Appeal to all Patriots
Posted on May 20th, 2016

Dr Sudath Gunasekara 20.5.2016

I want all of you to read the following news item on a message issued by Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn UK

Why not all Sinhala organizations round up the British Embassy immediately in Sri Lanka protest and condemn this idiot’s anti Sinhala despicable statement and demand him and the British Government to apologize to the Sinhala people all over the world and ask the Bloody British Embassy to wind up and go home.

Also request Sri Lanka Embassy in London to lodge the strongest protest of the entire Sinhala  Nation, against this behavior of LTTE rump Jeremy  Corbyn

Also ask him first to take back all South Indian Labourers in the Sri Lankan up country tea estates whom they have planted here to suck our resources and establish a Tamil Kingdom in Sri Lanka on the advice of their ancestor Governor Torrington in 1847. And then he can take all his Tamil Brethren in Sri Lanka and give them a portion of his country for them to have a separate Tamil State there and claim self determination rand any damn thing they want without trying to F…. us so that they will vote the Labour Party at the next election-a sure way to send Gordon Brown home.

Isn’t it not enough this idiot’s ancestors have robbed us and plundered our resources for 133  years to build their empire and gave us enough headache by importing millions of Malabar Tamils and settling them all over the country including the Heartland of the nation.

Why can’t these ba….ds mind their own business without madly interfering in matters of innocent people of other countries.

I am making this appeal to you ALL as there is no President, Prime Minister, Foreign Minister/Ministry or a Government in this country, or at least, ONE SINHALA PEOPLE’S REPRESENTATIVE IN OUR MOST IN-AUGUST ‘MONKEY CAGE’, to protest against this type of unsavory, unethical and barbarous pronouncement by a son of a Viking.

Over to you the brave patriotic Sons and Daughters of Sinhale

To ask this man to go and fly a kite!

Colombo Gazette May 20 2016

UK’s main opposition backs self-determination for Tamils

Britain’s main opposition Labour Party says it supports the right to self-determination for Tamils in Sri Lanka.

Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn vowed to stand with the Tamil community in the search for truth, justice, accountability and reconciliation.

In a video message and written statement released to coincide with Mullivaikal Remembrance Day, the leader of the Labour Party also reiterated his support for the implementation, in full, of the UN Human Rights Council’s resolution on Sri Lanka.

Paying tribute to how the wider Tamil community had shouldered injustice for decades” Corbyn offered his thanks for the enormous contribution” Tamils have made to life in Britain.

Meanwhile Sen Kandiah, Chair of Tamils for Labour, said the Tamil community is deeply grateful for Jeremy’s message of solidarity.

There has been no better friend to the Tamil people, and to the causes of truth and accountability in Sri Lanka, than the UK Labour Party,” he said.

Kandiah said that with the on-going support from Jeremy and his fellow Labour MPs, Tamils in the UK will redouble their efforts to ensure that justice is secured for the tens of thousands of Tamils who were slaughtered on the beaches at Mullivaikal, and elsewhere, in the final days and weeks of Sri Lanka’s armed conflict. (Colombo Gazette)

UK’s main opposition backs self-determination fo

7 Responses to “Appeal to all Patriots”

  1. Ananda-USA Says:

    Let this be a WARNING to all those FOOLS who want to APPEASE the Tamils by offering them a “FEDERAL” system: This is not a call for a FEDERAL system but a call for OUTRIGHT INDEPENDENT EELAM!

  2. stanley perera Says:

    It is the work of Tamil votes hunter. UK, Canada and Australia Anti Sinhala politicians are desperate to win the Tamil votes. Therefore they are supporting the Tamil terrorists. Those idiots can cry their eys out, we Sinhalese must laugh at them calling all names on earth. What the hell they can do in our country SL. Tell them to go an jump in the late. This is the matter we are capable of dealing within the country without the help of Tamil votes hunters. Simply because they are white skinned bums, it does not mean they are people of substance. Most of those white skinned bums are ignorant and corrupt up to their eye balls. We Sinhalese in SL did not send them to their parliaments. If an American senator was bought for an air ticket and a belly ful of saiva sapaddu we know what their integretty is. Idiots can be recognised in their behavior and utterances. If a bum cannot understand where they belong to and can be bought for a song they are the scum of the earth. Do we tell them what they should do. White do gooders are desperate to get the Tamil votes. Bugger the B…….s.

