Posted on March 8th, 2016

Dr Sarath Obeysekera

Give us govt jobs


Ceylon Today Interviewed the media spokesman for Centre for Graduates, Anuruddha Wickremearachchi. He stressed that in 2012, graduates were recruited to the public service as development officers and since then no graduate was recruited to the public service. There are nearly 32,000 vacancies in the public service. Most of the vacancies are for teachers. However, the government had not taken measures to fill the vacancies with unemployed graduates


How do we rationalize the argument of this media spokesman regarding  his demand for state jobs for all graduates ? The country has been very generous in giving free education in schools and in Universities and is it fair for them to further depend on government jobs?

Hell no!!!!!!!!!

I did a degree in Petroleum Exploration and Production in Russia and I was told by then minister Subasinghe that there are no jobs for in Sri Lanka .He is the one who was responsible in putting oil into an exploration well in Mannar and boasted that there will be Oil during eve of the General Election in the same way one of the ministers in the previous  government boasted about giving a oil barrel as a dowry for each female getting married in the family !!!!!

I went to the West looking for a job and they employed me with open arms and if I kept complaining that I have to be employed by the Sri Lankan State I would have been driving taxi today

Why do these graduates wait for the state to give them employment? They can surely get together form groups who can provide services to private companies in many area like out sourcing Human Resources and preparing salaries etc

In England the white ( sometimes brown or black) tree cutter calls himeslf Tree Surgeon !

Plumber whom we call  Paippa Baas” calls himself Plumbing Engineer  

My TV anteneae technician called himself Satellite Technology Engineer !

Actual surgeon is not called with title Dr but Mr !!!!They do not mind

One of my good friend who retired as an Air Vice  Marshal told me that even a fitter of airplane equipment should have a degree and training and they call him  an Aircraft Engineer”otherwise they will never allow him to even a touch a spanner !

We need to be more sensible .They should train themselves  to be Welding Engineers” rather than a simple Welder ,Fitting Engineer rather than a fitter ,then the society will recognize them

They are also accepted in their families to marry their daughters

BA graduated in Arts expect to be junior executive in the state sector .Why can’t they train to be a leader of a team of his own class and form a company and offer their services to private companies

They go to University on state funds ,go on demonstrations get frequent baths from water cannons used by police and become more and more anti establishment

I visit many government offices, state banks, Authorities where they are employed and they do not perform their duties even for the salary they get

What they should do is learn to speak and write in English fluently and I am sure private sector will grab them

Some Engineering Graduates and some doctors who studied in English cannot speak or write English for some reason

Do not wait for the bankrupt state to provide you jobs

Find a way to get self-employment or attach a skilled training and pre prepared to work in any field

During our times until we get a reasonable job we used to wash plates and even paint train bridges in the night

Let us be more sensible

As a final resort become politician from younger days and learn and train to steal ,kill,harras,blackmail ,rape and still behave like saints , and you will be driving a Montero in no time




  1. NeelaMahaYoda Says:


    Don’t blame Graduates for this, Blame yahapalana politicians, specifically Ranil for promising 100,000 jobs for these people during general elections.

    These poor village lads do not know what is happening in other countries. They just believe politicians can create jobs. because that’s what they promised.

    Sirisena promised the voters that Yahapalaya will continue with the same amount of development projects with only 10% of the money MR spend.

  2. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    Dr. Sarath !! Also a grave digger is known as a Soil Engineer.

    I gave this under-mentioned proposal in this same forum about two months back.:-

    Fifty 50 Graduates can form a Co-operative, Lease out 5000 Acres on a 99 year Lease, same as promised to FOREIGNERS, and start Agricultural Projects. Government must give them a hand with seed money to get started. They should be given Agricultural Equipment for their enterprise. Government Agricultural Officers should be in these Co-operatives to advise the Youth Graduates on Agriculture. For a start they can start on Cash Crops like Sesame, Soy Beans, and even Basmathi Rice. THEY CAN SETTLE DOWN IN THESE AREAS, BUILD THEIR OWN HOUSES, AND LEAD A GOOD LIFE.

    Similarly, Co-operatives could be formed to do Large scale Fishing. Sri Lanka can make the Fishing Boats, and sell to these Co-operatives on an Instalment Basis. This is immediate cash FROM THE SEA, and the cost of the Fishing Trawlers can be paid within no time. All our Fish is STOLEN BY INDIA. Flood the North with a 1000 Fishing Trawlers, owned and operated by these Graduates. Local Fishermen could get into Partnership with these Graduates. Fish Canning could be subsidiary Business Enterprises. INDIAN ILLEGAL FISHING COULD BE STOPPED IN ITS TRACKS. **If a 1000 ILLEGAL INDIAN FISHING BOATS ARRIVE IN SRI LANKAN WATERS DAILY, KICK THEM OUT WITH OUR 1000 FISHING TRAWLERS.


    What is the NCM always whining about Genocide, No Sinhalese should come to the North etc, when he could have Organised these Co-operatives. HE IS NO COUNTRY / PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATOR. HE IS ONLY A RETIRED JUDGE. HE IS NO ORGANISER, HE IS NO MARKETING STRATEGIST. HE HAS TO BE LEFT ALONE TO DREAM ON GENOCIDE OF THE TAMILS, ETERNALLY.


  3. Christie Says:

    Thanks Sarath.

    The 1956 Socialist state formed by SWRD Banda put an end to the basic foundation put in by the then UNP Government.

    Banda was funded and policies formulated by India and Indian colonial parasites.

    Agricultural Schools (Kundasale English Medium), Technical Institutes (Hardy English medium), Technical Colleges (island wide English terminology) for those who have completed ten years and eight years of education.

