Posted on November 23rd, 2016

Ranjith Soysa Media Spokesman Global Sri Lankan Forum

15th November, 2016



Dear Mr. Trump,

You won against colossal odds. You defeated the combined efforts of the ESTABLISHMENT”.

You defeated the very powerful and influential,  yet one of the most corrupt Political combines, the Media and Wall Street. The head of the UNHCR Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein issued a statement saying that you were dangerous from an international point of view” All of them projected the view that your task was impossible.  Some even vowed to leave the planet earth and go to Mars! Those were the odds given for a Trump victory but the people believed in you and in spectacular repudiation of the Establishment made you their Commander-in-Chief.

We the peace-loving people of Sri Lanka, congratulate you Mr. Donald Trump the 45th President of the USA.

As you stated in your victory oration, we hope you will work towards uniting the world. Make all the countries in the world your allies and bring peace to the world.  This would comprise STOPPING the multiple wars created in the guise of fighting terrorism”, installing democracy”, restoring human rights” and bringing American troops fighting in foreign lands back to their families. As Secretary Clinton’s secret emails regarding terrorism in the middle-east revealed, she was not in the business of fighting the terrorists but creating more of them.

We in Sri Lanka clearly remember how Hilary Clinton justified the actions of one of the world’s deadliest terrorist groups, the Tamil Tigers who were responsible for conducting a protracted civil conflict for more than 30.  In one of her e-mails regarding the Sri Lankan conflict, Secretary Clinton intervened in early May, 2009 to bring obstacles to the Government of Sri Lanka when it was clear to her that the Tamil Tigers were being defeated on the battle field. She said in one of her interviews with the media, that there are GOOD TERRORISTS and bad terrorists and the Tamil Tigers are good terrorists” This is what Governor Chris Christie said regarding Hilary and the Tamil Tigers It’s a group

for whom she’s advocated a ‘raisons d’être’ approach” meaning, if the Tamil Tigers had committed the San Bernardino or the Orlando massacres, Hillary Clinton would be OK with it”. It was also a well-known fact that Hillary received funds from the Tamil Tiger fronts in the USA for her election campaign.

Further, the Indian Express newspaper on 6th Nov. reported that Sri Lankan Tamils will break 1,008 coconuts to bless Hillary Clinton, imploring their gods to make her victorious. Such is the Tamil Tiger fronts’ affection for Hillary Clinton.

When Sri Lanka finally eliminated terrorism against the will of Hillary and the Obama administration, those people set about showing the world how they were going to punish what is termed the threat of a good example”

Starting with Hilary Clinton, the USA representatives at the UNHRC and the entire machinery of the establishment” the Obama government initiated a resolution alleging HR violations and war crimes intending to plunge Sri Lanka into a period of uncertainty.  They first engineered Regime change” (with the aid of the Indian Secret Service – RAW) and then instructed the new rulers to begin punishing the people responsible for destroying the terrorists. This UNHCR and USA agenda is still in the process of being implemented, but we hope, would be stopped due your election as President.

When asked about the abortive military coup in Turkey during your presidential campaign your reply was What right do we in the United States have to criticize the condition of human rights elsewhere” We agree with you 100%  Mr. Trump and request that you kindly instruct your State department  to abide by those sentiments. Much of the misery caused worldwide by former US administrations could have been avoided if they too reasoned likewise.

In conclusion, we hope you will keep the promise made in your victory oration and … will deal fairly with everyone, with everyone — all people and all other nations. We will seek common ground, not hostility; partnership, not conflict”   We assume that ….all people and all other nations”  includes the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.

We convey our best wishes to you in making the USA stronger and bringing peace to the world.

Yours sincerely,
Ranjith Soysa
Media Spokesman
Global Sri Lankan Forum

Copies to             Hon. Members of the US Congress                          Hon. Members of the US Senate


Rep. John Conyers                                                       Senator Ron Wyden

Rep. Donna Edwards                                                         Senator Barbara Boxer

Rep. Raúl Grijalva                                                               Senator Mark Begich

Rep. Michael Honda                                                          Senator Richard Blumenthal

Rep. Jared Huffman                                                           Senator Alan Franken

Rep. Barbara Lee                                                 Senator Patrick Leahy

Rep. James McGovern                                                      Senator Jeff Merkley
Rep. Earl Blumenauer                                                       Senator Bernard Sanders




23 Responses to “A Letter to DONALD TRUMP, THE PRESDENT ELECT,”

  1. helaya Says:

    Ranjith, well said. Why don,t you send copies this to some prominent Republican law makers. I have no faith on some of the democratic law makers you sent copies. Trump has selected Indian woman Nikki Hali as UN ambassador, it remains to see that what her attitude towards Sri LAnka.

  2. Hiranthe Says:

    GSLF, Great job guys!!

    We are proud of you and please keep moving forward. There are more patriotic Sri Lankans to support you than the opportunistic ones.

    Let’s take care of Mother Lanka and make her safe and happy again

  3. Ananda-USA Says:

    Bravo, Ranjith!

    Well said and well done!

