Why the world should fear Buddhist Fundamentalists….
Posted on January 21st, 2016

Shenali D Waduge

Of late much funding has gone to ridicule the Buddhists. They have also been referred to as ‘racists’ ‘extremists’ ‘terrorists’ ‘militants’ and even ‘clowns’. Obviously, some people are very annoyed with the teachings of Buddha. The urban dictionary describes fundamentalism as A person who takes their religion so literally and to such extremes that they contradict the very basis of their faith. They typically believe in a literal, verbatim interpretation of their scripture”. The last part is interesting. This means that people are complaining about Buddhist fundamentalists taking their scripture to the extremes… in other words they are against the Buddhists reaching nirvana! That is rather odd isn’t it!

Those that refer to people following the extremist side of their religion are called fundamentalists. If we take the Bible, what are the quotes that Christians follow to extremity!

From Christianity:

Just imagine Christian fundamentalists following these commandments to the word!

  • Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I have not come to bring peace, but with a sword. For I have come to set a man against his father, and a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law; and a man’s foes will be those of his own household. He who loves father or mother more than me is not worthy.” (Matthew 10:34-37 from Prince of Peace)
  • “I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, she must be silent.” (St Paul’s advice in 1 Timothy 2:12 and used to argue against women priests)
  • “This is what the Lord Almighty says … ‘Now go and strike Amalek and devote to destruction all that they have. Do not spare them, but kill both man and woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey.’ ” (endorsing genocide, from 1 Samuel 15:3)
  • “Do not allow a sorceress to live.” (Moses’s call to kill witches, in Exodus 22:18)
  • And every one who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundred-fold, and inherit eternal life.” (Matthew 19:29 a lot of inducement)
  • “Happy is he who repays you for what you have done to us / He who seizes your infants and dashes them against the rocks.” (Psalm 137 on revenge)
  • “In the same way also the men, giving up natural intercourse with women, were consumed with passion for one another. Men committed shameless acts with men and received in their own persons the due penalty for their error.” (St Paul’s thoughts on homosexuality)
  • “Wives, submit to you husbands as to the Lord” (God’s test of Abraham in Genesis 22, in which Abraham is made to offer his son Isaac as a sacrifice; endorsement of female subservience in Ephesians 5:22) & “Slaves, submit yourselves to your masters with all respect, not only to the good and gentle but also to the cruel.” (1 Peter 2:18)
  • I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she must be silent.” (1 Timothy 2:12 St. Paul’s advice)
  • For nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places: all this is but the beginning of the sufferings.” (Matthew 24:7-8)
  • Render unto Caesar what is Caesar’s.” (Matthew 22:21)
  • …the women should keep silence in the churches. For they are not permitted to speak, but should be subordinate, as even the law says. If there is anything they desire to know, let them ask their husbands at home. For it is shameful for a woman to speak in churc”. (1 Corinthians 14:34-35) – shameful for a women to be in Church
  • Let a woman learn in silence with all submissiveness. I permit no woman to teach or have authority over men; she is to keep silent. For Adam was formed first, then Eve; and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. Yet woman will be saved through bearing children, if she continues in faith and love and holiness, with modesty.” (1 Timothy 11:15) – so women are good to only give birth to children!
  • I tell you, on the day of judgment men will render account for every careless word they utter; for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” (Matthew 12:36-37) – when killing is justified

From Islam:

Now let’s imagine Islamic fundamentalists following these commandments to the word! No wonder that Islamic terrorists are screaming ‘Allahu Akbar” and terrorising the world. The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule.

  • Quran (2:191-193) – And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]… but if desist, then lo! Allah is forgiving and merciful. And fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah.”
    (authorizes killing of others and encourages fighting until religion of Allah prevails)
  • Quran (2:216) – Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not.” (showcases violence as virtuous while contradicting fighting is for self-defense)
  • Quran (8:12) – I will cast terror into the hearts of those who disbelieve. Therefore strike off their heads and strike off every fingertip of them”  
  • Hadith 1:13– “I have been ordered by Allah to fight with people till they bear testimony to the fact that there is no God but Allah.”
  • Hadith 1:35 “The person who participates in Allah’s cause (namely, in battle). . will be recompensed by Allah either with reward or booty or will be admitted to Paradise.”
  • Hadith 9:4 “Wherever you find infidels kill them; for whoever kills them shall have reward on the Day of Resurrection.”
  • Quran (5:33)“The punishment of those who wage war against Allah and His messenger and strive to make mischief in the land is only this, that they should be murdered or crucified or their hands and their feet should be cut off on opposite sides or they should be imprisoned; this shall be as a disgrace for them in this world, and in the hereafter they shall have a grievous chastisement”
  • Ibn Ishaq/Hisham 484: – Allah said, ‘A prophet must slaughter before collecting captives. A slaughtered enemy is driven from the land. Muhammad, you craved the desires of this world, its goods and the ransom captives would bring. But Allah desires killing them to manifest the religion.’”

From Buddhism:

Buddhism came 600 years before Christianity. Buddhism does not have ‘commandments’/orders. His Teachings were not revealed by coercion or ordering. His Ten Precepts are to be taken voluntarily for one’s own benefit and for that of others. A Buddhist goes to the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha for guidance (sarana) not refuge. The course Buddha has advised Buddhists to follow are

  1. Thou art well advised not to take the lives of living beings.
  2. Thou art well advised not to take what is not given.
  3. Thou art well advised not to engage in sexual misconduct.
  4. Thou art well advised not to commit perjury (speak falsely when questioned as a witness).
  5. Thou art well advised not to speak divisively (separating those who are united).
  6. Thou art well advised not to speak harshly (offensively).
  7. Thou art well advised not to speak frivolously.
  8. Thou art well advised not to covet.
  9. Thou art well advised not to harbor ill-will.
  10. Thou art well advised not to hold wrong-views

The other 5 Precepts preached by Buddha are

  1. Abstain from harming or taking the life of sentient beings
  2. Abstain from taking things not given
  3. Abstain from immoral actions
  4. Abstain from false speech
  5. Abstain from intoxicating liquors and drugs

Nonviolence is at the heart of Buddhist thinking and behaviour. There is not a single line in 423 verses (Dhammapada) on the Buddha’s doctrine that refer to fighting, violence or killing. Never has Buddhism waged wars or killed in the name of Buddhism.

In times when priests told people that God can be approached through them only and priests were dominating and applying rules upon people, and the Truth was to be found only through them, The Buddha denounced all forms of violence. The Buddha asked loving-kindness to be extended not only to men, but even to all animals. His doctrine was that we suffer misery because we are self. Our unlimited desires lead to misery. The way out is to give up the self. Just as the body changes our mind, consciousness changes. Selfishness comes from holding on to self. If we know that there is no self we will be happy. He spoke against animal sacrifice. He said that God is a superstition invented by priests.

  • Conquer the angry one by not getting angry; conquer the wicked by goodness; conquer the stingy by generosity, and the liar by speaking the truth. [Verse 223]”
  • The one who has conquered himself is a far greater hero than he who has defeated a thousand times a thousand men.”
  • Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.”
  • All that we are is the result of what we have thought: it is founded on our thoughts and made up of our thoughts. If a man speak or act with an evil thought, suffering follows him as the wheel follows the hoof of the beast that draws the wagon…. If a man speak or act with a good thought, happiness follows him like a shadow that never leaves him.”
  • To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to Enlightenment, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.”
  • It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.”
  • An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind.”
  • In the sky, there is no distinction of east and west; people create distinctions out of their own minds and then believe them to be true.”

If Buddhists were to take compassion to the extremes as advocated in the teachings of the Buddha the world would indeed be a beautiful place and nature, flora and fauna would be protected. There are no lines in Buddha’s teaching calling Buddhists to take up arms, to indulge in violence, to kill (except in self-defence).

So who are the fundamentalists and how dangerous are those that take to the extremes of their scriptures?

Both Christianity and Islam divide the world between believers and nonbelievers, who is to be saved and who is to be damned. Both have declared wars. Both continue to uphold the sanctity of the Church and State (though they claim contrary). Those that recall the Dark Ages, Reformation would realize that 2.3 Christian population of Europe was murdered. The Napoleonic Wars, African slave trade which claimed 10million, the colonial conquests saw the murder of 20m in the Americas alone. It is estimated that the 20th century alone killed 250million people of which Muslims are said to be responsible for less than 10million. Christians have much to account for. World War 1 claimed 20m, 90% inflicted by Christians. World War 2 claimed 90m 50% inflicted by Christians. The 6m Jews were killed by Christians and not Muslims! There is no end still. America is the only country ever to have used nuclear weapons twice upon one country.

Buddhists must refuse to be shouted down by well-funded propaganda. Buddhists have not caused historical or contemporary deaths using religion that run into millions by both Christianity & Islam. Isolated cases promoted via media denouncing Buddhism and Buddhists should not be accepted because none of these quote Buddhist texts unlike Christianity/Islam.

There have been no bloody wars to spread Buddhism. Therefore, those that ridicule Buddhists as fundamentalists are essentially laughing at Buddhists taking the teachings of Buddha and the Dhammapada to extremes and in reality it is something to be proud of because what is wrong in treating all equally, in finding the Truth towards nirvana, to love nature and not indulge in animal sacrifice and find oneself. Perhaps the clowns that ridicule Buddhists need to read about Buddhism first!

The world would be dangerously compassionate if Buddhist extremism prevailed!

All tremble at violence; all fear death. Putting oneself in the place of another, one should not kill nor cause another to kill.”

