamic organisations such as Algeria’s Armed Islamic Group (GIA), the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, and Egyptian Islamic jihad. And al-Qaida itself (through its office, the Advice and Reformation Committee) all established bases in London. Al-Qaida considered London to be the ‘nerve centre’ of its operations in Europe, and Many of Bin Laden’s top lieutenants operated from there!

One Millions pounds were raised in Britain to fund terrorist causes and recruit militants to fight across the globe, from Afghanistan to Yemen. …A key feature of Londonistan was the operation of a so-called ‘covenant of security’ between radical…

Crispin Black, a former Cabinet Office Intelligence analyst, described the covenant as ‘the long-standing British habit of providing refuge and welfare to Islamist extremists on the unspoken assumption that if we give them a safe haven here. They will not attack us on these shores. ‘A Special ranch officer said that ‘there was a deal with these guys. We told them that if you don’t cause us any problems, and then we won’t bother you.

Abu Hamza, the former imam at the Finsbury… that he believed AI5 Operated whereby his activities would be tolerated as long as they targeted only foreign soil. He recalled how Scotland Yard Intelligence wing, the Special Branch, assured him that ‘you don’t have anything to worry about as long as we don’t see blood on the streets’.

Khaled al-Fawwaz, the head of Bin Laden’s London office in the mid-1990’s, told Swiss journalist Richard Labeviere in April 1998 that ‘London is our association’s headquarters … The authorities are very tolerant, as long as one does not interfere in Questions of internal politics. The ‘covenant’ can only be interpreted as utterly extraordinary, amounting to a ‘green light’ from Whitehall for groups to undertake terrorist activities overseas. The deadliness of this policy was revealed from the late r98os onwards, as British-based groups, notably the GIA, Egyptian Islamic jihad and the ARC began to be involved in atrocities around the world. It was only after 9\11 that…”

Indeed Sri Lankans know for a fact how, Jaffna Catholic Tamil terror organisation operated from London and still maintain an office and a catholic priest is leading it, one Fr. S.J. Emmanuel

This terror organisation is which laid the ground work for modern terrorism! Indeed on Friday, 27 November, a rally was held in London to commemorate the life of Prabhakaran (LTTE) head of one of the most ruthless terrorist organizations in the world until six years. Now would they allow supporters to commemorate the death of Osama bin Laden? Ops sorry, they had not killed anyone in UK or Paris for that matter! So they are keeping to good old double standards? Thanks to such absurd, egocentric, self centred thinking they are paying a huge Price!

In fact we cannot put the complete blame on these tribal Arabs; who came up with a crude religion informing that that as Allah has spoken to a prophet, which the English would have accepted whimsically and patronisingly, for they had reason to use such imbecilic creed IN ORDEE TO FUFILL their own ends. Net results we find; a major portion of the world is in turmoil!  This we have to thank British self interest and their peculiar whims?

Indeed one cannot help notice subtle English touch which has been working to destabilise the global civilisation! Yet when one rare a viper they are bound sting one” is an old Sinhalese saying!  Strangely when 9/11 stuck, it did not hit Europe, but far away New York?  Now with this hit on Paris it’s inching closer to centre home base of the terrorist capital London.  No wonder Prime Minister David Cameroon was in a rush to bomb ISIS off Syria and distance UK by getting a bad name as terrorist tolerating capital of Europe! They are shameless, for they do not have permanent friends but permanent (self) interest!


For an example we know how the British manipulated the slave trade! Did the world notice that? See the following article in the net;

Indeed by 1800 British Empire was the sole owner of India proper. And they have planned to break the backs of all other slave exploiting nation. In such a manner British Empire ended as the solo super-duper power, as they landed at the top of the heap as the only coli Tamil slave using nation! They had Indian, collie slaves and they had their Uncle Tom Jaffna Tamils who were ever, ready to lick the white man’s ass.

In this above part I document how anglicised Jaffna Tamil Catholics gave their full cooperation to the British Raj to exploit coli India and use their cousins as slaves.

Indeed I am dedicating this part to those Indian collie slaves whose lives were destroyed by the Jaffna Tamil Catholics, and ended their lives in misery, pain and anonymity.

It is time we expose their game of duplicity by the British.

