ජනාධිපති මෛත‍්‍රීට ඕසටේ‍්‍රලියාවෙන් දැවැන්ත අල්ලස් චෝදනාවක්.. ෆෙඩරල් පොලීසිය පරීක්‍ෂණ අරඹයි..Yahapalana President Sirisena accused of Bribery by Australian Federal Police (See Comments)
Posted on August 25th, 2016

Hot News From Australia

Two Australian companies are embroiled in bribery scandals that reach into the offices of the presidents of Sri Lanka and the Republic of Congo, as the firms sought to secure multi-million dollar contracts.

වත්මන් ජනාධිපති මෛත‍්‍රිපාල සිරිසේන මහතා කලින් රජයේ සෞඛ්‍ය ඇමතිවරයාව සිටි කාලයේ ලෝක බැංකු ව්‍යාපෘතියක් සඳහා ඔස්ටේ‍්‍රලියානු සමාගම් දෙකකින් අල්ලස් ලබා ගත්තේ යයි කියන සිදුවීමක් සම්බන්ධයෙන් එරට ෆෙඩරල් පොලීසිය පරීක්‍ෂණ ආරම්භ කර තිබේ.

මේ සම්බන්ධයෙන් දීර්ඝ තොරතුරු සහිත වාර්තා ඔස්ටේ‍්‍රලියානු ප‍්‍රධාන පෙලේ වෙබ් අඩවි කිහිපයකම වාර්තා කර ඇත.

A Fairfax Media investigation has separately uncovered evidence – which is the subject of a major AFP probe – involving the iconic Snowy Mountains Engineering Company (SMEC).

The firm’s overseas staff allegedly bribed officials to secure a $2.3 million aid-funded sewerage project in Sri Lanka in 2011 and, in partnership with a Canadian company, a $2.2 million power plant project in Bangladesh in 2007.

Company emails also reveal Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena and his adviser allegedly demanded a political “donation” to be paid by SMEC when Mr Sirisena was a cabinet minister.

Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena.
Sri Lankan President Maithripala Sirisena. Photo: AP

The emails show a plot to skim the money off a World Bank-funded dam project in 2009. In return, Mr Sirisena was to approve the awarding of the dam contract to SMEC, worth $1.82 million .

SMEC’s Sri Lankan manager, who was recently sacked, wrote in emails to two Australian colleagues that he wanted to “inform the minister/co-ordinating secretary” of the size of an alleged kickback to be paid and that he needed to “prioritise” certain payments to unnamed parties “since the signing of the contract would depend” on it.

SMEC has confirmed a “request for a political donation”, but insists an internal investigation found no donation was made and the firm “continues to fully cooperate with the AFP.”

Australia prides itself on being a clean place to do business, but revelations by Fairfax Media and others over a decade show that many companies agree to corrupt practices in developing countries.

The government gave the AFP an extra $15 million in April to fight corporate bribery after Fairfax Media revealed the global Unaoil bribery scandal, which involved construction giant Leighton Holdings, and allegations that Tabcorp bribed the sister of Cambodia’s president.

In addition to the World Bank inquiry, internal company emails reveal bribery allegations involving a second Sri Lankan contract, a dam project also funded by the World Bank. Emails from SMEC’s recently sacked Sri Lankan manager to two Australian colleagues detail an alleged meeting in 2009 with Sri Lanka’s president Sirisena, who at the time was minister for Agriculture, Development and Agrarian Services.

SMEC’s manager wrote on June 3 that Sirisena, who was also “secretary of the ruling party – a powerful man in the present administration”, may request “something out of the way – funds for the party”.

SMEC needed Mr Sirisena to sign off on cabinet papers approving the award of the $1.82 million dam project. Two days later, SMEC’s manager wrote another email to his colleagues about his meeting with Mr Sirisena.

“He said there will be elections in the near future and he wants to know whether SMEC could make a donation for the elections. He [Mr Siresena] detailed me to discuss this with his Co-ordinating Secretary. Co-ordinating-Secretary said this is the way it goes prior to signing the cabinet papers. He wants us to propose an amount/percentage on the contract value. If you could advise me on an amount of percentage based on the financial figures I could inform the minister/ Co-ordinating Sec …”

Twelve days later, the manager wrote another email saying that unnamed “key people” had asked for approximately “1%… of the total contract.”

“The key people have now disclosed their cost as 2.5m LKR [Sri Lankan Rupees, a sum worth about $A27,000]”.

“Since the signing of the contract would depend on our agreement to honour the cost of 2.5 M LKR, we have to prioritise that.”

Company accounts reveal that $A27,000 – a large amount of money in Sri Lanka- was withdrawn in cash by the manager, who appeared to agree to pay kickbacks to an unnamed “party”.