Shenali D Waduge

51 Responses to “Why the world should fear Buddhist Fundamentalists….”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    I beg to differ SW. These are very reasons that the world does NOT fear or respect good people. Right is NOT might in this stupid world. Might is right.

    But I AGREE with the rest.

    Buddhism is a PRACTICAL religion or philosophy.

    “The other 5 Precepts preached by Buddha are
    1.Abstain from taking life unnecessarily

    UNNECESSARILY! This is the precept. It does NOT totally ban or stop taking life. IF there is a necessity life can be taken.

    Saving the nation is a necessity. So lives can be taken to save the nation and Buddhims itself because the REPLACEMENTS are horrible.

  2. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    LORENZO !! * Unnecessarily * is not as interpreted by you. The precept says DO NOT KILL. Apparently inadvertently, the superfluous word ” unnecessarily ” came in here. This is an error in presentation. TAKE MY WORD FOR IT.

  3. Dham Says:

    There is no such thing as killing “Unnecessarily” in Buddhism.

    I request Shenali to give us the references and advice not to change Buddha’s words ( whatever said in Pali).

    Buddhist extremism ( or fundamentalism) is seen in the Kakachupama Sutta (simile of the saw)

    “Monks, even if bandits were to carve you up savagely, limb by limb, with a two-handled saw, he among you who let his heart get angered even at that would not be doing my bidding. Even then you should train yourselves: ‘Our minds will be unaffected and we will say no evil words. We will remain sympathetic, with a mind of good will, and with no inner hate. We will keep pervading these people with an awareness imbued with good will and, beginning with them, we will keep pervading the all-encompassing world with an awareness imbued with good will — abundant, expansive, immeasurable, free from hostility, free from ill will.’ That’s how you should train yourselves.”

    “Buddhist Extremists” are the Arahants.

    1. They have absolutely no FEAR. No point threatening to kill them.
    2. They have absolutely no desires.

    If you think properly such qualities are very scary to ordinary people. So they make stupid comments.


    If you don’t mind I would like to correct you.

    There is no precept as “DO NOT KILL”, which is a commandment.

    The precept is ,

    I undertake the training rule to abstain from killing. (Pāṇātipātā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi.)

    I copied from Wikipedia , not from Buddhist text but looks correct.

  4. Lorenzo Says:


    “I undertake the training rule to abstain from killing.”

    That’s more like it. I’m still a TRAINEE so I kill. WHEN I have successfully completed the training I will not kill.

  5. Lorenzo Says:


    IF soldiers believe in KARMA nonsense, they will be RELUCTANT to kill. They will try to PUSH OTHERS to do it. They will also avoid it. A nation cannot survive like this.

    e.g. As part of a sport team I have stayed at school hostels before the match. I travelled to MANY schools. I noticed a relationship between TOILET CLEANLINESS and TAMIL POPULATION. When there is a LARGE Tamil population around a school, it has CLEANER toilets. When there is a SMALL or NO Tamil population around a school, it has TERRIBLE toilets. This is because Singhala people think it as an INSULT to clean them. So their toilets remain dirty. Certain Tamils (of low caste) have NO choice than to clean them. Tamil schools’ toilets remain cleanest.

    We are all WAITING for some fool to do the dirty work so we can have our country. Will NOT happen. NO ONE will come forward because they all fear KARMA.

    IF you are unwilling to do the dirty work to defend your nation, you don’t deserve a nation.

    Either you have to INCLUDE the word UNNECESSARILY or DEPART from Buddhist teachings to defend the country.

    Otherwise, that creates a BIG DILEMA. Buddhists will have to choose between SL and Buddhism, not both.

    There is NO such contradiction in Christianity, Hinduism and Islam. Killing is considered noble if done to protect the nation and the people. Kings David, Solomon, etc. killed scores to defend the NATION.

    Jesus even told parishes to pay their TAXES to (Julius) Cesar who was busy empire building with tax money at that time. We all know how BRUTAL the Roman empire was.

    But I think Buddha did NOT exclude the word UNNECESSARILY. So IF a soldier kills with the intention of saving his people, NO bad karma comes to him because it is a necessity.

    Giving people RELIEF from terror is a NOBLE act. It almost always involves killing. Such NOBLE people must not go to NIRVANA. They should be REBORN in this country to defend it.

  6. Lorenzo Says:

    Buddha talks of 5 soldiers.

    The fifth one DESTROYS enemies and celebrates in the battlefield for 7 days.

    So I conclude Buddha never said NOT to kill when it is needed to guard a nation.

    The SL flag has a LION carrying a SWORD in the background of 4 BUDDHIST values in a wider background of RED. You don’t use swords to cut coconuts. You use it to KILL.

    The flag is a PERFECT EXAMPLE of how Buddhist values CAN coexist with killing to defend the nation.

  7. mario_perera Says:


    Who is a Buddhist? Who is a Christian? Who is an Islamist? They have all the same nature: the human nature.

    To be born a Buddhist, Christian, Muslim or whatever does not mean a different breed of humanity. May articles on similar topics and comments posted on such subject miss the point by astronomical miles.

    Let us get down to brass tacks. the world is ruled by POWER AND WEALTH. So it was, is and will be.Wealth and power are like father and mother to humanity. To their arms humanity will rush. Exceptional religious personalities are so rare one can count them on the fingers on one hand. In the entire history of humanity who are the ones who have attracted massive gatherings? Only THREE: the Buddha, the Christ, and Mohamed. ad do not forget, the adepts of one change denominations like you and I change our clothes.

    The point is that the tidal waves that governs the conduct of men are power and wealth, and hence it is: Waasi pattata hooyiya. This applies to all human beings whatever be the colour of the flags they brandish.

    The batteries that keep Buddhism running are the very same that keeps humanity ticking: power and wealth. Without government support and the support of the wealthy, Buddhists flounder and seek fresh pastures elsewhere. Such was the case of Buddhism as a religion (you may call it philosophy of life or any other) whenever the red carpet of government patronage and massive financial inputs of the rich was pulled from under its feet.

    As the saying goes: money makes the mare run. So too does money make organized religions function.

    The Buddha was just ONE individual. So was the Christ.

    Religions are like cricket teams that depends on ONE batsmen, a batsman who has scored enough runs for the team to be o a winning wicket and to pose triumphantly for victory photos. What the rest of the team forgets is that without that ONE batsman the team is non-existent.

    Today what we call religion is mainly a ‘political force’. As I mentioned in an earlier comment, no religion can exist and prosper with the support of the so called ‘powers of evil’, be it Mara, Kali or the devil.

    Shenali and others mention Buddhism as being non-violent. But this dharma-dvipa has seen a blood shed that would put a world war to shame. Surely Buddhism is non-violent, but the majority of those of took arms were they not Buddhists? Did they change their nature when they donned battle fatigues?

    Religion, when the embroidery and the gloss falls off siimply means: Thama hisata thama athamaya sevana. Running behind a banner does not make one a Buddhist or whatever.

    When we say this country must remain Buddhist, what that means is that the power and wealth of his country must lie preponderantly in the hands of Buddhists. It does not mean that everyone must have the ‘dhammapada’ in his hands.

    It also means that if any other group tries to arrogate to itself the power and wealth that is the birthright of the buddhists, the ‘buddhists’ must be ready even to KILL. They will not kill because they are Buddhists. They will kill because survival is the name of the game.

    Mario Perera

  8. mario_perera Says:

    When there is a LARGE Tamil population around a school, it has CLEANER toilets. When there is a SMALL or NO Tamil population around a school, it has TERRIBLE toilets. This is because Singhala people think it as an INSULT to clean them. So their toilets remain dirty. Certain Tamils (of low caste) have NO choice than to clean them. Tamil schools’ toilets remain cleanest.- Lorenzo

    I wish to add that toilets in even the most ordinary wayside restaurants in Tamil Nadu are clean. Try visiting a common restaurant toilet anywhere in a Sinhalese populated area. If you do you will forthwith rush to the nearest tree to download a mass of your vomit. So disgusting, so repulsive.

    Lorenzo says: This is because Singhala people think it as an INSULT to clean them. So their toilets remain dirty.

    This is wrong. That is not the reason.The real reason is that the ‘Siinghala’ people do not like the smell and the sight of their own shit. So once they have done their inescapable duty they beat the hell out of the hell of their own creation.

    Mario Perera

  9. Lorenzo Says:

    Nesta Aziz,

    That was because Muslims picked a fight with them.

    Hindus, Jews and Christians have done and STILL doing the same thing to Muslims. Everyday!

  10. Dham Says:


    You mentioned “Thama hisata thama athamaya sevana” .
    It comes from Dhammapada ( Buddha’s words) and it is a Buddhist saying.

    Neither Christianity nor Islam , nor Hindu because Allah is the “sevana” for the followers. So you let Allah look after you and do nothing.

    Buddhist cannot do that.

    Atta hi attano natho
    ko hi natho paro siya

    (One indeed is one’s own refuge; how can others be a refuge to one?) – Dhammapada

    So, what’s wrong taking Dhammapada to battle field ?

  11. Dham Says:

    Buddha categorically said all types of soldiers go to hell.

    That is why no other soldier has done so much sacrifices than Sinhala Buddhist soldier. Not only this life , they have sacrificed future lives to come.

