The JVP was an Extremely Patriotic Party until Anura Kumara Dissanayake the Traitor took over- Today it is Betraying its Motherland Sri Lanka and Supporting US Imperialists, the UNP and the TNA Separatists Set Up a Separate State or Eelam
Posted on August 13th, 2016

By: Plumblossom

The JVP was an extremely patriotic party especially during 1987 when they campaigned against the infamous rescue Sri Lanka from being dismembered by India and by the imperialistic forces led by the US, UK, EU, Canada, Sweden, Norway etc. the TNA and the LTTE terrorists led by the megalomaniac mass murderer Prabhakaran. Just one day prior to signing of the infamous Indo-Lanka Accord, there was an over 20,000 strong demonstration in Colombo by the JVP, SLFP and all other patriotic national forces. ThereIndo-Lanka Accord and the patriotic JVP was at the forefront of the patriotic struggle to, over 22 civilians perished when the police fired at the crowd (I am sure the police was pressurized by the UNP Government to carry out this unfortunate act) and 22 brave citizens, who I am sure included some JVPers, of this island, had to make the supreme sacrifice at that demonstration to preserve the unitary status of this island.

The JVP was so patriotic that they fully supported the UPFA governments of both the then CBK (now the treacherous Chaura Rejina) and later the Mahinda Rajapakshe Governments  to preserve Sri Lanka’s unitary status, to preserve Sri Lanka’s independence and freedom (which Sri Lanka has been for over 2,600 years of its history) and work towards social justice. The patriotic JVP was at the forefront of totally opposing the TNA and the LTTE separatist terrorists led by the megalomaniac mass murderer Prabhakaran. The JVP even went to the Supreme Court to nullify the illegal merging of the Northern and Eastern provinces.

However from 2010 onwards, after the Rathu Ali Patiya or Anura Kumara Dissanayake the traitor took over the JVP, the JVP has become a treacherous party who has become lackeys of ultra-capitalists, deal capitalists and cow-boy capitalists such as the UNP, the US, UK, EU, Canada, Sweden, Norway imperialists, the racist TNA and the separatist terrorists. The JVP today is totally working against the interests of the Sri Lankan people and is being treacherous to its own motherland and this is having an extremely deleterious effect on Sri Lanka as a country.

The JVP, until around 2010, was an extremely patriotic political party. However after Rathu Ali Patiya or Anura Kumara Dissanayake the traitor took over and a few other traitors to their own motherland took over (by this I mean the traitors Sunil Handunneti, Wijitha Herath, Lal Kantha, Tilvin Silva, Wasantha Samarasinghe etc.) the JVP has become traitors to their own Sri Lankan people and to their own motherland and become lackeys of ultra, extreme capitalist forces and lackeys of the US, UK, EU, Canada, Norway, Sweden, India (someone called these countries ‘mankolla kalliyak’ who steal other countries resources by bombing those countries) the racist TNA, the separatist terrorists etc.

The JVP is today being indirectly funded by thousands of US dollars and they are indirectly working for US imperialism. It is absolutely clear to most people with an ounce of sense. It calls itself ‘socialist’ only to hoodwink its gullible supporters in order to obtain those gullible supporter’s votes.

The US imperialists have carried out this type of operations elsewhere, in other countries, whose patriotic government or patriotic opposition resists US imperialism. The US buys off small fake socialist parties indirectly via dubious NGOs disguised as local set ups with thousands of US dollars. These small fake socialist parties are useful since they are there to raise some valid but not so important issues and make some noise (but not at all a threat to US imperialism’s dubious aims in the unfortunate country concerned) and hoodwink a few thousand voters to support them. In Sri Lanka the JVP, the treacherous Wickramabahu and the NSSP, the FLSP, they are all indirectly supportive of setting up an Eelam and indirectly supporting US imperialism. It is obvious from their actions, utterances, statements especially regarding national security, sovereignty of the country, independence, freedom, lack of opposition to the idea of a separate state, lack of opposition to federalism, lack of any comments about the racist, fascist TNA and its ethnic cleansing of Sinhala people from the North, lack of any comments about the thousands upon thousands of Sri Lankan armed forces members and civilians massacred by the LTTE terrorists etc.

In other independently thinking countries also where the US wants to bring about ‘regime change’, the US imperialists support small fake socialist parties such as the JVP, FLSP and Wickramabahu of the NSSP. So this is not at all a surprise to anyone who has observed the world stage and world trends over many years.

In addition, the ever cunning Norway and its NORAD wrote a detailed report about why the 2001-2004 treacherous Ranil’s Eelam project failed. There, the NORAD report mentions buying off the JVP and the Hela Urumaya for future success in setting up an Eelam. That is exactly what has happened today as anyone can see. The traitors Rathu Ali Patiya or Anura Kumara Dissanayake, Sunil Handunneti, Wijitha Herath, Lal Kantha, Tilvin Silva, Wasantha Samarasinghe etc. Chapika Ranawaka, Rathane so called Hamuduruwo and Nishantha Sri Warnasuriya’s conduct is total proof of want I am saying.

