Is Matthew Russell Lee a paid publicist of the LTTE?
Posted on March 5th, 2016

By Chandre Dharmawardana, Ottawa, Canada.

Christina Gallach, Under-Secretary-General for Communications and Public Communication barred Matthew Russell Lee from the UN  offices.  Lee  ran the website known as the  Inner City Press”,  based in New York. This website operated in a  grey area of journalism exposing”  institutional corruption, human rights abuses etc., and  supported   militant  groups in Africa and Asia, some of which are labeled  terrorist groups, or liberation groups”, depending on the politics of  the observer.

A news report in the Sri Lankan newspaper Divaina”, 5th March 2016,  states that  Matthew Russell  Lee is a paid publicity agent of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE). The LTTE is an organization  banned as a terrorist organization by most western countries including the USA and Canada, and also by Sri Lanka and other South-Asian countries. The LTTE, the inventor of the suicide belt used today in the Middle East,  fought a terrible terrorist war against the Sri Lankan  government as well as rival Tamil groups for 30 years, from approximately 1980 to 2009. Its leader Prabhakaran and associates were eliminated by government troops in May 2009. But the LTTE remains a strong well-funded activist organization among diaspora Tamils in the West.

Allegedly, Russell Lee claimed that the UN Secretary General Ban-Ki-moon, and his assistant Vijaya Nambiar had tacitly approved the alleged genocide” of the LTTE cadre  during its last days. According to Russell Lee, the UN leaders were complicit in the elimination of Prabhakaran and his lieutenants by the Sri Lankan army, telling them to surrender with a white flag, but not taking any steps whatsoever for a safe surrender. Many competent analysts hold that  Prabhakaran and his team had no real  wish to surrender, and no such white-flag incident ever occurred, or that a special message could be conveyed to Prabhakaran by UN officials or even the LTTE agents in the Tamil Diaspora, during the last hold-out. However, no reliable information is available.

However, Matthew Russell Lee and others have exploited  the confused situation to claim that a genocide” occurred  with the tacit consent of the UN”.  The UN itself has accused the Sri Lankan government of war crimes” but refuses to divulge sources or make  specific accusations.  Meanwhile a group of UK-based jurists including Sir Desmond de Silva claims that the law of armed conflict, applied  to the accusations made against the Sri Lankan government makes those accusations without merit.  However, ignoring such legal advise, the Sri Lankan Foreign Ministry has decided to meekly accept the UN-Human Rights commission accusations as its working principle!

It is well known that the LTTE held some 300,000 Tamils as human shields” till the very end. But most of them were freed by the government forces in May 2009. A Canadian Think Tank (McKenzie Institute) lauded the work of the government and rejected the accusations of the pro-LTTE NGOs.  The government of the day, as well as  Sri Lankan think-tanks like the Marga Institute  (which identifies with the anglicized Sri Lankans) claimed  that some 7000 people, most of them LTTE fighters, were killed in the final operation. See:

But the pro-LTTE websites claim that a genocide” of hundreds of thousands of people  occurred, while the UN claims that some 40,000 were killed. The ultra-Hindu Chief minister of the Northern Provincial council, notorious for his racist pronouncements (e.g., his denunciation of inter-racial marriages) has accused all Sri Lankan governments since 1948 to have committed Genocide of the Tamils”.

The Divaina” news report details that Russell Lee remained silent while the LTTE exploded suicide bombs amidst civilians in railways, banks and other public places, and assassinated Tamils who rose up in dissent. However, Russell Lee is allegedly echoed the propaganda of the LTTE through his own website.

Allegedly, one of the most lucrative contracts of Russell Lee was a campaign against Shavendra Silva, an ex-Major General of the Sri Lankan army delegated to the UN. Russell Lee claimed  that Shavendra Silva was a War criminal” and should not be allowed in the UN. Russell Lee engaged in  writing letters to the UN ambassadors on behalf of the LTTE lobby. It is alleged that the Sri Lankan Government and its army” are threatening to kill him, but did not lodge a  complaint to the police or the FBI. The Divaina” claims that Russell Lee’s  false media activity for the LTTE since 2008  earned him a Luxury house in Toronto, Canada.

Russell Lee’s allegations against the Sri Lankan government, as well as against the UN, and finally his attempt to illegally occupy a UN office assigned to translators of UN proceedings of closed sessions are said to have led to his expulsion.  Mr. Shivajilingam, a Sri Lankan provincial parliamentarian who is a cousin of the slain LTTE leader Prabhakaran, as well as Ms. Ananthi Sasikaran, the widow of the late LTTE-leader who was in charge of the LTTE child-soldiers are two people who have launched a protest campaign against the UN for the expulsion of Russell Lee from the UN corespondent’s association.