    Bloody politicians then betray them. Give whatever earned by soldiers due to FEAR , pure FEAR. FEAR of loosing their wealth. And then our fools call the politician – Great Man- Patriot. One who was hiding in comfort giving orders become a patriot and the soldier who sacrificed his own life + possibly 1000 future lives (of suffering) for the motherland is forgotten by the FOOLS ! The FOOLS remember them and shed crocodile tears. That is all.

  12. mario_perera Says:


    You have cited me incorrectly.
    Here is what I said: When we say this country must remain Buddhist, what that means is that the power and wealth of his country must lie preponderantly in the hands of Buddhists. It does not mean that everyone must have the ‘dhammapada’ in his hands.

    I repeat: …..the power and wealth of his country must lie preponderantly in the hands of Buddhist.

    If the dhammapada is an obstacle for the ‘power and wealth’ of the country lying in the hands of the Buddhists, then the dhammapada must be jettisoned. Useless for the Buddhists to cling to the dhammapada while the power and wealth of the land are in the hands of others.

    Now to come to your point as to why the Buddhists should not take the dhammapada to the battlefield. Well that is less than what Duttu Gemunu did when he inlaid Buddhist relics in the tips of spears.

    Now I want to ask you some question. Did the motivation to KILL come from the dhammapada or in Duttu Gemunu’s case from the Buddha relics? Can Buddhism be used as a motivation to KILL?

    If you say YES then Shenali’s write up is cock and bull.

    If you say NO, then carrying the dhammapada to battle was a useless exercise, just worthless baggage.


  13. Lorenzo Says:


    “Buddha categorically said all types of soldiers go to hell.”

    In that case SLs should be saved from those teachings. They are self destructive.

  14. Dr.K Says:

    I appreciate your attempt to explain readers that it’s utterly untrue and unjustifiable if the so called Buddhists are being penalized and referred to as ‘racists’ ‘extremists’ ‘terrorists’ ‘militants. You are very correct, some people are very annoyed with the teachings of Buddha – it’s true but I believe they do it not on a purpose but because of their poor knowledge , ‘Avidyawa’ or ignorance.
    I read an interesting comment made by one of the respondents as such that “ Who is a Buddhist? Who is a Christian? Who is an Islamist? They have all the same nature: the human nature. To be born a Buddhist, Christian, Muslim or whatever does not mean a different breed of humanity. May articles on similar topics and comments posted on such subject miss the point by astronomical miles.Let us get down to brass tacks. the world is ruled by POWER AND WEALTH. So it was, is and will be.Wealth and power are like father and mother to humanity.”
    This respondent do not see any difference between so called Budhists, Christians and Muslims, he sees all of them as human beings and they are all surrendered to the Power and Wealth.
    The problem here is that the most of the so called Buddhists are the worshipers to Budhdha. They just worship and pay respect to Budhdha. Many of them neither follow nor get near to the Lord Buddha’s teaching. In that context the above respondent is correct .
    But every body should understand that there are millions of people who follow the Lord Buddha’s teaching, many of them are labeled as Buddhists but some are not. For examples I have good friends from so called borne Muslims, borne Christians and borne Hindus who do follow Buddha’s teaching as the ‘ law of the nature’. For them there is no value for the Power and Wealth. They are all “anichcha”.
    We should not cite or use Lord Buddha’s teaching or words to justify or criticize the acts conducted by the Lord Buddha’s worshipers. They are just the human beings who we can expect would follow the Lord Buddha’s teaching when they realize the reality of the Nature one day.

  15. Dr.K Says:

    We should not cite or use Lord Buddha’s teaching or words to justify or criticize the acts conducted by the Lord Buddha’s worshipers. They are just the human beings who we can expect would follow the Lord Buddha’s teaching when they realize the reality of the Nature one day.

    However, I respect them as they are the guardians who protect the Buddha’s teaching and Buddhism in this world then any one who would realize the reality of this world can access to Lord Buddha’s teaching and follow the ‘Law of Nature” regardless either he is from so called Buddhists, Hindu, Christian or Muslin as it happens today in many parts of the world.

  16. Dr.K Says:


    I appreciate your attempt to explain readers that it’s utterly untrue and unjustifiable if the so called Buddhists are being penalized and referred to as ‘racists’ ‘extremists’ ‘terrorists’ ‘militants. You are very correct, some people are very annoyed with the teachings of Buddha – it’s true but I believe they do it not on a purpose but because of their poor knowledge , ‘Avidyawa’ or ignorance.
    I read an interesting comment made by one of the respondents as such that “ Who is a Buddhist? Who is a Christian? Who is an Islamist? They have all the same nature: the human nature. To be born a Buddhist, Christian, Muslim or whatever does not mean a different breed of humanity. May articles on similar topics and comments posted on such subject miss the point by astronomical miles.Let us get down to brass tacks. the world is ruled by POWER AND WEALTH. So it was, is and will be.Wealth and power are like father and mother to humanity.”
    This respondent do not see any difference between so called Budhists, Christians and Muslims, he sees all of them as human beings and they are all surrendered to the Power and Wealth.
    The problem here is that the most of the so called Buddhists are the worshipers to Budhdha. They just worship and pay respect to Budhdha. Many of them neither follow nor get near to the Lord Buddha’s teaching. In that context the above respondent is correct .
    But every body should understand that there are millions of people who follow the Lord Buddha’s teaching, many of them are labeled as Buddhists but some are not. For examples I have good friends from so called borne Muslims, borne Christians and borne Hindus who do follow Buddha’s teaching as the ‘ law of the nature’. For them there is no value for the Power and Wealth. They are all “anichcha”.
    We should not cite or use Lord Buddha’s teaching or words to justify or criticize the acts conducted by the Lord Buddha’s worshipers. They are just the human beings who we can expect would follow the Lord Buddha’s teaching when they realize the reality of the Nature one day.
    However, I respect them as they are the guardians who protect the Buddha’s teaching and Buddhism in this world then any one who would realize the reality of this world can access to Lord Buddha’s teaching and follow the ‘Law of Nature” regardless either he is from so called Buddhists, Hindu, Christian or Muslin as it happens today in many parts of the world.

  17. Dham Says:

    You should have answered my question to expect an answer to your question. My question was “what’s wrong taking Dhammapada to battle field ?” and you avoided that.

    You are simply twisting the history to your advantage.

    Dutugemunu did not have any motivation to kill. Why should he kill ?
    Where did you get this idea that he had intention to kill and motivated for that.
    Was there any complain of “wealth problem” during Dutugeminu’s time ?

    Dutugemunu strived for freedom. He told his mother “there is ocean on one side and Tamils on other side” implying he had no where to go freely. He wanted to fight for freedom. He fought for freedom from brutal Tamil rule. His motivation came from urge to save our great Sinhala Buddhist culture from getting destroyed by brutal Tamil rule. Nothing to do with wealth. Killing is secondary. If he could win without killing, I am sure he preferred it that way.

    I say there is no other religion than Buddhism that has given so much instructions to motivate a person to archive the goal. You yourself listed one, that is one indeed is one’s own refuge; how can others be a refuge to one?.

    Tell me which religion has such a strong advice towards self motivation and quote it ? All other religions depend on Allah for motivation, there is destiny you can’t change or it is all up to Allah. Therefore if there is one religious book which can be taken to battlefield it is Dhammapada.

    I can give you many more examples from Buddhism which motivates individuals in very modern way. Give me one from Christianity.

  18. Dham Says:

    To the real brave soldier, Samsara is shorter, even if he goes to hell first. You have to read Buddhism to understand how that happen.

    Where do you think you are going ? Where do you think you came from ?
    You think you haven’t been to hell ?
    Your head had been severed million times in Samsara. Get ready to enjoy the same in the future.

    But our brave soldiers (not those cowards who kill for fun or to serve their Gods) who fought to very end have already developed that non-selfish qualities than you and they will suffer much shorter than you in Samsara.

  19. charithsls Says:

    ‘Ridiculing’ has been gone forever by the non Buddhists ,garden statues, lingerie to Buddha Bar so common on top of massacres of monks & destruction of scriptures & Statues. Do not fear, but Buddhism is fast spreading. Why, they all fear this great religion & as dirt accumulates together, all the Abrahamic religious followers unite against Buddhism which is totally against their concept. Atheism is raging in the young minds in the West & US who lack the exposure to this great teaching. Missionaries have a field day in poverty stricken Asia & Africa when their influence in the West is fast diminishing. Poverty is the saviour of them. Hinduism is only for the Indians & their expat communities & have you heard of whites following them, but see many Monasteries run by Buddhist white monks there.M.P. does not see any difference among the religions, a common ailment but just see one historical factor, both Christian & Muslim Emperors savaged the world to spread their religions but just see the opposite effect on Emperor Asoka by embracing Buddhism! Do you need more evidence MP?

  20. Christie Says:

    Religions are businesses like carbonated water sellers.

    Almost all religions are based on belief while Buddhism is based on understanding.

  21. mario_perera Says:

    Dham you state:
    You should have answered my question to expect an answer to your question. My question was “what’s wrong taking Dhammapada to battle field ?” and you avoided that.

    No Dham, you are wrong. I have not avoided any question of yours. There is nothing wrong in taking the dhammapada to the battle-field. However the battle-field and the dhammapada are incompatible one with the other. I did mention that the battle-field is a KILLING FIELD. What purpose does the dhammapada serve on a killing field?

    You yourself stated in a previous comment that soldiers who kill GO TO HELL, and that they killed with full knowledge of that fact. So that is all the more reason for the soldiers concerned to leave their dhammapada at home because being condemned to hell for the killing they would indulge in, the dhammapada would in any case be sheer dead weight.

