Open letter to the President and Prime Minister
Posted on October 17th, 2016

DR Sudath Gunasekara 17.10. 2016

MR President & Prime Mister,

Republic of Sri Lanka

Could you please read the following write up and immediately sack the present Leader of the Opposition in Parliament whom you have appointed illegally, at least now, and appoint a person who can command the majority in Parliament as the Leader of the Opposition, if you are true Democrats to prove you are that.

Mahinda Katugaha
1:16 PM (7 hours ago)
to me


Begin forwarded message:

From: Manouri Fernando <>

Subject: Fwd: Canadian Federal Court: TNA was subservient” to the rebels….membership in the party was tantamount to membership” in the Tamil Tigers.”: What does Yahapalana Government have to say?

Date: October 17, 2016 at 7:43:27 AM GMT+5:30

To: Undisclosed recipients: ;

Canadian Federal Court: TNA was subservient” to the rebels….membership in the party was tantamount to membership” in the Tamil Tigers.”: What does Yahapalana Government have to say?

The Canadian authorities have after investigations declared that the TNA & LTTE are virtually one and the same. The EU Observer Mission head in 2004 said the same. The question is what is the TNA doing inside Parliament and its MPs even put on steering committees to change the constitution? The Yahapalana govt is bound to make a public statement on this given that the Canadian Federal Court has upheld the investigative findings of the Canadian Immigration Board and these investigations clearly links TNA to LTTE.

Canada’s National Post has revealed that

The Ontario Progressive Conservatives claims to be unaware that their guest in late 2015 was being deported for being a member of the LTTE

The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) had been trying to deport M K Eelaventhan (also known as Manickavasagar Kanagendran)

The Canadian Immigration and Refugee Board claims that Eelaventhan was an appointed representative of the TNA and had personally met the top leaders of the LTTE.

IRB: He was an active & vocal supporter of the LTTE, holding a position of importance and working at a high level to further the LTTE’s cause”

IRB: Mr. Eelaventhan had knowledge of the crimes committed by the LTTE and lent his active support to the group”

As the National Post has pointed out there is astartling discrepancy between federal officials enforcing Canada’s national security laws and politician’s molly cuddling tigers in camouflage in their constituencies for their own political self-serving means.

Unlike Sri Lanka’s media that is very careful not to make any derogatory remarks against either the LTTE or the TNA, the National Post had 4 days before the IRB disclosure reported that Progressive Conservative leader Patrick Brown & Kathleen Wynne and other politicians visited a Toronto kovil which according to Canada Border Services Agency was controlled by a banned pro-LTTE group.

Eelaventhan had been elected as a TNA MP after the 2004 Parliamentary Elections. What is interesting about the CBSA calling TNA a political front of the LTTE is the link to the EU Election Observer Mission claiming the virtual same. This is what its head John Cushnan had to say of the TNA in the EU report released on June 17, 2004 clearly establishing the LTTE-TNA alliance:

Quote: Firstly, the LTTE intended that no other rival Tamil party (or Tamil candidate from the mainstream political alliances) to the TNA would be able to claim to represent Tamil interests. A chilling message to this effect was sent early in the campaign when a UNP candidate and an EPDP activist were murdered. Incidents such as this seriously restricted the right of the parties other than the TNA to campaign freely in the Northern and Eastern Districts. During the 2004 elections, the major incidents of violence was perpetrated by the LTTE, whereas at the earlier elections; Unquote

He fled Sri Lanka in 2009 and arrived in Canada. Then in May 2010 (exactly a year after LTTE defeat) he contested some utopian election organized by the TGTE and was elected. Incidentally, TGTE and its leader were named & banned by the GOSL in 2014 as an LTTE front drawing the UNSC Resolution 1373 for material support to the LTTE. The TGTE & its leader remains banned.

