We all are running out of our patience
Posted on October 11th, 2016

Dr Sarath Obeysekera

If you ask any head of a private company, state sector or a corporation, authority ,about any development project ,what do you hear ?

Shear frustration and criticism .Cart is driven by many horses in different directions .No minister is able to spearhead development despite promises given by the Prime Minister .Doesn’t this give wrong signal that two leading horses are pulling the cart to two different directions ?

People complain openly and write freely under Yahapalanya but nothing moves

Another 5 years of hibernation awaiting the nation

I salute our countrymen who are now somewhat tolerant, waiting for boom in economy, with hopes .At least people now have Small Maruti to drive around , and some Indians under Etca come and push us ?

We always have lived in hopes and move forward .Earn you money hook or crook let the governing people flourish and you also share little if you can


2 Responses to “We all are running out of our patience”

  1. plumblossom Says:

    We need socialism and environmentalism and capitalism can be there but with safeguards or a compassionate form of capitalism only.

  2. plumblossom Says:

    We need a socialist form of government alongside environmentalism too or eco-socialism. We can accommodate capitalism too but with safeguards or a compassionate form of capitalism.

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