Russell Lee is said to have worked  hard for  an official showing” at the UN of the  controversial  movie of Callum Macrae of the UK-based Channel 4, named Killing Fields (see:  ). When this failed, Russell Lee is said to have claimed through various news media that the UN delegate Palitha Kohona had bribed” Giampaolo Pioli and prevented the showing of the Channel-4 movie at the UN. Apparently, Russell Lee had also been caught when he had secreted himself at a social event of Sri Lankan officials, although he was not invited. Russell Lee  acted as a spy” for his pay masters?.

The LTTE organizations, using its wealth has increasingly resorted to using American, Canadian and European nationals rather than Tamils to push forward their activities, as that gives them more leverage and more credibility in their host countries.

In contrast, it is alleged that the Sri Lankan Foreign Ministry under  Mangala Samaraweera does  not take a  clear cut policy of rejection of allegations made by   individuals like Russell Lee, due to the current ambiguous appeasement policies of the government.

6 Responses to “Is Matthew Russell Lee a paid publicist of the LTTE?”

  1. Christie Says:

    Look mates Indian Empire is behind the so called LTTE.

    In Canada, Conrad Blacks papers supported the Indian terrorist arm.


    Christiie, Don’t a one sided view of attacks on MOTHER LANKA! JVP in Australia joined forces with LTTE in CANADA to destroy Mother Lanka. They still have bankrupt politicians like Bimal Rajapkse supporting these dead Criminals.

  3. nilwala Says:

    No question about it Dr. Chandre Dharmawardena…Matthew Lee has been a paid journalist for the LTTE for a long time now. And Christie’s allegation re Yindia especially based on early experience with training of the LTTE and more recent experience with statements by its Envoy in Colombo (who proves himself to be NO DIPLOMAT) shows that nothing has changed with regard to their position of hegemonic intervention and adventures in SL

  4. NAK Says:

    Mathew Russel lee is nothing but a sucker sucking out to the LTTE for his personal benefit.He should have been thrown out
    of the UN long ago and better late than never.

    Indians are becoming bold by the day with a set of ‘Pimpiyas’ in charge of our affairs.

    The present J.N.Dixit’s younger brother should be sent packing for putting his nose in to none diplomatic affairs.

    Why don’t they build 100 000 toilets for Indians who use the street side in place of toilets rather than send ambulances to Sri Lanka which doesn’t need any.

    The fake Dr.Silva thinks 100 ambunlances can be placed at each street corner in a of an accident.

  5. NAK Says:

    Mathew Russel lee is nothing but a sucker sucking out to the LTTE for his personal benefit.He should have been thrown out of the UN long ago and better late than never.
    Indians are becoming bold by the day with a set of ‘Pimpiyas’ in charge of our affairs.

    The present J.N.Dixit’s younger brother shloud be sent pach

  6. jmack387 Says:

    There are plenty of LTTE-paid agents in the west, including the US. That includes the New York Times, TIME, Google News and the US State Department.

    Take Hillary Clinton running for President 2016. She is backed and backed by the Tamil terrorists. Read this ‘Stop Hillary Clinton – Stop Support for Tamil Tiger Suicide Terrorists’ at

    Or Google ‘Stop Hillary Clinton Support for Tamil Tiger Suicide Terrorists’

    Google ‘US Lawmakers with ties to LTTE terrorist money’ or go to

    Lara Stemple (UCLA) regurgitates Tamil Terror Propaganda

    Google ‘Lanka accuses US, UK of LTTE links’

    Google ‘LTTE heavily lobbied U.S.’ or go to

    US Lawmakers financed by terrorists:

    * Congressman Jim McGovern (D-MA), Google “Jim McGovern LTTE fake British Channel 4 video”
    * Senators Patrick Leahy and Robert Casey
    * Brad Sherman (D-CA-27), Google “Brad Sherman LTTE”
    * Rush Holt (D-NJ-12), Google “Rush Holt LTTE”
    * Danny Davis (D-IL-7), Google “Danny Davis LTTE”
    * David Price (D-NC-4), Google “David Price LTTE”
    * Hillary Clinton presidential campaign, Google “Hillary Clinton presidential campaign LTTE”
    * Obama presidential campaign 2008, Google “Obama presidential campaign LTTE”

    Plenty of scum to go around!

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