Jayalitha’s mammoth victory portends a great danger to Sri Lanka
Posted on May 21st, 2016

By : A.A.M.Nizam – MATARA

  • Government granted a new definition to tiger terrorists
  • The so-called Genocide Remembrance Day” celebrated on a grand scale
  • Government accepting North and East as a historical Tamil Homeland is not far away
  • Jayalalitha’s victory poses a great danger to Sri Lanka’s Unitary Status.
  • Join together to oppose all Tamil Nadu moves against Sri Lanka

Many countries in the word which participated in the World War II still celebrate their Victory Days although the World War was concluded several years ago. Russia celebrated Victory Day on 9th May, 71 years after the signing of the act of military surrender by Germany.  With a population of around 188 million, 10 million Russian soldiers sacrificed their lives, half of all the soldiers that died in the war. Of around 75 million soldiers and civilians who were killed and died due to starvation, only 419,400 were Americans.Victory in Europe is celebrated on August 15, and in UK on September 2nd.

Sadly the government of Eunuch Sirisena which consists United National Party elements who ridiculed and belittled the war, making statements such Toppigala is an unimportant thick jungle, any bull can fight a war, our soldiers are only moving towards Pamankada saying that they are moving towards Alimnkada and moving only towards Medawachchi saying that they are moving towards Kilinocchchi and the army commander is only fit to lead the Salvation Army, has adopted a policy to make us forget that the ruthless tiger terrorists killed 29,000 of our gallant soldiers, made over 23,000 of them disabled, brutally killed thousands of civilians including prominent Tamil politicians such as Afred Durriappah. A.Amirthalingam. Yogeswaran, Lakshman Kadiragamar, Thiruchelvam, widowed thousands of our people throughout the country, killed hundreds of Buddhist prelates, other religious clerics including Hundu Poosaries, and innocent children including babies, and destroyed properties worth several thousand million rupees.

Although it was a war against terrorism, and was a war not between Sinhala and Tamil people, the shameless government and its authorities interpreted the war as a conflict between two groups of the same country and celebrating the Victory Day tantamount to deepening the wounds in the minds of the people and intensifying hatred towards each other.

At the same time the government allowed the tiger terrorists to commemorate their fallen terrorists (LTTE War heroes as per the definition give by the Northern Province Governor Reginald Cooray) for the first time after seven years of ending the terrorist war and the terrorists took the maximum advantage of this opportunity to celebrate the event under the name of Genocide Remembrance Day and events related to this were held throughout the North and East by lighting flames and candles in the background of the so-called Eelam Flag”, and supporting events were held in many European countries such as Britain. Canada, South Africa and several other countries providing global recognition to this heinous event.  As per the unfolding events the days of Eunuch Sirisena government accepting North and East as a historical Tamil Homeland is also not far away.

In the meantime, Jayalalitha’s massive victory – winning of 134 seats in the 234 seat Tamil Nadu State Assembly elections – has given a significant boost to the tiger terrorists.  In her Election Manifesto itself she asserted that her party would take continuous steps” to attain a separate Eelam for Tamils in Sri Lanka so that they can live with full freedom and self-respect.

During the election campaign she called for the central Indian government to grant dual citizenship for Sri Lankan Tamil refugees living in her state.

Jayalalithaa also reminded during the campaign that she has been continuously demanding for an independent Eelam, for an international probe over war crimes and alleged genocide against Tamils in Sri Lanka. She alleged that DMK and Congress were together responsible for the destruction of Sri Lankan Tamils.

Noting that Sri Lankan Tamils have for long been living in and outside camps in Tamil Nadu, she said her regime was giving them all facilities and added that her government opposed the central government when they tried to repatriate people who were born to refugees and raised in the state.

She stressed that her party’s policy was that any repatriation should be voluntary and based on the choice of refugees after the situation in Sri Lanka, including security aspects changes fully, (for the better)”.

She recalled that the Tamil Nadu Assembly had passed several resolutions on the Sri Lankan issue moved by her and some of these included her demand for economic sanctions against Sri Lanka, an international probe against ‘war crimes’ and another related to a referendum (that she wanted to be sponsored by India in the UN forum) among Tamils on the question of a separate Eelam (Tamil homeland).

The Northern Province Chief Minister C.V.Wigneswaran was the first overseas Tamil leader to congratulate Jayalalita on her historical victory, winning two consequent terms in Tamil Nadu. Congratulating her Mr Wigneswaran has said that once again he looks forward to seeing her assist the Eelam Tamil struggle.”