It took almost 3 decades for Indian coli slaves as indentured labourers to replace the dearth of slaves taken out from Africa.  By that time only other power around was French. Came the First World War and Ottoman Empire crumbled and fell; and through the League of Nations British and French divided the booty. Only positive thing Lloyd George did at that point of history was he gave Jews a nesting place in Palestine.

Finally two hundred years ago, on March 25, 1807, the British Parliament outlawed the trans-Atlantic African slave trade. But it did not deal in slaves within the colony per se! Eventually, in 1833, Britain was to make slavery itself illegal throughout the empire. It needed 23 years to finally do away with slavery why?
From hind sight we can see how shrewd the English colonials must have been. In fact they were killing two birds with one stone. How?

Colonial British control of the Indian sub-continent by the late 18th century up to 1940! It gave them an extraordinary possibility of manipulating grabbing wealth and power and at the same time keeping the good name for the empire!

So they had laid their plans covertly! They fathomed the Indian Psychology perfectly. Indians had class, cast, language divisions and myriads of other differences. If they pacify the upper crust leadership the lower level masses can be exploited as slaves. They called it indentured labour, in order to provide employment to masses of people but in fact it was slavery by another name only cheaper  and easier to handle!

On the other hand ablution of slave trade was done with fanfare by the British. As they were the epitome of decency and enlightenment.

In such a manner British exported Indian slaves and pulled the rug from under from the rest of the slave trading colonial powers such as Spain, Portugal, Holland, Denmark and USA.

Indeed by 1833 after reinstating their estates with Indentured slaves British declared that no one can transport slaves or use slaves in the plantations. In such a way they knocked out other slaving nations as they had the gunships to back up the claim.  Read the following;

Posted on March 9th, 2014

Indeed one would have through that USA has fought a war to get out of its colonial status but the British bankers are milking s American cow not withstanding!

  • Ray Pensador Follow informs that: The United States could easily print her own money, and maintain control of both, the money supply, and interest rates.
  • Instead, every (paper) dollar in circulation is borrowed from commercial banks (at interest), who are linked to the Fed, or Central Bank.
  • The Fed is a very secretive private institution.
  • The Fed came into being in 1913 in the aftermath of market manipulation by JPMorgan which resulted in the 1907 financial crisis.
  • The banking cartels basically bought off some members of Congress, and also bankrolled the campaign of President Woodrow Wilson, who promptly signed The Federal Reserve Act, which had been written in secrecy by the most powerful bankers of the time (JPMorgan, Rothschild, and Rockefeller).

Speech in Congress in 1934:

Mr Chairman, we have in this Country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter called the Fed. The Fed has cheated the Government of these United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the Nation’s debt. The depredations and iniquities of the Fed have cost enough money to pay the National debt several times over.

Now you will wonder why am I mixing all these tropics and it, looks like I am mixing oranges with mangos. And where am I going with all these mixed balls? In fact lot of people are blaming USA etc., etc., but there is a bigger culprit who even Obama dare not point the finger at? And pray who is that? By now you would have an inkling of they must be? Banks? Not any bankers? But Rothschilds, Rokerfellows, JPMorgan; A Jewish Cartel of Bankers supported by no other than The Bank of England!

