Tony Blair, Chilcot Report and the UNP led Government
Posted on July 18th, 2016

By Latheef Farook Courtesy The Daily Mirror

Courtesy The After losing more than two dozen elections, the United National Party (UNP), was voted into office last year. The entire Muslim community voted for the UNP to free themselves from the post-war persecution of Muslims by the Mahinda Rajapaksa regime.

However, dismissing Muslim sentiments, the UNP led coalition aligned itself, virtually unconditionally with the United States led British, French and Israeli neo con war mongers, who have unleashed worldwide a war against Islam and Muslims, destroyed several Muslim countries, killed millions of Muslims, forcing out millions of them into refugee camps and to cross the mighty oceans facing death for hundreds of them in deep waters and the rest finally ending up in the European streets as beggars.
As part of this Samaraweera foreign policy, Tony Blair and his family were invited by Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera on a two week holiday during November 2005.
This not only shocked but also insulted Sri Lanka–once a proud voice of the Non Aligned Movement and a fearless defender of justice for oppressed people worldwide in all third world fora and beyond.
Allowing Tony Blair to step into the soil of Sri Lanka, dismissing the island’s intelligentsia and the sentiments of the Muslim community is the last thing one could expect from a Government claiming to establish good governance.

“Despite the UNP Government aligning with US led war mongers the country was not flooded with investment as expected. “

However, it was not something unexpected as the country led by a UNP Government was perhaps the only Third World country that refused to condemn the US led invasion of Iraq.  When some Muslim Parliamentarians had tried to condemn the US invasion they were told, according to several sources, by the then Government members to leave the Government and do so.

Recently a report by Sir John Chilcot, a reputed civil servant, appointed by Ex-Prime Minister Gordon Brown in 2009 to report on the British role in invading Iraq, confirmed that deliberately misleading intelligence was used by Blair to join hands with US President George Bush, to falsely justify and invade Iraq, an illegal war that had led to the rise of jihadi resistance in Europe.
The two executed a Zionist- Israeli plan to destroy Muslim countries in the Middle-East, who were fast developing with their oil wealth.
The US had to make Israel safe at all costs. The US and Britain benefitted with roaring sales of arms all round.
Over 500 arms manufacturing industries in the US and Europe benefitted immensely, a small part of the proceeds of which they dole out to the Third World countries imposing on these poor nations conditions, that will keep them chained to these neo-colonialists for generations to come!
Ah, they will tell you these are conspiracy theories!
British Zionist Blair together with American Zionist George Bush masterminded the war to destabilise and reshape the Middle East to create a Greater Israel, a nation of foreigners in the Arab world, and to ensure its supremacy in the Middle-East Arab region, which hitherto comprised of peace loving Jews, Christians and Muslims, who co-existed as Arabs.

“Blair and Bush rained death on innocent Iraqi civilians. According to official figures almost one and half million civilians were killed…”

Many in the world opposed this senseless aggression as the Iraqis, who had already suffered enough since 1991, when the country was divided into three, under the guise of no fly zones, most of its weapons destroyed, its armed forces weakened, its economy devastated and pushed back to pre-industrial era, while the people were subjected to untold suffering due to economic sanctions.

Green MP Caroline Lucas said she believed Blair was a war criminal, adding:
It [the Chilcot report] confirms what we know, that Tony Blair lied, when he took this country to war on a false prospectus.
Blair and Bush rained death on innocent Iraqi civilians. They destroyed the infrastructure depriving essential services such as without water, electricity, food, drainage, transport network, health, education and even medicine. According to official figures almost one and half million civilians were killed. The exact figure is much more. Hundreds of thousands of men and women were subjected to worst type of barbaric torture and worst form of rape. Should not the criminals be made accountable?
There were also pictures of female prisoners being forced to pose for indecent pictures besides reports of rape about which most victims were reluctant to talk about due to the devastating consequences on their lives in this conservative society. Yet the details were shocking. Should not the world call these war criminals to account for the atrocities that they knowingly committed in order to advance a clear neo-con agenda?
This sadistic torture is deeply rooted in Western racism against the blacks and the Muslims, particularly the Arabs.
The Western shared values” have never stood so despicable in the eyes of the Arabs and Muslims in particular. But then where is the so called caring conscience of the West?

