Archive for November 12th, 2016

Maithripala Sirisena desecrated SLFP of SWRD Bandaranaike-It ceased to exist on 16 January,2015.

Saturday, November 12th, 2016

By Charles.S.Perera When Mr. Mahinda Rajapakse the President of Sri Lanka Freedom Party handed over the Presidency of the party to President Maithripala Sirisena  on the  16th January, 2015, the Sri Lanka Freedom Party founded by late S.W.R.D.Bandaranaike ceased to exist. Since then the Sri Lanka Freedom Party( SLFP ) of which President Maithripala is […]

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Saturday, November 12th, 2016

By M D P DISSANAYAKE During past 30 years or so, the US lead Alliances have channelled their resources to areas that did not create wealth, employment and investment. Though they had enough resources during that period, they concentrated on non-economic growth areas. Whilst pretending to be saviours of human rights, they conspired with the […]

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The Trump stock rally: Averting calamity with a little charm

Saturday, November 12th, 2016

Courtesy The Sydney Morning Herald The stock market is easily rattled, but it can also be easily seduced. President-elect Donald Trump’s long-term relationship with Wall Street is just getting started, but he has already demonstrated that he can not only shake up but also mollify the market. It soared to a record on Thursday, as […]

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Freer trade with UK would help America, says Trump economic adviser

Saturday, November 12th, 2016

By Simon Watkins for The Mail on Sunday Britain and the US would both benefit from a new open trade deal, Donald Trump’s senior economic adviser told The Mail on Sunday this weekend. In a wide-ranging interview, Stephen Moore, a former adviser to Ronald Reagan and a key architect of Trump’s plans to slash taxes, […]

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ඉඩම්, පොලිස්‌, මුදල් බලතල පළාත්සභාවලට දුන්නොත් ආණ්‌ඩුවේ අවසානය එය විය හැකියි ජ්‍යෙෂ්ඨ අධිනීතිඥ ගෝමින් දයාසිරි

Saturday, November 12th, 2016

සාකච්ඡා කළේ – පාලිත සේනානායක නව ආණ්‌ඩු ක්‍රම ව්‍යවස්‌ථාවක්‌ සම්පාදනය කිරීම සඳහා මේ දිනවල විවිධ යෝජනා හා අදහස්‌ ඉදිරිපත් වෙමින් තිබේ. එම යෝජනා අතර ඉඩම්, පොලිස්‌ සහ මුදල් බලතල සම්පූර්ණයෙන්ම පළාත් සභාවලට ලබාදීමටත් පළාත් සභා විසුරුවා හැරීමට ජනාධිපතිවරයා සතු බලතළ කපා හැරීමටත් යෝජනාවක්‌ ඉදිරිපත් වී ඇති බව පසුගිය සතියේ වාර්තා විය. මෙවැනි යෝජනා ක්‍රියාත්මක වුවහොත් […]

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Another budget

Saturday, November 12th, 2016

Editorial Island November 11, 2016, 9:18 pm The government is hailing its own budget as a very progressive one and the Joint Opposition has dismissed it as yet another burden on the masses. One should not be as uncharitable as those who are still smarting from last year’s electoral defeats in describing the budget. But, […]

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Hotel in the Sri Pada range

Saturday, November 12th, 2016

By Rohana R. Wasala Courtesy The Island The controversy that is raging over the alleged building of what is variously described as a hotel or a holiday resort or a holiday home or just a circuit bungalow by an Arab businessman (a senior official of a proprietary rank in a multinational communications company) in the […]

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Healing the Wounds of War

Saturday, November 12th, 2016

Ed Tick, Ph.D In contrast to our modern situation, traditional and indigenous peoples had extensive spiritually and communally based warrior medicine, practices and lineages. They lived immersed in and part of nature and its processes, conceived of themselves not as independent agents but as members of interdependent communities, and stood in wonder before a living […]

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සෙංකොට්ටං – ග්‍රාමීය රෝහලකදී

Saturday, November 12th, 2016

වෛද්‍ය රුවන් එම් ජයතුංග මිනිපේ ප්‍රදේශයේ ග්‍රාමීය රෝහලක ස්ථාන භාර වෛද්‍යවරයා ලෙස සේවය කරමින් සිටියදී විවිධ අත්දැකීම් මම ලැබුවෙමි. මෙම රෝහලේ පිරිමි සහ ගැහැණු ලෙස නේවාසික වාට්ටු දෙකක් තිබූ අතර අතිරේක මාතෘ වාට්ටුවක් ද විය. එම නිසා දළ වශයෙන් රෝගීන් 20 – 30 අතර ප්‍රමාණයක් මෙකී රෝහලේ දෛනිකව නේවාසිකව ප්‍රතිකාර ලැබූහ.  මම මේ රෝහලට පැමිණ මාස […]

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Trump warns that by attacking Assad, US will ‘end up fighting Russia’

Saturday, November 12th, 2016

RT US President-elect Donald Trump has confirmed that he will most likely abandon the Obama administration policy on Syria to seek a possible rapprochement with Russia on the issue of Assad. TrendsGlobal terrorism, Islamic State, Russian anti-terror op in Syria, Syria unrest I’ve had an opposite view of many people regarding Syria,” the 70-year-old Republican […]

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Stocks slip after US election rally, bond yields rise further, dollar climbs

Saturday, November 12th, 2016

The Indian Express Stocks on major world markets gave back some of the week’s gains on Friday, while global bond yields rose for a fifth day, supporting the US dollar but pressuring commodities and emerging markets. Stocks on major world markets gave back some of the week’s gains on Friday, while global bond yields rose […]

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