  • Who controls the money supply of a nation controls the nation. — James Garfield
  • Garfield was shot on July 2, 1881 and died of his wounds several weeks later. Chester A. Arthur succeeded Garfield as President.
  • In 1896, William McKinley was elected President in the middle of a depression-driven debate over gold-backed government currency versus bank notes borrowed at interest from private banks. McKinley favored gold-backed currencies and a balanced government budget which would free the public from accumulating debt.
  • McKinley was shot by an out-of-work anarchist on September 14, 1901, in Buffalo, NY, succumbing to his wounds a few days later. He was succeeded in office by Theodore Roosevelt.
  • Finally, in 1913, the Private Central Bankers of Europe, in particular the Rothschilds of Great Britain and the Warburgs of Germany, met with their American financial collaborators on Jekyll Island, Georgiato form a new banking cartel with the express purpose of forming the Third Bank of the United States, with the aim of placing complete control of the United States money supply once again under the control of private bankers.
  • Owing to hostility over the previous banks, the name was changed to The Federal Reserve” system in order to grant the new bank a quasi-governmental image, but in fact it is a privately owned bank, no more Federal” than Federal Express.
  • Indeed, in 2012, the Federal Reserve attempted to rebuff a Freedom of Information Lawsuit by Bloomberg News on the grounds that as a private banking corporation and not actually a part of the government, the Freedom of Information Act did not apply to the trade secret” operations of the Federal Reserve.
  • The decline of the British Pound as a result of too much emphasis on financial activity to the neglect of agriculture, industrial development, and infrastructure (not unlike the present day United States).
  • Although pre-war Germany had a private central bank, it was heavily restricted and inflation kept to reasonable levels. Under government control, investment was guaranteed to internal economic development, and Germany was seen as a major power. So, in the media of the day, Germany was portrayed as the prime opponent of World War One, and not just defeated, but its industrial base flattened. Following the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was ordered to pay the war costs of all the participating nations, even though Germany had not actually started the war.
  • Led this war (WW1) in vain.”  – Winston Churchill in The Times (1919)
  • We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not.” – Winston Churchill (1936 broadcast)
  • Germany becomes too powerful. We have to crush it.”
  • Winston Churchill (November 1936 speaking to US – General Robert E. Wood).
  • This war is an English war and its goal is the destruction of Germany.” Winston Churchill (- autumn 1939 broadcast)
  • Germany’s state-issued value based currency was also a direct threat to the wealth and power of the private central banks, and as early as 1933 they started to organize a global boycott against Germany to strangle this upstart ruler who thought he could break free of private central bankers!
  • As had been the case in World War One, Great Britain and other nations threatened by Germany’s economic power looked for an excuse to go to war, and as public anger in Germany grew over the boycott, Hitler foolishly gave them that excuse. Years later, in a spirit of candor, the real reasons for that war were made clear.
  • The war wasn’t only about abolishing fascism, but to conquer sales markets. We could have, if we had intended so, prevented this war from breaking out without doing one shot, but we didn’t want to.”- Winston Churchill to Truman (Fulton, USA March 1946)
  • Germany’s unforgivable crime before WW2 was its attempt to loosen its economy out of the world trade system and to build up an independent exchange system from which the world-finance couldn’t profit anymore. …We butchered the wrong pig.” -Winston Churchill (The Second World War – Bern, 1960)
  • As a side note, we need to step back before WW2 and recall Marine Major General Smedley Butler. In 1933, Wall Street bankers and financiers had bankrolled the successful coups by both Hitler and Mussolini. Brown Brothers Harriman in New York was financing Hitler right up to the day war was declared with Germany.
  • And they decided that a fascist dictatorship in the United States based on the one on Italy would be far better for their business interests than Roosevelt’s New Deal” which threatened massive wealth re-distribution to recapitalize the working and middle class of America. So the Wall Street tycoons recruited General Butler to lead the overthrow of the US Government and install a Secretary of General Affairs” who would be answerable to Wall Street and not the people, would crush social unrest and shut down all labor unions. General Butler pretended to go along with the scheme but then exposed the plot to Congress. Congress, then as now in the pocket of the Wall Street bankers, refused to act.

When Roosevelt learned of the planned coup he demanded the arrest of the plotters, but the plotters simply reminded Roosevelt that if any one of them were sent to prison, their friends on Wall Street would deliberately collapse the still-fragile economy and blame Roosevelt for it. Roosevelt was thus unable to act until the start of WW2, at which time he prosecuted many of the plotters under the Trading with the Enemy act. The Congressional minutes into the coup were finally released in 1967 and became the inspiration for the movie, Seven Days in May” but with the true financial villains erased from the script.


I spent 33 years and four months in active military service as a member of our country’s most agile military force — the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to Major General. And during that period I spent more of my time being a high–class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I suspected I was just a part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service. Thus I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-12. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that the Standard Oil went its way unmolested. During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. I was rewarded with honors, medals and promotion. Looking back on it, I feel I might have given Al Capone a few hints.

I have written about if the Muslims were to come out of this circle of violence, they have to do certain specific things? IF Saudi Arabia didn’t have the oil reaches no one would have bothered and Muslim creed bite would be without any teeth!

They would soon realize with the free energy and all sort of things such as carbon as new material and capacitors replacing batteries, so their days are also numbered.

No wonder the British premier was in awful rush to bomb ISIS Sites!

If Muslims are to avoid the blow back effect, they have got into, then have to get away from;

  • Undemocratic mental set up and refrain from killing of apostates! That is disregarding the first injunction!
  • Women should not be used as ‘production machines’ and curtail the production of children to one or two!
  • Abstain from terror thoughts and let Allah look after his patch.
  • Government of Lanka. Should regulate reproduction of one child to a family!
  • In such a manner; Water air and the rights of all creatures are to be maintained!

