West-Wahhabi Islamic Terror: Does Sri Lanka have cause to worry?
Posted on June 15th, 2016
Shenali D Waduge
With Sri Lanka’s intelligence virtually crippled having key officers still kept in prison, the public have to do the duty of connecting the dots. There are some alarming developments taking place. Islamic fundamentalism and Western-created Islamic missionaries go hand in hand. Wahhabi faith is a creation of British intelligence while the present day Islamic terrorists are all Western-trained mercenaries hired from West’s Muslim allies. Therefore, fundamentalism and terrorism are part of the same chaos countries that are targets of Western hegemony end up having to face. It is a pity that the Muslim world will neither accept the truth about Wahhabi fundamentalism or refuse to become cannon fodder. Sri Lanka had to deal with 76million world Tamils. This time round it is 1.3 billion Muslims. Our leaders seriously need to wake up.
Some important factors
- Islamic terror a Western created geopolitical tool aligned to West’s Muslim-friendly states (political Islam is West’s trump card for military interventions/illegal occupation)
- Wahhabi Islam a creation of Britain and used to turn Muslims into fundamentalists (goal is to divide Muslims-Muslims and cause dissent between non-Muslims and Muslims) Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE and even Turkey allies of West for this endeavor. http://www.worldaffairsjournal.org/article/saudi-connection-wahhabism-and-global-jihad
- Western Govts, western-owned media, western-funded NGOs/Rights Groups promote ‘Muslims are victim’ bogus propaganda as a strategy to further antagonise the majority as these minorities are indirectly urged to indulge in incursive actions against majority to add further reasons to create the backlash when the West sees fit. (attempt to build a minaret above Dalada Maligawa, attempt to set up mosques in Buddhist sacred sites)
- Inability of Muslims to understand 1), 2), & 3) and thereby becoming ready & willing guineapigs
- West uses 1), 2) 3) & 4) to create dissent in targeted countries and thereafter arms both sides and enters scene as conflict-resolutionists while in reality putting a foothold in lands that provide geopolitical/trade advantage to them.
Developing trend towards these objectives in Sri Lanka
- June 2016 US Country Report on Terrorism – Sri Lanka section speaks of ISIL links http://srilankabrief.org/2016/06/usa-country-reports-on-terrorism-2015-srilanka/
- Is the ISIS threat catching up to Sri Lanka? By Vicky Najappa http://www.slguardian.org/2016/02/is-the-isis-threat-catching-up-to-sri-lanka/ article highlights Salafist sectarian groups such as Thawheed Jamaat promoting sectarian discord within Islam and against other sects like Shias and Ahmadiyas.
- February 2016 Fundamentalism Creeps Into Muslim International Schools” Colombo Telegraph reports that Ilma International, a leading Muslim private girls school in Colombo Sri Lanka, has been preaching a fundamentalist Islamic ideology to its children (Muslim girls) Salafist- Wahabist teachings were being taught https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/fundamentalism-creeps-into-muslim-international-schools/
- January 2016 Defense Secretary says 36 Sri Lankans gone to Syria some to join ISIS http://www.dailymirror.lk/101721/36-sri-lankans-gone-to-syria-some-to-join-isis-def-secy According to Sri Lankan military sources all 36 men and their extended families adhere to the strict and fundamentalist interpretation of the Quran.
- January 2016 http://www.sundaytimes.lk/160110/news/lanka-hoping-for-us-1-billion-from-saudi-banks-178397.html What will be strings attached to this?
- In 2015 a Muslim poet and activist Sharmila Seyyid was forced to flee the country after being ”hounded by Mullahs”. The poet who is a mother of one and wrote her poetry in Tamil had been threatened repeatedly by fundamentalist elements in her hometown in Batticaloa.
