Is Sri Lanka heading towards a Kangaroo Court?
Posted on February 11th, 2016

Shenali D Waduge

 A weekend newspaper brought the news of an 11 member Consultation Task Force to enforce provisions of the US-backed resolution which Sri Lanka co-sponsored in 2015. UN Special Rapporteur on the promotion of Truth, Justice, Reparations and Guarantees of Non-recurrence, Pablo de Greiff is to arrive in Colombo next week. The names selected for the 11 member committee & subsequent committees raises conflict of interest and questions exactly which victim’s grievances will be addressed. The names and their links raises doubt of impartiality and urges the government to relook at the names being nominated.

No one disagrees to any committee that is established putting together people who have proven track record and are respected in society and not the circles that they move around in.

However, the list of persons being nominated as the Consultation Task Force and other committees raises serious doubts whether this objective is likely to be achieved. It would be a grave injustice and would make a mockery out of the objective being expected from the public. Afterall, the people expect a team of impartial and unbiased nominees in lieu of foreign judges.

Some of these entities are working for local offices that are funded by foreign governments and think tanks linked to advancing their geopolitical agendas. These locals are paid by them and therefore their allegiance and their livelihoods are sustained by the disbursements of funds that come from overseas. In such a scenario one cannot expect them not to be influenced by their paymasters. Their allegiance therefore is not for truth or justice for the people or victims of this country.

Manouri Muttetuwegama (Chairperson)

Is a member of the Friday Forum, a unit that has never issued a single statement against LTTE atrocities throughout 3 decades or even against Sinhala victims of LTTE terror. She has held appointments as chair to several Presidential Commissions on the Disappearance of Persons during the 1990s and has also been a member of the Human Rights Commission.

Dr. Pakiasothy Saravanamuthy (Secretary)

Dr. Pakiasothy is the Executive Director of the CPA. CPA has since its inception been at the forefront of the advocacy of federalism as a political and constitutional idea for addressing many of the constitutional problems and anomalies that characterize the Sri Lankan State.” (

CPA was at the forefront of the 2002 Norwegian backed Cease Fire Agreement and recipient of Rs. 272.31 mn during the three-year period. Some of these funding sources Norwegian Embassy, Commission Des Communautes (Norway), European Commission, European Union, National Endowment for Democracy (US),

Donors to CPA include USAID, Canadian International Development Agency, EU, Ford Foundation, GTZ, National Democratic Institute, NORAD, OXFAM, Save the Children Sri Lanka, Asia Foundation, Berghof Foundation, Friedrich-Naumann-Stiftung, UNICEF, UNDP, UNHCR

He was openly critical of the GOSL banning 16 LTTE fronts under UNSC Resolution 1373 in 2014 though not calling that they be investigated to prove their links to the LTTE and thereafter have them removed if not.

Quoting Colombo Telegraph Dr Saravanamuttu is himself accused of similar kinds of corruption – billing for un-held workshops, double billing scandals; i.e getting grants from two donors to do the same task and duplicating receipts, hotel bills and other bills to submit to donors (perhaps even submitting same bills to multiple donors), and hoodwinking donors by filing expenses under safe cost columns.”

Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu & CPA Slip White-Collar Crime Under ‘Executive-Summary’ Carpet


The constitution has to change. A federal government for all of Sri Lanka will improve the government for all, including the Sinhalse in the South.”

 Dr Gamini Viyangoda

Leads the Purawesi Balaya movement Civil society leaders including Dr. Gamini Viyangoda, who leads the Purawesi Balaya movement that strongly supported the Sirisena candidacy in January” (Daily Ft) the letter featured is co-signed by several names in the panel and others associated with the new constitution – Dharmasiri Bandaranayake, Dr. Jayampathy Wickramaratne

 Prof. Chitralekha (Sitralega) Maunaguru

head of the Department of Tamil Language at the Eastern University. Co- founder of Suriya Women’s Development Centre in Batticaloa. Attended a three-day international conference on `Facets of Tamil Diaspora’ in 2007. She is also signatory of a letter signed on behalf of Tamil women which called for the release of detainees under PTA, demilitarize the north and east, facilitate UN special rapporteur visits. This letter was also signed by Sandya Ekneligoda.