Now the most vital point of cutting the head of this multithreaded Muslim hydra is; Global society must make it possible get new identities and find refuge for such escapees, if they are to escape from the fate of being born into? That is IF THOSE WHO DO NOT Want to remain as Muslims and practice their democratic right?

Create a TV channel to debate all sects’ points of view. WHEATHER IT BE ISLMIC, CHISTIAN, JEWISH, Hindu or atheist, this would be the absolutely certain way to break the fundamentalists back. This TV station should be kept in neutral territory and couldn’t be approached by any fundamentalist grope especially Muslim?

Mahinda Weerasinghe


By the author of: -Origin of species According to The BUDDHA



Since Mohamed proclaimed to the world his religion of peace”, it has been bumping off people left right and centre in the name of Allah (or God or whatever)! This, by invoking a simple formula, which he relayed to the believers as commanded by Allah. Popularly these were known as the five injunctions; and were termed:

1: There is no god but ALLAH and MOHAMMAD is the Holy Prophet [Faith or E-mann].

2: Perform Prayers

3: Pay the Zakat [Payments to Poor]

4: Make the Pilgrimage [Hajj]

5: Fast in the Month of Ramadan [Fasting]

Now most Muslims follow these Injunctions, and they sound simple enough, but entrenched deep within its wording, there is a death trap to unbelievers. Indeed the Muslims separate believers from the rest of the humans by stipulating those who do not subscribe to their version of the truth as: UNBELIEVERS!

In fact it’s another one of ‘God’s (Allah’s) clubs and no different from Catholic, Jehovah’s witnesses or what have you… But members of this club had being allocated some special privileges: they have the right to bump off anyone who does not believe in their obvious, ‘Truths’!   Strangely enough, they cringe and solicit (human) rights when they find themselves in a minority, but never consider giving others any rights, once they gain a majority status in a society! A good ensample is Saudi Arabia; where if an unbeliever was to bring a picture or a small stature of a Buddha it would be thrown in a dust bin at the customs. Indeed if someone has smuggled such an item in to the country and be apprehended with such an item, then the punishment would be; off with that persons head!

In fact the Judeo-Christians have specific words to describe such people who do not belong to their club such as: heathen, kaffir unbeliever, a pig dog or idol worshipper (in which category Buddhist and Hindus were placed) and quite demeaning!

Indeed if some has been a believer and subsequently was to become a un-unbeliever; then he is termed an apostate; and such a man should be shunned or killed according to the Prophet’s injunction!

Burdened with such precise and concrete dogmas its logical why they did, what they did, in Paris recently!

Such brain dead Muslims have got carried away by such injunctions so they entered a nation of unbelievers and began executing whoever they netted!  Indeed these un-believers did not sit around passively as the Buddhist had done in the Silk Road, but they in their own turn bumped off the ones who fell into their clutches and hunted the ones who escaped with impunity.

As far as those members of ISIL, who lost their lives for such acts of valour after serving Allah, they would wake up in paradise and get some virgins thrown into the pot as well! In fact they must be enjoying the virgins as we speak in paradise!

There is nothing worse than apostasy; that is a Muslim cannot change his religion for fear that; in such cases the true believers have the right to kill such a person as an apostate! No wonder no one with any sense would change their faith and become unbeliever thus exposing oneself as an apostate; it as good as owning a death wish?

Under the circumstances what they did in Paris recently was logical!

The actors who took part in that exercise were brain dead Muslims and got carried away by such injunction that they entered a nation of unbelievers and began executing the innocent people for them being just that: unbelievers”!

In this connection Holiness H azrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad declared in JAPAN to his flock;

You should reflect upon the blessings God has manifested upon you as a result of living here. There are no restrictions upon your worship. You are not imprisoned for referring to your Mosques as ‘Mosques’. Rather than resulting in a prison sentence, your salutations of ‘peace’ are appreciated and welcomed in this nation.”

 I view of his above utterances we need to establish his Holiness’s assertion as a Muslim; does he accept the first injunction of Islam which informs: There is no god but ALLAH and MOHAMMAD is the Holy Prophet [Faith or E-mann].

That is to say MORE CONCREALY; does HE believe in Mohamed and the Koran?

