Posted on February 1st, 2016
By Stanley Perera from Melbourne
President Maithreepala Sirisena started off his term presidency with a slogan of yahapalanaya”. Those who voted him were please with the statement made in public and hoped the corruption by the free loaders will end soon. The masses did not expect to dash their hope in twelve months. The free loaders were corrupt up to their eye balls. The gentleman politician made efforts to bribe the free loaders with Rs. 20,000 per sitting over and above enormous perks enjoyed. Straight away luxury car permits with interest free and non repayable bank loans of US$50,000 was issued within 24 hours. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremasinghe was spent thrift at the expense of the tax payers.
An un educated beedi mudalali was made a state minister.
A notorious money launderer who swindled the entire state of Late Lalith Ethulathmudali with a pending law suit on money laundering was made the minister of finance. Soon after becoming the minister of finance he was discharged without a conviction. Blabber guts shortie that made sexual advance to Olympic bronze medal winner and the Uva poison bottle both being rejected and kicked in their arsces were brought in through the back door amidst public outcry not to. Sirisena and Ranil completely ignored the wish of the media and the people. Wijedasa Rajapakse without wasting any time laid off Awantguard with a massive under the table kickbacks. Wijedasa Rajapakse was a notorious hora.
Finance minister robbed the Central Bank Bonds in a record breaking colossal amount of money. It is said that Sirisena and Ranil were aware of it that it was to pay back to the governor of the Central bank who paid for the presidential election campaign. Sirisena and Ranil ignored the outcry by the media and the people.
Good looking woman abductor was let loose without being arrested.
Gnanasara Thero was arrested for contempt of court charges.
Finance minister was let loose on money laundering charges.
Yoshita Rajapaksewas arrested on flimsy money laundering charges.
Sirisena and Ranil are shit scared of that big mouth cardboard Weerawansa and no action is taken against him for selling for a song five luxury houses to his relatives. The five houses were built at the expense of tax payer’s money.
Leader of the opposition is appointed only to represent minority, racist and eelamist Tamils in the North.
Tamils want separate state in the north and pocket states in Wellawatte, Kollupitiya and in the Hill country.
Racist Tamils want SL Army out of the North.
Racist Tamils want to remove the word Majority Sinhalese and Buddhist” from the constitution.
Racist Tamils want the mouth of the cow on South and udder to be on the North.
Muslims want separate Muslim state in the East and pocket Muslim states in Akurana, Aluthgama,
Beruwala and Colombo.
Racist Tamils want to share the power and not to be Sri Lankan or belonging to one nation.
Racist Tamils want the National anthem in Tamil Language and 60 million Tamil Nadoo Tamil’s to sing Indian National Anthem in Bengali and not in Hindi or Tamil.
12.6% Tamils want to control 76% Sinhalese.
CBK cut the hair of Rukantha Gunathilaka’s wife and pouring petrol on Rukantha and his wife talking of human rights.
Speaker not allowing more than 2 minutes talk to Mahinda Rajapakse supporters.
Rajitha Senaratne and Mangala Samaraweera spreading false accusations on Rajapakse family.
Sirisena and Ranil taking the revenge from Rajapakse family.
Sirisena spending colossal amount of money on his luxury living.
Sirisena taking his son to the UNO at the expense of taxpayers.
February 1st, 2016 at 5:05 pm
Why does’nt the Govt go after Daham Sirisena case and open the case which was closed earlier, and investigate the whole foreign currency matter?
How about also investigating Central Bank Governor who did a day light robbery of the Central Bank last year as soon as RW came into power. After the Presidential Election My3 appointed RW as the Prime Minister even when there was an existing Prime Minister and Cabinet. When asked why he did it he said that the West wanted him to do so. RW in turn went on to appoint a Singaporean, Arjun Mahendran as the Governor of Central Bank, Paskaralingam whose reputation is well known and brought the Finance Ministry under him. Arjun Mahendran pulled off the infamous bond scam involving Rs. 5000 million about which much has been written. When the Parliament brought a No Confidence motion against him and also the COPE report on Mahendran, My3 dissolved the Parliament.
Subsequently, during the August General Election, My3 first gave permission for Mahinda to run as head of the UPFA and then two days before the election he had got news that Mahinda was going to win, and to make sure that the did not get the PMs post, went on tv and also wrote a letter telling the public that Mahinda will not be appointed as PM even if he wins. He then went on to remove the Secretaries of the SLFP and the UPFA and appointed his own. In addition he rejected the Nomination list which had been gazetted, and appointed a bunch of people who had been rejected by the people.
In my opinion what My3 did was illegal and should be investigated by either the Police or the Election Commissioner. UPFA should have filed a case in Court to hear the case.
See: See:
February 1st, 2016 at 10:17 pm
This is what Indian imperialists do. If you are really from Melbourne and is a Sinhalese look around and see what Indian Imperialists are doing in Melbourne.
So we are an Indian colony and has been the case since the Indian colonial parasites arrived in in the island on the back of the British since 1792.
February 2nd, 2016 at 6:27 am
No one in this world say this is Yaha Palanaya.
If this is Yaha Palanaya many more people shall be in jail and some already killed. Those include,
notorious money launderer – Elephant with the tie
Wijedasa Rajapakse
governor of the Central bank
cardboard Weerawansa
Rajitha Senaratne and Mangala Samaraweera
Sirisena and Ranil
This is cardboard Yama Palanaya.
February 2nd, 2016 at 10:43 am
Dham !!! Weerawansa should not be in that list, with due respect. He has always spoken for Mahinda, and will always do so.
Instead of Weerawansa, please insert the One Eyed Cyclops. Very important.
February 2nd, 2016 at 3:52 pm
SW is right. WW does NOT belong there.
IF this is REAL GOOD GOVERNANCE the following should be behind bars by now.
1. central bank bond crook and his son
2. Maru Sira for violating the constitution
3. CBK
4. Run-nil for interfering with justice
5. TNA MPs for promoting division
6. Bathurdeen for violating the law
7. Gonja for invading religious places and desecrating them
8. Hirunika
9. killers of THAJUDEEN
10. corrupt people who made money by corruption
Instead the GOO GOVERNANCE govt. is USING the law to their POLITICAL ADVANTAGE. They catch an innocent, beat him up and gives him a choice – either implicate someone from the MR family and go free or go to jail. A good tactic the next govt. MUST follow. I’m a strong believer of the BIBLE verse – eye 4 an eye, ear 4 ear, ……………… life 4 life.
February 2nd, 2016 at 5:24 pm
Sorry folks. I copied that list from Stanley’s article , not my picking.
Actually Mr. Wijedasa should not be there as well , although he is UNPeer he is supportive of Gota and MR , he is a true PATRIOT.
But Lorenzo, “killers of THAJUDEEN ” shall we put a condition there ? “unless under the instructions from THE MAHAVEERA Family ” ? Otherwise we may be in big trouble.
You said Thajudeen is a “drug dealer”( but a family friend of NR,YR,RR according to NR) , so , who cares ? Drug dealer’s father’s tears are not tears, are they ?