ඇමෙරිකාව ප්‍රමුඛ බටහිර රටවල් ශ්‍රී ලංකාව පිලිබඳ මෙතරම් උනන්දු ඇයි?
Posted on January 11th, 2016

මහාචාර්ය පුංචිනිලමේ මිගස්වත්තේ

“අනාගතයේදී මුහුදු සේද මාවත පාලනය කරන්නන් විසින් මුලු ලෝකයම පාලනය කරනු ඇත” අන්තර්ජාතික භූදේශපාලනය පිලිබඳ තුලනාත්මක විවරණයක්.


4 Responses to “ඇමෙරිකාව ප්‍රමුඛ බටහිර රටවල් ශ්‍රී ලංකාව පිලිබඳ මෙතරම් උනන්දු ඇයි?”

  1. Christie Says:

    US and its allies including Japan wants what the heading says.

    Indian Empire wants to control the Indian Ocean, that is why they funded SWRD Bandaranayake and formed SLFP and dictated its policies.

    We Sinhalese are braiwashed by the Indian Imperialists and Indian colonial parasites.

    Look at Bodubala Sena big Monk, He did his job for the Indian Empire got paid through Norway and is leaving.

  2. Cerberus Says:

    Thank you Professor for this very excellent talk. It is very moving for all of us Sinhalese. It should be given the widest publicity. The current Govt knows all that you have explained very well. The problem is they do not care. They are only interested in their well being. In January 8 last year My3 was elected by the people as the President. No one expected him to install Ranil W as Prime Minister when there was already a Prime Minister and a Cabinet. He contested as a UNP candidate and then installed RW as PM illegally. No one contested him. His only excuse was that the West and India wanted him to do so. RW went on to install a UNP cabinet and he brought the Finance Ministry directly under himself and put Arjun Mahendran as Governor of Central Bank. He promptly engaged in a massive insider trading on Bonds and I think used the funds to ensure various MPs were kept quiet and to win the Parliamentary elections in August for UNP. Much was written about all the illegal actions of My3 and RW and yet they are surviving. How come?When My3 realized that MR was going to win the election in August he ensured that MR lost by telling the nation that he will not make MR Prime Minister even if MR wins. He also put in people who had lost the election as Cabinet members instead of using the names of the people who were already in the gazetted list. Then he attended the UN meeting and co-sponsored a resolution very inimical to Sri Lanka. To me it appears that he is running everything according to a script from a think tank in either US or UK and he does not seem to care if he breaks up the country or it is taken over by a foreign power so long as he can remain as a puppet President. Right now it appears that there is no opposition to My3, RW and the Govt. As you have pointed out they will somehow pass the new constitution and that will be the end of Sinhalese. When the Parliament becomes a Constitutional Council how can they function as the Parliament? I guess RW will be fully in charge of the country during this period. He will do more of his dictatorial moves during this time with no Parliament to check him.

    Please see: http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items/2015/08/03/slow-strangulation-of-sri-lanka-and-the-sinhalese/

  3. Lorenzo Says:

    For GOTA to come to power Maru Sira has to be removed BEFORE he turns SL FEDERAL.

    Who can do that and save SL?

    IF SLs can’t do it, it has to be OUTSOURCED to a foreign party.

    Maru Sira CANCELLED the Pakistani jet sale to SL. Obviously Pakistan is angry with SL which has become an ENDIAN STATE. It is in Pakistan’s best interests to remove Maru Sira.

    MONSANTO is also angry with Maru Sira for banning round up.

  4. Nanda Says:

    Please arrange with same people you used to appoint him.

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