  4. S.Gonsal Says:

    Thank you very much Ranjith.
    You have done it beautifully without nullifying your efforts by mentioning ” His excellency.. .. got rid of LTTE”. Very smart work Ranjith and keep it up.

    Ananda – you can have direct contact with TRUMP and I begged you to do so but you have not done any thing. I beg you again please contact him. Please remember, use your brain and don’t praise MR and his governement when you meet him. If you do so, it will be ythe BIGGEST BETRAYAL you have ever done. His name cannot be purified. No way. The best is to avoid it, otherwise this man too will become LTTE supporter. If you cannot help doing it please don’t contact him. After he comes to our side, you can gradually try to convince him your GOD was a good man. That is OK with me. Please don’t misunderstand me.

  5. Ananda-USA Says:


    You forget that while you were busy demonizing MR who rescued Sri Lanka’s crown from the GUTTER, and was oblivious to what was happening in the USA in bovkne ignorance, I have been engaged in US election politics for decades and well aware of the Momentous Revolution that was in the making here!

    In fact, you may recall that I was the FIRST PERSON to alert LankaWeb readers to the impending REGIME CHANGE in the US Presidential election znd it’s significance to Sri Lanka.

    I was also the FIRST PERSON to advise Patriotic Sri Lankans to SEIZE THIS OPPORTUNITY to RESET US-Sri Lanka relations for the benefit of both countries, to develop a strong mutually supportive alliance that will last for decades in the future, absent the lop-sided and jaundiced foreign policy of the Tamil Diaspora influenced liberal-Clinton-Democratic establishment in Washington, DC. The unexpected, but welcome, sweep of all 3 Branches of the US government by Trump’s allies in the Republican party promises to persist and echo through the next 30 years!

    Ever since I came to the USA as a callow youth clutching the 15$ in exchange the SL govt gave me in foreign exchange to study abroad, and an airline ticket bought on a USD loan from a family member, and the promise of a Fellowship for graduate studies from a US University, at a time when Sri Lankan students were rarer than American Bid on in the US, I have striven to serve as an unofficial Ambassador of my Sri Lankan people to the USA, and to help them gain the friendship of this great country. All that was driven by an undying LOVE for my Motherland.

    At a time when an opportunity to realize that help is FINALLY at hand, I am not going to forget and abandon those who fought in far greater measure to preserve what I treasure in Sri Lanka than I. Chief among those is ex-President Mahinda Rajapaksa, and I will never desert his side. Especially at the request of someone like you Gonsal, who has joined forces with one of the chief detractors of MR to undermine and oust the Patriotic government of Sri Lanka that he loved so PASSIONATELY.

    Ask someone like that backstabber Aiyooo Sirisena to help you with your devious plots, or the other two members of that JUNTA of three.

    I will do all I can to help obtain assistance from the new US Administration to help Sri Lanka , and the new Payritic government that will regain power in Sri Lanka soon, without your asking, as I always have.

  6. S.Gonsal Says:

    Thank you Sir.
    I wish I could trust you and all what you said and , without getting angry ,remember not to mention that name to him, if you are a TRUE patriot. That is all I am asking from you. Don’t kill this opportunity. We have to be tactical.

  7. Cerberus Says:

    Dear Mr. Soysa, This is a brilliant letter to President-Elect Donald Trump setting out very briefly the situation in Sri Lanka. We need to create a dossier of all the atrocities of the LTTE and their proxies such as the GTF and the TNA who are hell bent on destroying an ancient civilization just so that they can create a Dravidasthan for the Tamils to have their own state. Thank you for all the great work you do for Mother Lanka.

  8. Sarath W Says:

    Thank you Ranjith for taking this initiative to alert the president elect Donald Trump of the predicament facing Sri Lanka due to the links crooked Hilary had with the Tamil Tiger terrorist in Sri Lanka. She managed to influence the Obama administration, the UN, UNHCR and many other organisations against the Sri Lankan government for defeating the most powerful and ruthless terrorist organisation because of their powerful voter base and financial clout. I hope the patriotic Sri Lankans living in the USA too will follow Ranjith’s example.

  9. Ananda-USA Says:


    Maybe you didn’t get my message to you:

    Please don’t offer me advice on any topic; I don”t TRUST your motivation, or your judgment.

  10. Charles Says:

    A great initiative. You should also send a copy to Jarred Kushner, who is said to be the man behind Trump’s victory.

  11. Indrajith Says:

    An excellent piece of writing!
    Thank you, Ranjith!

  12. Lorenzo Says:

    USA in chaos.


    Then the world will be a SAFER place PERMANENTLY not just for 4 years.

  13. Lorenzo Says:


    Russian President Vladimir Putin has said Russia’s border “doesn’t end anywhere”, addressing a televised awards ceremony for geography students.

    “That was a joke,” Mr Putin said amid applause and laughter from the audience at the glitzy ceremony.

    He was asking a nine-year-old boy: “Where does Russia’s border end?” The boy had said “at the Bering Strait”. Mr Putin then provided his own answer.

    Mr Putin has pledged to defend ethnic Russians wherever they live.

    In July 2014, three months after Russian troops annexed Ukraine’s Crimea peninsula, he spelled out his doctrine to Russian ambassadors.