    All that destroyed and Vidyodaya and Vidyalankara became universities.

    Sarath; to find a job in the business sector in the island you need Tamil and you have to be an Indian colonial parasite.

    1956 have fu..ed up us the Sinhalese.

  4. Dham Says:


    “This is immediate cash FROM THE SEA, and the cost of the Fishing Trawlers can be paid within no time. ”

    Why pay ? India supplies trawlers free of charge. Graduates can employ an manage Indian prisoners (slaves). It is free. Only pay for a lot of rice for them to eat.

  5. aloy Says:

    I was about to remind the readers what Susantha wrote sometime back. Then I saw his above comment. These are the ideas GOSL should take in if they really want to provide employment. As mentioned by the writer the state employees except the teachers, health workers (doctors included) waste lot of time travelling by buses and trains from distant places and then in the office also using internet (according to recent findings). For that the government spend a good part of government revenue which a country like ours can ill afford. At every election the politicians promise lot of things to get their votes. So SL is tied up with never ending problems. I am sure this government too will eventually buckle down by giving government jobs when election time comes instead of devising way as advised above.

  6. aloy Says:

    I cannot understand why you attack SWRD so much. It is true that he made Sinhala the official language. But it opened the doors for a lot of people from Sinhala area to get to high positions which otherwise would have been for the Colombo, Kandy and Jaffna people only. He actually did a social revolution which no other leader was capable of doing in our country. He however knew that English was important for science education. During his short rule he tried his best to uplift the English knowledge of rural students. You may not know this, but I know it because I was a beneficiary. When I heard that he was shot, I was very sad.
    What proof you have to say that he was a stooge of Indians. If he was, Chinese would not have built the BMICH. Probably you have an agenda.

  7. Dham Says:

    Not only you , a lot of people wonder what this fellow doing whole day attacking SWRD who died 50 years ago. First I thought he was a LTTE and still possible. LTTE hates SWRD. But he started wring in Sinhala. Then he said there are Tamils who can read and write Sinhala well.

    On the Jobs issue, everywhere in the world ( except in Singapore) they talk about “job creation”. I think we can export these “job creators” to Australia, USA, UK, Europe places where politician think hard how to create jobs. You remember there was a time 1 CTB bus had 50 employees. We Sri Lankans have 50 years expertise in “job creating” and destruction of well run institutions.

    Here we talk about “job giving” now. Not creation. Jobs are there in the sky , no way to pay salaries but we just pluck and “give”. Doesn’t matter whether they go to offices and no chair to sit, no work to do.

  8. Dham Says:


    “Some Engineering Graduates and some doctors who studied in English cannot speak or write English for some reason”

    I was one of those but I could write English fairly although couldn’t speak. I obtained a Distinction for OL English but I couldn’t speak English well.
    Late 70s I was going to see a rugger match with a friend. We had to walk about 600 m to bus stop and we had already done 80% of walking when we met a middle aged man who asked us where a certain road ( name given) in English. We didn’t know how to instruct him. So we walked back almost near to where we started with him to the road he asked for.

    But we survived. My friend could not enter University but now retired after a successful teaching carrier. I graduated in Engineering and learned to speak English gradually in a foreign land. Our children now teach English to Suddas. But I believe it is god if we could speck well at an early age.
    Our parents taught us to be good citizens, never to make a living earning unjustifiable way or harming others. There is no point being very successful to suffer in hells after death.

    I believe Buddhism must be taught in the parliament, daily, to the 50 + year old fat leeches. A replica of Apaaya like in Kawatayamuna Temple must be constructed in The parliament, somewhere.

  9. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    On the other hand Sarath, it is the responsibility of the government to provide training for these graduates.

    As you know in England there are many training programmes for those who come out from universities. The government assisted programs are provided even for engineering graduates to obtain their basic skills necessary for them to work as fully qualified engineers

    And most important thing is that if they can’t find a job or a training, the UK government is obliged to pay (dole) living allowance until they find a job.

    So your argument has no value at all

  10. . Says:

    By Dr Sarah Obeysekera
    Answer to Response by to Susantha Wijesinghe

    I am happy that there are intelligent professionals like Susantha who have many bright ideas and proposals to the government .I decided to write back because he mentioned about establishment of Fishing Corporative coupled with land farming for unemployed graduates .

    It is a bright idea because I just opened up shipyard in Mutwal and Beruwala Harbour where we intend to build trawlers and we can find micro financing.

    Government talks about big investments from foreign companies ,but none of the ministers propose what is suggested by Susantha

    This is the problem in Sri Lanka .where we do not have forward thinking practical politicians

    I hope that the opinion I wrote today will appear in Lankweb tonight (09/03/2016)

  11. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    DR. SARATH !!!

    Why don’t YOU pick up the idea, as this proposal is a self starter for Your Trawler Building Project. Round up 50 Graduates who would be interested in Deep Sea Fishing. Round up Retired Naval Personnel who could Pilot the Tawlers. Do the Blue Prints, and your Trawler Manufacture would be in terrific demand.

    You can get an Interview with the Prime Minister, give him the proposal, and he would be delighted to have a ready made Plan to provide jobs to the unemployed. Get him to give the Order to the Banks to Finance the Purchase of Trawlers, by the Graduate Co-operatives. It is fun to see this proposal off the ground.

    Also meet the Chairman of Hayleys, and suggest this Fishing Project. They will be happy to diversify. If you promote the Graduate Co-operatives, Your Business will be off to a flying start. I can only encourage you by suggestions and Words. I cannot do anything from US.


  12. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:

    DR. SARATH !!


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