Asgiriye Mahanayake position
Posted on April 5th, 2016


5 Apr 2016

The position of the Mahnayake of the Asgiriya Chapter of the Siyam Nikaya will be decided in the next couple of days.  I am sure the Buddhists of Sri Lanka would want to see a more energetic and patriotic Buddhist Priest will come to give pride and stature to this exalted position in the Sinhala Buddhist hierarchy.

The current lack luster incumbent, who hold a similar position in the Malwatte Chapter is more of a proverbial  ‘stick in the mud’ and a stooge of the United National Party.  He has been evasive in tackling issues that matter to the Sinhalese and in particular to the Sinhala Buddhists.

In the past most that has come to adorn this position have become pawns at the feet of the politicians. They have shown little interest and have taken little effort to protect, promote and advance the cause of Buddhism in Sri Lanka and in the world at large.

Buddhists of Sri Lanka need to express their opinion on the upcoming election of the Mahanayake of the Asgiriye Chapter.  Another lack luster nonagenarian will be a disaster waiting to happen for the Sinhala Buddhists at a time when there is a Catholic Administration  running the government.  A Catholic Administration akin to the Dinh Diem Regime in Vietnam of the sixties is now in power with a nimcompoop as the President.

We hope the Karaka Sabha of the Asgiriya Chapter will make a wise decision in selecting the next Mahanayake of the Asgiriya Chapter. A concerned populace awaits a good outcome for the fortunes of Buddhism are at stake.

We need another  Ven Palipane Chandananda Maha Nayaka Thero to adorn this important position.

2 Responses to “Asgiriye Mahanayake position”


    How about “Hadigalle Pannatissa”. oops! he is dead and gone long time ago. He was Pramadase’s Gold smuggler.

  2. Nimal Says:

    Hope he will be good enough to open the road by the Maligawa.Colonials did us no good, bring the relic to Maligawa,should be moved to a better place like the botanical gardens, where one could put a grand shrine.

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