Posted on January 14th, 2016


Undoubtedly, Mr Vasudeva Nanayakkara is one of  the odd men out of the current team of the Joint Opposition.  It is surprising to note his continuance with the Joint Opposition, instead of joining the so called government of good governance.  Mr Nanayakkara can most certainly occupy a posh key ministerial position with the government, with all perks.

Mr Nanayakkara tried twice before to become the President of Sri Lanka, in 1982 and 1999, receiving 0.26% and 0.28% of votes respectively.  In 2015 general election, contesting with the UPFA of MR camp, he convincingly won the Ratnapura District, receiving 81000 votes and placed in the 4th position.

It is no secret Mr Nanayakkara fear the presence of Messrs Gotabhaya and Basil Rajapakse in the MR camp.  Mr Nanayakkara’s policies towards Sinhala Language and Buddhism are well documented.    His sentiments are towards a United Sri Lanka instead of Unitary Sri Lanka.  He is fighting for the rights of Tamils, but not for the rights of Sinhalese or Buddhists.  Mr Nanayakkara’s continuation in the Joint Opposition, in our view, is a serious draw back.  At a critical moment these groups may rally against MR policies, which will increase the stocks of the government of good governance instantly.

During the period of Alutgama riots, the then Minister Mr Nanayakkara blamed  Bodu Bala Sena as “setting fire to the country” (‘බොදු බල සේනා රට ගිණි තියනවා’.  During the BBC interview, he questioned the President Rajapakse government, attacking it ” if this government is a government, why no action has been taken against organisations such as these”(ආණ්ඩුව ආණ්ඩුවක් නම්” මෙවැනි සංවිධානයක් මේ ආකාරයට කටයුතු කරනු නිකම් බලා සිටීමට” ආණ්ඩුවකට හැකිදැයි වාසුදේව නානායක්කාර ඇමතිවරයා ප්‍රශ්න කරයි.)These views of a Minister in the government against itself created doubts in the minds of Muslims.   Massive campaign of rumours were spread trying to establish a connection between Mr Gotabaya Rajapakse and  the extremist group of BBS. These are political snakes under the carpet, similar to Maithreepala Sirisena.

Both President Mahinda Rajapakse and Mr Gotabaya Rajapakse, together with Dinesh, Wimal, Udaya, Prasanna etc.  have made it clear the war was against a group of terrorists in the Tamil community, winning the war was a major victory for innocent tamils.  Mr Nanayakkara’s hatred attitude against sinhala buddhists, including buddhists monks deserve no place for him in the Joint Opposition.

Mr Nanayakkara should strongly consider joining the government of good governance.   This will greatly help  for the formation of clear cut policies on language, religion, unitary status by the Joint Opposition.  It will not be possible to get rid of 13 Amendment to the  existing constitution, or similar proposals in the  new draft constitution, with the presence of members of parliament  in Joint Opposition Group who are not committed to the basic rights of sinhalese and buddhists.


  1. Lorenzo Says:

    “It will not be possible to get rid of 13 Amendment to the existing constitution, or similar proposals in the new draft constitution, with the presence of members of parliament in Joint Opposition Group who are not committed to the basic rights of sinhalese and buddhists.”

    This should be GOLD PLATED.

    With friends like VASUTHEVA, MR needs NO enemies!!

    VASUTHEVA’s daughter is married to TNA Viggie’s son. TNA Viggie and Vasutheva have the SAME GRAND SON!!!!

    See the connection?

    Unless the Joint Opposition Group promises to SCRAP 13 amendment, it can NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER, NEVER come to power.

    IF Joint Opposition Group puts forward its MAIN slogan as SCRAPPING 13 amendment, ALL vile elements, CROOKS AND OPPORTUNISTS in the Joint Opposition Group will LEAVE it. ONLY the good will stay. Then it can WIN. Until then it will be opposition.

  2. Dilrook Says:

    This is only the tip of the iceberg. Indian agents are in all 3 political camps in parliament. The ruling coalition, the official/formal opposition of TNA-JVP and the so called Joint Opposition. India is the real puppet master here.

    Old leftists in the joint opposition are Indian stooges and so are some senior political observers who now pretend to be anti-Indian. Most have forgotten how they sought political asylum in India in the 1980s and came back to Sri Lanka after India forced Lanka to accept them and grant them an amnesty. They are indebted to India for life. They are some of the biggest proponents of 13A. If anyone has read the Ummaggha Jataka, it is very easy to see through their tactics. Innate anti-Sinhala views of these people are very difficult to hide.

    Nazi Germany used the same tactic in Poland. Nazis found willing accomplices in Poland. Some of them were hiding in Germany after they were exposed. But when Germany invaded Poland, they assumed high office in occupied Poland.

    Mahinda is held back by these people. One of them is responsible for trapping Mahinda into the Indian agenda since 2009. Mahinda realised it and removed him, but the damage was done. His continued services were needed to untangle the mess he created. Now he is with Mahinda to ensure the former president does not succeed. He played a similar role to bring down Premadasa. He cannot stand Nalin De Silva and Gotabhaya.

    However, only a few nationalists would find fault with him now due to his association with Mahinda. There itself lies his strength. If he were with the ruling camp, everyone would know his true intentions and Mahinda will be free from Indian obligations. He is a very useful idiot for India in the Mahinda camp.

  3. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  4. Ratanapala Says:

    Vasudeva Nanayakkara is a snake under the grass and should not be trusted one bit. The prominence he has gained in the Joint Opposition is a sign of weakness of the progressive forces. He should not have been allowed to take such a high profile. He is a mole and will do the necessary damage when the time comes.

    Mahinda faction will regret this lack of foresight!

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