Now 80% of Muslims are Sunni and they do not consider you or your flock as being a bona fide Muslim sect! So why should you go on and on, hitting you’re head on a wall; just change your name and be done with it!

Calling yourself as Muslim would jeopardize your believer’s existence and jeopardize AND YOUR HOST THE Japanese, who are mainly Buddhist or Shinto, besides as far as I know Muslims are not welcome in Japan? So with a simple name change, you could achieve peace, harmony and respectability? As Putin Brazenly has put it: To Forgive the Terrorists Is up To God, but dispatching them to Him is my Duty”

In fact just a few days back, UN Security Council took a vote to declare ‘war on Islamic state of ISIL’?  Naturally you would query if you were a Muslim; how come all of us were put into one basket?


For indeed the Security Council believe to give out such a declaration must be under an opinion, that ISIL ‘hangers own’ aren’t bona fide believers (Muslims) or do not subscribe to the holy Koran and the prophet?  But according the ISIL Members they are Sunni hence; pure Muslims. So what is this difference of a born again believer of Koran and the believers of a watered down version of the holy book! This is vital to establish right now, for once they finish off with the ISIL bunch, and they would be looking out for the grey areas of Islam believers! Hence it’s vital that you seek an answer to this question straightaway?

In this connection the following article of mine gives a better idea and might be helpful?

(I posted this article in 2013!)


In Islam there is no democracy to be found when it comes to apostasy; that is, a Muslim cannot change his religion for fear that as their creed blatantly decrees it that the true believers must execute an apostate! No wonder anyone with any sense would refrain from exposing oneself as an apostate!


Now Sunni is a majority of 80% of the Muslims and Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Pakistan, Qatar are within Sunni orbit hence they are true believers.

Though turkey was under the cloches of true believing Sunni, Ataturk (the father of turkey) and was against this absurd belief!

Indeed Afghanistan was one of the most prosperous Buddhist Nations and was 100 % Buddhist before the arrival of Muslim hordes? Today not a single Buddhist is left in that country. Ditto all the nations along Silk Road?  One can imagine how the Buddhist has been massacred alone the Silk Road, now they grieve about poor palatine Muslims; do we hear anyone grieving about those tolerant Buddhist who were massacred mercilessly by these true believers.   Thus keeping to injunction of the prophet! If one need more information just read?


So why did USA and UK back the Murderous ISIL for so long? In fact ISIS can be an extension of Saudi mind set? So what was the USA and UK propping up such brutal feudal tribal mishmash?

Indeed they were minting money (or oil) from the Saudi state, for anyone buying oil had to pay in dollars!  In fact why did they bump off   Sadam Husain and Kaddafi? Due to an inescapable fact; for these two requested for payment for their oil in Gold and not in some printed paper called $’s on which was written ‘In God we trust’.

And these dumb Saudi Arabs buying advanced weapons technology had to pay them with oil, for dollars they can get printed as much as they want!!

Now Syria is a thorn in Saudi Arabia’s in particular and Sunni believers butt!

So with the massacre in Paris everything stood on its head vis a vis European attitude to terrorism! A book written by MARK CURTIS: BRITAINS COLLUSION WITH RADICAL ISLAM;   Spells out vividly the British mentality and all of its double stands! Through USA is involved, it is English mental gymnastics which lay the gambit and now they find, all of their tickey games have come home to roost? I quote Cutis’s book with thanks here:

London in the r990’s was one of the world’s major centres   for radical Islamic organisations such as Algeria’s Armed Islamic Group (GIA), the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, and Egyptian Islamic jihad. And al-Qaida itself (through its office, the Advice and Reformation Committee) all established bases in London. Al-Qaida considered London to be the ‘nerve centre’ of its operations in Europe, and Many of Bin Laden’s top lieutenants operated from there!

One Millions pounds were raised in Britain to fund terrorist causes and recruit militants to fight across the globe, from Afghanistan to Yemen. …A key feature of Londonistan was the operation of a so-called ‘covenant of security’ between radical…

Crispin Black, a former Cabinet Office Intelligence analyst, described the covenant as ‘the long-standing British habit of providing refuge and welfare to Islamist extremists on the unspoken assumption that if we give them a safe haven here. They will not attack us on these shores. ‘A Special ranch officer said that ‘there was a deal with these guys. We told them that if you don’t cause us any problems, and then we won’t bother you.