She is also the author of “Gendering Tamil Nationalism: The Construction of `Woman’ in Projects of Protest and Control.” Unmaking the Nation: The Politics of Identity and History in Modern Sri Lanka.

She also sits on the Advisory Board of the Noolaham Foundation

 She also served in the Board of Directors of ICES (International Centre for Ethnic Studies) ICES receives funding from a range of bilateral and multilateral donors and foundations including Ford Foundation, CIDA, IDRC, Diakonia and NORAD

 Prof. Daya Somasunderam

senior professor of psychiatry at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Jaffna, and a consultant psychiatrist. Clinical Associate Professor in Psychiatry, Daya Somasundaram himself fled Sri Lanka fearing for his and his family’s safety, and is Australia’s first ‘refugee scholar’ at the University under the Scholar Rescue Fund. He advocates devolution When it comes to addressing the real issue, it is a matter of power devolution. 

LTTE website Tamilnet

Mirak Raheem

former researcher with the Centre for Policy Alternatives (working under Pakiasothy Saravanamuthu), serves as Trustee for Neelan Tiruchelvan Trust (Neelan Tiruchelvan a promotion of federalism/devolution) He also sat on the FLICT Steering Committee (Facilitating Local Initiatives for Conflict Transformation funded by  German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development. FLICT is also supported by the European Union)

Raheem & Bhavani Fonseka co-authored a report ‘Land in the Eastern Province-Politics, Policy and Conflict’ acknowledging their debt to Pakiasothy, but the report after visits to 3 towns is full of generalities and reflects an attempt to shift landownership rights from a sovereign government into the hands of minorities.

 Dr. Farzana Haniffa

Senior Lecturer, University of Colombo, manager of The Citizen’s Commission. She is a council member of the Social Scientists’ Association and Chair of the Board of Directors of the Secretariat for Muslims (originally Peace Secretariat for Muslims set up in 2004 and received a grant of Rs. 23,9 million from the Norwegian government in 2005 and Rs.27m in 2006)

 Visakha Dharmadasa

heads an NGO to champion the armed forces as founder and chair of Association of War Affected Women and Parents of Servicemen Missing in Action but at the one to one meeting with UNHRC head Pillay she had spoken against the Sri Lanka Armed forces. Is also part of another NGO – InclusiveSecurity founded by Ambassador Swanee Hunt (member of Council for Foreign Relations) Inclusive Security’s advisory council also includes former President Jimmy Carter, Mary Robinson (former President of Ireland/UN Commissioner for Human Rights 1997-2002 and well known for the Durban racist conference) – Mary Robinson was also a signatory to The Elders letter sent to UNHRC encouraging a resolution against Sri Lanka, also serving on the advisory council is Kenneth Roth the Executive Director of Human Rights Watch an agency that belongs to George Soros. Roth has been accused of bias in Venezuela, Rwanda,

Dharmasiri Bandaranayake

Is a film director & producer of Ekadipathi (The Dictator) in 1976, Makarakshaya (The Dragon) in 1985, Dhawala Beeshana (Men Without Shadows) in 1988, Yakshagamanaya (Resistible Rise of Arturo) in 1994 and Trojan Kanthavo (Trojan Women) in 1999.

Shantha Abhimanasingham PC

Jaffna Bar Association President, hairperson of the National Committee studying the problems faced by Women-Headed Households

Prof. Gameela Samarasinghe

Associate Professor in Psychology in the Department of Sociology, University of Colombo. She has served in the Citizen’s Commission on the expulsion of the Muslims from the Northern Province by the LTTE in 1990. She is also the Founder of The Good Practice Group

The other members to function as Expert Advisory Panel and Representative (Regional) Advisory Panel include the following names.

The names of the 2 Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka members have not been given neither have the social activists from Jaffna and Batticoloa.

These teams are to set up the following commissions

  1. Commission for Truth, Justice, Reconciliation & Non-recurrence
  2. Office for Missing Persons based on the principle of families right to know (with expertise from the ICRC)
  3. Judicial Mechanism with a Special Counsel
  4. Office of Reparations.

They are given 3 months to finish consultation & submit recommendations of a terrorist conflict that lasted 3 decades!

Bhavani Fonseka

She is a senior researcher in the Centre of Policy Alternatives headed by Pakiasothy Saravanamuthu (co-authored with Mirak Raheem also in the Task Force and both involved with CPA)

Brito Fernando

President of the Families of the Disappeared. How many of LTTE’s victims does this organization represent?