    “I would like to make it clear to all: our country will continue to actively defend the rights of Russians, our compatriots abroad, using the entire range of available means – from political and economic to operations under international humanitarian law and the right of self-defence.””


  14. S.Gonsal Says:

    If you are in the USA, you too should try to get Trump to get to Sinhala side. It is important to be “away from politics” and unite under a National Front and prove to him brutalaity of LTTE , India and how previous presidentd wrongly sided with LTTE.
    NEVER EVER go there and say ” USA made a regime change in Sri Lanka by spending 580 million dollars , kicking out our best leader ever….his excellency……”. Never allow Maharagama graduates to do this becuase that will completely ruin our golden opportunity.

  15. Lorenzo Says:

    I will not end up like SOME SLs here in this cesspit called USA. Money here says IN GOD WE TRUST but in reality it should be IN DOG WE TRUST. 80% of money supposedly smells COCAINE! Every dirty thing is LEGAL here. People are like BLOODHOUNDS always looking for ways to either ROB what you have in your pocket or put their whatever in your POCKET!!

    I don’t think SL will benefit in the long run for 2 reasons.

    1. AT MOST Trump will rule for 8 years. I think 4 or less. Then what? USA again going back to usual ways?

    2. Even Trump has changed his pitch. I think the ESTABLISHMENT will win again. It will CONVERT Trump or KILL HIM like it killed JFK.

    As Tamils and Endia, USA (although a lot better than them) offers nothing good for SL, EVER. Plenty of examples even here!!!

    But I appreciate the good work by SLs to win Trump’s support. It is worth it.

    In the long run, SL has to stand up to itself come what may.

  16. Lorenzo Says:

    The best outcome for EARTH is if PUTIN or someone similar takes control of it.

  17. Ananda-USA Says:

    Kalawedda (Gonsal),

    I said it before, I’ll say it again INCURABLE JEALOUSY of MIT (“Maharagama Institute of Tomfoolery” as you mock them) graduates will never get you anywhere, but to ruin and desolation!

    You are only mocking fellow Sinhala people who have achieved a little for our people through sheer hard work and great sacrifice in your JEALOUS RAGE!

    That clearly demonstrates how ugly and envious a man (quite appropriately EARNING the nuckname of Kalawedda) that you really are! SHAME!

  18. Christie Says:

    I had high hopes from Trump. But then both Democrats and Republicans rely on Indian vermin and their money. Trump has appointed an Indian vermin to the UN who says she is in with the Indian vermin. Then Indian businessmen who are connected with Trump business have had the opportunity see him since the election I hear Trump has lots of businesses with USA Indian vermin and Indians in India and elsewhere. There could be some here through the Indian colonial parasites.

    But I hope and wish he will not be persuaded by the Indian imperialists.

  19. Lorenzo Says:

    His behavior doesn’t present him as a product of Maharagama Institute of Tomfoolery (MIT). Shame!

  20. Dr.K Says:

    Short and sweet. It’s well said.

    We should also thank to the God to whom LTTE supporters broke 1008 coconuts, for being unbias.

  21. RohanJay Says:

    I agree, Sri Lanka shouldn’t have their hopes too high for Donald Trump. That said he is the better political candidate than Clinton. Because for me it was only one issue, how the candidates behaved towards Putin and Russia. Hillary Clinton was clearly too much of a dangerous warmonger. To be president of US. She almost certainly would have pushed US,UK and NATO aggression against Russia to a very dangerous point. The early signs are that Trump may instead of draining the swamp will get sucked in by the swamp or establishment.
    Anyway it looked certain that Hillary would win, with the whole establishment behind her. Maybe that is why in fact she lost precisely because she had the establishment behind her. Now Trump is in one of the establishments main cities Washington DC. The others being New York and London. Signs he looks like he is going to be sucked in by the establishment and won’t get anything done in his 4 years and be just another president like Obama.
    However as long as his rethoric is stressing good relations with Putin and Russia in foreign affairs and US withdraws its empire back to America. Then despite all Trumps campaign faults, neutrals like me are absolutely delighted he got in rather than clinton. Only because Hillary would have been crazy enough to start a war with Russia. As long as Trump talks good relations with Putin and Russia. Then he has my support for now.
    Like I said as for Sri Lanka we hope he implements a policy of withdrawing this Empire of US,UK and NATO out of the rest of world. Otherwise in my opinion his presidency will be a failure similar to Obamas. Will Trump be doing the bidding of the establishment in DC,New York,Paris,Rome,Brussels,Berlin and London?Like all previous US presidents. Time will tell.

  22. Ananda-USA Says:

    Dr K.,

    I think our pleas to the Hatarawaran Guardian Dieties of Sri Lanka TRUMPED Sivajilingam’s offering of 1008 coconuts his God’s!

    I hope the Republicandie-hards will continue to probe the Clinton Foundation and discover the contributions from the LTTE terrorists of the Tamils for Clinton fanclub!

  23. S.Gonsal Says:

    I have to agree , I am very very jealos of Dr. Mervyn Silva getting his hard earned degree from Maharagama. No matter how I try, I can never achieve his world record in honesty !

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