“I think this is a good opportunity for us to build up relationship with this party since they directly approached… us,” he wrote.

“Once we win their confidence… we could work with their blessings in future opportunities.”

In a statement, SMEC said the company’s internal investigation this year found no “payment to any person in response to the request for a political donation” and that any payments made were not improper. SMEC has referred its internal inquiry to the AFP.

Mr Sirisena did not respond to detailed questions.

Full Report



31 Responses to “ජනාධිපති මෛත‍්‍රීට ඕසටේ‍්‍රලියාවෙන් දැවැන්ත අල්ලස් චෝදනාවක්.. ෆෙඩරල් පොලීසිය පරීක්‍ෂණ අරඹයි..Yahapalana President Sirisena accused of Bribery by Australian Federal Police (See Comments)”

  1. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    Ha! Ha! Ha!

    This can be just the tip of the iceberg. He was also instrumental in securing a world bank loan for his brother to open up modern rice mills in Polonnaruwa area during SLFP government. World Bank has offered this almost interest-free loan for genuine industrialists who can use this funds for development of modern rice milling facilities. Definitely not to build his rice mafia.

    I am glad that, one day this man, can also be able to spend some time at Welikada Government residence surrounded by barbed wires.

  2. Nihal Perera Says:

    The saying ” Horage Hora Kamba Hora”, is very true with this cunning and revengeful man..!

  3. S.Gonsal Says:

    I work for SMEC. Never even heard about this as a big news. Very usual here to give “political donations” and $27000 is peanuts.

  4. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    1% of the contract value is the normal rate for Sri Lankan Politicians.

    Both the UK Bribery Act (the Bribery Act) and the US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act 1977 make it an offence to bribe foreign (public) officials. There is no lower limit for Bribery, Graft, and Conflicts of Interest:

    An individual found to have committed an offence under the Bribery Act is liable to imprisonment of up to ten years and/or to an unlimited fine. A company found guilty is subject to an unlimited fine.

    For offences committed under the FCPA an individual can be fined up to US$250,000 per violation and may also be given up to five years imprisonment. A company guilty under the FCPA is liable for a fine of up to US$2,000,000 per violation.

  5. Nimal Says:

    Truly disgusting.They are all at it and we must get the colonials back to save our country.When he still wearing that national ambude says that he is not willing for change.

  6. Fran Diaz Says:

    Er, what happens if Pres Sirisena is removed ?
    RANIL becomes Prez. ?

    Gawd ! what a tragedy !

  7. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Vairapala sorrysena isn’t just a maru sirek. He is a maru horek as well. This crafty, vengeful man has been
    a smiling assassin since the beginning. Remember his son beathing up SSP’s son. Then vairapala got the police
    to sue the victim. Then his brother with an axe to grind. Then his other brother with all illegal sand mining and
    rice mills. Another one sucking blood out of SL Telecom.

    Vairapa sorrysena is a man with
    no principles,
    no one word,
    no allegiance to his religion,
    no allegiance to his country (for a man hailing from our ancient kingdom area; should be ashamed of yourself)
    no allegiance to his race,
    no intelligence.
    For a man with these sort of qualities destroying Mother Lanka for good is a piece of cake.
    Hope we will see this traitor YAMA PALLA’s demise soon.

  8. Ancient Sinhalaya Says:

    Fran, maybe this is pol pot ponil wickramaSinhalakiller’s handy work. Leak this to the press and
    vairapala is no more. Pol pot is just like the alugosu thambi jr. Not just murderous; crafty to the core as well.

  9. Kumari Says:

    This must be as a result of worshipping Thirupathy. Good for an idiotic Buddhist.

    Rookadaya who was presented to the electorate as cleaner than white has a son, fathered to a woman who is not his wife. Now this scandal. CBK who is a known thief bought a palace in England during her tenure as SL President. Ranil comes from a family of rogues who sold the country to the whites.

    Mahinda who was called HORA, HORA by the Yahapalakayas hasn’t even got a house in Colombo.

  10. jay-ran Says:

    Mema HANG GORAKA did not know that when one points at another, 4 OF HIS OR HER FINGERS ARE POINTING TOWARDS HIM OR HER!!!

  11. Lorenzo Says:

    All presidents went to THIRUPATI just before their political death!!

    Premathasa went to Thirupati and even IMPORTED a few priests from there to do some crazy rituals. But that didn’t save him. He died within weeks.

    MR went to Thirupati and within 2 months he was defeated.

    Maru Sira went to Thirupati and he will NOT escape the trend.



    “Er, what happens if Pres Sirisena is removed ?
    RANIL becomes Prez. ?”

    So do you want Maru Sira to continue?