CBSA calls TNA a ‘political front’ of the LTTE. Interesting to know how he fled Sri Lanka and how he landed up in Canada. Questions for which we will not get answers. Luckily officials in Canada are not like the Canadian politicians.Eelavanthan was ordered by the refugee board to be deported on security grounds in 2012. The Federal Court upheld the IRB’s findings in 2014 which means that a very conclusive investigation would have ascertained that LTTE = TNA and TNA = LTTE. The Federal Court upheld that Eelaventhan was a TNA member whose group was engaged in terrorism. What more need we have to say!

Eelaventhan has a history of deportation – India deported him in 2000 for his links with LTTE when he was the leader of the Tamil Eelam Liberation Front. The Indian Government had arrested him in 1997 for smuggling medicines to the LTTE.

DBS Jeyraj was to write India deports ‘King of Eelam’ on 10th Dec 2000.

As per Asian Tribune article the LTTE had despatched Eelaventhan to South Africa when 2 Tamil MPs from Sri Lanka accompanied then President Rajapakse to prevent LTTE interests from being compromised.

That was in Canada, cross the border to America and we are next informed that a New York Court judge reduced the sentences of 3 LTTE convicts (Sathahan Sarachandran, Sahilal Sabaratnam & Thiruthanikan Thanigasalam) by 10 years (original 25 years) just because of a letter sent by one of the daughters. The three were accused of buying surface-to-air missiles for LTTE. A lawsuit was filed by them in 2012 seeking to reduce their sentences.

We hope the Judge is aware of the killings carried out by the LTTE – the babies and pregnant mothers cut to pieces, the elderly hacked to death, if he was aware he may ‘provide a fair measure of justice’ to these innocent villagers too. The 3 men are behind bars but thousands of innocent villagers are not even alive, their children are growing up without parents, some parents are still mourning their children – who is to seek justice for these deaths? Had the good judge known about how these gruesome crimes were committed he might just well also say ‘this case has just taken over my head’ for photos of these brutal killings would shock him and the Western world beyond comprehension. LTTE remains designated a foreign terrorist organization since 1997.

Coming back to Eelavanathan. The crux of the matter is not about Eelavanathan’s deportation but the more important fact that the Canadian officials have done what the Sri Lankan Governments have failed to do (includes present and former).

That a very comprehensive investigation has been conducted on the LTTE and the TNA is the reason for this TNA MP to be deported. A decision that the Canadian Federal Court has upheld. If the Canadian authorities are deporting a man claiming that he is linked to the LTTE through the TNA even after the ground defeat of the LTTE it seriously questions and brings to light the embarrassing question – what is the TNA doing inside Sri Lanka’s Parliament and worse still is why is Sri Lanka’s Opposition Leader the head of the TNA? The Canadian authorities must be bewildered as are we.

Moreover, the TNA MPs are on the steering committees inside Parliament to even change the Constitution and other legislations. It’s like handing the keys to the henhouse to the fox! Moreover, the TNA Chief Minister in the Northern Provincial Council is becoming another headache trying to replace the tiger leader with atrocious demands which include bullying Sinhala villages in the North, demanding the removal of Buddhist sites (leading to hooligans destroying some Buddha statues) spate of vandalisms, even the Jaffna university commemorating dead LTTE terrorists something that even Nazi Germany was not allowed and all these actions are very much aligned to and in keeping with the overall objectives of the LTTE – this time TNA taking charge of it. This fits very well with the investigation findings of the Canadian authorities.

So the Canadians have done what the Sri Lankan Governments should be doing. We have the 6th amendment clauses therein which can be implemented and action taken against the TNA and its MPs. Why is it not been done?

We have to compliment the findings of Canadian authorities by taking similar actions by at least starting an investigation on the TNA to its links to LTTE. Canadian authorities will definitely share their findings with the Sri Lankan counterparts and that is a good start to take action against this new bandwagon who are now taking over where LTTE failed.

We would like to know what the response of the yahpalana government is on the investigative findings of the Canadian authorities and what the yahapalana government proposes to do against the TNA. We would also like public statements from the SLFP, the Joint Opposition and other Political Parties on the need to investigate TNA-LTTE links.

