SRI LANKA: වායු දූෂණය හා මහනුවර පරිසර ව්‍යාධිය “Air pollution and the devastation of the environment in Kandy”
Posted on January 5th, 2016

by Suni Ranasinghe. සුනිල් රණසිංහ  Asian Human Rights Commission


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4 Responses to “SRI LANKA: වායු දූෂණය හා මහනුවර පරිසර ව්‍යාධිය “Air pollution and the devastation of the environment in Kandy””

  1. NAK Says:

    Since when the LTTE became ‘satan kameen’?
    We know who call them that! and we call them seperatists or their sympathizers.
    The reason the the section adjacent to the temple of the Tooth Relic is closed for well known reasons of damage that could cause by the vehicular emmisions and vibarations to the ‘Maligawa’
    Just because Kandy is over populated and there is a demand for more roads national treasures like the ‘Maligawa’can not be alowed to be destroyed.

  2. NAK Says:

    Since when the LTTE became ‘satan kameen’?
    We know who call them that! and we call them seperatists or their sympathizers.They were terrorists.Period.
    This particular idiot doesn’t seem to know what he is talking about and insulting others to drive his point is not proper way to find a solution to a problem.
    The reason the the section adjacent to the temple of the Tooth Relic is closed for well known reasons of damage that could cause by the vehicular emissions and vibarations to the ‘Maligawa’
    Just because Kandy is over populated and there is a demand for more roads national treasures like the ‘Maligawa’can not be allowed to be destroyed.
    The writer is covertly attacking the mahanayakes as parsasites for keeping the road closed and Lankaweb should be ashamed of providing space for this kind of offensive language.

  3. Dham Says:

    Well picked NAK.

    I make note

    1. “එල්, ටී, ටී, ඊ, සටන්කාමීහු ”

    2. “මක්නිසාදයත් රාජ්‍යයේ සුජාතභාවයට හා සියලු නොපනත්කම්වලට සැමවිට ම කමටහන් සපයන්නේ මුග්ධ ආගමික ආරාම යයි. ”

    3. “……..පරපෝෂිත ආයතනයක මුග්ධභාවය නිසා…. ”

    Who is this පරපෝෂිත, මුග්ධ , සුනිල් රණසිංහ ?

    Why are you writing hatred to Buddhists ? Are you mad or are you ISIS ?

    Before even talk about air pollution learn to talk the language of the land properly and learn to respect the religion of the land.

    GET LOST !

  4. Nanda Says:

    මෙනි කොතරම් සිංහල බෞද්ධයෝ ලියනවාද නොදනිමි. මෙතරම් අසික්ඛිත විධියට බුද්ධාගමට අපහාසකරන මේ සුනී මුස්ලිම් කාරයා විවේචනය කිරීමට ඉන්නේ තුන් දෙනාද ?

    මහනුවර ශ්‍රී දලදා මාලිගාව =​ “පරපෝෂිත ආයතනයක ”

    මේක ඉස්සරහ ජංගිනැටුම් නටපල්ලා ආයිත්.

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