- July 2015 Daily Mirror Sri Lanka’s ISIS militant: Why we should be (very) worried” following the announcement of a Sri Lankan Muslim going to fight for ISIS and getting killed in Syria.M. Muhsin Nilan had been a karate instructor and teacher at an international school in Kurunegala (wonder what he taught those innocent children) http://www.dailymirror.lk/81155/sri-lanka-s-isis-militant-why-we-should-be-very-worried
- August 2015 Sri Lanka included into ISIS map (wonder by whom!) what is noteworthy is that Sri Lanka is supposed to be a target of ISIS by 2020 (that’s just 4 years away) http://www.asianmirror.lk/news/item/10653-sri-lanka-reportedly-included-in-new-isis-map
- 2014 Is there an illegal Muslim settlement and mosque inside Wilpattu? http://www.onlanka.com/news/is-there-an-illegal-settlement-and-mosque-inside-wilpattu-national-park.html
- 2014 Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa (at the Defense Seminar) pointed out that some foreign groups were trying to encourage Sri Lankan Muslims to identify themselves with the global Muslim community, thereby reducing their integration with the local Muslim community.
- 2014 Thawheed Jamaath Seeks Foreign Support To Protect Muslims Of Sri Lanka http://www.asianmirror.lk/news/item/2187-thowheed-jamaath-seeks-foreign-support-to-protect-muslims-of-sri-lanka Thawheed are representatives of Wahhabis in Sri Lanka
- July 2014 Web comment from Nalliah Thayabharan http://www.lankaweb.com/news/items/2014/07/03/muslims-wiped-out-complete-civilisations/ In Saudi Arabia there is no Church, Synagogue, Buddhist nor Hindu Temple is allowed. Wahhabism (pseudo Salafism) is NOT a religion of tolerance. Wahhabism provides the fundamental base for Jihadism which causes unending strife and misery. It is not Iran that should be bombed. In Iran there are still Jews living there and praying in their Synagogues…. Washington and London are protecting Wahhabi extremists…. In post- Muammar al-Gaddafi Libya,Wahhabi Jihadists bulldozed several Libyan Sufi mosques (including the Tripoli’s Al-Shaab Al-Dahman mosque) and Sufi graves (including the tombs of Libyan Sufi scholars Abdullah al-Sha’ab, Abdel Salam al-Asmar and of soldiers who fought Spanish colonialists). Wahhabi Jihadists also burned down several historic Sufi libraries in Libya recently. Wahhabis are trying to take the peaceful Islamic community in Sri Lanka down the path of extremism and violence. Wahhabis have already created deep divisions in among Sri Lankan Muslims and have formed gangs that intimidate moderate Muslims who speak out against Wahhabi fanatics. Wahhabis claim that moderate Sri Lankan Muslims do not know anything of Islam and only themselves are the real scholars of Islam. Saudi Arabia spends 87 billion US dollar per year to spread Wahhabism world-wide. Wahhabis have infiltrated Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation (SLBC). Almost all the participants and staffers in the Muslim section of Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation are Wahabis and use the State radio to propagate Wahhabism… more than sixty Muslim Wahhabi organizations helping in propagating the movement throughout Sri Lanka. CIA introduced Wahhabism in Sri Lanka through Saudi Arabia as a means of countering the growing support for Iran and Sufism among the Sri Lankan Muslims since CIA had calculated that Wahhabism would be an effective rival theology to prevent the spread of Iranian influence in Sri Lanka.
- 2013 Ministry of Education sets up Arabic University (questioning why ethnic-based universities are being allowed) in a country that speaks Sinhala, Tamil, English why is there need for Arabic?