We must be appreciative of the Canadian officials and law enforcement for not following the Canadian politicians who are sleeping with the enemy and molly coddling the tigers in sheeps clothing who are manipulating the Canadian system to use the power of their vote and undermine democratic governance in Canada through groups of liberal parties who just want to somehow come into power by any crooked means. With the level of terrorism taking place with mercenaries now not heeding their initial masters we are walking into greater calamities if action is not taken.

Shenali D Waduge

3 Responses to “Open letter to the President and Prime Minister”

  1. Susantha Wijesinghe Says:




  2. Lorenzo Says:

    All the losers are on WORLD TOURS burning poor taxpayer money.

    For Maru Sira shaking queen’s hands is sufficient.


  3. plumblossom Says:

    The LTTE massacred over 35,000 Sri Lankan Armed Forces members, Police Force members and Civil Defense Force members over 6000-7000 overwhelmingly Sinhala but also Muslim civilians, 1,253 Indian Peacekeeping Forces (IPKF) members, over 2,000 Tamil Armed Group members who supported the Government of Sri Lanka and who were against the LTTE, around 3,000 Tamil civilians and all this add upto 47,000. Around 35,000 LTTE terrorists are estimated to have perished too. In all around 84,000 in total have perished on both sides in the war.

    As you can see it is the brutal LTTE terrorists who massacred over 47,000 mainly Sri Lankan Armed Forces members, Police Force members, Civil Defense Force members in over 26 years of war. Over 23,000 Sri Lankan Armed Forces members are today both temporarily and permanently disabled due to the war. Over 13,000 Sri Lankan Armed Forces members are permanently disabled due to the war. Over 156,000 Sri Lankan Armed Forces members have been injured due to the war. Over 6,000-7,000 overwhelmingly Sinhala but also Muslim civilians have been massacred by the LTTE terrorists in the war of over 26 years.

    The LTTE terrorist group also ethnically cleansed the entire Sinhala and Muslim population of the Northern Province, of over 65,000 Sinhala people and over 75,000 Muslim people of the Northern Province in the 1980s and the 1990s. The LTTE also ethnically cleansed the entire Sinhala population of the Batticaloa District in the East of over 25,000 Sinhala people.

    Today, the Sinhala people and their descendants of over 135,000 are yet to be resettled in the North and in the Batticaloa District and Muslims of over 115,000 are yet to be resettled in the North. Uptil 2012, of the above number, around 32,000 Sinhala people and around 32,000 Muslims has been resettled in the North.

    The LTTE terrorist group recruited over 20,000 child soldiers, all Tamil youth, as attested by UNICEF itself which stated in 2007 that perhaps the LTTE has recruited over 20,000 young persons under the age of 18 years into its cadre between 1983-2007 inclusive.

    The LTTE was notorious for its horrific terror tactics such as large scale bomb attacks and the use of suicide bombers in carrying out hundreds of attacks against mainly Sinhala civilians and the country’s leadership, horrific attacks against Sinhala civilians using IED devices, claymore mines and bombs, the massacre of Sinhala villagers in their villages in the North Central, Eastern, Northern and North Western Provinces, the coerced recruitment or abduction of Tamil youth and children for recruitment as child soldiers, forced money collection from Tamils with threats to life in case of non-compliance, attacks on Sri Lanka’s economic infrastructure such as the Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL), Sri Lanka’s the then only international airport, oil storage facilities, hotels, planes, buses, trains etc. ethnic cleansing of Sinhalese and Muslims from the North and East of Sri Lanka, the assassination of Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi, the systematic assassination of over 120 noteworthy Sri Lankan politicians, civil servants, senior military and police officers, prelates, activists, academics, journalists and other professionals who were assassinated by the LTTE who were but a few of the hundreds of assassinations carried out by the LTTE, including the former Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar.

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