ECTA Indian invasion: Gopalaswamy Mahendraraja (Mahattaya) of LTTE was a RAW agent… who else?
Posted on March 30th, 2016

Shenali D Waduge

Prabakaran was made in India and so was the LTTE and all other Tamil militant groups too. That’s a fact. India created Prabakaran the LTTE leader not for him to help Tamils realize their dream of a homeland but to shoulder India’s headache from Tamil Nadu while destabalizing Sri Lanka until India was prepared to take care of the frills to incrementally annex Sri Lanka. We now see that happening with the moves to sign the ECTA, changing the constitution to enable a re-merging of North & East and allowing a devolution set up towards eventual separatism. All to India’s benefit. The Muslims have got whiff of this and we see formerly anti-Sinhala Muslim writers now coming out to warn their people. The professionals of Sri Lanka are attempting to do the same but just as Prabakaran realized infiltration has taken place, Inside LTTE Mahathaya his own relation (both from the fisher caste) turned into a RAW agent with a mission to assassinate Prabakaran and take over leadership. In the end he was caught and killed for leaking secrets to RAW. We need to now question how many among us are also Indian agents peddling the Indian expansionist agenda?

The importance of resurrecting Mahaththaya for this current political discussion is that it was he who was instrumental in setting up the political unit that was later promoted into a political party from which the present opposition leader hails. Mahaththaya was born Gopalaswamy Mahendraraja and was from Point Pedro. He joined LTTE in 1978 along with Kittu (Sathasivam Krishnakumar) and Raghu and became its deputy leader 10 years later. While Prabakaran was in India, it was Mahaththaya who led the LTTE. It was Mahaththaya who was delegated to negotiate with the Indian High Commission. It was he signed a 14 point agreement with Indian First Secretary (Political) on 28 Sept 1987.

He was also head of the People’s Front of Liberation Tigers in 1989 which was an idea set by India. The PFLT was created to obviously replace LTTE as a genuine democratic party. The party even applied for registration with the Commissioner of Elections. The party was inaugurated on 1 March 1990 in Vaharai, Batticoloa. It is said that Mahaththaya and President Premadasa had a good working relationship. It also came to light that Mahaththaya was also holding secret discussions with officers of RAW in Colombo. TULF leader Amirthalingam’s assassination is said to have been ordered by Mahaththaya as was the shooting of S Yogeswaran ex MP from Jaffna. Mahaththaya was also accused of betraying Kittu to the Indians and Sri Lankan intelligence agencies that led to Kittu’s death by suicide in January 1993.

He was soon accused of leaking information, arrested in 1993 and executed on 28 December 1994 along with some 257 other cadres loyal to Mahaththaya and a mass cremation was done (would this not constitute a war crime too). The execution was not known publicly but came out via Adele Balasingham’s book The Will to Freedom in 2001. Apparently the task of assassinating Prabakran was given to a former bodyguard of his who was in an Indian jail in Tamil Nadu and trained as main assassin.

The extent of RAW activity taking place in Sri Lanka’s North in the 1980s and 1990s can be clearly visualized from which we should now understand the extent of RAW activity presently.

There are some realities we need to now put in perspective.

If LTTE was a creation of India, so was Prabakaran and all other Tamil militant groups. It was also India that supplied the first free arms, ammunition and training. It was also India that whisked Prabakaran to safety when cornered by the Sri Lankan Forces in 1987 at Vadamarachchi. If thousands of people have died since 1987 as a result of Prabakaran the blame must go to India for had our forces caught Prabakaran the LTTE would have had to close shop in 1987 itself. It was also India that forced the signing of the Indo-Lanka Accord, the changing of Sri Lanka’s constitution and the introduction of the 13th amendment and the provincial council system and the amalgamation of two provinces on a bogus homeland theory. A small country like Sri Lanka does not need any federal set up on the lines of large nations like India and America. That Sri Lanka’s politicians lamely accepted the Indian googleys and stayed mum without arguing our cause legally and constitutionally we would not be saddled with India’s headaches.

The Indian headaches have included waves of illegal immigrants, the stealing of our fish, the poaching of our fish, ruining of our marine bed using illegal bottom trawlers by Indian fishermen, the indianization of Sri Lanka culturally, the arm-twisting methods used for signing agreements that give rise to wondering how many other Mahaththaya’s are among Sri Lanka’s politicians and other officials today. The current wave of troubles spell doom for Sri Lanka’s sovereignty for in tying up with the West’s geopolitical agenda, India is happily satisfying its historical goal to annex Sri Lanka for which the West has no issues because the West does not care two hoots about Sri Lanka’s history, heritage or our desire to protect our ancient traditions and customs. This is why ECTA will become Sri Lanka’s crucifixion for in signing this agreement we are agreeing to allow India to virtually invade Sri Lanka via business ventures and Indians who will run these ventures with Indians. We now have Indians controlling our oil, tea, despite better tenders from local firms the government has given the ambulance service to India, there are threewheelers with gps lined up to take the streets of Colombo with nicer vehicles and cheaper service which will immediately put 300,000 trishaws out of employment, likewise many other jobs of locals are likely to be lost. If people wake up and think of the scenarios they will better understand the long term dangers for the entire populace and realize that we are walking into handing over our freedom to a nation that had been conniving to ruin us from time immemorial.

We must also surely realize that all the new changes now taking place the ECTA, the road and rail link which India is anxiously wanting to fund, the various economic agreements, Indian High Commission a regular viceroy visiting all parts of the island and making inroads into Buddhist territory and the most important aspect of the new constitution will have India’s seal of approval and India’s influence with every word being drafted. The situation is this serious. How many amongst us realize the seriousness of the situation?

The silence of our politicians on these crucial issues makes any to wonder how many are foreign agents.

Shenali D Waduge

2 Responses to “ECTA Indian invasion: Gopalaswamy Mahendraraja (Mahattaya) of LTTE was a RAW agent… who else?”

  1. AnuD Says:

    In India Trade Protectionism is very high among States. Because, of this Sri lanka will never win if ECTA is signed.

    If Sri lanka needs a break need to sign trade agreements with selected States. within India.

  2. Fran Diaz Says:

    Thank you for this article.


    Yes, all the warning signs are there of an INDIAN and even other foreign country take over. The 5,000 acre lots lease to foreign countries and the so called unnecessary New Constitution must ring warning bells to all concerned citizens.

    How many people agree with the Yahap Plans, we do not know. Shocking how many, particularly Colombians, will probably fall into this category.

    Are people expecting the Jnt Oppn to alone perform miracles and remove all these newly emerging Yahap programs that are selling out the country ?
    The Jnt Oppn is still a relatively small group.

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