- April 2013 US media (World Net Daily) reported that Al Qaeda was operating in Sri Lanka & Bangladesh http://adaderana.lk/news.php?nid=22368
- February 2013 D B S Jeyraj quoting Shamindra Ferdinando reports that Sri Lanka hunted down a foreign Al Qaeda suspect in Puttalam and handed him to CIA in a US extraordinary rendition programme in 2003. Only the then Premier Ranil Wickremesinghe, Defence Minister Tilak Marapone, Defence Secretary Austin Fernando and Minister Milinda Moragoda were aware of the operation. http://dbsjeyaraj.com/dbsj/archives/16789
- March 2013 – WikiLeaks: A Growing Wahhabi Presence In Eastern Province – Muslim Leaders (ColomboTelegraph) US Ambassador Blakes cable https://www.colombotelegraph.com/index.php/wikileaks-a-growing-wahhabi-presence-in-eastern-province-muslim-leaders/
- January 2012 Sri Lanka orders 161 foreign clerics out http://www.dailymirror.lk/16251/sl-orders-161-foreign-islamic-clerics-out These clerics had come on tourist visa and were going round Sri Lanka preaching Wahhabism.
- February 2009 a 150-year old shrine belonging to Sufis was destroyed by Thawheed in the city of Ukuwela
- July 2009 conflict between Thawheed and the Qadiri Sufi order, in the southwestern town of Beruwala, led to two deaths, more than 40 people injured, and 132 arrests. There are said to be around 800 Sufi mosques in Sri Lanka.
- August 16, 2009, Muslim Home Guards recruited by the Sri Lankan government to fight the Tamil rebels had deserted with their weapons and joined Thawheed to fulfill its demand for Jihad” against traditional Muslims. (Sunday Times)
- Since 2009 a significant influx of Wahhabi preachers and activists from south India and Saudi Arabia entering Sri Lanka
- 2008 (AsianTribune) Katankudy Sufi Muslims Prevented from Entering Their Homes
- 2007 Asian Tribune – Ugly face of Wahabism in Sri Lanka begins to seep. President of the All Ceylon Thareekathul Muflihen confirms the existence of Wahabists in Kattankudy and other parts of Sri Lanka http://www.asiantribune.com/index.php?q=node/7203
- The Halal labelling and the regulations requiring Muslims to enter non-Muslim businesses and look through the ingredients to confirm non-halal product usage while also charging non-Muslim companies to pay a separate amount was also a means to create dissent and disunity started by Thawheed wahhabists in Sri Lanka. Minorities with less than 8% population cannot dictate how the food labelling of a country should be and charge too.
- In similar incursive fashion Islamic banking has also been introduced. These are all with long term goals and takes Sri Lanka a step close to making it another Maldives divested of its Buddhist past.
Islamic Terrorists – foot-soldiers of the Western military alliance
- Prof. Michael Choussodovsky clearly shows that Al Qaeda, the Islamic State (Al Qaeda in Iraq), ISIS, Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), Al Nusra, Boko Haram in Nigeria, Al Shabab in Somalia, the Libya Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) (supported by NATO in 2011), Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM), Jemaah Islamiah (JI)in Indonesia are all supported covertly by Western intelligence http://www.globalresearch.ca/twenty-six-things-about-the-islamic-state-isil-that-obama-does-not-want-you-to-know-about/5414735
- Even Hillary Clinton admitted that the US created Al Qaeda & Osama bin Laden – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dqn0bm4E9yw
- British intelligence gave Osama be Laden & Al Qaeda £100,000 in 1996 http://www.propagandamatrix.com/shayler_gate.html
- The Muslim Brotherhood – Globalists secret weapon http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_muslimbrotherhood15a.htm
Saudi Arabia created by British – Saudi faith Wahhabism is not Islam
Just like Africa was divided amongst the Anglo-Americans, the Middle East too was redrawn out of the Ottoman Empire. The chaos the West has created and the areas under ‘West’s rebels’ are exactly the same as the map they created in 1930.
- The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia was created by the British in 1932. http://www.globalresearch.ca/saudi-arabia-britains-hand-in-the-making-of-a-terror-state/5519995 /
- http://www.serendipity.li/wot/livingstone.htm
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FPySIScbUOA What 99% of Arabs don’t know about ,The History of Saudi Arabia
Noteworthy is that Wahhabism was created by British before the creation of modern Saudi Arabia again by the British.