Abu Hamza, the former imam at the Finsbury… that he believed AI5 Operated whereby his activities would be tolerated as long as they targeted only foreign soil. He recalled how Scotland Yard Intelligence wing, the Special Branch, assured him that ‘you don’t have anything to worry about as long as we don’t see blood on the streets’.

Khaled al-Fawwaz, the head of Bin Laden’s London office in the mid-1990’s, told Swiss journalist Richard Labeviere in April 1998 that ‘London is our association’s headquarters … The authorities are very tolerant, as long as one does not interfere in Questions of internal politics. The ‘covenant’ can only be interpreted as utterly extraordinary, amounting to a ‘green light’ from Whitehall for groups to undertake terrorist activities overseas. The deadliness of this policy was revealed from the late r98os onwards, as British-based groups, notably the GIA, Egyptian Islamic jihad and the ARC began to be involved in atrocities around the world. It was only after 9\11 that…”

Indeed Sri Lankans know for a fact how, Jaffna Catholic Tamil terror organisation operated from London and still maintain an office and a catholic priest is leading it, one Fr. S.J. Emmanuel

This terror organisation is which laid the ground work for modern terrorism! Indeed on Friday, 27 November, a rally was held in London to commemorate the life of Prabhakaran (LTTE) head of one of the most ruthless terrorist organizations in the world until six years. Now would they allow supporters to commemorate the death of Osama bin Laden? Or sorry they had not killed anyone in UK or Paris for that matter! So they are keeping to good old double standards? Thanks to such absurd, egocentric, self-centred thinking they are paying a huge Price!

In fact we cannot put the complete blame on these tribal Arabs; who came up with a crude religion informing that that as Allah has spoken to a prophet, which the English would have accepted whimsically and patronisingly, for they had reason to use such imbecilic creed IN ORDEE TO FUFILL their own ends. Net results we find; a major portion of the world is in turmoil as a result!  This we have to thank British self-interest and their peculiar whims?

Indeed one cannot help notice subtle English touch which has been working to destabilise the global civilisation! Yet when one rare a viper they are bound sting one” is an old Sinhalese saying!  Strangely when 9/11 stuck, it did not hit Europe, but far away New York?  Now with this hit on Paris it’s inching closer to centre home base of the terrorist capital London.  No wonder Prime Minister David Cameroon was in a rush to bomb ISIS off Syria and distance UK by getting a bad name as terrorist tolerating capital of Europe! They are shameless, for they do not have permanent friends but permanent (self) interest!


For an example we know how the British manipulated the slave trade! Did the world notice that? See the following article in the net;

Indeed by 1800 British Empire was the sole owner of India proper. And they have planned to break the backs of all other slave exploiting nation. In such a manner British Empire ended as the solo super-duper power, as they landed at the top of the heap as the only coli Tamil slave using nation! They had Indian, collie slaves and they had their Uncle Tom Jaffna Tamils who were ever, ready to lick the white man’s ass.

In this above part I document how anglicised Jaffna Tamil Catholics gave their full cooperation to the British Raj to exploit coli India and use their cousins as slaves.

Indeed I am dedicating this part to those Indian collie slaves whose lives were destroyed by the Jaffna Tamil Catholics, and ended their lives in misery, pain and anonymity.

It is time we expose their game of duplicity.

It took almost 3 decades for Indian coli slaves as indentured labourers to replace the dearth of slaves taken out from Africa.  By that time only other power around was French. Came the First World War and Ottoman Empire crumbled and fell; and through the League of Nations British and French divided the booty. Only positive thing Lloyd George did at that point of history was he gave Jews a nesting place in Palestine.

Finally two hundred years ago, on March 25, 1807, the British Parliament outlawed the trans-Atlantic African slave trade. But it did not deal in slaves within the colony per se! Eventually, in 1833, Britain was to make slavery itself illegal throughout the empire. It needed 23 years to finally do away with slavery why?
From hind sight we can see how shrewd the English colonials must have been. In fact they were killing two birds with one stone. How?

Colonial British control of the Indian sub-continent by the late 18th century up to 1940! It gave them an extraordinary possibility of manipulating grabbing wealth and power and at the same time keeping the good name for the empire!