Signatory to letter urging government to stop hate campaigns. A UK newspaper however, reveals that ‘Violence more common’ in Bible than Quran

Sudharshana Gunawardena

co-convenor of ‘Platform for Democracy’. Representing Rights Now Collective for Democracy his letter to Human Rights Commission of Sri Lanka (same names keep appearing)

Nimalka Fernando

She is President of the International Movement Against All Forms of Discrimination and Racism (IMADR). As a student was involved in Student Christian Movement. In 2011 she received the Citizen’s Peace Award from the National Peace Council of Sri Lanka (the head of the NPC spoke at a meeting organised by NESoHR which had a map of Eelam behind him)

her interview given to IPS on the 22 March 2006. (

the reconciliation that is needed should also provide dignity to the Tamil Nation on the island.” (2014 –

Niran Anketell

Since late 2008, he has worked in the chambers of Mr. M.A. Sumanthiran (TNA) – he is loyal junior of Sumanthiran.

Spoke in favor of a Commission of Inquiry at the seminar organized by Nimalka Fernando’s IMADR in Geneva 2014, also speaking at this event were Sandya Ekneligoda and Ananthy Sasitharan of the TNA.

Mr. Niran Anketell, a Tamil lawyer based in Colombo, started his presentation by welcoming the consensus resolution which includes key set of civil society’s demands such as: the international involvement in the transitional justice process

the TNA with Sumanthiran or Anketell cannot be trusted with information pertaining to war crimes and crimes against humanity” Don’t Trust The Colombo TNA Leadership With War Crimes Evidence!

Father Yogi (why is a Catholic father included to a Task Force?) Does he work for a NGO? – When Dr, Pakiasothy Saravanamuthu, Bhavani Fonseka, Brito Fernando, Niran Anketell, Rev. Fr. V. Yogeswaran who are the very members of the Task Force have endorsed that the Sri Lankan army are already guilty before being found guilty by any court of law and their organizations have also endorsed same where is the neutrality?

In 2015 a host of ‘academics’ signed a letter addressed to President Maithripala Sirisena, Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Prince Zeid Bin Ra’ad, Leader of the Opposition R. Sampanthan and Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera on the UNHRC resolution on Sri Lanka, stressed the need for learning from the experience of the countries such as South Africa and Cambodia. These academics seem to have confused LTTE terrorism with Apartheid in South Africa and Pol Pot in Cambodia (they may not have known that Pol Pot was secretly funded by both the US & UK Governments). Some of the names chosen for the Committee were signatories highlighting that they have already concluded that war crimes have been committed by the Sri Lanka armed forces. This makes them automatically unsuited to sit on the panel.

Given that two of the above team are looking into the affairs of the Muslims, we need to next wonder why there is no champion for Sinhalese rights/grievances when the Sinhalese compose 70% of the population of Sri Lanka.

What is also obvious is that at no time in the post-2009 reconciliation process have any of these entities or individuals named, uttered a single word on the need to resettle Sinhala IDPs, address Sinhala grievances, look into the socio-economic welfare of Sinhala victims of LTTE terror or demanded the return of the Sinhalese & Muslims to their original homes in the North. None of the above named individuals or their organizations have issued a single statement against LTTE or questioned how LTTE struck terror for 30 odd years or called to investigate the individuals/organizations or countries that provided material and other support to the LTTE. Given that the resolution explicitly says ‘both sides’ why is the LTTE always omitted from investigation? In particular the 12,000 LTTE cadres that surrendered acknowledging they were working for the LTTE.

 Any individuals by virtue of being funded by foreign parties and linked to ideologies that run contrary to Sri Lanka remaining a unitary & sovereign nation are unsuited to be on any task force of national interest.

The above are identified as NGO activists paid by foreign funds to steer a pro-foreign policy agenda. None of them are respected amongst the majority community or have shown to have functioned with unbias & neutrality. None of them have openly condemned LTTE terror on civilians at any time throughout the 30 years. Their organizations have never gone to Geneva to complain against the manner LTTE has systematically targeted civilians outside of the war zone. These players are only targeting their statements at the government forces. There is no balance in the composition of the Task force.