“It was this very same war criminal Blair invited by the UNP Government, given audience with President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe”

The Western arms industry is dictating to Western leaders and the Western media on their agenda and Chilcot will soon be history.
But transforming ordinary peace loving Blacks and Muslims into beasts and jihadists will continue as each round of cowardly drones continue to kill the innocents, while the Western media scream headlines that Precision targeted attacks killed terrorists”. They will continue until the barbarians arrive at their gates!
They created sectarian war pitting minority Shiite against Majority Sunnis in certain countries and majority Shiites against minority Sunnis in other countries. In yet another well-planned cultural crime against humanity, their cruise missiles, bunker busters and other Weapons of Mass Destruction also destroyed Iraq’s legal system overnight, when valuable documents such as birth certificates, land titles, criminal records, marriage certificates, business agreements, school records, vehicle registrations and even driver licences were used by US troops as camp-fire fodder. Should not these State terrorists be also held accountable?

“In yet another well-planned cultural crime against humanity, their cruise missiles, bunker busters and other Weapons of Mass Destruction also destroyed Iraq’s legal system overnight, when valuable documents such as birth certificates, land titles, criminal records, marriage certificates, business agreements, school records, vehicle registrations and even driver licences were used by US troops as campfire fodder….”

Around 170,000 items, including the Warqa Vase of 3500 BC, the bull’s head of Ur and the squatting Akkadian King of 2300BC, were looted.
Lamenting over this pillage, British MP Boris Johnson, also the editor of The Spectator, cried his heart out when he said:
It fills me with rage to think that at least some of the spoils of Iraq’s National Museum will, in all likelihood, end up as bibelots in the brownstone of some bankers in New York”.
The destruction of Iraq had been so meticulously planned, embracing every aspect of this ancient nation that one of their main aims was to physically eliminate academics, professionals and other intellectuals to wipe out the society for generations to come.
Hundreds of top Iraqi professionals, academics and other intellectuals were systematically killed by Israel’s secret service Mossad, which arrived with a list of names and addresses of more than 400 top intellectuals and killed them in their houses, offices, cars along the streets and other places.
According to the UN’s International Leadership Institute, 84 percent of Iraq’s higher learning institutions have been burnt, looted or destroyed.”

“The question is whether a small country like Sri Lanka, with almost three fourths of the population of Pakistani city of Karachi, can afford to antagonise the Muslim world, which remains the most sincere friend…”

The spoils from the Iraqi Museum of April 2003, the untrammelled looting of hundreds of archaeological sites and the burning of libraries have placed Iraqi’s access to culture, history, and science in graves.
The assassinations and the flight of Iraqi professionals are the most criminal part of this process.
Speaking in terms of the inhuman atrocities committed by Anglo-American troops in Iraq, one begins to wonder whether Bush and his British partner in crime, Blair and their troops were normal people brought up in decent families, with reasonable human values and feelings.
Renowned international legal expert C. G. Weeramantry, former Vice President of the International Court of Justice, said The Anglo-American alliance dragged their troops to the borders of Iraq without the moral, legal and factual evidence and took the illegal road to Baghdad carrying the Biblical curse of the sins of the father on his back”.
It was this very same war criminal Blair, who was invited by the UNP Government, given audience with President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe.

“This clearly showed that despite all claims of Good Governance the UNP remains the same and the Government’s foreign policy has been hijacked by the United States led Israeli, UK and European neo con countrie

Adding insult to injury Blair was honoured, when he was requested to deliver the Lakshman Kadirgamar Memorial lecture! Do we really need a war criminal to deliver the memorial lecture of an eminent Sri Lankan and that too on the ethnic crisis of the island?
To what criminal level has the Sri Lankan Foreign Ministry descend?
This clearly showed that despite all claims of Good Governance the UNP remains the same and the Government’s foreign policy has been hijacked by the United States led Israeli, UK and European neo con countries. They have begun their sordid rule of Sri Lanka through puppets! Minister Samaraweera’s and Government’s special love for the US, the UK and the European countries and Israel is not unknown.
However, what one cannot understand is the wisdom of welcoming him, despised by even the British public, on a Government invitation?
Despite the UNP Government aligning with US led war mongers the country was not flooded with investment as expected. Instead the island’s economy is continued to be sustained by the almost million Sri Lankan employed and remitting around seven billion dollars from the Gulf States!
Not only the Gulf, the whole Muslim world, not the dictators there, are watching carefully those, who collaborate with the Israeli sponsored, US led on-going campaign of demonising Islam and Muslims.
The question is whether a small country like
Sri Lanka, with almost three fourths of the population of Pakistani city of Karachi, can afford to antagonise the Muslim world, which remains the most sincere friend of Sri Lanka.