So they had laid their plans covertly! They fathomed the Indian Psychology perfectly. Indians had class, cast, language divisions and myriads of other differences. If they pacify the upper crust leadership the lower level masses can be exploited as slaves. They called it indentured labour, in order to provide employment to masses of people but in fact it was slavery by another name

On the other hand ablution of slave trade was done with fanfare by the British. As they were the epitome of decency and enlightenment.

In such a manner British exported Indian slaves and pulled the rug from under from the rest of the slave trading colonial powers such as Spain, Portugal, Holland, Denmark and USA.

Indeed by 1833 after reinstating their estates with Indentured slaves British declared that no one can transport slaves or use slaves in the plantations. In such a way they knocked out other slaving nations as they had the gunships to back up the claim.  Read the following;

Posted on March 9th, 2014

Indeed one would have through that USA has fought a war to get out of its colonial status but the British bankers are milking s American cow not withstanding!

  • Ray Pensador Follow informs that: The United States could easily print her own money, and maintain control of both, the money supply, and interest rates.
  • Instead, every (paper) dollar in circulation is borrowed from commercial banks (at interest), who are linked to the Fed, or Central Bank.
  • The Fed is a very secretive private institution.
  • The Fed came into being in 1913 in the aftermath of market manipulation by JPMorgan which resulted in the 1907 financial crisis.
  • The banking cartels basically bought off some members of Congress, and also bankrolled the campaign of President Woodrow Wilson, who promptly signed The Federal Reserve Act, which had been written in secrecy by the most powerful bankers of the time (JPMorgan, Rothschild, and Rockefeller).

Speech in Congress in 1934:

Mr Chairman, we have in this Country one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks, hereinafter called the Fed. The Fed has cheated the Government of these United States and the people of the United States out of enough money to pay the Nation’s debt. The depredations and iniquities of the Fed have cost enough money to pay the National debt several times over.

Now you will wonder why am I mixing all these tropics and it, looks like I am mixing oranges with mangos. And where am I going with all these mixed balls? In fact lot of people are blaming USA etc., etc., but there is a bigger culprit who even Obama dare not point the finger at? And pray who is that? By now you would have an inkling of they must be? Banks? Not any bankers? But Rothschilds, Rokerfellows, JPMorgan; A Jewish Cartel of Bankers supported by no other than The Bank of England!

  • Who controls the money supply of a nation controls the nation. — James Garfield
  • Garfield was shot on July 2, 1881 and died of his wounds several weeks later. Chester A. Arthur succeeded Garfield as President.
  • In 1896, William McKinley was elected President in the middle of a depression-driven debate over gold-backed government currency versus bank notes borrowed at interest from private banks. McKinley favored gold-backed currencies and a balanced government budget which would free the public from accumulating debt.
  • McKinley was shot by an out-of-work anarchist on September 14, 1901, in Buffalo, NY, succumbing to his wounds a few days later. He was succeeded in office by Theodore Roosevelt.
  • Finally, in 1913, the Private Central Bankers of Europe, in particular the Rothschilds of Great Britain and the Warburgs of Germany, met with their American financial collaborators on Jekyll Island, Georgiato form a new banking cartel with the express purpose of forming the Third Bank of the United States, with the aim of placing complete control of the United States money supply once again under the control of private bankers.
  • Owing to hostility over the previous banks, the name was changed to The Federal Reserve” system in order to grant the new bank a quasi-governmental image, but in fact it is a privately owned bank, no more Federal” than Federal Express.
  • Indeed, in 2012, the Federal Reserve attempted to rebuff a Freedom of Information Lawsuit by Bloomberg News on the grounds that as a private banking corporation and not actually a part of the government, the Freedom of Information Act did not apply to the trade secret” operations of the Federal Reserve.
  • The decline of the British Pound as a result of too much emphasis on financial activity to the neglect of agriculture, industrial development, and infrastructure (not unlike the present day United States).
  • Although pre-war Germany had a private central bank, it was heavily restricted and inflation kept to reasonable levels. Under government control, investment was guaranteed to internal economic development, and Germany was seen as a major power. So, in the media of the day, Germany was portrayed as the prime opponent of World War One, and not just defeated, but its industrial base flattened. Following the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was ordered to pay the war costs of all the participating nations, even though Germany had not actually started the war.
  • Led this war (WW1) in vain.”  – Winston Churchill in The Times (1919)
  • We will force this war upon Hitler, if he wants it or not.” – Winston Churchill (1936 broadcast)
  • Germany becomes too powerful. We have to crush it.”
  • Winston Churchill (November 1936 speaking to US – General Robert E. Wood).
  • This war is an English war and its goal is the destruction of Germany.” Winston Churchill (- autumn 1939 broadcast)
  • Germany’s state-issued value based currency was also a direct threat to the wealth and power of the private central banks, and as early as 1933 they started to organize a global boycott against Germany to strangle this upstart ruler who thought he could break free of private central bankers!
  • As had been the case in World War One, Great Britain and other nations threatened by Germany’s economic power looked for an excuse to go to war, and as public anger in Germany grew over the boycott, Hitler foolishly gave them that excuse. Years later, in a spirit of candor, the real reasons for that war were made clear.
  • The war wasn’t only about abolishing fascism, but to conquer sales markets. We could have, if we had intended so, prevented this war from breaking out without doing one shot, but we didn’t want to.”- Winston Churchill to Truman (Fulton, USA March 1946)
  • Germany’s unforgivable crime before WW2 was its attempt to loosen its economy out of the world trade system and to build up an independent exchange system from which the world-finance couldn’t profit anymore. …We butchered the wrong pig.” -Winston Churchill (The Second World War – Bern, 1960)
  • As a side note, we need to step back before WW2 and recall Marine Major General Smedley Butler. In 1933, Wall Street bankers and financiers had bankrolled the successful coups by both Hitler and Mussolini. Brown Brothers Harriman in New York was financing Hitler right up to the day war was declared with Germany.
  • And they decided that a fascist dictatorship in the United States based on the one on Italy would be far better for their business interests than Roosevelt’s New Deal” which threatened massive wealth re-distribution to recapitalize the working and middle class of America. So the Wall Street tycoons recruited General Butler to lead the overthrow of the US Government and install a Secretary of General Affairs” who would be answerable to Wall Street and not the people, would crush social unrest and shut down all labor unions. General Butler pretended to go along with the scheme but then exposed the plot to Congress. Congress, then as now in the pocket of the Wall Street bankers, refused to act.