A committee must have balance. None of the names have a track record of highlighting LTTE’s crimes on civilians or thought it fit to use their organizations to showcase the manner LTTE struck terror. The Sri Lanka Armed Forces belong to the State of Sri Lanka, their conduct cannot be determined by civil society. There are military courts to do that. The foreign experts who have sat on international tribunals for previous war crimes have determined that the forces did not commit war crimes.

When the Tamil IDPs have got their fair share of reparations after the conflict, the Sinhalese & Muslim victims of LTTE were omitted from this but none of these individuals or their entities have highlighted this fact. On what grounds were the Sinhala & Muslim victims of the over 300 LTTE attacks omitted from getting international attention or sympathy.

A government needs the support of the People. The previous government was toppled by the People. The present Government needs to be aware that in a democracy governments need the People’s mandate to stay in power. The people are watching.

  • Who are funding these Task Force teams?
  • How are these Task Force nominees earning their living? Who pays them and who do they work for?
  • Have these members declared their personal wealth?

Shenali D Waduge







34 Responses to “Is Sri Lanka heading towards a Kangaroo Court?”

  1. Sooriarachi Says:

    This is an opportunity for President Sirisena to show the nation whether he is also a backboneless stooge of the West or not.

  2. SA Kumar Says:

    Is Sri Lanka heading towards a Kangaroo Court?
    Shenali D Waduge I remember you said VP (TE) have Kangaroo court
    now Mother Lanka have kangaroo ???

    So any thing you do not like it call kangaroo court .

  3. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:



  4. Fran Diaz Says:

    Re Pres Sisirsena is a stooge of the west or not :

    Pres Sirisena, when he appointed Ranil as Exec PM, said he did so ‘because the west wanted it so’. What a start for -ms !

  5. Fran Diaz Says:

    On a related note, I am going to write in some points on the Tsunami of Dec 2004, as it is more than likely related to the so called Missing Persons List.

    (1). We question here the so called MISSING PERSONS list. Does this List also contain names of those who died in the Tsunami of Dec 2004 ? The N&E were the worst hit areas. In fact, then Navy Commander, Daya Sandagiri stated that Prabhakran himself was in a Church near the sea front that morning of the Tsunami as it was Boxing Day. P’karan & Pottu Amman were both there together and got carried away by the Tsunami. Their bodies were never found. A long time later, a “funeral” was held for three LTTE VIPs who had died in the Tsunami. Three special Coffins were imported from Malaysia for the event. P’karan’s parents came from Tamil Nadu to attend the funeral.
    The LTTE Sea Tiger might was also swept away with the Tsunami.
    Just imagine the many tens of thousands who would have been carried away with the Tsunami waves from the N&E coastlines.
    I have yet to see the actual published numbers who went MISSING after the Tsunami from each area of the N&E. If such numbers are available, could someone make it available for us to see ?

    On another note of interest, J.N. Dixit, the Indian Envoy of the JRJ times, who was then called the Viceroy of Lanka, also died of a heart attack in Chennai, right after the Tsunami struck. Dixit was a Chennai born Catholic.

    Correct me if I am wrong in any of the above information.

    (2). We are greatly interested in the List of the those who were carried away by the Tsunami and a SEPARATE LIST of those who went missing due to war with the LTTE.

    (3). How many went Missing due to LTTE punishments etc. ?

    (4). How many ‘Disappeared’ and went Missing due to household problems, quarrels etc. Is there a special List of such folk ? Have such folk made re-appearance in other areas of Lanka or abroad ?

    (5). Don’t Disappearances/Missing Persons continue even to date ? We would like to see a List for 2014 to date, after Yahap came into power.

    (6). Have ALL Disappearances been lumped on Army activity to villify the SL Army ?

    CIVILIAN Casualities & Disappearances happen in all WARS. Why single out Lanka on this ? We think that there is a great deal of exaggeration here.


    More points :


    *. Re NON-RECURRENCE OF SIMILAR VIOLENCE : TAMIL LEADERS must officially withdraw the Vadukoddai Resolution (1976) as it is a call for Eelam using Violence, yet never officially revoked.

    I am sure there are many points to be raised here …..

  6. Christie Says:

    had the opportunity to talk to Pakiyasoothy Sarawanamuththu some years ago and I asked him about the source of his funds, He mentioned some of the names of Western countries. I said to him you get most of your money from India and he was silent.
    This guy is a good example of Indian funded Indian colonial parasites in the world.