    Your declaration:
    Dutugemunu did not have any motivation to kill. Why should he kill ? Where did you get this idea that he had intention to kill and motivated for that.

    Dham, this declaration is a cause for stupefaction. If D G did not have any motivation to kill why was he leading an army armed to the teeth into battle for? For a bana session with the Tamil army on the benefits of the dhammapada??

    You state: His (D G’s) motivation came from urge to save our great Sinhala Buddhist culture from getting destroyed by brutal Tamil rule.

    Here you have even got a muddled idea of history. Elara’s rule was NOT BRUTAL. His rule is recorded in the Mahavamsa as having been a JUST rule. Did D G himself have a stupa constructed to commemorate a BRUTAL ruler. Did he order people to alight from horses and palanquins etc to honour a BRUTAL ruler?

    You further aggravate matters by stating that the killing aspect of the Duttu Gemunu military campaign was ‘secondary’ !

    Your point of view is quite astounding. The primary purpose when waging war is precisely KILLING. What Duttu Gemunu would have preferred was in his mind. We are concerned with what he did. What he did was that he KILLED. He himself was struck by remorse on his death bed bemoaning the fact that he had taken innumerable lives.

    In their efforts to placate the mind of the dying king, the monks surrounding him do not in any way put into question the KILLLING. What they said was that though he killed, he killed infidels and that infidels are ‘half a person’. Those were the consoling words of the Maha Sangha.

    All the Tamils D G killed and for which killing the great king suffered mental torment up to his dying day, were depicted by the Maha Sangha assisting him in the throes of death as being ‘half a human being’.

    Dham, I am not fighting the cause of ANY religion. So get that out of your mind.

    My position is that to save the dharma dvipa that is Sri Lanka, Buddhists could be compelled to take up arms and KILL the enemies of the nation. That was what the Ealam war was about. The Ealamists wanted to snatch the power and wealth (wealth also includes culture and religion) which the Buddhists of this country esteem to be their birthright.

    The Ealamists did also attack Buddhist places of worship and kill monks. This was done to show their disdain for the Sinhala Buddhist nation. Do not forget that the Ealamist had themselves rejected all religious affiliations, although certain non Buddhist religions, especially Christians, tried to reap their part from the ensuing chaos.

    Yet fundamentally what the Ealamists were saying is: keep your dhammapada to yourself. Just give us the power and the wealth we need to set up our independent, sovereign State of Ealam. what they were saying was: give us back our homeland of which you are in illegal occupation.

    The Sri Lankan army of which at least 80% were practicing Buddhists did not wage war to defend the dhammapada. They went to war to defend the power and wealth (including culture and religion) which the national government estimated as being the necessary attributes of the Unitary State of Sri Lanka. Do not also forget that Catholics, Christians and Muslims laid down their lives for the Unitary Sinhala Buddhist nation.

    The discussion you want me to engage in a defense of Christianity is of no interest in this discussion because that is NOT THE ISSUE here. So please excuse me for not indulging in a wild goose chase.

    Mario Perera

  22. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    DHAM !! That’s more to the point. **I undertake to abstain from killing ** Fully agree.

  23. Fran Diaz Says:

    BUDDHISM is a life supportive set of values.

    When the Economy is down and poverty comes in (induced poverty in the Modern World, as at present) through the door, and over population sets in, all religions/philosophies (good and bad) fly out of the window.

    Best thing to do is to recognise our common Humanity through Meditation (going within).

    As I have stated before many times :

    * The Buddha said : ” TRUTH is Within YOU”
    * Christ said “the Kingdom of Heaven in Within YOU”.
    * Islam means PEACE (Peace is Within YOU).

    Formulate a common Plan for the Economy/Survival in Sri Lanka, as Sri Lankans.

    Need of the hour is PATRIOTISM. Teach it to the young and everyone else, at every level in society. Set aside the ego element and think of Surviving together.

    SURVIVE ! Basic Needs are clean AIR, water, food & Shelter, with clothing. Let us concentrate on producing these items.

  24. Lorenzo Says:

    “taking Dhammapada to the battlefield”

    Such a FOOLISH idea. It will DESTROY either Buddhists or Buddhism.

    Enemies will see Singhala Buddhist soldiers following Dhammapada in battlefield which was NEVER intended to!! As a result Singhala Buddhist soldiers will die in thousands without winning a single battle.

    NALANDA is a perfect example of taking Dhammapada to battlefield.

    Dhammapada has LIMITED use ONLY in personal and spiritual improvement. It has no use in the operating theater, bedroom, battlefield, etc. For Tamils who are after ELAM it is a joke.

    Lets say, Singhala Buddhist soldiers WIN. Then what the enemies will do? They will say Dhammapada instigated Buddhist terrorists are killing Tamils!! Buddhism gets the bad name.

    Either way Tamils will show to the world the SL state in promoting Buddhism (Dhammapada) in the war so it is a religious war.

    This is why Dhammapada was kept OUT of the battlefield. Not to mention NON BUDDHISTS in the ranks of the military. You can’t impose Dhammapada on them!! Great heroes like MUTALIF, LAPHIR, etc. would have found it OFFENSIVE and discriminatory.

    In other religions soldiers DO NOT go to hell. They go to heaven straight away!! You can’t ridicule these beliefs.

  25. Ratanapala Says:

    Lord Buddha proclaimed to the world a natural law – the Law of Kamma, a Sanatana Dhamma – a law that has always been there and not a commandment by an all powerful God. He said “Chetanaham Bhikkawe Kammam Vadami” meaning that it is volition that creates Kamma – the residual potential of our actions or kriya.

    In volition we think ” about things with the involvement of “I” consciousness which in turn leads to “me”, “mine”, “not me” and “not mine” etc which further leads to Wichikichcha or judging and giving dualistic colouration to what is perceived as good / bad, liked / not liked, loved / hated etc etc. It is these that bring about greed , hatred and delusion and complicate our lives.

    Just because one happens to be a Buddhist it is wrong to take him as a saint. We are all Pruthajjana or un-enlightened creatures capable of wrong doings. Certainly bad volitional activities will lead to bad results or vipaka and vice versa.

    There are among us who – one may call out of ignorance – indulge in wrong actions perfectly knowing what results they will create. There are Buddhists among us who may say – that “ I will go to the four hells to save my motherland and save my religion for no action can bring about worst situations”. According to the severity of their actions they will reap the results of their actions. At least being a Buddhist a soldier can go to war to achieve a certain military objective with little greed hatred and delusion in their hearts.

    In a way this is the case with Angulimala. It is said that he killed with one single purpose in his mind to fulfill the promise he made to his teacher. Despite all the crimes he committed he was able to achieve Arahantship and become Enlightened being of great renown.

    Therefore it is wrong to assume that Buddhists cannot kill. Just like anybody else they too can carry out actions not recommended by Buddhism. Depending on the severity of greed, hatred and delusion we carry in our volitional activities we will reap the results – vipaka of our actions; but there are almost certainly ways to mitigate the results or vipaka of such actions.

    Many of our Ranaviruvoes did not kill in war out of shear hatred. They participated in a war to end greater bloodshed and war in perpetuity. This was amply demonstrated by their humane actions when they saved nearly a 300 000 of innocent and not so innocent Tamil Civilians – sometimes Tigers in civilian attire. Although tired and war weary, they shared their water and even their parcel of food with those escaping from the crutches of the LTTE and their blood thirsty leader Prabhakaran and this coterie of blood thirsty terrorists and suicide bombers. These were soldiers who saw first hand their comrades die on battlefield only the previous day and yet they did not turn their anger on those escaping the LTTE.

    Our history amply demonstrates what Sinhala Buddhists are capable of. Our nation would not have survived war and strife spanning over two millennia if not for the selfless actions of our Ranaviruwoes down the ages.

    So let those who think that Buddhists cannot kill, take heed!

  26. Lorenzo Says:

    That’s the BIGGEST mistake of Tamil separatists. They thought Buddhists cannot wage war and weak. By 2009 they found Buddhists not just winning the war but also getting Tamils to surrender.

    Same with Muslims in Burma. They thought Buddhists were weak and avoid war at all cost. They soon learned the lesson.

    Current Russian defence minister Sergey Shoygu is a THERAVADA BUDDHIST. His father a Tuvan Buddhist and had a Russian mother. He acquired the nickname Shaitan (Satan) due to the various military stunts he engaged in. Guess what, he is PUTIN’S choice to lead Russia after him.

    So if anyone wants Buddhists to be weaklings get ready for a POUNDING.

  27. Lorenzo Says:

    So what Buddha said was,

    1. Abstain from taking life unnecessarily

    2. I undertake the training rule to abstain from killing. (Pāṇātipātā veramaṇī sikkhāpadaṃ samādiyāmi.)

    He never put down a commandment and said THOU SHALL NOT KILL.

    In that way, Buddhism allows more room for it than any other religion. Good. Let the man with a brain decide what he is going to do.

  28. Dham Says:

    Thank you for you valuable contribution.
    “Many of our Ranaviruvoes did not kill in war out of shear hatred. ” – this is important. We must accept that there is some possibility that some soldiers did lot of unfair and bad things out of desire, hatred , metal illness and also to fulfil their command given by evil mentally ill seniors. We can’t say all were saints.


    Thank you for explanation.

