President fires broadside at CID, FCID and CIABOC … takes govt. to task over ill treatment of GR, ex-Navy chiefs
Posted on October 12th, 2016

President dislikes the way former Def Sec and navy chief were dragged to court
රටේ නිදහස, ප්‍රජාතන්ත්‍රවාදය මෙන්ම මානව අයිතීන් සුරක්ෂිත කර වංචාවෙන්,
දූෂණයෙන්, අක්‍රමිකතාවයෙන් තොර රටක් ගොඩනැගීමට ස්ථාපිත කළ ස්වාධීන
කොමිෂන් සභා දේශපාලන න්‍යාය පත්‍රවලට අනුව කටයුතු සිදුනොකළ යුතු බව
ජනාධිපති මෛත්‍රීපාල සිරිසේන මහතා පවසයි.

උත්සවය අමතමින් ජනාධිපතිවරයා තව දුරටත් කියා සිටියේ FCID, CID හා අල්ලස් කොමිසම දේශපාලන න්‍යාය පත්‍ර මත කටයුතු කරන්නේ නම් තමන් ඊට එරෙහිව දැඩි තීන්දු ගන්නා බවයි.

මේ ආයතනයන් තුනම ක‍්‍රියාත්මන වන්නේ එක්සත් ජාතින පක්‍ෂ ඇමතිවරුන් යටතේ වන අතර ජනාධිපතිවරයාගේ මෙම ප‍්‍රකාශයක් සමග එජාප-ශ‍්‍රීලනිප දේශපාලන අවුල පුපුරා යාම ආසන්න තත්වයක පවතී.

by Shamindra Ferdinando

President Maithripala Sirisena has warned that he will take action against the Criminal Investigation Department (CID), Financial Crimes Investigation Division (FCID) as well as the Commission to Investigate Allegations of Bribery or Corruption (CIABOC) for pursuing what the SLFP leader called a political agenda.

An irate President Maithripala Sirisena said those institutions shouldn’t work according to political agendas at the expense of justice.

Addressing a gathering at the Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, where security forces personnel were given houses and land, the Commander-in-Chief, yesterday, revealed that he had taken up those issues with Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe and members of the Cabinet at a special meeting.

President castigated those who had been spearheading investigations for acting partially thereby causing grave wrongdoing.

President Sirisena said that he had been accused of having launched a political witch hunt.

Commenting on the ongoing Avant Garde Maritime Services (AGMS) case, President Sirisena said that the manner in which former Defence Secretary (Gotabhaya Rajapaksa) and three former Commanders of the Navy had been taken to court wasn’t acceptable.

In an unprecedented attack on the government, the President said that those who had been in overall charge of the investigations should keep him informed of the developments.

Alleging a section of the government of seeking to gain political mileage from the CIABOC, President Maithripala Sirisena claimed that his predecessor, Mahinda Rajapaksa, too, had done so.

Recollecting his experience as Acting Defence Minister during eelam war IV, President Maithripala alleged that those who lacked understanding in running an administration and command and control structure of the armed forces had been taking wrong decisions. He insisted that there was a way to handle issues arising out of problems involving the Defence Ministry and the AGMS.

Vowing that he wouldn’t weaken the armed forces under any circumstances President Sirisena accused those in charge of investigations of misleading him. Referring to the ongoing cases involving members of the Directorate of Military Intelligence (DMI) in the alleged disappearance of media person Prageeth Ekneligoda and killing of Sunday Leader editor Lasantha Wickrematunga, President Maithripala Sirisena said that suspects couldn’t be held in custody indefinitely. The courts should be moved against them, released or given bail pending court proceedings.

The President said that he had not addressed those matters publicly before and in the near future decisions would have to be made.

7 Responses to “President fires broadside at CID, FCID and CIABOC … takes govt. to task over ill treatment of GR, ex-Navy chiefs”

  1. Hiranthe Says:

    This is all as per instructions by the Regime Change consultancy. Sira acting innocent while the government is going what they want and what they are asked to do by their masters. Sira is playing to the Gallery so the masses will get mislead.

    He is even not fit to be a principal of a primary school if he is behaving like this.

  2. jay-ran Says:

    Aney BOLA HARAKO,THOTA DENDA OLUWA PEDUNE??????????????????????????????????????????????
    Chandayak enakota thoge oluwata mole PEDENAWA NOVEDA BOLA HARAKO???????????

  3. Sarath W Says:

    Did My3 just woke up from his deep slumber or is he scared to death the armed forces will topple him soon? The timely book by Maj Gen Kamal Gunaratne has really woken up many Sinhalese to the danger where the country is heading and the government’s betrayal of our war heroes.

  4. Lorenzo Says:

    So now Maru Sira is distancing himself from UNP goons?


    They did it! After the war crimes special court too you will say they did it.

    No Sira. YOU did it and YOU as the HEAD OF STATE must be responsible for everything your CLOWNS do. IF you REALLY DISAGREE, why don’t you sack the UNP ministers in charge of the FCID, etc.?

    You are scared UNP-LTTE will do what they did to PREMATHASA, GAMINI, CBK (survived) to you.

  5. Sooriarachi Says:

    What matters is action and not threatening words. Going by this Presidents record, I believe his role is to say things to please the persecuted majority race, whilst the Mangala, Chandrika, Wigneswaran, Ranil and Sampanthan are engaged in dismantling the security and economy of the country to a level of no return, unless we get caught to the trap of having to depend on the IMF and other Western controlled agencies.

  6. Nimal Says:

    I doubt this president has the courage to stand up to what is right and now yahapalanaya is drifting away from us.Heaven help the country.He seems to be giving in,we all knew that the way he wears that silly dress to fool us,not up to it I say.As a matter of principle he should not have seen with people who have a case to answer,guilty or not and should not have commented on the due process of law and justice because that belong to a banana republic.Bring the colonial or their types back to save the country.It is lawless,just take a three wheeler and observe the chaos in our streets and yesterday a high ranking police officer stood by the payment and stopped a travelling passenger bus to get a lift though he could have walked 50 yards to the nearest bus stop,that could have been decent.Patriots mus lament the way the country exists,truly sad.

  7. NAK Says:

    One good thing about this outburst is that for once he told the truth! Probably the only time he uttered a truth!! He must be feeling strange after that!!!

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