It is extremely disconcerting to observe the extremely patriotic JVP of yesteryear become traitors to their own motherland due to the Rathu Ali Patiya or Anura Kumara Dissanayake taking over. The JVP was extremely patriotic especially during 1987 when they campaigned against the infamous Indo-Lanka Accord and was at the forefront of the patriotic struggle to rescue Sri Lanka from being dismembered. The JVP was so patriotic that they fully supported subsequent UPFA Governments to keep Sri Lanka a unitary state ( which it has been for the past 2,600 years) and to preserve Sri Lanka’s independence and freedom and at the forefront of opposing totally the separatist terrorists at that time.

9 Responses to “The JVP was an Extremely Patriotic Party until Anura Kumara Dissanayake the Traitor took over- Today it is Betraying its Motherland Sri Lanka and Supporting US Imperialists, the UNP and the TNA Separatists Set Up a Separate State or Eelam”

  1. Christie Says:

    “The JVP was an Extremely Patriotic Party”

    Yes; Patriot of the Indian Empire and Indian colonial parasites.

  2. Fran Diaz Says:

    The JVP Patriotism was maligned and not given a hearing due to the fact that they were a Left Wing party and the killing of the JVP cadre on two occasions viz during Mrs B’s Coalition govt & Pres Premadasa’s time. Both times they were killed due to the fact that the Cold War was still on (1946-1991). That was the fact that got the JVP decimated.

    This time around, the new JVP has joined up with the UNP led Yahap for protection & funds as well.

    How much international politics affects Sri Lanka, is unbelievable !

  3. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Traitor rat nakumara disanayake going to investigate his followers disappeared during UNPatriotic party’s
    BHEESHANA SAMAYA. The rat nakumara should at least raise the issue with his darling Batalande Wadakaya
    when they are alone. He might even listen to him if he bends down!

  4. Christie Says:

    Fran Diaz it was the Indian and Indian colonial parasites funded and lead JVP who killed innocent unarmed Sinhalese. How many Indians did they kill?

    Indian Empire will divide the country in two, one for the Indian colonial parasites and the other for the Sinhalese run by the JVP.

  5. Fran Diaz Says:


    I am not defending INDIA or the later JVP terrorism in Lanka. We are only too aware of the damage done by both parties.

    We are only trying to see what led to these events.

    Definitely, Colonisation of Sri Lanka for nearly 500 yrs plus the Cold War politics were the main reasons, plus internal weaknesses and fears.

  6. Nimal Says:

    From what we read and hear about the JVP,they are patriotic and down to earth and hope they realize the importance of the private sector and the weakness of the proletariat.Lear a bit from China I say.Where’s my previous comment?

  7. Ananda-USA Says:

    JVP a PATRIOTIC party? What rot! Absolute Bilgewater!

    Show me a Patriotic Party that attempts to overthrow tso governments elected by the will of the people at national elections!

    Show me Patriotic Party that kills thousands of their own fellow citizens in the dead of the night, refusing to engage in national politics and ACCEPT REJECTION BY THE PEOPLE if that is their decision?

    No! Don’t be fooled! These JVP Viplavakarayas are still the same Sinhala Kotiyas they have always been, prowling in the dark to overthrow the elected government again, and to IMPOSE a Dictatorial Government on the people like that of Pol Pot in Cambodia!

    If the JVP was Patriotic why did they join hands with the UNP to empower the Yamapalanaya thugs? Only because they viewed the popular MR/UPFA government a greater barrier to their power grab, in contrast to the minority-backed elitist-UNP that could be more easily demonized and toppled. That is why!

    How many times does the JVP have to disrupt Sri Lanka before it is PERMANENTLY BANNED!

    Likewise, how many times do the EELAMIST SEPARATISTS have to be crushed, before they abandon their racist violent separatist ways? Give an inch, and they will demand a yard.

    The ANSWER my friend is BLOWING IN THE WIND, and is the same in both cases: NOT EVEN ONE MORE TIME!

  8. Nanda Says:

    He is saying “PATRIOTIC” due to one reason, that is JVP’s campaign to send back IPKF.
    This is the stupidness of being fooled by “SLOGANS”.
    Under the name “දේශප්‍රේමී ජනතා ව්‍යපාරය​ ” only the word ව්‍යපාරය was correct.

    It was a ව්‍යපාරය to kill all who speak against Wijeeweera.
    It was a ව්‍යපාරය to give Wijeweera a comfortable hiding place, with politically UNP connected Siri Ayya et al provding support to make him king of Sri lanka at the cost of our Sinhala youth.
    It was a BORU දේශප්‍රේමී PAL HORU ව්‍යපාරය
    If it was PATRIOTIC, the Premadasa who supplied arms to LTTE to send IPKF home is also PATRIOTIC.

  9. Nimal Says:

    Ananda US
    Sorry to disagree with you.
    JVP had turned out to be different party.I too had an axe to grind with them for their activities in late 1980s. They.They are not extravagant as ministers,they want to do away with corruption which is a problem at present,eating away our tax payers money.At least we could talk to them while other politicians are out of touch with people’s just concerns.They are willing to listen to just concerns of us the tax payers.Hope they will act as the watch dogs and why should anyone fear them,unless one support the crooks?

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