    Whether Elara was a brutal ruler or a very good ruler, has nothing to do with Buddhism and whether Dutugemun is still in one of the hells is also not important.
    But you should accept the fact that Dutugemnu’s basic motivation was to save his race and his religion from invaders. There was no record of “genocide” by Dutugemunu, nor he was accused so.
    Nonetheless we shall leave the Mahavamsa stories aside. I am sure as a learned prominent writer you accept that Mahawamsa has nothing to do with Buddhism. You don’t like it I don’t like it too. I am not an extremist indulging in Sinhala dominance over minority races, so get that out of your mind.

    You said “what they said was that though he killed, he killed infidels and that infidels are ‘half a person’. Those were the consoling words of the Maha Sangha.” which sounds very un-Buddhist. I am not sure such statement was there in Mahawamsa or not, I doubt it but I accept your word for it.

    Our argument started with my question “what’s wrong taking Dhammapada to battle field ?” and you not answering it directly. But now you have answered it and you agreed Dhammapada can be taken to battle filed.

    But you say Dhammapada is of no use during war. I disagree because Dhammapada is of immense use to the Buddhist soldier. This is where our main disagreement lies.

    I fully agree with all you said in your answer within the words ” My position ……. …….. Buddhist nation”.
    Be assured that my intention was not at all to engage in an argument in defense of Buddhism against Christianity.

    So , we keep that disagreement of how useful is Buddhism to the Sinhala soldier as it is and end this here.
    Thank you.
    I will write separately later how Buddhism can boost morale of a soldier (than any other religion) later- you may refrain from reading it.

    Finally kindly not that I am taking other religions as a comparison because of some people are only taking advantage from the “extreme peacefulness and serenity” of Buddhism to bring in an cunning deceptive idea that Sinhalese should give up Buddhism.

  29. Dham Says:

    You said ” In other religions soldiers DO NOT go to hell. They go to heaven straight away!! ‘
    I don’t know how true it is ( that is actually it is given in Koran or Bible).

    Remember all these are only “statements” in other religions. It is up to the soldier to believe it or not.

    But in Buddhism, soldier has been given the liberty of reasoning. In other religions there is no freedom.
    Most soldiers may not know the Sutta in which Buddha said most of them will go to hell worlds after death. It is not taught in every day Dhamma school. Buddha also said that most entertainers will also end up in hell.
    In Buddhism “life in hell” is not permanent. It is permanent according to other religions.
    Unless you perform 5 great sins (one of it is killing own mother), one is able to go to heaven after spending few days in the hell. This is why Buddhism is a religion of HOPE.

    “Mano Pubbangama Dhamma Mano Settha Manomaya” , the very first stanza in Dhammapada stresses the importance on the “intent” in mind in all actions. In the war, one fight for survival , intention is to survive by killing the enemy first. Buddhist will shoot knowingly and most humanely they will kill. So they will spend the least time in hell. According to the Buddhist soldier , they believe the enemy, if from other religions, will spend there longer, much longer.

  30. Dham Says:

    Although I don’t approve all he is writings, I would like to paste a golden statement by the writer Draman Wikramaratne written elsewhere n this site.

    බුද්ධ ධර්මය සුබවාදීද නොවේ. අසුබවාදීද නොවේ. බුදුදහම ඇත්ත ඇති සැටියෙන්ම දක්නා හෙයින් එය යථාර්ථවාදීය. මිනිසා මුසාවෙන් නළවා මායා ලෝකයක සැතැප්පීමක් හෝ බොරු බියවලින් සහ පව්වලින් තැතිගැන්වීමක් හෝ බුද්ධ ධර්මයේ නැත්තේය.

    Rough translation goes like
    “Buddhism is neither an optimistic religion nor it is pessimistic but a realistic religion based on truth and truthful arguments. It does not try to pacify people keeping them in a dream world or by scaring people with lies. ”

    Buddhism does not allow “more room for killing” than any other religion. It is not forcing people to believe in anything, without understanding.
    But I believe Buddhist soldier accumulate “least bad kamma” than any other soldier and is able to fight even better (more professional) than those who are not Buddhists. But they will definitely not do cowardly killings.

  31. Ben Silva Says:

    Please Allah send the Dham fool to Nirvana

  32. Dham Says:

    Ayubowan Gon Silva. Long time no see ?
    I am already in Nirvana.

  33. Lorenzo Says:


    “But in Buddhism, soldier has been given the liberty of reasoning. In other religions there is no freedom.”


    ALL other religions also give him the CHOICE. NO religion approves killing unless under strict conditions like self defence, community, promoting or protecting faith, etc. Even then the person has the choice.

    “But I believe Buddhist soldier accumulate “least bad kamma” than any other soldier and is able to fight even better (more professional) than those who are not Buddhists. But they will definitely not do cowardly killings.”

    According to you Buddha never made a distinction between COWARDLY KILLINGS and OTHER KILLINGS.

    IF any religious teachings don’t support the continuation of a nation those teachings should be CHANGED. Even Buddha predicted his teachings will NOT last for more than 2,000 years. It can last with some changes. Everything changes. Even religion. Christianity has changed a lot from a rigid, stupid and a very violent past. A FATWA was issued on a man who said the universe does not orbit around earth. No such fatwa on Darwin. No such fatwas on those who campaign for gays.

  34. Dham Says:

    As you are well aware by now, there are no rules in Buddhism, no CHOCEs or commands given by Buddha. Individuals have been given and total freedom because Buddha is not a God or God’s messenger or God’s Son, Daughter, Transsexual or Bisexual child to punish someone by putting him in hell or praise someone and put him in heaven, forever.

    The consequences have been mentioned and it is the individual’s own mental ability and understanding that leads to the “degree of ignorance” present at the time of action. More the ignorance more the bad Kamma generated. It is out of ignorance that ALL KAMMAs ( including good Kamma) are generated. Once ignorance is eradicated, no Kamma will be generated.

    “Buddha never made a distinction between COWARDLY KILLINGS and OTHER KILLINGS.” – No I did not say so. I said all soldiers go to hell ( obviously after current death). That is the start only, not the end. Depending on his mentality, conditioning, he can be reborn as a human, may go to heaven for a long time and go back to hell.

    What I am saying is don’t ever think Buddhism has any influence in discouraging the solider and make him to perform wrong action, endangering the country. If there is any influence from Buddhism, he will only take the right decision that benefits the army and his country. If you want me to explain in your own language, if the Army Commander is a true Buddhist with deep understanding and little ignorance and if Maru Sira orders him to do something to harm the country, he will not follow that order, he might consider “Military Takeover” very seriously in a way that saves maximum number of lives ( least killings). Now what is wrong with that ?
    If the Army Commander is a good Christian , you tell me what he would do under the same situation.
    He will definitely seek advice form Pope.

    Therefore all stupid buggers coming here to comment and blame Nibbana or Kamma for the current state of the country are purposely doing thin with the orders of their pay masters.

    Strange thing is even the good rational writers who love the country but from different belief system get fooled by these agents because they lack in depth knowledge of Buddhism.

    For Jihad killer, Allah puts him in heaven with seven virgins forever. Will virgin’s will remain virgins forever ? I don’t know that may be the reason they cut half of the tool. But it is not up to the Jihadist. He can only pray ALLAH hU Akbar AND HOPE.

  35. Nalliah Thayabharan Says:

    The rightness or wrongness of an action centers around whether the action itself would bring about harm to self and/or others. ‘Not to injure’, is an important virtue in Buddhism. Buddha condemned killing or harming living beings and encouraged reflection or mindfulness as right conduct. Buddhist approach to peace offers important common ground with other traditions. The cause of a truly comprehensive and lasting peace can most effectively be furthered by ceaselessly expanding circles of friendship and understanding through dialogue, exchange and cooperation.In resolving the global challenges confronting humanity, political, economic and scientific measures must be pursued together with a transformation of human consciousness. We should establish a lifestyle of conserving energy, recycling resources and pursuing spiritual values. Our overarching goal should be to cultivate a shared awareness of our common humanity.

  36. Fran Diaz Says:

    Agree with Nalliah.


    Cleanliness must be taught to children at a young age, in the homes (by parents) and at school by teachers. Small story books on the subject will surely help.
    A kid taught to be clean will surely be a conscious of same as an adult.

  37. Lorenzo Says:


    “What I am saying is don’t ever think Buddhism has any influence in discouraging the solider and make him to perform wrong action, endangering the country.”

    AGREE except these 2 parts – “wrong action, endangering the country”.

    Wrong action is any action or inaction that endangers the nation IRRESPECTIVE of what religion, etc. says.

    e.g. NOT killing surrendered LTTE terrorist leaders is WRONG action because they will restart their killing. What Buddhism, Christianity, etc. teach is IRRELEVANT here.

    e.g. NOT bombing the SENCHOLAI school is WRONG action because among 1000s of ordinary kids they trained 100 terrorists. What Buddhism, Christianity, etc. teach is IRRELEVANT here.

    The word WRONG must be interpreted MILITARILY. NOT according to Buddhism, Christianity, etc.

    IF a soldier who REFUSES to do an LLRP decapitation attack on a terrorist having quality family time with his family is doing a WRONG ACT and must be punished.

    IF a soldier who REFUSES to eliminate a civilian who SAW the soldier creep into LTTE territory to eliminate top LTTE leaders is doing a WRONG ACT because by NOT eliminating this “witness” he is putting the MISSION and the lives of his COLLEAGUES in DANGER.

    You see my point?

    So let me CORRECT your statement.

    “What I am saying is don’t ever think Buddhism has any influence in discouraging or encouraging the solider to do any act or inaction.”

