රට බංකොලොත්..? හරිනම් බොරු පුරාජෙරු නැතිව ජනපතිත් අගමැතිත් ජනතාවට ඇත්ත කිව යුතුයි.. – මහබැංකු නියෝජ්ය අධිපති..
Posted on November 17th, 2016
lanka C news | ලංකා සී නිවුස්
අයවැය යෝජනාවන්හි ප්රධාන දුර්වලතාවය වන්නේ පෙර වසරේ එනම් 2016 අයවැයෙදි සිදුවුයේ කුමක්දැයි විග්රහ නොකර පුරාජේරු පමණක් පැවසීම යයි ශ්රී ලංකා මහ බැංකුවේ හිටපු නියෝජ්ය අධිපති ඩබ්.ඒ. විජේවර්ධන පැවසීය.
වාර්තාවක් ඉදිරිපත් කලත් එකේ තියෙන්නේ මේගොල්ලන් කරපු පුරාජේරු වැඩ විතරයි. නිත්යානුකූල විදියට සංසන්දනාත්මකව වාර්තාවක් ඉදිරිපත් කෙරෙන්නේ නැහ. ඒ නිසා රටේ ජනතාව දන්නේත් නෑ. පාර්ලිමේන්තුව දන්නේත් නෑ.
පලමු නාස්තිකාර වියදම තමයි මන්ත්රීවරු නඩත්තුවව. ඇමතිවරයකු කියන්නේ අපේ පඩිය රුපියල් හැත්තෑපන්දහයි. ඒක කොහොමත් ප්රමාණවත් වෙන්නේ නෑ කියලයි. නමුත් මාසයකට මිලියන 6 ක් යනවා ඇමතිවරයෙක් නඩත්තු කරන්න.
අයවැයෙදී මුදල් ඇමති කියනවා මම බැංකු මෙහෙම මෙහෙම පාලනය කරනවා කියලා එහෙමනම් මොකටද මහා බැංකුවක්. මුදල් මණ්ඩලයක් තියෙන්නේ ජනතාවට වැඩ කරන්න මිස දේශපාලකයනට වැඩ කරන්න නොවෙයි. අපි ඉන්න තත්ත්වය හා සැකසුරුවම් ගැන ජනාධිපති අගමැති ඇවිත් ප්රකාශයක් කල යුතුයි. එවිට සමහර වේදනාකාරී තීන්දු පවා ජනතාව දරා ගනිවී’ යයි මහ බැංකුවේ හිටපු නියෝජ්ය අධිපතිවරයා ඛියා සිටියේ ශ්රී ලංකා මහා බැංකු ශ්රවණාගාරයේදී ඉකුත්දා පැවති ප්රසිද්ධ සම්මන්ත්රණයකදීය.
මෙම සම්මන්ත්රණය අමතා ශ්රීලංකා මහා බැංකුවේ නියෝජ්ය අධිපති ආචාර්ය නන්දලාල් වීරසිංහ,දේශීය ආදායම් කොමසාරිස් ජෙනරාල් කල්යාණි දහනායක ඇතුළු මෙම සම්මන්ත්රණ සංවිධානය කල ශ්රි ජයවර්ධනපුර ආදි විද්යාර්ථයින්ගේ සංගමයේ ප්රධානනින්ද දේශන පවත්වන ලදි.
November 18th, 2016 at 2:09 am
Even a small child has understood this crooked yamapalanaya govt and their actions because from the day one they came to power they started telling lies and lies and promised sun and the moon which they cannot offer to its citizens. Once a traitor is always a traitor that’s what all about this Dirty Harry Run-nil. They twist words all the time to hoodwinked the public. Their promises are wastage of time and energy. They are simply unbelievable liars and pretenders. Majority knows what these two Bonny and Clyde does and do but unfortunately no one can do anthing because it’s a police state where people are afraid to go to jail unnecessarily. People must decide soon before they destroy our race, religion, culture and all the good things we achieved during MR era.
Wake up Sinhala nation. Fight for the truth and our values and help to save the nation we love most.
November 18th, 2016 at 3:25 am
Traitor chief die hard catholilc token Buddhist Batalande Wadakaya pol pot ponil wickramaSinhalakiller’s agenda is
to bankrupt Sri Lanka and give it to the catholic tigers of tamil drealam. He has been trying to do it all this time
unsucessfully. Now traitor Sinhala modayas put him in the driving seat and his job is much much easier. He got
his catholic buddy karupaia karunkanayagam holding the purse strings. So them their buddies filling up their
pockets and when the country is bankrupt, give it to the catholic tigers.