He has reminded Jayalalitha that during her election campaign she has told Tamil Nadu voters that her party would work towards justice for genocide and a separate state where Tamils in Sri Lanka could live with independence and respect.

Jayalalitha who was considered as the paramour of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Sri Lankan born M.G.Ramachandran who helped Prabhakaran at the very beginning with funds, arms and ammunition to start the onslaught against the Sri Lankan forces and launch the Eelam War, has risen as the re-incarnation of the slain megalomaniac terrorist leader Velupillai Prabhakaran.

Under these circumstances the situation for the illusory Eelam demand has now got aggravated and it has become extremely dangerous for Sri Lanka since the Eunuch Sirisena government will not take any step against the hegemonic India and Narendra Modi will fully accede to Jayalalitha’s demands at a time he has lost support in many States.  Therefore, we Sri Lankans have to be very vigilant about the Tamil Nadu moves to establish the illusory Eelam and must jointly fight against such moves and eradicate them completely.

6 Responses to “Jayalitha’s mammoth victory portends a great danger to Sri Lanka”

  1. Dilrook Says:

    Actually it is a huge reduction for her party which along with its partners won 179 seats in 2011 state elections only managed 134 seats this time. It is still higher than the 118 seats required for majority. BJP had no impact among Tamils.

  2. stanley perera Says:

    This fat slob can make big noise. Who cares. We also have friends like Subramanium Swamy. Corrupt Indians are the winners in India. What is happening to Indians challanging Modi’s educational qualifications? It looks like CBK’s Sorbones degree. Indian degrees are like buying namma dhaal from a boutique. JJ is the keep of MGR.

  3. ranjit Says:

    Our slobs also same as them. Uneducated dumbers ruling the country.They don’t care a damn about their own Motherland except money and power.What a pity to have such rulers in a country? If not for Mahinda Rajapaksa and his Govt we would have been still at war. Shameless bastards dont even mention his name when commemorating the victory day. These lunatics and parasites will pay someday for erasing and forgetting the victory day. We Sinhalese must do something without fighting each other.It’s a serious matter to think about more carefully. USA and India giving lessons to both our traitors how to get rid of MR and his family and how to divide the country and so on. These two are the most trusted agents of theirs. Awamangalaya is the Kapuwa.We need to rally behind True Sinhala patriots local and foreign. We cannot waste time. Delay means end of the road to our Sinhala nation.Already the Tamils are displaying their LTTE flag in public and commemorating their dead during the war.

    As soon as wesak celebrations are over we need to come together and fight this evil regime of two most vicious characters who came to

    power by a coup with the assistance of USA and Indian parasites. Let’s fight for our freedom and for our Sinhala nation where we lived harmonuesly for thousands of years.

  4. sena Says:

    The dollar starving weak economy (due to luxury spending of politicians and freely educated, large rupee salary earning middle class along with no productivity and large scale corruption by the same group) is a greater danger

  5. Fran Diaz Says:

    There are probably Grand Plans behind what is happening in Lanka.

    Some random thoughts on the topic :
    – Europe was where two world wars started.
    Is Europe now looking for guard countries from all over the world and INDIA has been ear marked as the regional boss for SE Asia ? Thus the take over of Lanka into the INDIAN fold ?
    – And of course the Contain China program is on too. In the old times, China did not collaborate with Britain for trade purposes. China was flooded with Opium by the British traders.

    Tamil Nadu sided with British colonists during the time INDIA was colonised by Britain. Why did they do that, we
    wonder ….. what prompted Tamil Nadu to collaborate with the British Empire ?

  6. Fran Diaz Says:

    It is not good for Sri Lanka that Jayalalitha is back. She has an affiliation with the west, and Lanka through M.G. Ramachandran who was one time Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu. MGR was an actor. He was born in Upcountry, Sri Lanka. As he usually played the role Shiva in films, the ignorant folk in TN used to throw themselves under the heavy cart MGR rode during festival time, thinking they would be reborn in heaven ! Jayalalitha has no friendship toward Lanka – infact, she has shown herself to be hostile toward Sri Lanka, judging from her past behavior to Lanka.

    Referring to my previous entry here, here is proof (see dvd below from BBC) how the Tamil leaders joined the British and fought against India. No wonder Nehru passed an Anti-Secessionist laws in India (1963). He knew he could not trust the Tamil leaders and some others to stay within the Indian Union.


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