  38. Nalliah Thayabharan Says:

    The rightness or wrongness of an action centers around whether the action itself would bring about harm to self and/or others. ‘Not to injure’, is an important virtue in Buddhism. Buddha condemned killing or harming living beings and encouraged reflection or mindfulness as right conduct.

    In ‘Seeha Senapathi Sutta’ of Anguttara Nikaya-5 having clarified his doubts on the Dhamma, Army Commander Seeha requested Buddha to accept him as a disciple. But Buddha instead of advising him to resign from the army advised thus
    ‘Seeha, it is proper for a popular person of your status to always think and examine when attending to affairs and making decisions ‘ Seeha, the commander became a sotapanna (first fruit of the Path) having listened to the Dhamma, but remained in the army as a commander.

    The cause of a truly comprehensive and lasting peace can most effectively be furthered by ceaselessly expanding circles of friendship and understanding through dialogue, exchange and cooperation.In resolving the global challenges confronting humanity, political, economic and scientific measures must be pursued together with a transformation of human consciousness. We should establish a lifestyle of conserving energy, recycling resources and pursuing spiritual values. Our overarching goal should be to cultivate a shared awareness of our common humanity.

  39. Dham Says:

    Thank you Nalliah for the contribution.

    Those who have not read Buddhism may think that a Sothapanna ( enlightened at stage 1) will never kill.
    It is wrong. They may kill but that killing will never put them in hell worlds, including animal kingdom(hell).
    Why ? I have the answer but I would let the reader to find their own answer.

  40. Lorenzo Says:

    The source NT copied it has other interesting things about being a good soldier and a good Buddhist (NOT a MONK) at the same time.

    Buddha prohibited active soldiers from becoming monks AFTER his father (King Suddodana) complained “my soldiers are becoming Buddhist monks because they get free food, free lodging, etc. as monks”.

    This is very good for SL. Otherwise army deserters would have become monks just to AVOID capture.

  41. Dham Says:


    Why he wanted to drag Buddhism to the argument which has absolutely nothing to do with it ( even the article does not contain the word Buddhism) ? Is it not applicable to a Christian Country or a Muslim Country ?


    In my statement “wrong action, endangering the country” has a wider meaning , obviously, as the statement refers to Army Commander. That “wrong action” has nothing to do with Buddhism or any religion.

    Have you gone through “Military Training ” ? Obviously you haven’t ( I mean proper military not a terrorist outfit or Mossad , CIA, KGB, RAW).

    Any “Army Commander” will never give orders to kill a surrendered terrorist. He may give orders “not to take prisoners”, but once taken into custody only thing he can do is to treat them well and hand them over to investigators.

    Soldiers are also human beings. Despite all military training they received, privately or even under war conditions, when they re alone, they will act according to what they feel fit for the situation. I don’t believe Buddhism has any influence on his action that betrays the country. . Only people from other religions will think this way.

    Other religions, on the other hand, may have some influence. For example, a Muslim may not kill a Muslim terrorist, a Christian may not kill a Christian terrorist because of their attachment to a community, Buddhism has no such community. We don’t say “oh God” although some say “Ane Deviyane” with the meaning of “divine beings looking after good people” as a belief coming from Buddhism ( never as a meaning of a Creator God, Supreme being , Allah )

    Anyway, rather than trying to find faults of my comments ( there could be a lot) please read my example again. I repeat it here again.
    “If the Army Commander is a good Christian , you tell me what he would do under the same situation.
    He will definitely seek advice form Pope.” By Pope, I mean a religious head, may be Rev. Ranjth.

    And then , you may answer this too.
    If you were the army commander what would you do ? Follow the “Military Tradition” of obeying the commander ?

    Therefore I appreciate very much is people stop blaming Buddhism and its basic principles for the GREED, FOOLISHNESS and COWARDLY behaviour of politicians and individuals.

  42. Dham Says:

    It is worthwhile reading

    Buddhism & The Soldier
    Major General Ananda Weerasekera


    Also, I wonder why Lorenzo, having read it, did not give the link. Readers please note.

  43. Nalliah Thayabharan Says:

    Dham & Fran Diaz

    This one was published in The Island – Nov 06, 2000

    Buddhism and the Soldier

    By Major General Ananda Weerasekera

    Different people have understood Buddhism differently. It is often debated whether Buddhism is a religion, philosophy or a way of life or not. Since Buddhism contains all.

    All the teachings of the Buddha deal in one way or another with the path, known as The Noble Eightfold Path It was the path realised and introduced by Buddha and it is as follows:

    • Right views

    • Right thought

    • Right speech

    • Right action

    • Right livelihood

    • Right effort

    • Right mindfulness

    • Right concentration

    This is also known as the ‘Middle Path’, since in actual practice it avoids extremes. This Noble Eightfold Path is discussed in detail in the Buddhist Texts. It is sufficient to state that it is a code of conduct clearly laid down by Buddha to all four sections of the Buddhist Society. That is Bikkhu (monks), Bikkhuni (nuns), Upasaka (laymen), Upasika (laywomen).

    The deciples of the Buddha whether men or women belong to many walks of life from a King to a Servant. Whatever their civil status may be a code of conduct and moral obligations for each one has been clearly laid down by the Buddha. This code of conduct is collectively referred to as Virtue (seela) which encompasses disciplined speech, disciplined thought and controlled senses. A layman or a laywoman is advised to observe the five basic precepts as the minimum limit of their ‘discipline’. In these aspects one is justified in drawing any conclusion so long as one does not give a) exclusive and rigid title. The Buddhadhamma (Doctrine), as most of the scholars say, is a moral and philosophical system which expounds a unique path of enlightenment, and is not a subject to be studied from a mere academic standpoint. It is certainly to be studied, more to be practiced, and above all to be realized by oneself.

    The limits of ‘seela’ are different for those who have renounced the lay life in search of liberation, The Nirvana

    However the five precepts are not commandments but aspirations voluntarily undertaken by each one. The first precept is to abstain from taking life. “The life”, according to Buddhism covers the entire spectrum of living beings and are covered in ‘Karaneeya Mettha Sutta’ as follows:

    • Tasa-Tava: moving, unmoving

    • Diga-long, Mahantha-large,

    • Majjima-medium,

    • Rassaka- short,

    • Anuka-minute, Thula-fat

    • Ditta-that can be seen,

    • Additta-that cannot be seen,

    • Dure-which live far,

    • Avidure-which live near

    • Bhuta-born,

    • Sambavesi – seeking birth

    Buddha’s teachings are quite clear in regard to the extent to which ‘love & compassion’ should expand,. ‘Sabbe satta bhavanathu sukhitatta‘, ie. ‘May all beings be happy’ Buddha not only condemned the destruction of living beings as higher seela, he also condemned the destruction of the plant life. Buddhism being a ‘way of life’ where plant animal and human lives are protected, how does one explain the ‘destruction and suffering caused by war.’

    War is violence, killing, destruction, blood and pain. Has Buddha accepted these? According to Buddha, the causes of war being greed, aversion and delusion are deep rooted in human mind. The milestones of the path being seela, samadhi and panna make the human being realize the causes that contribute to warfare and for the need for the eradication of same.

    The Buddha said,

    • ‘All tremble at violence,

    All fear death,

    Comparing oneself with others

    One should neither kill nor cause others to kill’ – (Dammapada)

    Hence any form of violence is not acceptable. He further says,

    • ‘Victory breeds hatred

    The defeated live in pain,

    Happily the peaceful live,

    Giving up victory and defeat (Dammapada)

    Victory and Defeat are two sides of the coin of War. It is clear in Buddhism, what breeds in war whether it is victory or defeat.

    Let us now deal with those having a direct involvement with War, The King or in today’s context the Government and the soldier. Does Buddhism permit the State to build and foster an Army?. Can a good Buddhist be a soldier? and can he kill for the sake of the country? What about the ‘Defence’ of a country.? When a ruthless army invades a country, does Buddhism prohibit a Buddhist King to defend his country and his people? Buddhism is a ‘way of life,’ is there any other way for a righteous king to battle against an invasion of an army.?

    The Dhamma is a way of life based on Right Thought, Right Livelihood, Right Action etc. culminating in the supreme goal of Nibbana . However it is a gradual process of training and progressing on the path through one’s long samsaric journey until one has fulfilled the necessary conditions and is ready to let go the cycle of birth decay and death. Hence, until then the King has to rule, the farmer has to farm, teacher has to teach, the trader has to trade and so on. But they are expected to do it the Buddhist way in order to help them progress on the path.

    In ‘chakkavatti- sihanada sutta’ (The Lion’s Roar on the Turning of Wheel) of the long discourses of the Buddha, Buddha justified the requirement of the king having an Army to provide guard, protection and security for different classes of people in the kingdom from internal and external threats. It refers to a Wheel Turning monarch named Dalhanemi, a righteous monarch of the law, conqueror of the four quarters who had established the security of his realm and was possessed of the seven treasures. He had more than 1000 sons who were heroes, of heroic stature, conquerors of the hostile army. Explaining the noble duties of a righteous king, Buddha also pointed out the advice given to the king in regard to his obligation to provide security for its people. The advisor tells the king ” my son, yourself depending on the Dhamma, revering it, doing homage to it, and venerating it having the Dhamma as your badge and banner, acknowledging the Dhamma as your master, you should establish guard, ward and protection according to Dhamma for your own household, your troops in the Army, your nobles and vassals, for Brahmins and householders, town and countryfolk, ascetics and Brahmins, for beasts and birds. Let no crime prevail in your kingdom”

    Explaining further the duties of a righteous king, Buddha states, “…Son, the people of your kingdom should from time to time come to you and consult you as to what is to be followed and what is not to be followed, what is wholesome and what not wholesome, and what action will in the long run lead to harm and sorrow, welfare and happiness. You should listen and tell them to avoid evil and to do what is good for the country. This sutta clearly indicates that Buddhism permits a king to have an army since a righteous king, who is also the commander of the army, knows, the righteous way to engage the army and to protect his people.