This is the grand plan of the traitor chief. He started with robbing the central bank with his catholic buddy arjun
maha horandran. Batalande wadakaya knows he is not going to be punished for the crime. Token president Aaapa
maru sira a mere puppet. If he got a back bone he should sack this Pathala Man Batalande Wadakaya. But uneducated, spineless traitor is just a mere pussy cat infront of the Pathala Man Batalande Wadakaya.
Now karupaiya going about pocketing whatever left in the coffers. Soon it will be all over for the country. But
Sinhala modayas who support/supported this catholic-run UNPatriotic party YAMA PALLAN won’t understand since
they have been brain-dead to support these treacherous, murderous mega thieves! Shame on you traitor Siinhalese
donkeys! Let alone giving cheap cars etc. etc. YAMA PALLAN ABOLISHED THE STATE PENSION. Next generation
of govt. servants will have to beg on streets after retiring. Can you believe this heartless UNPatriotic party low lives
November 18th, 2016 at 4:17 am
The Joint Opposition is requested by the Sri Lankan Solidarity Movement to publish the above mentioned report about the Recommendations by the Sub-Committee on the Centre and Periphery Relationship and talk as urgently as possible about its extreme dangers to the Mahanayake Theros.
Please keep in mind that even India and Pakistan which are huge, massive countries and who are federal states have retained their concurrent lists. South Africa which is a huge country is a unitary state and has a concurrent list. However tiny, little Sri Lanka is proposing to get rid of the concurrent list as the TNA and the US, EU, UK, Norway, Sweden, Canada and India wants.
The Sri Lankan Solidarity Movement thinks that the treacherous Ranil, CBK, Sirisena and Mangala are doing what a bunch of stuck up US, EU, UK, Norway, Sweden, Canadian politicians who have a superiority complex, are neo-colonialists and imperialists want (since these countries are resource and strategic location hungry) in order to please these stuck up US, EU, UK, Norway, Sweden, Canadian politicians at great expense to all future generations of Sri Lankans and betraying 2600 years (of Sinhala Buddhist Civilization) and actually 37000 years (as attested by pre-historic finds, stone age and iron age finds) of independence and freedom of the island of Sri Lanka by partitioning this island which has never ever happened in its 2600 and in fact its 37000 year history.
This is happening degree by degree, surreptitiously and slowly as the treacherous Ranil, CBK, Sirisena and Mangala have planned and happening slowly but surely. We do not feel it since it happens surreptitiously degree by degree. However suddenly these recommendations by the sub-committee to provide extremely great amounts of powers to provincial councils will be included in the constitution as Ranil wants and at the referendum there will be stuffed ballot boxes and somehow the referendum will be passed. Everything happens as Ranil wants it to happen and in order to please the stuck up US, EU, UK, Norway, Sweden, Canada European politicians. This is what the Sri Lankan Solidarity Movement has noticed.
Ranil is fooling the Sinhala people big time by doing this slowly, surreptitiously and degree by degree. This is how the OMP Act was passed. That is how the federal or Eelam constitution will be passed as well, surreptitiously, degree by degree and by use of stuffed ballot boxes.
Our grave suspicion is that the treacherous Ranil, CBK, Sirisena and Mangala have already promised the US, UK, EU, Sweden, Norway and Canadian politicians, the TNA and all other separatists that the recommendations of the sub-committee to provide extremely great amount of powers to provincial councils will happen as planned. Therefore it will happen as planned.
The only way to stop the treacherous Ranil, CBK, Sirisena and Mangala is to publicize in the Sri Lankan media that this is what they are planning to do and shout out as loud as possible i.e. tell all to the Sri Lankan media, especially the Sinhala media so that this treacherous plan is exposed and the treacherous Ranil, CBK, Sirisena and Mangala then will have to answer to the Sri Lankan public, especially the Sinhala people and all other patriotic Sri Lankans about this.
The best remedy is to do everything possible to ensure that the proposed constitution is as unitary as possible and to campaign very hard for that. As long as the constitution is unitary and no more powers are given to the provincial councils, Sinhala Buddhists and even Sinhala Catholics, Malays, Muslims, Veddhas, Burghers are safe. If however, any more powers are given to provincial councils, all of the above and in particular the Sinhala people will be very insecure and unsafe and our future very precarious and uncertain.
November 18th, 2016 at 5:15 am
Yes, Ranil Wickramasinghe must resign immediately. This is the honourable thing to do. The country should be run by a PM who holds the confidence of most people. This is very important. Someone else who holds the confidence of the people should be appointed the PM by President Sirisena. Besides, Arjunan Mahendran did say the PM, meaning Ranil, asked him to do it. Therefore he should resign immediately which is the honourable thing to do and let any investigations take place without any interference. In other countries, this is what happens after this type of incident. So it is not at all unique.