Posted on March 16th, 2016
Dr Sarath obeyskera
As an ardent supporter of Port City ,I suggest that following aspects should be looked at and action initiated from now ,much in advance to make it a successful venture ……
- How do we treat /dispose garbage of about 5000 tons per day ( expected ) from Port City and where ?-We do not have a plan to get rid of even existing 1500 ton garbage from Colombo as yet ?
- We need about 500 MW power for Port City .Where do we get it ,from ailing Norrocholai and much talked about Sampur Coal Power Plant ?
- We may need LNG run generation plant in the Port City itself?
- How do we plan to make facilities to commute over 1 million workers to build it and later for operations? Buses /Trams /monorail /bikes /trains?? ( or horse back/bullock cart !)
- Extension of Airport Highway to port to facilitate transport ?
- Fuel storage tanks in the City and have arrangement to pump vis SPM (single point mooring buoy installed or for transporting from Kollonnawa or MurhurajAwela ??
- Planning to ban Three Wheeler not only entering Port City but a boundary around port city ?
- 1 million tons of water required for construction and operation?
May be to install RO desalination plant dedicated for the Port City ?
- Sewerage treatment 500 ,000 cu m disposal to the sea perhaps far away for fish to consume ?( I may have to be vegetarian)
- SLT telephone services to be expanded and improve broadband services ??
- 500,000 Work force to build ( are we allowing Indians or Chinese ?) as all our young work force is driving one million three wheelers ?
- Bricks, sand, earth and metal to be imported? (as we have Environmental Restrictions to transport ) or use sea sand ?
- Steps taken to provide work to local construction companies who are now idling?
- Do we have enough cattle ,goats and swine for the consumption by work force of Chinese when they build ? ( no problem if it is Indian as they are vegetarians and Dahl consumers ) If not ,we have a have to start cattle farms ,piggeries ( not in Muslim areas) ,goat farms in the East and they should commence breeding from now ????????????
- Finally we may require lot of coconuts for opposition to smash in Seenigama against Port City and foreign invasion ??
Dr Sarath obeyskera
March 16th, 2016 at 3:30 pm
Direct disposal of sewage sludge to the open ocean and deep seafloor has taken place in the past. But not recommended now.
The ‘best’ example is the “106-mile” dump site in the deep (2500m) NW Atlantic, serving the populations of New York and New Jersey. Between 1986 and 1992 when all dumping ceased, a total of around 42 million wet tons (1.5 million dry tons) of sludge were disposed of at the 106-mile site.
What happened 2500m down at the 106-mile dump site?
• A substantial proportion (20-70%) of the dumped sludge reached the deep seabed. It was also detectable at the seabed some 110km from the site.
• Potentially toxic metals and organic compounds, commonly found in sludge, occurred at substantially increased levels in sediments close to the site.
• Sediment community oxygen consumption doubled, i.e. the sewage was being ‘eaten’ at the seabed.
• About one year after dumping ceased community oxygen consumption, and levels of oxygen within sediments, returned to near normal.
• Stable isotope tracer studies (carbon, nitrogen and sulphur) of the sea urchinEchinus affinis showed that sewage derived organic matter was entering the seabed food web.
• The sediment dwelling animal community (the benthic infauna, particularly polychaetes) changed – previously unrecorded species became abundant.
The biological changes observed at the deep seafloor as a result of sewage sludge dumping are typical of those expected when organic enrichment is provided. We observe similar changes in response to natural seasonal, inter-annual and regional variations in the flux of carbon to the deep seafloor.
Two international conferences in 1972—the UN Conference on the Human Environment, and the Intergovernmental Conference on the Convention on the Dumping of Wastes at Sea—were the result of international recognition of the need to regulate ocean disposal from land-based sources on a global basis. These conferences resulted in an international treaty, the Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (also known as the London Convention).
March 17th, 2016 at 3:18 am
Dr Sarath,
What is the population?.
On the basis of sewage disposal I calculated it to be around 2.5 million persons at the rate of 200 liters per head per day which is about the same as that of Singapore. That is more than 10% of entire country. From where did you get these figures?. If these are from any report then the entire project report need to be scrutinized.