    ‘Seeha Senapathi Sutta’ of Anguttara Nikaya-5 shows how, one of the army commanders named ‘Seeha’ went to Buddha to clarify certain doubts on the Dhamma and how the Buddha advised him without requesting him to resign from the Army or to disband the army. Having clarified his doubts on the Dhamma, Commander Seeha requested Buddha to accept him as a deciple of the Buddha. But Buddha instead of advising him to resign from the army advised thus,

    ‘Seeha, it is proper for a popular person of your status to always think and examine when attending to affairs and making decisions ‘ Seeha, the commander became a sotapanna (stream enterer = first fruit of the Path) having listened to the Dhamma, but remained in the army as a commander.

    In this instance too one could see that Buddha did not advise Seeha against the Army or being a commander of an Army, but only advised to discharge his duties the proper way.

    King Ajasattu, had a unsatiable desire to conquer other kingdoms. He even murdered his father for the throne and aided Devadatta who was plotting to kill the Buddha. Once Ajasattu having decided to conquer the kingdom of Vajjians sent his chief minister Vassakara to Buddha to find out Buddha’s views about his decision to conquer the Vajjians. Ajasttu wanted to know whether he will gain victory, cunningly using Buddha’s ability to predict the future with accuracy.

    Once the usual complimentary greetings were exchanged, between the Buddha and Vassakara and the purpose of his visit was made known, Buddha turned to his chief attendant Venerable Ananda with praise of the Vajjians and their noble democratic confederacy. Buddha further inquired from Venerable Ananda whether the Vajjians are strictly following the conditions of Dhamma NOT leading to decline as taught to the Vajjians by Buddha to which Ven. Ananda replied ‘yes’.

    Then Buddha turned to venerable Ananda and declared thus, “As long as they would continue on these lines; taught them by Buddha earlier at Vasali, they cannot be defeated and not expected to decline but to prosper. ” The shrewd minister drew his own conclusion that the Licchavis of Vajji state could not be conquered in battle at that moment, but if their unity and alliance is broken they could be defeated and ran back to his king with this news. In fact Ajasattu defeated vajjians not even three years after the Buddha’s death purely by shrewdly creating disunity amongst the rulers of the Vajjians.

    Numerous conclusions could be drawn from this story too. Buddha knew that both States did have strong armies and that they are needed for the protection of their people. Buddha did not advice minister Vassakara that the concept on ‘Army’ is against Buddhism and that he should advice the king not to declare war against Vajjis but to desolve the army. Buddha at this instance also brought up important lessons in ‘state craft. ‘ It helped the crafty minister to adopt a different strategy to invade Vajji State, by using psychological approach first and then the physical assault next. Further, by having a conversation with Venerable Ananda Buddha indicated to minister Vassakara that even though king Ajasasattu has a mighty strong army, and have conquered several states he will not be able to defeat Licchavis so long as they adhere to the said noble policies. It is also an indirect advice to king Ajatasattu that it is in order having an army but that army will not be able to conquer people with virtuous qualities. It was also an indication to Ajasattu that he too should be a righteous king with an army where no other king could defeat him, by adhering to the said policies which will not lead a society to decline. These policies are referred to as ‘saptha aparihani dhamma’ and they are as follows:

    • Having meetings and assemblies frequently.

    • Rulers assembling in harmony, conducting their affairs in harmony and dispersing in harmony.

    • Adhering to the accepted ancient noble traditions and not extirpating the accepted established norms and traditions by introducing new laws.

    • Respecting the elders, worshiping them,. consulting them, and believing that they must be listened to.

    • Respecting and protecting the women folk and not living with them forcibly or molesting them.

    • Paying respect to all internal and external places of worship, paying homage to those worthy of veneration and continue to make spiritual offerings traditionally done.

    Soldiering was accepted by the Buddha as a noble profession. The soldier was known as ” Rajabhata. ” Buddha did not permit rajabata to become monks whilst in service as a soldier.

    Once Sidhartha Gauthama’s father, king Suddhodana came to Buddha and complained,

    “Gauthama Buddha, my son, when you were the most suitable for the throne of a Sakvithi King, you left all of us and became a monk. Then you insulted me by begging for meals, walking house to house along the streets in my own town. The relatives laughed at me and they insulted me. Now you are trying to destroy my Army. ”

    ” Why” the Buddha asked. ” What has happened to your great Army, my father.”

    Then the king answered, “Can’t you see, my soldiers are deserting the army one by one and joining your group as monks.”

    “Why are they becoming monks, great king and why are they leaving the Army. ” Asked Buddha.

    “Can’t you see” the king answered. “They know that when they become monks they get free food, free clothes, free accommodation and respected by all.”

    Buddha smiled and requested the king to go back to the Palace and said that he will settle the issue. Buddha then promulgated a law (Vinaya) for the monks to the effect that, No soldier could become a monk whilst in military service. This law is still valid to date. Accordingly even today unless a soldier is legally discharged from the army or unless a soldier retires legitimately, he is NOT ordained as a monk and will not be accepted into the order of monks. This ensures that soldiers do not desert the army even to join the Buddhist order.

    Further in terms of the Vinaya (the code of conduct for monks) monks permitted to visit the battlefield but they were ordered to return before the sunset. Permission was also given to visit the injured relatives in the battlefield.

    Further whilst the expressly referred to five occupations as unrighteous Soldiering is not included amongst those.

    The Buddha once describing the qualities of a good monk, compared those to the essential qualities of a good king to be as follows:

    • Pure decent

    • Great wealth

    • Strong army

    • Wise ministers

    • Glory

    Once at the city of Savatti, Buddha describing five types of monks in comparison to the five types of soldiers in the world, (A.iii, duthiya yodhajeevupama sutta) classified the soldiers as follows:

    • A soldier who enters the battlefield armed with sword and shield, bow and arrows and who gets himself killed by the enemy during battle. This is the first type of soldier.

    • A soldier who enters the battlefield bravely armed with sword and shield, bow and arrows but gets injured during battle and taken to his close relatives. But he dies on the way before he reaches his relatives. This is the second type of soldier.

    • Soldier who enters the battlefield bravely armed with sword and shield, bow and arrows, gets injured and having taken to his close relatives, receives medical treatment with care. But he dies with the same ailment although he was surrounded by relatives. This is the third type of soldier.

    • Soldier who enters the battlefield bravely armed with sward and shield, bow and arrows, gets injured and having taken to his close relatives, receives medical treatment with care. He recovers from the injury. This is the fourth type of soldier.

    • Soldier who enters the battlefield bravely armed with armourments destroys and defeats the enemy. Having won the battle he remains in the battlefront victoriously. This is the 95th type of soldier.

    Similarly in ‘patama yodhajeevacupama sutta’ Buddha explains five types of soldiers or warriors.

    • Type -1- Tremble with fear, unsteady, afraid to get into the battlefield by seeing the dust and clouds created by fighting men, animals and vehicles.

    • Type -2- Could withstand the dust and clouds. But tremble with fear, unsteady, afraid to get into the battlefield by seeing the Standards and Banners of the enemy.

    •Type -3- Could withstand dust and clouds, the sight of the enemy Standards and Banners but tremble with fear, unsteady, afraid to get into the battlefield by hearing the frightening noises and the battle cries in the field.

    • Type -4- could withstand dust and clouds, Standards and Banners of the enemy, the noises and the battle cries.

    But tremble with fear, unsteady, afraid to get into the battlefield by a small attack by the enemy.

    Type -5- could withstand dust and clouds, Standards and Banners of the enemy, the noises and the battle cries. He fights back and wins his battle. Having won, he victoriously enjoys the fruits seven days staying in the middle of the battlefield.

    When the Buddha recognized a strong army as an essential requirement of the king he was also aware that the Commander in Chief of the Army was also the king of the country and that a strong Army four main divisions, then known as ‘the caturangani sena’, consishng of Cavalry (horses), Elephant force, Armed vehicles and the Infantry, each having its own functions in battle.

    His knowledge of the battlefield is so evident for the similes frequently quoted by him from the battlefield. In Akkhama sutta of Anguttara Nikaya Budda compares five weak qualities of elephants selected to go into battle with that of S weak qualities of monks proceeding through the battle of ‘Liberation.’

    In the Sutta the Buddha says, An elephant belonging to the ‘caturangani sena’ [four divisions of the Army of the ruler] will not be suitable if, it get frightened, trembles, unable to control and withdraws,

    • merely by the sight of other elephants, horses, military vehicles and soldiers in the battle field,

    • merely by hearing noises and sounds of the battle cries of elephants, horses, infantry and warrior drums in the field,

    • merely by the body smell and the smell of urine etc of other majestic elephants in the battle field,

    • merely for not getting it’s food and water for one day or few days in the battle field.

    From the above it is clear that contrary to the popular belief the Buddha has not rejected or prohibited soldiering as a profession or occupation and the right of a king or a government to have an army and to defend one’s country and its people. In the contrary the Buddha has expressly recognized the necessity for a king to have an army and providing protection to the subjects of a country has been recognized as a prime duty of the king.

