Earn while you spend
Posted on November 20th, 2016

Dr. Mareena Thaha Reffai, Dehiwela

The traffic nowadays is so hectic, I was wondering whether to employ a driver. By evening, I was tired, irritated and unproductive. But then, the drivers don’t come cheap nor easy going.

Then I discovered the cab services available – cheap, A/C ed, chauffer driven, first class cars at rates even cheaper than the tuk tuks. You can relax, read, listen to whatever you like or even have a power nap while knowing you are driven safe and comfortable. I left my car at home and started using the cab services. It was even cheaper than using my own car considering the petrol and the wear and tear, not to mention the stress of driving on the jam packed roads at snail space. I was told by the cab drivers that many executives, doctors and well to do people have started using the cab services now. The ease is that you can order them from home and even book them in advance at no extra cost at all.

Then I had a bright idea. Why not let my car join the cab services too? Yes, I found a reliable known person to derive my car while enjoying the comfort of chauffer driven cars. I earn more than I spend on cab services. And I  have given a job opportunity  to another person too – my driver.

Thank you cab services!

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Dr. Mareena Thaha Reffai,


3 Responses to “Earn while you spend”

  1. Lorenzo Says:

    Good. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Hiranthe Says:

    Smart option!!

    You were brave to explore and also to share. Thanks for that!!!

  3. Ananda-USA Says:

    Dr Reffai,

    Thanks for the great second idea!

    I am interested in the option of using my own can and driver in conjunction with cab-service referrals and money management, including paying the driver and remitting the balance to my bank account.

    Will the cab service provide the customer referrals and the money management for this to work?

    The o vious flaw in this is finding a reliable driver to work honesyly in your absence; could prove to be the proverbial fly in the ointment!

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