Catholic Church against progress in Sri Lanka – Blessed are the Meek!
Posted on April 5th, 2016


5 Apr 2016

Time and time again the Catholic Church comes to the forefront against any work of progressive nature in Sri Lanka. First it was the Norochcholai Coal Power Plant in Puttlam. Now it is the Port City Project!

Against the Norochcholai Coal Power Project the Catholic Church had many misgivings, similar to what they are expressing against the Port City Project, mainly environmental concerns. None of the concerns that they bring forward are those that cannot be mitigated using modern technologies. The benefits that can accrue to the city of Colombo and thereby to Sri Lanka are immense. Singapore will not be what it is today if they did not reclaim land from the sea. So goes for Hong Kong, South Korea and many others.

All over the world there are Coal Power Plants, some old, very old and some new operating in the midst of population centers. With modern technologies it is possible to minimize most of the environmental issues. If not for the Catholic Church, Sri Lanka would have received all island electrification almost 30 years ago when the first Coal Power Plant was suggested and presented. For almost that time the Catholic Church was at the forefront protesting as they are now against the Port City project. They have their agenda to balkanize Sri Lanka and thereby to Christianize the island. They aim to have their own Kristu Rajaya in the North Western Province of Sri Lanka and this effort is part of that project. The end result according to sources –  Sri Lanka missed the opportunity to have a state of the art Coal Power Plant from Japan!


Coal Powered Power Plant  situated in close proximity to the city of Huntly in New Zealand

Today the Chinese made 900 MW Norochcholai Coal Power Plant, in spite of many misgivings about its performance, provides almost 50% power to the national grid at Rs 7.00 per KW Hr. If not for this power plant most of Sri Lanka will be in the dark and the loss of production alone would have cost Sri Lanka Billions of Rupees in terms of lost revenue.

It is difficult to imagine why the average Sri Lankan is taking these lies and damn lies, lying down. Yesterday’s protest against the Port City Project in Colombo spearheaded by a Catholic Priest is another occasion where the Catholic Church’s opposition to progress in Sri Lanka comes to the fore. Where are the Engineers, patriots and Buddhist Priests who can see through this Catholic Church masquerade? They should be on the streets to hound out these bogus environmentalists. This attempt to keep Sri Lanka poor is part of their strategy to evangelize and Christianize the country – for it is easy to convert the poor and get them to serve the Christian West and the rich, corrupt and immoral Catholic Church.  This is part of the project initiated by Pope John Paul II when he said that 21st Century is for the evangelization of Asia – the project to bring Asia into subservience of the Christian West and of the Catholic Church!

Yes according to them the Blessed are the Meek! The poor and meek are their foot soldiers!

They bring innocent, poor and ignorant Christian fishermen on to the streets for this immoral exercise. They also bring brain dead environmentalists and deluded and naïve Buddhist Priests of the Palli Nikaya to help with these protests. Instead of directing their wholehearted environmental efforts against the Tamil Nadu fishermen bottom trawling the sea around the Jaffna peninsula they are out to prevent progress of the city of Colombo. This never happens for that does not advance the hidden agenda of the Catholic Church for Sri Lanka.

The pathetic Catholic Priest Sarath Iddamalgoda has the gall to say that the Port City project in Colombo –  will ‘destroy the whole country’ – ‘disturb fishing, destroy nature, not benefit ordinary citizen and will have a severe impact on the country’s marine resources and livelihood of fishermen’. It is difficult to imagine how less than one square mile of land reclamation from the sea can destroy the whole country! What a load of hog wash reverend father”!

This excuse for a human being should be going and preaching to his own church for what they have done for the last 500 years around the world. How many countries, cultures, and peoples the Catholic has destroyed. Think of Galeleo’s fate for telling that the Earth is not at the center of the Universe! Think of the inquisitions – the Spanish, the Portuguese, the Italian, the French and the Goan! Think of the genocide in Rwanda, which the Catholic Church orchestrated! Think of collaborating with the Nazis and collusion with the Jewish holocaust! Think of utter devastation of the North and South American cultures! Think of devastation brought to Black Africa! Think of the utter devastation in Sri Lanka from 1505 CE onwards! Think of the Catholic Churches now constructed over Buddhist Temples! Think of all lives of the young boys and girls destroyed by pedophile priests now given sanctuary in the Vatican. After all think of the hypocrisy of the Catholic Church!

Yes Rev Sarath Iddamalgoda you can think – all the way to hell for the crimes committed by your church against humanity! So stop this masquerade for Sri Lankans will not be meek!

Sri Lankan protest Chinese funded port city project

Mon, Apr 4, 2016, 11:43 pm SL Time, ColomboPage News Desk, Sri Lanka.

Apr 04 (AP) COLOMBO- Hundreds of people, including priests, environmental activists and fishermen, protested in Sri Lanka’s capital on Monday, demanding the government halt a $1.5 billion Chinese-funded port city project.

The city, to be built on reclaimed land off Sri Lanka’s west coast, is to include a golf course, marinas, apartments, hotels and malls. About 500 people demonstrated in Colombo, shouting slogans and displaying placards reading,

We urge the government to stop this immediately.”

Chinese President Xi Jinping inaugurated the project in 2014 during the tenure of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, who relied heavily on China for infrastructure projects. It was suspended after Rajapaksa lost an election in January 2015, with the new government saying it wanted to review all projects to ensure they were environmentally viable and corruption-free.

The government decided to allow it to proceed last month, in a move seen as an effort to reassure China. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe is to visit China this week.

CHEC Port City Colombo, which is constructing the project, said a supplementary environmental impact study has been completed to “understand and fully assess the project’s impacts and mitigation measures in developing a comprehensive plan to maximize the benefits.”

One Response to “Catholic Church against progress in Sri Lanka – Blessed are the Meek!”

  1. Nimal Says:

    All religions are against the people moving forward. Progressive thoughts, minds and life styles that are a treat to their enterprices.So we can do with out the lot or treat them with a pinch of salt. Religion is big business for some as I see my relative do it well in Kiyoto.Can’t blame them as there is a good following.

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