Origins of Wahhabism –
British spy named Hempher was responsible for shaping of the extreme tenets of Wahhabism as part of colonial British divide & rule policy (details in Memoirs of Hempher)
http://web.archive.org/web/20040805212422/http://asmar.perso.ch/wahhabies/htm/spy1.htm )
Britain’s orders to Hempher were “O Hempher, your next mission comprises these two tasks:
- To discover Muslims’ weak points and the points through which we can enter their bodies and disjoin their limbs. Indeed, this is the way to beat the enemy.
- The moment you have detected these points and done what I have told you to, [in other words, when you manage to sow discord among Muslims and set them at loggerheads with one another], you will be the most successful agent and earn a medal from the Ministry.”
Also read – Understanding the Origins of Wahhabism and Salafism http://www.jamestown.org/programs/tm/single/?tx_ttnews%5Btt_news%5D=528#.V2DHc49OLcc
Wahhabi fundamentalism influencing Muslims
- Saudis fund US mosques. There are over 1850 mosques in the UK.
- Until the seventies, women here were free to wear almost whatever they wanted. Bedouin women wore bright clothes and burqas, the parting of their hair and their kohl-lined eyes left exposed. Religious fanaticism led to the black abaya and facial covering being imposed on all female government employees, and on schools and universities. Wahhabi Islam demands conformity. All people must dress similarly – thus the black dress.
The abhaya, niqab, burka are not Islam but new cultures induced by Wahhabi Islam. This is why this new dress not seen earlier is now being promoted through the mosques and by influencing Muslim men to force their wives and children to adopt the new dress. The Defense Secretary Karunasena Hettiarachchi recently said that the rise in burqa which was not prevalent decades ago is a significant factor in understanding the level of fundamentalism that prevails.
Wahhabis in Sri Lanka act through a movement called Thawheed. In the small eastern town of Kattankudy a land area of 2.56sq.km with a population of 47,603 has over 42 mosques.
” This has never been the case and its alarming that the authorities didnt even pay due regard to this. Muslims of Sri Lanka have been a very vibrant part of the Lankan literature and culture. Never were their people imposing their beliefs systems on other Muslims. Those days a mosque festival used to be where the Sinhalese Tamil and Muslim children came to play and enjoy while the elders were reciting in the mosque. It was actually a feast with lights and decorations but today how many do we see?’ MAM Ismail a resident of Kandy told the Colombo Telegraph.
If you take Sinhala racism, the opposition comes from the Sinhalese itself. Even if its Tamil seperatism on social media its the Tamil community who first raise the flag and then joined by either racist or moderate Sinhalese. But what is alarming is the silence of Muslims. Muslims just do not ever speak against this and its on one hand sad and on the other very alarming”, Channa Abeetha Dahanayanke a researcher on anthropology and social media trends told the Colombo Telegraph.
It is crucial to put the zigsaw puzzles together. To do that one needs to understand the connections. If people understand that the Saudi Wahhabi faith has been created to not only divide & kill Muslims but as a means to sow dissent against Muslims by non-Muslims whiles these fundamentalists are been grown and brainwashed and spread to all corners so that the West can enter as conflict-resolutionists or to fulfil the ‘war on terror’ by illegal occupation … then we would all have understood the real story. If not, we will only be realizing the West’s goal and playing into the agenda ignorantly.
Shenali D Waduge
June 15th, 2016 at 6:53 pm
Thank you Shenali for another well researched article. We must keep our guard in place to nip Islamic terrorism in the bud as we should have done with Tamil terrorism.
However, a disproportionate reaction only worsens the situation. Even if Islamic terrorists carry out a terror attack in Lankan territory, that must be put into perspective. Most certainly it would be an isolated attack and not the tip of the iceberg.