  7. Fran Diaz Says:

    P.S. : We have to assume that the Nanthikadal Lagoon incident was with a P’karan ‘double’. After the Tsunami, the LTTE leader was not seen close up for photo ops. or even at meetings ….

  8. Lorenzo Says:


    Complete BS.

    What the then navy commander said was PROPAGANDA WAR. It has NOTHING to do with the truth. VP was a HINDU. He NEVER went to a church. VP’s parents were also strong HINDUS and built a KOVIL in VVT. ALL VP’s family members were HINDUS. Charles Anthony was also a HINDU. He was named after Charles Anthony a Catholic LTTE cader died in 1982 trying to save VP.

    VP WAS SEEN MANY TIMES after the war.

    e.g. Army performed a DNA test on VP and his sons AFTER May 19 and CONFIRMED they were related. Karuna confirmed it was VP.

    e.g. VP was in MANY PHOTOS with LTTE air force personnel AFTER their missions in 2007 and 2008.

    e.g. VP delivered the 2008 Maha-booru address taking into account events until 2008 November.

    STOP spreading MORE LIES. NO ONE belives them.

    SL army KILLED VP in war. Don’t INSULT the SL army by saying they killed a useless BODY DOUBLE. This is the type of LIES LTTE RUMP used to spread.

  9. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:




  10. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  11. Fran Diaz Says:

    Readers can judge for themselves whether P’karan died in the Tsunami or not. There are several articles in the internet on the subject. Please read them.

    P’karan never appeared to console his LTTE followers after the Tsunami struck. Instead a ‘statement’ supposedly from him, was issued to the LTTE.


    H. L. D. Mahindapala – Reporting from Melbourne

    Melbourne, 09 January, ( The state radio, Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC) reported yesterday “that the leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam and the Intelligence Chief of the Organisation are among the dead or reported missing consequent to the Tsunami tidal wave attack.”

    This was broadcast in the English and the Tamil news bulletins.

    The two broadcasts sourced the story to Admiral Daya Sandagiri who has not denied it so far.

    These broadcasts have angered the LTTE. Speculation on the whereabouts of the missing leader of the LTTE, Velupillai Prabhakaran, has been fuelled further by the LTTE attack on these broadcasts.

    “The LTTE wish to strongly protest against this mischievous act of the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation,” said the LTTE website “This is not the time for gossip mongering and malicious propaganda,” it said.

    Ever since the tsunami slammed the Mullathievu coast and ran five miles into the interior, there has been no sighting of Prabhakaran. National and international leaders have been touring the devastated areas consoling the people by their presence. Sinhala leaders have been moving even in the Tamil areas, including Prabhakaran’s birthplace, Velvittuthurai.

    Of the LTTE high command, only S. P. Thamilchelvam and Col Soosai have been sighted and heard. But the silence and the invisibility of Prabhakaran have not been so far properly explained by the LTTE.

    It is the accepted practice of all leaders to visit their people in distress. This is a necessary condition to impart some confidence and hope by their presence and also to show their concern for plight of the people. But Prabhakaran has not been sighted once. Nor has his voice been heard making a public statement.

    After six days a statement was issued which was supposed to carry his signature in Tamil. There is now doubt about this statement because it sounded conciliatory, going as far extending his sympathies to the “Sinhalese brethren.” This has not been the style of the known Prabhakaran in making public statements, according to some analysts.

    Besides, there have been frantic attempts made by the Tamil Churchmen and other leaders appealing for Kofi Annan, the Secretary-General of the UN, to visit the Vanni and meet the Tamil leaders and the people. But the same appeal has not been extended to Prabhakaran to come out and meet his people in this hour of their need.

    All this raises the question once again about the missing Prabhakaran. Was he injured seriously? Or was he swept away by the tsunami?

    One Tamil source in Trincomalee said that Prabhakaran and Pottu Amman had attended a special Tamil service held in a Mullativu Church on Boxing Day morning and all those in the Church were swept away when the tsunami waves ran deep into Mullativu.

    Nowhere else in Sri Lanka had the tsunami waves gone that far deep.

    It is now confirmed that the tsunami waves that lashed Mullativu did the most amount of damage to the military capability of the LTTE. Most of its navy of speed boats, its young cadres (some estimates put it at 1700), sensitive equipment and military hardware were all smashed or swept away by the Boxing Day tsunami.

