Sri Lanka: Ahmadiyya delegation met Governor of Southern Province
Posted on October 5th, 2016
By A. Abdul Aziz Press Secretary.Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Sri Lanka
I am in searching of such a Holy Book and will read it in full – remarks Dr. Hemakumara Nanayakara, Governor of Southern Province.
A four member delegation from the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at Sri Lanka (AMJSL) comprising Mr.A. Abdul Aziz, Press Secretary and National Director Faith Outreach – AMJSL, Moulavi A.B. Musthaq Ahmad – Chief Missionary (AMJSL), Moulavi K.M. Munir Ahmad (Missionary – Pasyala) and Murabbi Javid Raheem, visited Galle and Mathara of Souhern Province of Sri Lanka recently,
The delegation visited Richmond College and met Royal de Silva, Deputy Principal. While accepting the copy of Holy Qur’an Sinhala Translation he said: A necessary one and added these days people are quarrelling each other for unnecessary issues and he will be pleased to have such a valuable book.
The delegation visited Galle Municipal Council and met Mr. Ranil Wickramasekara – Commissioner. He accepted Holy Qur’an Sinhala Translation with due respect.
While accepting the copy of Holy Qur’an Sinhala Translation, Mr. U.L. Nanayakara, Deputy Principal of Vidyaloka College said: Our children should know what religions teach – not only their on religion, but also they should know what other religion say. He went on to say that this is the foundation for the religious harmony.
While accepting the copy of Holy Qur’an Sinhala Translation, Mrs Swarnalatha Annasiwathe, Deputy Principal, Sangamitha Balika Maha Viyalaya informed that she did not find any source to have such a holy book even though she contacted Muslim friends.
The delegation visited Governor’s Office at Galle and met Honorable Dr. Hemakumara Nanyakara. While accepting the copy of Holy Qur’an Sinhala Translation, he remarked: I am in searching of such a Holy Book and will read it in full and hailed the task of Ahmadiyya Community in translating Holy Qur’an in sinhala language. He accepted with due respect.
The delegation proceeded to Chief Minister’s Office and had the opportunity to meet Honorable Shan Wijeyalal de Slve to present the copy of Holy Qur’an Sinhala Translation. He accepted with due respect.
Ahmadiyya delegation visited Open University, Galle Region and Vice Chancellor Office Ruhunu University, Mathara. In both places, Holy Qur’an Sinhala Translation presented.
The delegation met Mr. I.D.K.L. Fernando, Senior Asst. Librarian of Ruhunu University, Mathara. He showed interest on current situation of the world and the lack of peace. He was explained in detail about the tireless efforts being made by the Khalifa and the Ahmadiyya worldwide leader, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad, by spreading the true teachings of Islam through various means, particularly addressing lawmakers at Capitol Hill, EU Parliament, in Ireland Parliament, and recently the Dutch Parliament. He was informed about the gist of His Holiness’ address during the recent Dutch Parliament visit.
Further pointed out about the unique feature of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community and said that this is the only Community which has Spiritual Leadership and termed as ONE COMMUNITY – ONE LEADER’. He added that the Community’s motto is ’LOVE FOR ALL; HATRED FOR NONE’.
In the end, the delegation visited RUHUNU SERVICE (A FM Radio Station and met Radio Presenter. He was very much pleased to get the copy of Holy Qur’an Sinhala Translation.
During the visit, Ahmadiyya delegation visited number of schools namely Sudhrama Maha Vidyalaya, Thomas Galle school, St. Aloysius’ College and Kumarathunga Munidasa Public Lbrary.
To all of them, along copy of the Sinhala Translation of the Holy Qur’an with some other literatures including Peace Messages in Sinhala were presented.
People should read and understand this Holy Book – that is our prayers and wish.
- Abdul Aziz – Press Secretary.