    The Buddha in his wisdom did not expect a nation or the rulers to be lame ducks in the wake of an enemy invasion. However Buddha’s expectations from one who is training to he an Arhant whether monk or layman are different and it should not be mistaken with the Buddha’s expectations from the laity burdened with numerous worldly responsibilities. It is also because the Buddha in his wisdom did not expect every ‘Buddhist’ to opt for Arahantship nor to become an ascetic renouncing the worldly affairs. To the majority Buddhism is a way of life rather than a faith, philosophy, or a religion.

    However it should be stressed that a soldier like all others is subject to the law of Kamma and will not escape the Kammic fruits of “taking the Life “of a sentient being (panatipatha) even though he may have had the overall noble intention of protecting his country and his people.

    While killing may be inevitable in a long and successful army career opportunities for merit too is unlimited for a disciplined and conscientious soldier.

    A disciplined soldier fights his enemy in accordance with the best of traditions and norms maintained by an army. He doesn’t kill a defenseless person. A good soldier provides medical treatment to the injured enemy captured. He doesn’t kill prisoners of war, children, women or the aged. A disciplined soldier destroys his enemy only when his or the lives of his comrades are in danger.

    Soldier is one who thrives for peace within because he is one who realizes the pain of his own wounds. He is one who sees the bloody destruction of war, the dead, the suffering etc. Hence his desire to bring peace to himself as well as to the others by ending the war as soon as possible. He not only suffers during the war but even after the war. The painful memories of the battles he fought linger in him making his aspire for true and lasting peace within and without. Hence the common phenomenon of transformation of brutal kings having an insatiable desire to conquer to incomparable and exemplary righteous kings such as Drarmasoka king of Mourian dynasty of India

  44. Lorenzo Says:


    “Buddhism & The Soldier
    Major General Ananda Weerasekera


    That is EXACTLY MY POINT!!

    Don’t just read what the GREAT SOLDIER has written. Look what he has DONE. Obviously his action involved killing terrorists to save people. Otherwise he won’t become a war winning hero. Both are COMPATIBLE. So a war winning soldier CAN be a good Buddhist! I’m sure he will go to nirvana after this life IF he so wishes.


    Once again you try to TWIST it with this.

    “I don’t believe Buddhism has any influence on his action that betrays the country.”

    The highlighted part is IRRELEVANT.

    Correct version should be – for a soldier – “I don’t believe Buddhism has any influence on his action.”

    That action may SAVE the country ot BETRAY the country. Either way it is NOT Buddhism that decides it.

    So you have now AGREED with me.

    A soldier who kills to save his nation CAN attain any high status of nirvana if he so wishes. Buddhism and war winning acts are COMPATIBLE provided it is a JUST war. Soldiers who grant RELIEF from fear to people shall be respected even by gods and Dhamma!!

    Our POOR soldiers sacrificed their life and limb, chance to get married and spend time with family for the NATION. They killed, etc. terrorists to bring us peace. Now when they come home we tell them BAD KARMA will follow then because they killed!! What nonsense is this!!

    They have made ENOUGH sacrifices for us this life. They need not sacrifice their future lives.

  45. Lorenzo Says:

    I’m beginning to see where MONUMENTAL UNGRATEFULNESS of SLs come from.

    Wrong beliefs and twisting the Dhamma are responsible for it.

    ALL war heroes of SL are good Buddhists worthy of nirvana (if they so wish) if they had not committed sins outside their military careers.

    Protecting the DHAMMA and PEOPLE is sufficient merit for them to book a place in nirvana or rahath or sovan status.

    WHY OH WHY Sri Lankans do you hesitate to accumulate merits!!

  46. mario_perera Says:

    Excerpts of songs, published by the government, of the Buddhist monk Elle Gunavamsa:

    The sword is pulled from the scabbard, it is

    Not put back unless smeared with blood.

    I turned by blood to milk to make you grow

    Not for myself but for the country

    My brave, brilliant soldier son

    Leaving home to defend the motherland

    That act of merit is enough

    To reach Nirvāna in a future birth.

    Mario Perera

  47. Dham Says:

    One Buddhist monk is not Buddha nor one monk’s poem reflects true Buddhism.
    People are not fools. Buddhism existed for 2600 years. One or two fools cannot destroy it no matter how hard they try
    Nowadays, Muslims too preach Buddhism in YOUTUBE.


    Not only soldiers, any person can attain Nibbana in this very life. There is no need to die (unlike other religions), one can enjoy Nibbana while living.

    When you say “Allah send Dham to Nirvana” however kind is that wish is there is no Allah nor God or even Buddha who could send Dham to Nirvana.

    Dying moment is a good opportunity to enlightenment for those who have highly developed the minds.
    Being an elite solider need to develop mindfulness to high levels.
    Yet one need to have wisdom developed too for incident of Nibbana at the time of death.

    Story of monk Godhika is a good example. In his case ( this is the only example you could find in Suttas, I can’t remember the Sutta) Ven Godhika after many attempts coming close to Nibbana during meditation finally used his knife and contemplated death and achieved Nibban at death.

    No amount of “merit” will enable Nibbana despite some robe bearers claiming such nonsense. Killing will not bring ANY “merit” nor by serving in the Army.

    Sabba Paapassa Akaranam
    Kusalassa Upasampada
    Sachiththa Pario Dapanam
    Etahm Buddhanu Saasanam

    Avoid ALL evil, cultivate and practice good action and purify and control the mind – this is the Teaching of the Buddhas.


  48. Dham Says:

    Thank you Nallaiah for pasting it. Now the reader can see who is “twisting” and dancing.

    I stand by the statement,
    “I don’t believe Buddhism has any influence on his action that betrays the country.”

    If a Buddhist soldier has done some action that betrayed the country, he has very little Buddhism in him.
    I believe Buddhism has a lot of influence on his good action. More the influence better the soldier would be and better will be his contribution for the country, past, present and into the future.

    Contributions form other religions can only harm his personality, mind and hence his action. Period.

    Therefore if there is one religion that can add value to professionalism in soldiers, it is Buddhism and only Buddhism.

  49. Fran Diaz Says:

    Apart from the argument on Buddhism & the Armed Forces, we have a question.

    That is, why allow matters to go out of hand where civil wars happen in Lanka, when PREVENTIVE CARE will stop civil wars.

    PREVENTIVE CARE is the need of the hour. To Prevent civil wars is the objective here. Thereby Lankans will be automatically follow the Buddhist Teachiings, and no heartbreaking death and disease will follow through wars.

    To this end, we suggest :

    *. RECOGNISE that there are over 15 Million Tamil Dalits wanting out of Tamil Nadu due to atrocities committed against them. To this end, we have to STOP Ranil’s Chunnel to India which will enable millions of Tamils of Dalit origin to cross over as well as others into Lanka as illegal migrants. Tamil Nadu must sort out their own problems as much as Lanka does. Lanka must not be the ‘fall guy’ for Tamil Nadu absurd solutions to their Caste problems tied to Cold War/Greed issues from foreign countries.

    *. RECOGNISE that Lanka Ports are important in the world Trade Routes. Lanka PORTS must be for PEACEFUL PURPOSES ONLY. Lanka Armed Forces must be put in charge of the safety of all Ports, in addition to airports and coastline (in addition to the Coast Guard).

    *. RECOGNISE that all in the Lanka Armed Forces must be loyal to the country. PATRIOTISM must be the high point for all Armed Forces personnel. Therefore, the Training of Lanka Armed Forces by foreign sources highly questionable, isn’t it ?

    *. RECOGNISE that PATRIOTISM must be taught in ALL schools in Lanka. A brief Oath of Allegiance to Lanka must be taken DAILY by all school children. Same Oath must be taken by govt officers and private sector employees at least once a week.

    *. RECOGNISE that Clean Air, Water, Food, and good Shelter and Clothing ought to be produced locally with care. Drinking Water Storage & Food Storage important in times of widespread Climate Change all over the world. This will generate jobs within the country. Foreign funds are not dependable. Present govt attempting to sell the country in various ways – unacceptable, unethical and dangerous to life itself in Lanka.

    *. RECOGNISE that the Law of the Land must be followed. Viz., 6-A never yet activated – why ? Fed State must be recognized as Separatism. Either live with Lankans or depart.

    *. RECOGNISE that Tamil Separatism is through the Tamil Language. Tamil speaking Muslims are TAMILS. Eastern Prov vulnerable.

    More points must be brought out. Comments welcome.

    Quote : “Ask not for whom the Bell Tolls, for it Tolls for Thee”.

  50. Fran Diaz Says:

    Read as : ” ,,,, Automatically following the Buddhist Teachings …..”

  51. Lorenzo Says:

    Fantastic Mario. Thank you. Obviously this Buddhist monk KNOWS MUCH MORE about Buddhism than commentators here.

    “Excerpts of songs, published by the government, of the Buddhist monk Elle Gunavamsa:

    The sword is pulled from the scabbard, it is
    Not put back unless smeared with blood.
    I turned my blood to milk to make you grow
    Not for myself but for the country
    My brave, brilliant soldier son
    Leaving home to defend the motherland
    That act of merit is enough
    To reach Nirvāna in a future birth.”

    I rest my case.

    “All good soldiers will go to heaven.
    I don’t want my teenage queen
    just give me my rifle 16.
    If i die in battle zone
    box me up and send me home.
    Put my medals on my chest
    tell my mom i did my best.
    Tell my love not to cry
    i m a soldier born to die.”

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