    Tamil sources close to the LTTE say that the high command is attempting to put a brave front to cover up the biggest losses since they began their war against all communities – Sinhalese, Muslims and their own Tamils.

    They do not doubt that the heavy losses would have shocked even Prabhakaran. An EPDP cadre told the “Asian Tribune”: “God has done to Prabhakaran what no man could do so far: in one fell swoop God has crippled him.”

    It is also known that he is a recluse who prefers to hide rather than move with his people. He is also known to be paranoid because he knows that he is a wanted man in India, Sri Lanka and even by his own Tamil who are waiting for a chance to do to him what he had done to their children and their leaders.

    But the most plausible reason is that he has gone into hiding fearing that the American spy satellites and the presence of Indian and American forces are out to get him.

    The LTTE has been echoing his paranoia accusing the Indian and the US forces of interfering in their affairs. The reality is that they resent their presence in Sri Lankan soil because they are getting too close to Prabhakaran.

    However, if Admiral Sandagiri has been quoted correctly by the SLBC then the tsunami has dealt Prabhakaran the final blow.

    The LTTE could put an end to all this speculation if it can produce a live TV broadcast of Prabhakaran. That is the best way to scotch rumors and give the lie to the SLBC broadcasts.

    But then if Admiral Sandagiri is correct how the LTTE can do to Prabhakaran what Jesus did to Lazarus.

    – Asian Tribune –

  12. Dham Says:

    She was found together with husband. Husband died soon. She was sent to Malaysia for medical treatment. India refused VISA when she wanted to go there. She came back to Sri Lanka and later passed away.

    Pakayasothy is a parasite drawing 2 lakh charity money and LTTE money too.
    Viyangoda was ex-terrorist JVP may favour terrorists than Army and Police.
    All other names are shocking too.
    Why is Jayasuriya name not there ?

    I have more faith on a single Exe Prez elected by people than all these pundits.

  13. Dilrook Says:

    We must understand the impact of a delayed war crimes investigation. There is a big difference between a war crimes investigation before 13A implementation, a TNA controlled northern provincial council, demilitarisation of the north, etc. and a war crimes investigation that takes place after these.

    Had Sri Lanka agreed to the 2009 UNHRC resolution for a war crimes investigation without delaying it with the commitment to fully implement 13A, NPC elections, etc., at the end of it hurt Tamils would not have the tools to divide the nation.

    However, by today Tamils have all the tools to divide the nation (demilitarisation, 13A, a TNA controlled NPC). A war crimes investigation will open old wounds and cause resentment, revenge and mistrust. Tamils will fallout with the government. But now Tamils have the tools to disintegrate Sri Lanka.

    Was this intentional? I think so on the part of some advisors who infiltrated into Mahinda’s inner circle.

  14. Dham Says:

    Recently Zeid agreed with Sirisena that there will not be “war crime” investigation but “violation of human rights” investigation.

    I remember you ( and Rajiva Wejesinghe) agreed some investigations should be done to see what happened during last phase of war. We now feel that was a good idea but too late.

    As you said, the government did the opposite. Did not agree to any investigation but agreed to fully implement 13A, NPC elections, etc.. .

    But even now it is not too late, it is just the wrong people agreeing to wrong and completely unnecessary conditions. It is all the same in 2009 but even worse people.

    We will never get good people if we hang on to personalities than to principles.
    No one is even talking of correct principles now.

  15. AnuD Says:


    Remember, One day, you understand that it worked. Just believe me.

    Be one with the enemy.

    One thing is defence, that is what you talk. Another way is to go with them and screw up them.

  16. Fran Diaz Says:

    What about the LLRC ?

  17. ranjit Says:

    Shenali tell me a single person in this trecherous Govt who is a patriot to Motherlanka? They took the power by deceiving the people of Sri Lanka with the help of black money given by Satan and the Indian parasites.Nobody can deny it because its the truth. By knowing very well that this situation we are in today will come our stupid people believed these evil lot and gave their vote. Our stupids must suffer more then only they will open their eyes and ears.

