Posted on December 19th, 2016
Dr Sarath Obeysekera
We have seen enough in Hambantota .We also know the reasons for it .Successive governments and SLPA management did not take the advantages of allowing local and foreign investors to partake in the development in Hambnatota .It was the short sighted policies which led to the skirmish and mayhem .Finally poor Navy Commander was at the receiving end.
Development of Galle is long outstanding .If you have time to go into the port ,you will note how empty it is .Partly developed Marina is hardly full with no other infrastructure .A Yacht Repair and Leisure Craft repair and building Project was mooted but got stranded due to withdrawal of the Investor .Local company took over and offered to continue ,but SLPA is not very supportive.
Government and SLPA is contemplating to entrust the whole harbour to a foreign investor to convert the same into a fully fledged marina .SLPA and the State wants to move out the Navy Camp to else where .Now that Hambantota has got a permanent Navy contingent ,Southern Command of the Navy based in Galle can be moved out .I am not sure what they intend to do with the Fishery Harbour .The day they try to relocate the Fishery Harbour there will be a blood shed .
Nobody will invest in a Marina with dirty in organised fishery harbour breathing at their neck .
An Indian Company looks like eying for the Marina Project in Galle Harbour with around 50 million US $
SLPA is giving notice to the Local Investors who express willingness to re-float Yacht Repair Project .SLPA is of the opinion that whole harbour in Toto should be given .Another investor is offering to put up a mixed development project bordering harbour .Tourist board is imposing height restriction for the building .Urban Development Authority is dilly dallying in granting development permit.
Cabinet Committee of Economic Management ( CCEM) is going along with SLPA and allowing the Agency for Strategic Development select nominated investor using Swiss Challenge Method .
Many do not know what Swiss Challenge is ??
If at all a new investor comes in he will ask for 99 year lease ,They have to get rid of not only Navy but also Cement Bagging unloading operations of Holcim Cement.Supply boats currently using Galle harbour may have to follow the rules to be imposed by the new investor
SLPA staff will lose their jobs and they will follow suit of Hambantota Brotheren .
Navy commander may have to move in and squeeze something else ( like what our respected MP’s did in Parliament to a Buddhist Monk) of the Media
Media should visit these site with a face mask to avoid squeezing the chin but also ball guard like in cricket to protect their jewels
We will have another drama in Galle very soon
Dr Sarath Obeysekera