  3. Dilrook Says:

    Ananda, Sri Lanka is already a federal country. 13A is far worse than Indian federalism. Here is proof.

    Please read the following article by an expert.

    13th amendment is Indian constitution plus
    By Sugath Kulatunga

    What I propose is to reverse backwards from 13A (Indian federalism plus) to Indian federalism.

    For the record, Mahinda Rajapaksa also supports (in addition to promising it in 2005) abolishing executive presidency and 13A (which is far worse than Indian federalism). The unitary clause in the constitution is a trick to fool idiotic Sinhalese. It means nothing. Much like the supreme place for Buddhism which is violated almost on a daily basis as the next Article nullifies it.

    Also for the record 13A allows land and police powers to the province and are unofficially exercised by the NPC and EPC to get things done their way. Almost all magistrates and senior police officers in the north are Tamils who are manipulated by the TNA using community control.

    The unitary clause followed by 13A clauses later has created something like the Sinhala folk story ‘Gamarala saha panikkiya’ – fool Sinhalese to believe they are living in a unitary country while appease Tamils with extraordinary benefits in the north and the south far beyond what Tamil Nadu Tamils enjoy.

    The biggest supporter of 13A (who is with Mahinda) disapproves Indian federalism as it is a step backwards for Tamils that enjoy more under 13A.

  4. Dilrook Says:

    What is the official stand of the UNP, SLFP, JVP and the JO on this? I have not heard it from party leaders especially from the JO that is supposed to be patriotic.

  5. ranjit Says:

    A brave Sinhala Buddhist must rise up in the country to save our Motherland from this horrible state. We should talk only of Sinhalese whether anyone like it or not because who will talk about their grievances or find solutions for their problems?Who suffered most during Tamil terrorism? Who will answer for all the massacres of innocent Sinhala civillians for thirty long years? Who killed Buddhist monks, children, adults as well as political leaders in our Motherland? Why only we talk about Tamils? Sinhales must unite and demand from this evil Govt the answers on behalf of Sinhalese. If we allow this dictatorship Govt to carry on we won’t have a country to call home when you look at the way it’s moving. Para suddas and the Infian parasites dictate this evil Trio to break our land in to pieces. Be alert and be ready to sacrifice your lives to save our Sinhala land.

  6. Ananda-USA Says:


    You say “Sri Lanka is already a Federal country” …. SO WHAT? That is what MUST be DESTROYED …. UPROOTED COMPLETELY!

    Not long ago people said “Sri Lanka is already Divided in Two …. EELAM EXISTS! …. Let us give it to them!”

    Fortunately there were SANER TOUGHER MINDS … Who said



    The Sinhala LIONS are GIRDING their LOINS to do it ….. Watch & Learn my friend.

    It took 30 years to DEMOLISH EELAM; it will take less than 5 years to DEMOLISH the 13th Amendment & the Provincial Councils, and EXPEL all TRAITORS from the country!

  7. Dilrook Says:

    Dear Ananda,

    Are you saying that with authority or is it just your (and my) wish?

    Many promised to win the war but only Mahinda did it. However, no one promises to end federalism (13A). That is the difference. 13A has given de facto Tamil Eelam to the north and an easy livelihood to thousands throughout the country. Provincial Councillors are the organisers and supporters of national politics. Party leaders depend on them. Removing PCs will be a huge loss to them.

    In a country personalities and politics rank above national interests, no political party will promise to abrogate 13A (federalism) let alone do it.

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