ජන සටනේ දෙවැනි දින පින්තූර
Posted on July 29th, 2016

ඒකාබද්ධ විපක්ෂය විසින් සංවිධානය කර ඇති, නුවර සිට කොළඹ දක්වා ගමන් කරන ජන සටන පාද යාත්‍රාවේ දෙවැනි දිනයේදී ලබාගත් ඡායාරූප පහත දැක්වේ.

‘ජන සටන’ විරෝධතා පාද යාත‍්‍රාවේ ගුවන් දර්ශණ වීඩියෝවකි මේ.

අනිත් අයටත් බලන්නට SHARE කරන්න.

5 Responses to “ජන සටනේ දෙවැනි දින පින්තූර”

  1. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Be very very careful. Sinhalese-murdering, Buddhism-destroying, Sri Lanka-destroying catholic-run
    UNPatritoic party ruling Sri Lanka again. Remember they roasted Buddhist jvp in tyres and gave half
    the country to pol pot ponil wickramaSinhalakiller catholic buddy hitler pira(mala)paharan half the country
    on a plate. UNPatritoic is very good at getting Sinhalese police, army etc. to kill Sinhalese.

    Traitor pol pot
    ponil wickramaSinhalakiller PM (pathala man) is very good at it. He is craft, murderous and treacherous just
    like his traitor uncle thambi mudiayanselage jr fox. So be careful. He will start another
    as army chief and police chief soon after he became PM (pathala man). Hope Sinhala modayas have learnt the lesson from these murderous, thieving,
    traitor YAMA PALLAN.

  2. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    UNPatriotic got its name for a reason!



  3. Charles Says:

    It is time a new Political Party is organised immediately against UNP and Maithripala led SLFP. It may be a risk. It may end up getting no seats, but yet it is worth taking the risk and Organise a new Political Party headed by Mahinda Rajapakse.

  4. Ananda-USA Says:

    Ancient Sinhalaya,

    As I recall vividly, it was the JVP Viplavakarayas who led the Sinhala Buddhist youth into violence first against Sirimavo’s SLFP govt and then against the UNP-led govt the second time.

    Both times they killed innocent people and led brainwashed Sinhala Buddhist youth’s to their deaths and EARNED the retribution they received in full measure.

    Both times, they had the opportunity to use the peaceful democratic political methods to gain the support of the people, and failing that they resorted to violent murderous means forgetting that they will reap what they sow. If their message is not accepted by the people, they should accept that as the VERDICT of the people and not try to force it upon them.

    I BLAME NO ONE ELSE BUT THE JVP for the retribution they earned, just as I blame the LTTE the punishment they earned for their murder and mayhem.

    I DON’T TRUST the JVP …. They are POL POTS in waiting!

  5. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Ananda, I’m not a supporter of the jaathiya vinashakarana party. Not even a sympathiser. This traitor lot was
    instrumental in sacrificing 60,000+ Buddhists to catholic-run UNPatritoic party YAMA PALLAN. Anybody with
    an iota of brain can understand the policies of jaathiya vinashakarana party never work. One look at old
    China and new China is enough proof.

    I can’t agree to the methods used by UNPatriotic party. They didn’t rehabilitate the misled youth by giving
    them a chance to save their lives like Sirima B did. Instead catholic-run UNPatriotic party dragged it on
    for years and killed and killed. If the police and forces not brutal enough, then they used their pathalyin
    to murder police/forces’ family members and credited it to jaathiya vinashakaran party low lives. In the
    end there is no justice for the misled Sinhalese who died most horrible horrible deaths since they were
    Buddhists. Not even the current jaathiya vinashakarana party low lives can’t open their mouth. Instead
    they jumped into bed with the very same people who murdered their followers so brutally.
    Contrast their fate with the catholic tigers of tamil drealam. We all know how the UNPatriotic
    party treated them. Gave half the country. Aren’t you upset about it as a Sinhalese?

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