    I still can hear their damn lies, how they promisedoesn’t care the Sinhalese or our religion Buddhismnd the moon within a year. Did they kept their promises up to now?.Most of the vultures in this evil Govt were election losers and Indian lovers. How can people who were rejected by the people Govern a country? These parasites were all power hungry, money hungry traitors to our Motherland. Hitan very well knows about these eleven traitors and should not allow such traitors to tarnish the image of our homeland and do anthing against the country. Gayboy doesn’t care about our Sinhala race or the religion Buddhism because once a traitor is always a traitor. He almost gave our country to the LTTE last time so this his second chance to help those Tamil traitors to the Motherland. It’s not surprising they will do anything to hurt the feelings of the Sinhalese and the Buddhist religion. We need to rally behind the leader who saved our Motherland from Barbarians LTTE terrorists and their supporters.Time has come to stand together as one nation to beat the hell out of these local and foreign traiyors to the Motherland.

  18. Dham Says:

    LLRC ? I call it mother of all betrayals.
    Because whatever they do now, it is part of LLRC recommendation lists, hidden somewhere.

  19. Lorenzo Says:

    That is correct Dham.

    Tamil appeasement started in a BIG WAY with the LLRC. It has HUNDREDS of recommendations all appease Tamils.

    What Dilrook says is SHOCKING if true!



    USA and Endia are very cunning.

    1. They FIRST CREATED the NPC, demilitarized =======> PAVED the way for separation because Tamils already have a TOP LAWYER as CM, EXPERIMENTED with running an administration THEIR WAY

    2. Then they AROUSE Tamil people by war crimes/HR investigation ===================> CREATE desire for separation because Singhalese army will be called war criminals!!

    NO ONE saw this coming.

  20. NAK Says:

    Sooriyaarchchi, How can MS show something that he doesn’t have!

    What happenned to the case against Sujeewa Senasinhe who violated election law and harrased or assaulted policemen during the election.

    Where is that bokku kata Mahinda deshapriya who split hairs and promised to act against EL violators regardless who they are.
    Everybody praise the present IG as an impartial person,what about the case against MP Senesingha.
    A person in Kurunegala was remanded for giing alms as a violation but Senasingha on live TV said he is on a parade with 20 vehicles when canvessing was prohibited. Where are Mr. Elections commissioner?
    Why are the united opposition silent on this?

  21. Christie Says:

    A Brahmans’ court.

  22. SA Kumar Says:

    NO ONE saw this coming.- every one know include 5 years old school boy !

    NPC – Saiva TE

    EPC- Muslim TE ( Soni & Batticalo people can live together as both have same mentality eg: not reliable (Thoppi piraddikal – change their cup if they need eg: our kaddala Thalapathi(first in commonder) Karuna

    Other 7 PCS – Sinhe la Lanka

    United Mother Lanka for ever one of our
    live & let’s live

    NB/ only my personal concern Indian flag fly in Saiva TE not our Puli-kodi or even not Sinha-koddiya .
    People in Muslim please fly puli-kodi or at least Sinha-koddia (all three of community live thei &represent in mother lanka flag) NOT Indian flag.

  23. Fran Diaz Says:


    The LLRC had to happen. It is similar, but on a tiny scale, what happened after the WWII, where Europe had to be re-set, information on what happened released, and development of those countries happen with a new set of values and law.

    It is not the LLRC, but the Tamil mind set to acquire Lanka through language and violence, with ex-colonists aid.


    Learning the English language as a second language as well as use of the computer very important for the masses of Lanka if peace and prosperity for all has to happen.

    Peaceful means for Progress for all in Lanka have to be employed, not violence and dissent, as envisaged by Tamil Leaders and others who stand to gain by dividing Lanka.

  24. Fran Diaz Says:

    correcting error : read as – The main problem is not the LLRC, but the Tamil leaders mind set to acquire Lanka through language and violence, with ex-colonists aid.


    Also, what about the atrocities by the IPKF against the Tamil people of the North ?
    Rape, killing, plunder of wealth from households, were some of the atrocities by hte IPKF that we heard about.
    Has Mr Zaid Al Hussein of the UNHRC completely omitted this in his Report ?

    Have all Crimes committed by the IPKF also been lumped on the Armed Forces of Lanka, in addition to Missing Persons in the Tsunami and other causes ?

  25. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:


  26. Dham Says:

    With all respect may I point out to you that you have to correct one basic flaw in all your thinking, if you seriously love your country and want to see progress. You can keep on saying ” this should” “that shall ” but what is relevant is “what will”.