    NO WAY! He MUST be removed. Run-nil has NO right to become president. A NEW ELECTION must be held.

    IF Maru Sira is removed from president, then MR can become the SLFP LEADER. No need for new parties.

    REMOVE Maru Sira from presidency and HOLD ELECTIONS.

  12. Ananda-USA Says:

    Oi, Lorenzo!

    I don’t see you making corruption lists and doing a Watusi dance now against your Maximum Leader of yesterday …. Who you call “Maru Sira” …. as you did to help OUT MR!

    My Leader FOOLED ME! is the excuse now!

    But, that has not stopped you from dishing out advice has it?

    Hey, HIGH IQ Tamil pundit raised on a haal masso diet, stand against the wall in the corner and wear a DUNCE CAP! LOL!

  13. Ananda-USA Says:


    If Sirisena is impeached and has to leave office, he will have to give up the Chairmanship of the SLFP as well, because he got the latter job because the SLFP Constitution mandates that if the President is a member of the SLFP, he automatically becomes the Chairman of the SLFP.

    Then, a power struggle will begin within the SLFP for the Chairman ship, and MR is very likely to regain that post and withdraw SLFP support for the Yamapalana Govt leading to NEW ELECTIONS in the longer term because the govt won’t have sufficient majority in the Parliament to pass any bills.

    In the shorter term, Ranil is very likely to be the first in the list to become the temporary president. These are unchartered waters and I too am uncertain as to whether Ranil can stay on permanently as president and defer elections to the regular schedule without calling for early new elections. In that case Ranil will make hay while the sun shines, and Sri Lanka will indeed fall from the FRYING PAN into the FIRE!

    Dilrook, do you have a better reply to Fran’s important question?

  14. Ananda-USA Says:

    Oh, by the way, I don’t think this Bribe Allegation will result in Sirisena’s impeachment and removal.

    Sirisena and his Yamapalanaya cronies will confuse the issue, and use the power of the govt to hide the whole matter without any official investigation whatsoever in Sri Lanka, just as they did with Arjun Mahendran Bond Scam affair.

  15. S.Gonsal Says:

    There is no difference between Ranil or MY3.

    My previous company did not practice such bribing and they rarely got overseas projects. However, I heard that they were caught some time ago and reprimanded , that is why they don’t do it now. Few years ago, when I asked SMEC whether they are willing to undertake some design work for the said project for a Sri Lankan company ( during tender) they said they can’t do because of conflict of interest.

    This has implication to MR too, because this is what they are trying to prove, corruption during his time, but amount is nothing in “Sri Lankan Terms”.

    I believe ADB it self is highly corrupt.

  16. S.Gonsal Says:

    The project concerned was likely Jaffna Kilinochchi Water Treatment Plant which involved increasing capacity of Iranamadu tank. Not sure how it came under health ministry.
    Sinhalese are dying from Kidney decease, this project provides clean water to Tamils. This is how Sinhalese who supplied labour to finish the war were treated after the war.

  17. Dilrook Says:

    Unfortunately, Fran is correct. In the event of Sirisena leaving office, the parliament will appoint the executive president to complete the remaining term. That will be Ranil without a doubt (unless death or serious ill health interferes). Frying pan to the fire. It will not be a temporary post, but permanent. The constitution allows him to continue Sirisena’s term. Surely, people will protest and an election may be called but there is no constitutional requirement to do so.

    However, corruption has never been a ground of removing president, prime minister or ministers of Sri Lanka. It will not happen against Sirisena. What it does is, it creates the fear of impeachment as UNP+JO (106 + 51 = 157 seats) have more than two thirds. Due to this fear, Sirisena will toe the UNP line. Now he will be even more supportive of the UNP to cement his position.

    To secure his position (and executive presidency), Sirisena will try to bait 8 JO MPs which will eliminate the possibility of UNP+JO having more than two thirds.

    You are correct in saying if Sirisena discontinues as president, the SLFP party leadership will be decided by a vote. Mahinda will win it 47-43 of SLFP MPs and by a larger margin of the party membership.

  18. Fran Diaz Says:


    Thanks for response.

    I remember reading earlier in the media that the Exec PM does become the President if the present Prez is removed for whatever reason. After the PM, I think the next in line is the Speaker.

    If Ranil does become Prez (God forbid !), then he will hang on – such is the nature of this complicated person. What with INDIA & the west in his pocket, he feels the “Darth Vader” inside growing !

    Can someone please clarify ? Perhaps Dharshan can help out here re the accurate line of succession ?

  19. Ananda-USA Says:


    What you said about Darts Vader would be hilarious … if it were not so deadly and serious.

    Ranil sold his SOUL to the DARK SIDE a long time ago, so your Star Wars idiom is right on target!