When Roosevelt learned of the planned coup he demanded the arrest of the plotters, but the plotters simply reminded Roosevelt that if any one of them were sent to prison, their friends on Wall Street would deliberately collapse the still-fragile economy and blame Roosevelt for it. Roosevelt was thus unable to act until the start of WW2, at which time he prosecuted many of the plotters under the Trading with the Enemy act. The Congressional minutes into the coup were finally released in 1967 and became the inspiration for the movie, Seven Days in May” but with the true financial villains erased from the script.


I spent 33 years and four months in active military service as a member of our country’s most agile military force — the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from second lieutenant to Major General. And during that period I spent more of my time being a high–class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I suspected I was just a part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all members of the military profession I never had an original thought until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of the higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service. Thus I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-12. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that the Standard Oil went its way unmolested. During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. I was rewarded with honors, medals and promotion. Looking back on it, I feel I might have given Al Capone a few hints.

I have written about if the Muslims were to come out of this circle of violence, they have to do certain specific things? IF Saudi Arabia didn’t have the oil reaches no one would have bothered and Muslim creed bite would be without any teeth!

They would soon realize with the free energy and all sort of things such as carbon as new material and capacitors replacing batteries, so their days are also numbered.

No wonder the British premier was in awful rush to bomb ISIS Sites!

If Muslims are to avoid the blow back efforts they have got into, and then have to get away from;

  • Undemocratic mental set up and refrain from killing of apostates! That is disregarding the first injunction!
  • Women should not be used as production machines and curtail the production of children to one or two!
  • Abstain from terror thoughts and let Allah look after his patch.
  • Government of Lanka. Should regulate reproduction of one child to a family!
  • In such a manner; Water air and the rights of all creatures are to be maintained!

Now the most vital point of cutting the head of this multithreaded Muslim hydra is; Global society must make it possible get new identities and find refuge for such escapees, if they are to escape from the fate of being born into? That is IF THOSE WHO DO NOT Want to remain as Muslims and practice their democratic right?

Create a TV channel to debate all sects’ points of view. WHEATHER IT BE ISLMIC, CHISTIAN, JEWISH, Hindu or atheist, this would be the absolutely certain way to break the fundamentalists back. This TV station should be kept in neutral territory and couldn’t be approached by any fundamentalist grope especially Muslim?

Mahinda Weerasinghe


By the author of: -Origin of species According to The BUDDHA



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