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7 Responses to “Tony Blair, Chilcot Report and the UNP led Government”

  1. Sarath W Says:

    Lateef Farook, it is too late to cry fowl now. Your community were no different to many Tamils and expect too much from the country. Which other country has given so much for the minorities like Sri Lanka does? This government will kiss any white arse and betray it’s own citizens, even the gallant armed forces who saved the country. The way your community treated president Rajapaksa was shameful, and I am glad you are paying for it now and so do the many others.

  2. plumblossom Says:

    Sri Lanka should tell the US that Sri Lanka cannot abide by the UNHRC resolution. The Sri Lankan Army did not commit any war crimes. It is the LTTE terrorists who committed war crimes throughout 26 years of war. No country with an ounce of self respect will place their army in harms way to be tried by a court domestic or hybrid of war crimes the army did not commit in anyway. If individual soldiers committed any crimes, a complaint can be placed in a court of law in Sri Lanka. Why is there a need for special judicial procedures? This government is a puppet of the US, EU, UK, Norway, Sweden, Canada and India and is so subservient to US interests that it is ready to try its own armed forces for crimes that the armed forces did not commit. All the while, the LTTE terrorists who committed war crimes are being shown as totally innocent. Using the ploy of wanting a new constitution which almost all Sri Lankans don’t want, this treacherous government is trying to create a separate state in the guise of a federal state as the TNA separatist terrorists and the US, EU, UK, Norway, Sweden, Canada and India wants. Sri Lanka should tell the US that Sri Lanka cannot abide by the UNHRC resolution. The worst that the US, UK, EU, Sweden, Norway and India can do is impose sanctions on Sri Lanka. So what? Sri Lanka can trade with all the countries of Asia and the rest of the world even if the US, UK, EU, Norway, Sweden and India imposes sanctions. Sri Lanka can grow rice, we have jack fruit, bananas, bread fruit and plenty of water too. So we will not starve just because the US, UK, EU, Sweden, Norway and India imposes sanctions. Also since we can trade with the powerful economies of Asia which includes the Middle East, South East Asia, South Asia, the Far East and Central Asia as well as the rest of the world, actually, we may be OK economically too despite any sanctions imposed by the US, EU, UK, Norway, Sweden, Canada and India. However by avoiding implementing the unjust UNHRC resolution, Sri Lanka will safeguard its independence and freedom which is the most important thing for the next thousands of years as we have safeguarded our independence and freedom for at least the last 2600 years and avoid the creation of a separate state or eelam in the guise of a federal state. So Sri Lanka must very urgently tell the US that we will not abide by the unjust UNHRC resolution but carry out our own domestic process of reconciliation as we see fit. Let the imperialist US impose sanctions. Nothing much will happen to our economy since we can trade with the powerful economies of Asia and the rest of the world instead but Sri Lanka would have preserved its independence and freedom for the next thousands of years and avoid the partition of the country and the creation of a separate state which will be Sri Lanka’s end.

  3. plumblossom Says:

    Not only this, the treacherous Ranil, Sirisena, CBK, Mangala, idiotic UNPers, those INGOs working for thousands of dollars and even the JVP are trying to dismember the country via constitutional changes. We patriotic Sri Lankans should demand a strong central government, no more powers to provincial councils, no merger between provinces, ideally abolition of the 13th amendment to the constitution and absolute safeguarding of the sovereignty of the country.

    The army did not commit any war crimes. it is the LTTE who committed war crimes. However, it is high time that Sri Lanka rejected the US imperialists UNHRC resolution and state at the UNHRC to leave Sri Lanka alone to get on with reconciliation as Sri Lanka sees fit.

    Actually Sri Lanka today being accused of committing war crimes by the US, UK, EU, Norway, Sweden, Canada, India etc. is very similar to the way Saddam Hussein and Iraq was accused of possessing non existent WMDs. Although Iraq did everything possible to show the US, UK, EU, Norway, Sweden, Canada etc. that it did not possess WMD it was bombed anyway, regime change brought about since Iraq has massive amounts of oil which the US, UK, EU, Norway, Sweden, Canada companies wanted to extract at cheap rates by bringing on a puppet regime. A similar scenario is unfolding in Sri Lanka since Sri Lanka is located at a strategic location, the US wanting to establish a naval/air base at Trincomalee, the US wanting to establish further US army, navy, air force bases in the island, mineral resources, marine resources, control of the Indian ocean sea routes etc. For this, the separatist, terroristic Tamils who are subservient to the US are who the US is favouring to help them with this task. This is why the US favours eelam. All patriotic Sri Lankans should therefore tell the government to withdraw from carrying out the US resolution and to tell the US to leave Sri Lanka alone.