A disproportionate and widespread response will only help Tamil terrorists justify their case and make use of the situation to team up with Jihad terrorists to disrupt Sri Lanka. It will also worsen Sri Lanka’s already fragile balance of payment and debt crisis as there will be employment restrictions in the middle east (largest source of foreign currency into the country). Over 1.2 million Sri Lankans, mostly Sinhalese work in the Middle East. With their dependents, it is about 4 million or more.
Sadly even European countries and USA have come to this realisation although it is far too late for them. As long as Saudi Arabia and Iran have their way with most countries (even USA, EU, India, Russia and China), there is very little other countries can do other than root out the operatives individually.
I disagree that Tamils raise the flag against Tamil terrorism in real life and in social media. That has never happened. In fact, Tamil civilians harboured thousands of suicide bomber terrorists (in almost all districts of the country) and other terrorists (sleepers). So far Sri Lankan Muslims have not done so. In fact, Muslims played a key role in defeating Tamil terrorism in Sri Lanka. They will be extremely helpful in fighting off extremists. All Tamils supported racist politics of TNA and the like but Muslims have not done so. SLMC and ACMC get only a fraction of Muslim support. Unlike Tamils seeing LTTE as a bargaining tool, most Muslims find extremist forms of Islam as a threat to them and their version of Islam. They know what happens in Syria, Pakistan, Libya, etc. where sectorial violence kills more than war.
June 15th, 2016 at 6:58 pm
කළුබෝවිල ඉදිවෙන වහාබි මුස්ලිම් පල්ලිය
කළුබෝවිල මුස්ලිම් ආක්රමණය එන්න එන්නම් දරුණු වුනේ ධනසිරි නමැති අසික්කිත නගරාධිපතිගේ කාලයේය. මොහු අපේ පරණ ජනාධිපති තුමාගේ කිට්ටුම මිතුරෙක් බව කණගාටුවෙන් වුවද සත්යයක් ලෙස කිය යුතුය.ශ්රී මහා විහාරයේ වැඩසිටි හිටපු ජනාධිපති උපදේශක හාමුදුරුවන් ගෙන් වත් පිහිටක් නොලැබීම තවදුරටත් කණගාටුවෙමු.
ගෙදරක් ලෙස අනුමතය ලබාගෙන සිදුකරන මේ අනවසර ඉදිකිරීම රෑට රෑට පැමිනෙන අප්රිකානු ජාතිකයන් විසින් දැන් තවත් කඩිනම් කර ඇත. රාජපක්ෂගෙන්වත් නැවතීමට බැරිවූ මේ පල්ලිය මේ කොටි ආණ් ඩුවෙන් නැවැත්වේයයි සිහිනෙකින් වත් සිතිය නොහැක.
කිසිම දේසපාලුවෙකු සම්න් ධ නොවේ සිංහල ජන්යාගේ මේ සටන සාර්ථක වේවායයි පතමු. ජීවිතපූජාවෙන් වුවද මෙය නතරකිරීමත පළාතේ ජනයා පෙලගැසෙමින් සිටිති.
June 15th, 2016 at 8:05 pm
Time for the Sinhalese to take a stand is now. They must be able to say – thus far and no further.
Over the issue of building a mosque in the environs of the Sacred Dalada Maligawa the responses of the Malwatte Mahanayake and the Anunayake were only lukewarm. They occupy these important positions to speak out on behalf of the Buddhist of Sri Lanka – the Buddhist position. Instead they were squirming and giving lukewarm ambiguous responses when a firm no nonsense reply was required. Muslims are using and profiting from the weaknesses of the Sri Lanka administrative structures to advance their work. The delegation that came to meet these worthies were well prepared on their strategy. The Muslim Affairs minister only agreed to postpone the construction temporarily.
In Dehiwala Galkissa area another tragedy is unfolding where an unauthorised Muslim Mosque is being built. There too the same minister agreed only to postpone the matter temporarily. When the Buddha Sasana Minister was contacted he was evasive and only agreed to look into the matter.
It would be foolish to misinterpret the Muslim threat.