Posted on January 5th, 2016

By Noor NizamPolitical and Peace Activist & Political Communication Researcher and former SLFP District Organizer – Trincomalee District, and Convener – The Muslim Voice, and Former Press and Information Officer to HE. Mahinda Rajapaksa, January 4th., 2016.

Enrique’s Sex and Love tour: Two Cabinet Ministers pressured Colombo Mayor to give green light. The Muslim Voice was always right when it questioned the Muslim UNSCRUPULOUS” politicians. The Muslim voice consistently requested HE. President Maithripala Sirisena to probe the Mayor M.S.M. Muzammil regarding the Enrique’s Sex scandal which has already damaged the image of Sri Lanka and the President internationally, on which a price tag cannot be put, let it be alone the CMC had lost Rs. 30 million on taxes due. Comments made by the Convener – The Muslim Voice in many web newspapers stressed on this point for many days. Some web sites denied the publication of these comments. But Adaderana, Ceylon Daily News and certain foreign webpapers published the comments. is the ONLY web newspaper which allows and respects dedicated freelance journalists and Academia by allowing their article/comments and opinions published, irrespective of the sensitiveness of the content – an example of TRUE JOURNALISM PRACTICED and the promotion of Press/Media and Journalism Freedom within the Press and Media industry of Sri Lanka.
The President has got the CMC Mayor to spill some beans. It is reported in the press/media that two ministers have been named as those who pressurized the mayor to do the UNWANTED. Minister Faizer Musthapa being one, seems NOT extraordinary. Shame on him and the Sri Lankan Muslims. No doubt Sinha Le will have enough reasons to wack us in the future – God AlMighty forbid it should NOT happen. But ALL the BEANS have NOT been spilled by the Mayor. HE. President Maithripala Sirisena should still continue the probing” to find out, how many Rs. 35,000/= tickets were given to politicians as complimentary ticket, especially to Minister Faizer Musthapa and how many ounces of kerala ganja and heroin and many bottles of hard liquor were traded at the grounds that evening and who were the culprits that were engaged in those nefarious activities. These may be political passing cloud incidents” to these culprits, but the President taking stern action against these incidents and exposing them to the public, will bring the people to gather around the President Maithripala Sirisena, be it the Sinhalese, Tamils or Muslims, whether they are SLFP, UNP, MEP, JVP, LSSP, FSC, SLMC, ACMC, National Muslim Congress, CWC or the TNA or the ITAK. The FAILURE of President Mahinda Rajapaksa to do this during his tenure as President was his downfall. The same Muslim Politicians who sucked” him are also around the President Mathripala Sirisdena now. So President Maithripala Sirisena, should not give up the probe on this event.

In addition to this, the recent media/press publications Suspected Ministry Official carrying gold in anus” ( was also another scandal where the personal staff member of the Muslim Affairs Minister was arrested by the Sri Lanka customs and charged for carrying into the country 04 gold slabs weighing 400g concealed in his rectal cavity, worth Rs. 2 million. What a shame again on the Muslim Community. Why NOT we accept that we are those who habour the most number of smugglers and racketeers in our community (including businessmen, politicians and political stooges) and begin to correct ourselves and live the “Muslim way of Life” Insha Allah. IT DOES NOT MEAN THAT ALL SRI LANKAM MUSLIMS, INCLUDING BUSINESSMEN, POLITICIANS AND POLITICAL STOOGES ARE PRACTISING THIS CULTURE OF HIPOCARCY” IN THE SRI LANKAN MUSLIM COMMUNITY. The incident has now been politically swept under the carpet. But President Maithripala Sirisena should not fail to revisit this incident and to bring the culprits and the gang behind this episode before justice and punish them, if found guilty. Again this will bring the people to gather around the President Maithripala Sirisena.

Sri Lanka media forums and Sri Lanka Muslim journalists and Muslim civil society and religious leaders should blast these news and call for a commitment by all Sri Lankan Muslims, including Muslim politicians to stop this “added Muslim culture of deception and smuggling”. The “Derana 360” political program, The Derana “Black and White” Political program, The Derana “Wadapitiya” TV program, Sirasa Satana” Program, ITN, Rupavahini and Swarnavahini Tamil political programs  should take this dreadful spreading Anti-Social Muslim culture within the Sri Lankan Muslim community in there popular TV/news programs and trash it down in public debates/public TV talks and help the Sri Lankan Muslim community to get rid of this menace. Not only this, let us be bold and ashamed to accept that our Community government officials, especially in the Sri Lanka customs (not all) also connive in making this possible to the Muslim business gangs who under the disguise of “religious travel” are the biggest culprits in this smuggling operations. Muslim entrepreneurs in the Travel and Tours Trade (not all) also aid and have abetted this culture within the Sri Lankan Muslim community. Some of the Muslim politicians are also hand in glove in these operations, but deny and wash their hands and pretend to be Mr. Clean” when caught. The other segment of the Sri Lanka Muslim Community are some of the Muslim Lawyers who, notwithstanding the FACT that they are very good practicing Muslims, still provide legal support (but for high legal charge/fees) and appear on all apprehended smuggling cases and make sure that the culprits are free from all allegations and charges, or by paying a small fine, within the law. These community elements help the authorities fix a “scapegoat” and get out of the allegations. The Indian Muslim community also have a great influence in these activities, especially from South India and also from Singapore/Hong Kong. The “SMUGGLING CULTURE” practiced by these unscrupulous Muslim gangs has to be condoned in full and eradicated totally from the Sri Lankan Muslim community. President Maithripala Sirisena along with the media should help the Muslim Community in this fight against the “The Smuggling Culture and Deceptive Political Culture” in Sri Lanka. This comment may create a volcanic eruption in the Sri Lankan Muslim Community with a lot of violent opposition from these elements within the Sri Lankan Muslim Community with the support of the money and political/social power available to the smuggling and political deceptive Muslim gangs, but the Sri Lanka Muslim Community has to once and for all get rid of these menace and allow the Sri Lankan Muslims to live a respectful and dignified social and political life and practice the TRUE Islamic Way of Life” that the Holy Prophet Mohamed (Peace be upon him) has preached to us and that which has been revealed in the Holy Quran and guided by the Al Hadith”.


  1. Lorenzo Says:

    Thank you Noor.

    “the personal staff member of the Muslim Affairs Minister was arrested by the Sri Lanka customs and charged for carrying into the country 04 gold slabs weighing 400g concealed in his rectal cavity, worth Rs. 2 million.”


    What is happening to YAAPA(LA)NAYA?

    ALL passengers coming from Endia, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Maldives must be THOROUGHLY checked. MOST of them carry gold, drugs weapons or pornography.

  2. Nanda Says:

    Thank you Noor Nizam, you are absolutely right.

    How about this man Rishad Bathuidin ?

    I watched him in absolute horror in this Hiru Salakuna interview.
    Just see the way he behave.

    I am sure he is involved in drug smuggling as indicated by the monk.
    See the way he stole 3000 acres of land and handed over 2300 acres of virgin forest people instead.
    From the interview it is absolutely clear that this Muslim man is a BIG LIAR and he is accusing the monk of lying.
    This mans shouldn’t be a minister, he should be in jail.

  3. Christie Says:

    What we have to recognize is that the island is an Indian colony. In India the Hindus are supreme and Muslims are treated worse than the Dalits. In the island nation Indians are supreme. There are thousands of cases filed at various corruption, bribery and human rights commissions. Almost all of the complaints are against Sinhalese or Muslims.

    People have to question are all Indian colonial parasites are clean?

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