Tony Blair Lied to his Countrymen!
Posted on July 8th, 2016

Vajiragnana Warnakulasuriya Melbourne- Australia

 Now that the Chilcot’s Report is out, all Britt’s who were fooled to believe Tony Blair must now feel ashamed for their low IQ. Tony Blair & G.Bush and Australia’s John Howard who made the World a living nightmare since that day are the real WAR CRIMINALS.

They started a never ending killing of innocent human beings all over the Globe by creating various TERROR groups MUSHROOMED due to the born hatred towards the non-Muslim nations whose initial wanton killings and destruction of their rich cultural heritage in the middle eastern countries. They must bear the responsibility for their incompetent leadership and autocratic attitude living on falsehood!

 Today there’s not a day without unnecessary bloodshed somewhere in the Globe related to this reason.

Sri Lanka is the only country that had a real brutal murderous gang of Terrorist whom the FBI claimed as LTTE terrorizing all over the Island. Any legitimate Government has the responsibility to protect the citizens and there are no set rules to annihilate an insurgent movement under the International rules in a conventional war, but insurgents & terrorists do not fall under any protection within these rules, that’s what Rajapaksa’s defence forces did to be victorious! Instead of playing ignorant of this fact UNHCR is wasting time pursuing a decent non-violent country Sri Lanka in this never ending CIRCUS!

 Besides a WAR is between two legitimate parties or with allied parties, whereas insurgents, terrorists and freedom fighters are undeclared, you never know who you are fighting with, one next to you who seems to be innocent may attack you unprovoked, that’s these groups style, once they are defeated they cannot seek cover from the conventional war rules, a legitimate government is not answerable to their grievances how grave they could be! For instance American forces kill innocent Pakistanis & Afghans using DRONES in the process of fighting the Talibans or any other terrorists in whatever label they are known, have they ever been found fault with UNHCR Mob!

 United Nations Secretary General and the International community that hound behind the former President Mr.Mahinda Rajapaksa must wake up from slumber now having seen this Chilcot report, they should feel ashamed for trying to frame a leader having seen a terror movie produced in Tamil Nadu for alleged extra judiciary killings who was merely protecting his citizens from a bunch of insurgents while the World renowned culprits Tony Blair, George Bush likes are walking scotfree!

 Well if Secretary General needs any satisfaction, there Chilcot has laid down in his report who are the real WAR CRIMINALS for having started a War with a regime for no apparent reasons. They originated brutal killings from Iraq and spreading all over the Globe never seeing an end to date! It’s time UN Secretary General drop these inept allegations against Sri Lanka they hear every time when the session are open while ignoring much serious War Crimes & Criminals not been discussed!

 It is indeed a dangerous precedence that the Sri Lankan Foreign Minister has created during the recent UN SESSION by agreeing to investigate the alleged war crimes in Sri Lanka by an International Judiciary during the conflict phase. I believe other sensible member states may oppose for this suggestion!

 Chilcot’s report clearly states this illegal war on Iraq by hoodwinking majority of Britt’s by Tony Blair was merely to change the Saddam Hussein regime.

 It’s these cheats, dishonored and failed leaders that Sri Lanka worships and seek advice to restore Peace, Harmony and to rewrite her constitution! So, if I say God Bless Her” one must not get upset! The country is now governed by this MOB.

Australia’s misguided involvement in Iraq war and it’s ramification since then explained by then Military advisor Andrew Willkie who resigned during the time dismissing Australia’s involvement is shear nonsense.

Listen to the Vedio.

 Vajiragnana Warnakulasuriya

 Melbourne- Australia


One Response to “Tony Blair Lied to his Countrymen!”

  1. vyasan Says:

    Bush & Blair called Irag, Libya & Iran “the Axis of Evils”, but in reality they, the U.S., U.K. and their allies are the “Axis of Evils”, that created and keep creating monsters(terrorist groups) around the world in order to loot the resources in the countries that are not favorable to them. They also cunningly used power hungry politicians in those countries to end their goals.It is the common mass that have to be careful of such politicians and wary of any suspicious activities around them to prevent such terrorist groups re grouping among them.

    Fortunately for the country of Sri Lanka, Mahinda Rajapakse happened to become president and succeeded in eradicating terrorism in the country thus enabling the people move and live freely in the country. In fact, as far as I can see, Mahinda Rajapakse’s ten years of presidency was the best happening in the history of independent Sri Lanka.

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