  20. Ananda-USA Says:

    Oops, I meant to say DARTH VADER …. really!

  21. Charles Says:

    Don’t you worry nothing will happe. USA and the West is with Yahapalanaya. They will work overtime to clear Sirisena. If Sirisena falls the USA and the West stand to loose. Ranil will not last long people will see through him

  22. Fran Diaz Says:


    For laughs :
    Ranil IS Sri Lanka’s Darth Vader !
    And CBK is Darth Insidious, Vader’s boss.
    If MS was really fat, he could be Jabba the Hutt ?

    ha ha !



    Elections from Yahap for any govt post is just a pipe dream !
    They want to just stay on and on, with the UNP leading, hook or by crook.

  23. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    Yes Charles.

    As far as I can see, not a single national newspaper in Sri Lanka has reported this.

    You can see how yahapalanaya is controlling the media in Sri Lanka.

    But sooner or later, any future government should take this issue out, do the proper investigation and punish Hora Sira for deceiving the nation

    Yahapalana politicians deceive the nation today not just because they want to get ahead, but more because they fear the embarrassment of failure

  24. S.Gonsal Says:

    Once it is given to AFP and media USA and the West cannot do anything. However no one is investigating Hora Sira, they are investigating 2 companies including SMEC. Hora Sira will probably get one of his staff to admit it and will say money is for Basil or Namal and be the good man.

    NMY is right, it is disappointing to learn not even Divaina reported this.

  25. SA Kumar Says:

    Hey, HIGH IQ Tamil pundit raised on a haal masso diet, Ananda-USA- I love it

    Oi, Lorenzo!- do you need this ( Ithu Unakku Thevaya) ? Where is our Velu???

  26. Charles Says:

    I was sure this man without any principles, will put the blame for his accusation by the Australian authrities on his demand for bribes to our former President. He has done it.

  27. NeelaMahaYoda Says:

    President rejects alleged corruption reported in Aussie media

    President Maithripala Sirisena today rejected the news report that appeared in the Sydney Morning Herald website that he and his adviser allegedly demanded a political “donation” to be paid by the iconic Snowy Mountains Engineering Company (SMEC) when he was the Minister of Agriculture and Agrarian services in 2009.

    In a statement issued by the President’s media unit said that the President had no involvement or connection with the incident and that he had instructed the Attorney General to take further action necessary in this regard. He further reiterates that he had never been involved in or supported any corrupt activity in his political career.

    HA HA HA





  28. Fran Diaz Says:


    Thanks for clarification.


    It seems ridiculous that Ranil W., the Exec PM, holds the post ‘because the west wants it so’ (per Pres MS).
    Ranil can also now become the President due to this ‘west wants it so’ ?

    So, where’s the Democracy for Sri Lanka, eh ?

  29. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:



  30. Ananda-USA Says:

    Hey Guys,

    Not to worry, our esteemed President Sirisena has denied all involvement AND has asked the Attorney General to look into the matter. Apparently, his attention was STRANGELY drawn to it.

    We will no doubt hear from the AG in 6 years time, well AFTER the NEXT Presidential election!

    President rejects Sydney Morning Herald report
    Aug 26, 2016

    President Maithripala Sirisena yesterday rejected a news report which appeared in the Australian based website ‘Sydney Morning Herald’ which referred to an incident involving one of his staff members during his tenure as Agriculture and Agrarian Services Minister in 2009.

    The President’s Media Unit in a statement said the President had no involvement or connection with the incident and that he had instructed the Attorney General to take further action in this regard.

    President Sirisena reiterated that in his political career he had never been involved in or supported any corrupt activity, the statement added.

    It also noted that the President’s special attention was drawn to the matter.

  31. Fran Diaz Says:

    “It is also noted that the President’s special attention was drawn to the matter”.

    One wishes that the President’s SPECIAL attention is also drawn to the following super important facts :

    (a) That the ILLEGAL 13-A imposed by INDIA in 1987 on the JRJ govt., must be REMOVED.

    (b) That the vicious Vadukoddai Resolution 1976 (Eelam through Violence), must be OFFICIALLY REVOKED by the present day Tamil Leaders. Note that the 1976 VR incited the Northern Tamils to look at others (The govt. people, Sinhala people, Muslim people etc) as the enemy and to bring death, destruction, & violence to them, even using their Tamil children and the elderly as attackers. All this happened BEFORE the 1983 Riots. The Sansoni Report on the 1983 Riots stated abut 100-300 killed, around 50 Sinhala people included in this figure. Exaggerations of the 1983 Riots have done great damage to the ealier good international image of Lanka. Today, Black July is commemorated, but never the nearly 30 yrs of LTTE Terrorism !
    Strange country, Sri Lanka.
    Strange Yahap in Lanka too.

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