    Your problem is,
    All mistakes such as appointment of LLRC (this is only one but mother of all betrayals) are not mistakes but inevitable due to Tamils being evil, Catholics being evil, UNP being evil, Ranil+CBK+Sririsena+ (when you feel OK you put DJ, GLP, Vasudeva as bad other times they go to good peoples side), USA being evil, West being evil, India being evil.

    You can’t give the excuse of existence of evil, evil is always there. The good people must do everything to defeat the evil. Defeating evil is should come before doing good. Not defeating evil is BAD

  27. Fran Diaz Says:


    Defeat Evil first – hey, that’s exactly what MR govt & the Armed Forces did when the LTTE was removed. After that, the Tamil people, who had suffered greatly under the LTTE were looked after. Right Action there too.
    Given the circumstances in the world and the power blocs in operation, the MR govt set about on a Program of UNITY THROUGH DEVELOPMENT. Right Action there too.

    I have already mentioned the bugs in the ointment, and shall not repeat needlessly.

  28. SA Kumar Says:

    UNITY THROUGH DEVELOPMENT.- We-Tamil want devaluation through development because we do not believe OC money (Chinese) We only believe our own hard work .

    as MR promised after war He will give 13 plus (13+ 0.00001) if He had full file his promise We would not have been in present situation ( open house ) . as same as all our former head of states ( from DS to CBK) Sinhela Lanka He following their same bath broken promised to We-Tamil.

    Lord Bhudda talk about evil ??? evil does exist ?

  29. Fran Diaz Says:


    After the War with the LTTE finished, did the Tamil Leaders do anything toward real Reconciliation such as officially removing the Vadukoddai Resolution (1976) ? No.
    Not even an apology for 30 plus years of killing, murders, arson, waste of property, funds, loss of reputation of the country etc.

    If more Devolution is required, how is that aspect going to be handled other than with a virtual Fed State or virtual Eelam ? Why did the war happen ? It was to stop LTTE killing machine and keep the country unitary.
    Besides, more Devolution cannot be given only to the North. It has to be given to all the PCs. Then, what is the need for the GoSL ? It will be virtually 9 mini countries.

  30. Fran Diaz Says:

    Also, Kumar says he does not believe in ‘Chinese money – that he believes in their own hard work’.


    Then why didn’t the PC of the North use the GoSL money given by the MR govt to develop the North ? This was not ‘Chinese Money’ – it was Lanka GoSL money, and Tamil folk of the North could have honorably done their ‘own hard work’. Only some 23% of the money was used by the Northern PC. Why was that ?
    All the other PCs used the GoSL money given.


    North PC wanted to show that they were ‘neglected’ by the MR govt. …..

  31. Lorenzo Says:


    Both SLBC and HLD Mahindapala in 2009 said VP died in 2009. So the earlier news item was WRONG based on WRONG information created by SL’s military intelligence to DEMORALIZE LTTE cadres.

    NO LTTE leader DIED from the tsunami.

    Until 2009 ALL LTTE leaders were in KILINOCHCHI – LTTE capital.

    Similarly LTTE created a false news in 2008 that MR died in December 2008. You can google these.

  32. Fran Diaz Says:


    VP died in the Tsunami.
    The other guy who died at Nanthikadal was a ‘double’. It was said that VP had two doubles.

    When we ordinary folk saw the photo of the dead double of VP, we thought he did not resemble VP.

    Also, what was that VIP funeral with imported (empty) caskets about …. ?

  33. Lorenzo Says:



    DNA tests done by the GOSL CONFIMRED the guy who died at Nanthikadal was VP and Balachandran and Charles Anthony were HIS sons.

    That STORY about an imported casket was BASELESS. We CREATED it in early 2005 to CONFUSE foolish LTTE cadres and Tamil people. They were fooled for a while but later when VP appeared in public soon thereafter they stopped believing us.

    NO member of VP’s family was EVER put in an expensive or imported casket. NEVER! They were all CREAMATED without expensive or imported caskets. Shame you have fallen for a LIE we created for the consumption of LTTE cadres.

  34. Fran Diaz Says:

    Must go on what was in the news during those times of Tsunami as well as the end of the war.
    Each of us also must go on gut feelings on matters …. sorry.

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