  4. plumblossom Says:

    Sri Lanka needs a strong central government in the form of the executive presidency. It is the executive presidency which is keeping the unitary state together since provincial councils have now been provided powers. Therefore if the executive presidency is abolished, the provincial councils will become more powerful and the separatist terroristic TNA will try to break away using threats the North and the East. the PR system is the fairest system which means each vote counts. It is a very democratic system. We do not need any changes to the constitution. These changes to the constitution are only suggested to bring on stealthily a federal or a separate state by falsely labelling it as ‘unitary’ to hoodwink the idiotic Sinhala Buddhists. We do not need any changes to the constitution which is what the separatist terrorists of the TNA, US, UK, EU, Norway, Sweden and Canada wants to dismember this country. Also it is the executive presidential system which can easily carry out programmes to develop the country since otherwise there will be endless wranglings within the cabinet and in parliament about what path to follow for development to happen. A well meaning executive president can easily implement a reasonable and suitable programme to take the country forward. Another main reason to keep the executive presidency as it is to counter the separatist threat since a strong executive president can stop any treacherous activities which goes against the independence, freedom, sovereignty, unitary status etc. of the country since the executive president is elected directly by the people’s vote and is answerable to all the people of the country as a result. So for all these reasons, there is no need whatsoever to change the constitution. However the provincial councils should not be given any more powers, there should not be any merger between provinces, ideally the 13th amendment to the constitution should be abolished and there should be a strong central government if Sri Lanka is to move forward as a country and since it is a small country.

  5. plumblossom Says:

    The US and the UK and actually the EU etc. all wanted regime change in Iraq so that a secular Arab nationalist and a socialist government who has used oil revenues to benefit its people rather than Western oil companies can obtain a large number of contracts on considerable favourable terms in order to dominate the oil industry of Iraq. For that they installed a puppet government. They also created an unstable situation in terms of different factions within Iraq being in conflict with each other which is never ending. These factions now include Islamic terrorists who were not around when Saddam Hussein was in power. Now it is even more easier to obtain the Iraqi oil at very concessional terms for the Western oil companies what with all the fighting going on and the instability. A similar regime change took place in Libya where the leader Ghaddafi who has used oil revenues to develop the country rather than privatizing oil extraction. was deposed and a puppet government installed. Similar changes took place in Tunisia, Egypt etc. where things are no better and probably is worse than before. Therefore it is obvious that the objectives of the US, UK, EU were actually very successful in Iraq. Only outcome however for the Iraqi people is disaster, war, conflict and mayhem. it is a good lesson for Sri Lanka where people wanted a ‘change’ and now Sri Lankans are realizing what change means which is partition of the country with federal states being created, unstable situation in terms of federal states, puppet government, extremely bad economy, instead of reconciliation, appeasing separatists who are favourable to US, UK, EU interests etc.

  6. RohanJay Says:

    Latheef Farook wrote…” to free themselves from the post-war persecution of Muslims by the Mahinda Rajapaksa regime.” Stop talking rubbish! There was absolutely no persecution of Muslims by the Mahinda Rajapaksha Govt. I visited Sri Lanka many times during the rule of Mahinda Rajapaksha and at no time did I see his government persecute Muslims. If anything it is Muslims especially Radical Muslims who have been targetting and persecuting Sinhala Buddhists and then painting themselves as the victims.
    Yeah Latheef Farrok.. we can see the handiwork of your community. The Radical Islamic element in it that is in places like Nice, France. Where some some psycho terrorist decided run over innocent men, women and children. And then you have the cheek to say Mahinda Rajapaksha perhaps the most tolerant Sri Lankan leader who ever lived is persecuting Muslims in Sri Lanka. I am sorry but there is only so much bullshit one take coming from the Muslim community who refuse to acknowledge the wrongs of their religion or refuse to reform it so it is isn’t threat to other innocent human beings.

  7. Sooriarachi Says:

    You say:
    “The entire Muslim community voted for the UNP to free themselves from the post-war persecution of Muslims by the Mahinda Rajapaksa regime”.
    Mr Farook there cannot be a worst untruth than this statement and therefore, the rest of your article too could be similarly distorted and not worth reading.

    It is true that an unknown group under the banner BBS suddenly appeared under an unknown monk, who visited USA and Norway courtesy of some powerful anti-Rajapakse politicians in the then opposition, to put the Muslims against the Rajapakse Govt through a couple of incidents, which the Muslims were foolish enough to swallow hook line and sinker and vote against the very man who supported the Muslims both in Sri Lanka and in the international arena. Now you are coming out with this exaggerated accusations, ignoring the real destruction and burning of Muslim places of worship going on in some Western countries, you seem to be aligned with. Where is gratitude?

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